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July 14, 1943 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1943-07-14

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Fifty-Third Year

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
tf Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday and Tues-
day during the regular University year, and eyery morn-
ing except Monday and Tuesday during the summer
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
,for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Off ie at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
der $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
Editorial Staff
Marion Ford . . . Managing Editor
Bud Brimer . . Editorial Director
Leon Gordenker .. City Editor
Harvey Frank . . . . . Sports Editor
Ed Podliashuk Columnist
Mary Anne Olson Women's Editor
Business Staf
Jeanne Lovett . . . Business Manager
iioily Winokur . . Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Lecture Turnout Shows
Desire for Tolerance
THE DETERMINATION of University students
and faculty to get to the root of the racial
conflict was borne out Monday night at Robert
Hayden's lecture.
Originally scheduled for the East Lecture
Room in the Rackham Building, the overflowing
crowd was' transferred to the Amphitheatre,
where late-coming professors, soldiers and stu-
dents sat on the steps.
For the hour that Mr. Hayden spoke, the aud-
ience sat attentively taking in every word that
he said. Never has a University group given
such courtesy to a speaker.
The cosmopolitan audience that sat side by
side in complete harmony is evidence that the
recent riots throughout the country are un-
necessary and the result of intolerance and
prejudice. It is evidence that the students of
the country are hungry for the knowledge that
will bring the solution to the problem.
They are, hungry for the true facts of the
Negro peoples which have been so misunderstood
and so mistreated, in the belief that these facts
will bring out the truth about a race that has
produced such great men as Sojourner Truth
and Frederick Douglas.
As Mr. Hayden said, a healthful psychological
and social attitude toward the Negroes is impos-
sible until the misunderstanding and misinfor-
iiation that are prevalent today are cleared p.
held after the lecture, very few people left.
The rest had so much to ask that they didn't
know where to start. They were literally sitting
on the edge of their seats hoping that someone
would start the ball rolling. Unfortunately, no
one could phrase a question adequate for the
occasion. They left reluctantly with a million
new thoughts germinating in their minds.
The task that Mr. Hayden has undertaken
in attempting to portray the true Negro cul-
ture and background is a stupendous one. He
does not intend to do a halfway job.
His carefully outlined series of talks began
with the history of the culturp of the Negro race
from the days of ancient Egypt and Ethiopia.
In subsequent lectures he will bring the story up
to the present time.
Such a comprehensive series of lectures will
do more than any idle half-hearted measures to
clarify the need and possible means of collabora-
tion between the Negroes and the whites.

THIS NEED, which has become more and more
self-evident in the past months fan no longer
be ignored. This and similar projects which will
lead to a mutual understanding and cooperation
are the only permanent solution to the racial
conflicts in this country.
The Inter-Racial Association is to be com-
mended for offering these lectures to the Uni-
versity. It is one of their most important con-
tributions toward the purpose to which they are
dedicated. Since the formation of the Associa-
tion a little over a year ago, its members have
worked against great odds in attempting to
overcome the deeply ingrained prejudices of the
average American.
But this is only the beginning.
Now that the initial step has been taken, it
is up to the faculty and students of this Uni-

N AMERICA we don't believe in race prejudice.
Sure there are always a few people who hap-
pen to be Americans who think race hatred is
great. But they're the sort of people who were
porn here by mistake. They ought to have been
born in Germany.
We've been brought up to believe that it's
wrong to say or think that all Germans, all Ital-
ians, all Japs are bad just because we've had
trouble with one, or a group of them; and now
that we're in a war against the Germans and
Japs, some people are confused about whether
our enemies are the people of Germany and
Japan or their Nazi and warlord masters.
Since most of us are not quite sure who our
real enemies are, we're all in a daze as to what
to do with them when we win.
A lot of people have been saying a lot of things
about what we should do with the Axis, especially
the Germans. You hear the controversy going
on in the homes, the barber shops and pool
rooms of American towns and villages. You
read about it in your newspapers and maga-
zines. You hear about it in your hitora, eco-
nomics, and political science classes. And the
more you hear about it, the more confusing it
gets. Every politician, professor and newspaper
has his own pet solution and no two are exactly
T IS OUR JOB to get acquainted with as many
of these proposed solutions as we can and pick
out the good points of all of them, always re-
membering that the peace of the world is at
Of our present Axis enemies the most brutal,
the most intelligent, the most technically edu-
cated, and the most powerful are the Germans.
The primary difference between the Ger-
mans and the Japanese is that while the in-
human bestial German crimes were committed
with the full understanding of their anti-social
nature, with the full relish of intelligent and
conscious sadism, the Japanese peasants for
the most part, were too uneducated, too little
acquainted with Western culture to under-
stand in their own minds the horror that their
outrages excited in the world at large.
When I speak of crimes, I do not mean the
bombing of Pearl Harbor, the air raids against
fuel storage dumps in Manila, the devastating
air assault on London and Coventry.
selling in slave markets in German cities of
Russian men and women, the use of rubber
truncheons on inmates of concentration camps,
the employment of the water and the castor oil
"cure". I mean the countless unmentionable
crimes that our Axis enemies, largely Germans,
have committed in the past 10 years.
There can be no doubt that if all the crimes
were tabulated as of today, for the Germans
alone, the number of outrages would run into ,
the tens of millions and the number of Ger-
mans directly or indirectly involved would be
at least 5,000,000.
What German family indeed cannot boast of
an "act of honor" performed by one of its mem-
bers, a husband a father, a brother, or maybe a
sweetheart, and many of these bestial crimes
were performed, not on the direct orders of their
superiors, but just for a little pleasant relaxation.
We don't believe in condemning a race or
nation for the acts of one or a group of its
members, and I feel we should not condemn
the whole German people but surely the 5,000,-
000 directly involved in the direction or execu-
tion of these almost incomprehensible inhu-
manities should be shot, machine-gunned by
the thousands. For surely we cannot expect
the people of the occupied countries and ter-
ritories to be satisfied with the hanging or
electrocution of the Nazi big shots. They know
it wasn'tHitler or Goering who tortured their
daughters, murdered their sons and husbands,
it was Hans and Fritz and they saw him do it
with relish. fully conscious of his crime.

Yet if it were only to satisfy the vengeful feel-
ings of the tortured and the oppressed millions,
we might hesitate to condemn these Nazi or
German murderers and terrorists to death.
But can we .in our right minds allow these
maniacs, the most highly educated people in
the world, to go scot free and expect to pre-
serve law and order? It would almost be like
letting every murderer of English descent go
scot free because we wanted to keep the good
feeling of the'British people? If those 5,000,-
000 sadists, who murdered innocent hostages
without so -much as blinking an eyelash, will
not be sentenced to death by our courts, then
we can expect the peoples of Europe to march
in mass migrations, taking the law into their
own hands, to wipe the German nation off the
face of the earth.
The execution of the murderers is necessary
for the preservation of Germany as a nation.
Yet Germany is a nation of 80,000,000 and this
need not necessarily mean the extinction of the
German national tradition. Of course it will
mean hardships and privations, but compared
to the suffering Germany has caused to the
world, this is little enough.
.Inflahion Is Here Already,
With Still More To Come
UDGING BY 1939 prices, the dollar today is
worth only 75 cents. About a quarter of every
greenback has been torn off. That is what people.

Juvenile Delinquency Is
Menace To Be Stopped
THE MENACE of juvenile delinquency is grow-
ing more obviously dangerous every day.
Through newspapers and magazines the public
is learning about the all-time high which delin-
quency among minors has reached in every war-
boom town.
Juvenile court records show an increase of
over 100% since the beginning of the war.
More startling than statistics are the actual
cases recorded in every newspaper. The incred-
ible story of the pre-teen-age boys who last
week wantonly damaged the Cascades in Jack-
son, Mich., .# a typical juvenile delinquent of-
fense, characterized by lust for excitement and
utter insensibility concerning the duties of a
good citizen.
Last Saturday in Windsor six high school
boys wrecked a refreshment stand belonging
to the son of the Chief of Police and threw the
helpless owner into the Detroit River. This is
another instance of juvenile disregard of fair
play or possible consequences. ,
Five days ago in Olive Hill, Ky. a mob of 100I
boys and young men stormed a county court
house in protest against curfew hours for minors.I
Mob rioting seems to be especially appealing to
'teen-age youth.
JOHN BUGAS, head of the Detroit office of
F.B.I., stated in a press interview Monday
that, "Much of the violence in the race riots was
the work of 'teen-age boys and girls" A rising
tide of juvenile delinquency threatens to put
law enforcement to one of its greatest tests in
the near future," he continued.
"If the present trend of many of the youth ofj
this country is not restricted or reformed, the
next 10 years will see an avalanche of youthful
criminals upon the nation's safety that will be
difficult if at all possible to stem."
By restricted Mr. Bugas means that newcomers
must be ,prevented from joining Athe ranks of
juvenile delinquents, and by reform he means
that the boys and girls who have already been
found guilty of breaking the laws of society must
be shown the right path and must be helped to
stay on it.
Every good American citizen must assume a
share of the responsibility in the fight against
delinquency. Church workers, social workers,
school teachers, and .especially parents must
make it their duty to see that the ideals of
decency and respect for other people and other
people's property are imbued in the hearts and
minds of every American boy and girl.
America's goal for the future is peace and free-
dom. Millions of men are fighting to win this
goal, but their efforts are futile if the people at
home continue to nurture a generation of crim-
inals. Delay in meeting the problem of juvenile
delinquency may be fatal. The story of tomor-
row is written today. - Mavis Kennedy
I'd R~eather
Be Right

WASHINGTON, July 14.- During
his 17 years in Congress, veteran
Representative Jed Johnson of Okla-
homa has made a practice of calling
on the incumbent President at the
end of each session for a chat on
legislative matters. A significant
thing about these visits is that John-
son usually found the chief executive
in an unhappy mood about Congress.
Coolidge always was glum and
critical. He said he got no coopera-
tion from the legislators. And when
Johnson called on Hoover in early
1933, after his defeat, Hoover un-
leashed a ripping tirade to the effect
that Congress was responsible for
all the economic evils of that period.,
President Roosevelt didn't en-I
tirely upset this .tradition when
Johnson visited him the day the
78th Congress recessed for the
summer. Roosevelt also was irked
about Congress's wishy-washy at-
titude on inflation. However,

Roosevelt was more philosophical
than belligerent.
The President said that too many
Congressmen were concerned about
the prosperity of their own districts,
instead of looking at the whole pic-
ture. This was true of both the
farm and labor blocs in Congress,
the President said, although the
farm bloc was more strongly en-
If pressure groups had their way,
he added, we would have a repetition
of conditions during the last war
when corn rocketed to $1.44 a bushel
and cotton sold for 40 cents a pound.
Should the administration make
a price concession on one com-
modity, the President remarked,J
there would be a stampede of de-
mands for boosting price ceilings
on all other commodities. This
stampede would be difficult, if not
impossible, to stop.
"It's the old story about the camel



By Lichty

getting his nose under the tent, Jed,"
said the President. "Once he does
it, the chances are he's going all the
way in."
Note: The current price ceiling on
corn is $1.07 a bushel while cotton
is selling for about 18 cents a pound.
Gillette Boom Increases
There is more than meets the eye
behind the backstage grooming of
Senator Guy Gillette of Iowa to be
President of the United States.
Despite the denials, Jim Farley let
part of the cat out of the bag when
he called an ultra secret luncheon of
anti-Roosevelt Senators in the Cap-
itol the other day to push Gillette's
But there is a lot more than Jim
Farley behind the plan. Real fact
is that Gillette's candidacy was
first inspired and privately pushed
by a -group of wealthy Chicago
businessmen who sponsored the
America First Committee.
Jim Farley wasn't in on the ground
floor with Gillette at first. He
leaned toward Senator Harry Byrd
of Virginia as the ideal Democrat to
pick up Republican votes and defeat
Roosevelt. However, when he saw
the Chicago support and money for
Gillette he was glad to go along.
The big money boys in Chicago
who are pushing Gillette argue
that food will be a tremendous
political issue in the 1944 cam-
paign, so a midwesterner would
be a better candidate.
They also point out that Gillette is
on the Senate Agricultural Commit-
tee where he has done a good job,
and unquestionably showed the Ad-
ministration some real pointers on
synthetic rubber.
Also the fact that Byrd is the big-
gest apple grower in the world, and
has followed a wage scale which
endears him neither to farmers nor
labor, would not help his candidacy
in the crucial midwest.
Strategy of the Chicago back-
stage ,boys is that the only man
who can defeat Roosevelt for a
Fourth Term is a Democrat who
must win the Solid South and also
win Republican votes. They be-
lieve Gillette can do both.
Their plan is to nominate him on
the Democratic ticket, then urge the
Republicans to nominate him also.
Note: This may be good strategy
on paper, but whoever heard of
the Republican Party nominating
a Democrat when they could smell
victory themselves. That's one
reason the boys don't even warm
up to Wilikie.

?.. r 0l 243, Ch~ago Times, inc.
'We always welcome employe suggestions to increase efficiency, Snod-
grass, but eliminating blue Monday isn't feasible at this time.'



NEW YORK. July 14.- Great things do not
happen merely because they are good ideas. They
happen when they are unavoidable. Right now,
greatness is unavoidable. Everybody tries to
dodge greatness, but when the moment comes
bc-you, it, they-cannot escape. The history of
this century will be the story of how a whole
planet tried to avoid being great, and how it
did not succeed.
We tried to be picayune. Oh, how we tried!
So did every other country. But picayunishness
turned out to be impractical. We find ourselves
compelled to be big.
In the heat of day it is hard to remember. A
woman war worker, collapsed in sleep on the
subway, misses her stop. The small baffling
frustration is part of the war. She does not
want greatness, she just wants to get off at the
right station. And a hoodlum in a shipyard
makes an anti-Negro joke. Somewhere someone
steals a dollar.
So. And an editor who has been wrong for
twenty years says we must break off with Eng-
land as soon as the war is over. Each man
nurses his smallness. But it will not help him.
For the future comes, and even the man
glancing slyly over his shoulder as he raises
the price of his artichokes a dime cannot stop
it. He will get the dime and give his son.
What! Will you lose heart then, because so
many things about you seem so ordinary, in this
extraordinary time?
But I would not really prefer to live in the
world of the movies, where no man has a pimple,
and. no woman a bad ankle. The future would
be no better were we to wait for it wrapped in
robes of white, sitting on a marble floor. Let it
catch us as will judgment day itself, in the
homely attitudes we know, collecting stamps and
kiting checks. It is more human so, and richer
too. There is something reassuring and familiar
even in theft.
Greatness has us by the ear, and it will not
let us go. We are coming to glory because we
have exhausted all the paths away from it.
The world will be one, not because it wants to
be, but because it hurts too much to be less
than one.
Well, that is surely a good reason. . istory
calls on no man to be noble. If he has meanness,
pttinesvs in him. it. invites him to bring- it oult

VOL. LIII, No. 12-S
All notices for The Daily Official Bulle-
tin are to be sent to the Office of the
FSummer Session in typewritten form by
3:30 p.m. of the day preceding its publi-
cation, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, For-
estry, Music, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I or
X at the close of their last semester
or summer session of attendance will
receive a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made up
by July 28. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in
orde to make up this work should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H., where it will be trans-
Notice of Withholding Tax Deduc-
tions: All persons upon the Univer-
sity Payrolls for services rendered
after June 30, 1943, are notified that
under the federal' "Current Tax Pay-
ment Act of 1943" there will be de-
ducted from each salary payment
made an amount equivalent to 20 per
cent of such payment above legal
exemptions to which any employee
shall be entitled. The University has
What! Can the men and women in
this stewing street, filling their pock-
ets, scratching their necks, runing
to catch the subway that goes no-
where, really be building a brave new.
world? That is perhaps farthest of
all from their thoughts. They are
thinking of lunch, every one.
It does not matter. They shall
build it regardless. The tax collec-
tor comes, though no one sent for
him. And their sons fight. Great-
ness has caught them in the atti-
tudes of every day.
They, we, everybody, tried every
possible little thing and we find our-

elected, under Federal authority, to
base this deduction, after legal ex-
emptions, upon 20 per cent of the
salary payment to each individual
calculated to the nearest dollar. Ev-
ery employee of the University, in
whatever capacity, should secure, at
the Business Office, or at other of-
fices at which they will be available,
a copy of the Government withhold-
ing exemption certificate, Form W-4,
and should promptly fill out and
mail or file this exemption certifi-
cate at the Business Office at which
the certificate was obtained. The
burden of filling out and filing this
form is under the law exclusively
upon the employee and if it is not
filed in time the deduction of 20 per
cent must be taken upon the basis of
the employee's entire earnings with-
out benefit of the exemption to
which the employee would be en-
titled if he or she filed the certifi-
Vice-President and Secretary
-Shirley W. Smith
"Alice- Sit- by- the- Fire" comedy
satire by J. M. Barrie, will open this
evening at 8:30 o'clock at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, for four per-
formances only. This play is the
second in a series of five to be pre-
sented this summer by the Michigan
Repertory Players of the Department
of Speech. Tickets are on sale daily
at the theatre, box office, phone
Campus Mail: To e xpedite deliv-
ery should be addressed to the indi-
vidual, his department, and the buil-
ding. Room numbers not necessary.
Seniors in Aeronautical, Civil and
Mechanical Engineering: Mr. M.
Nanson Whitehead, Vice-President
and Director of Personnel of the
Laister-Kauffmann Aircraft Corpora-
tion, St. Louis, Missouri, will be in
Ann Arbor on Wednesday, July 14
(and possibly Thursday, the 15th),
to interview October and February

Registration for students in both
the Summer Session and the Sum-
mer Term continues in the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall, from
9-12 and 2-4. Those interested in
enrolling for employment in teach-
ing and in business or industrial jobs
may pick up the registration mater-
ial at this time. Those who already
have checked out the material are
reminded to return it within a week
of the date it was checked out.
Academic Notices
Students, Summer Term, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
No course may be elected for credit
after the end of the third week. July
17 is therefore the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule.
E. A. Walter
School of Education Students:
Courses dropped after Saturday, July
17, will be recorded with the grade
of E except under extraordinary cir -
cumstances. No course is considered
officially dropped unless it has been
reported in the Office of the Regis-
trar, Room 4, University Hall.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate at the close of the Summer
Session and Summer Term: A list of
candidates has been posted on the
Bulletin Board of the School of Edu-
cation, Room 1431 U.E.S. Any pros-
pective candidate whose name does
not appear on this list should call at
the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S.
Events Today
Luncheon for Women in Educa-
tion: Russian Tea Room, Michigan
League, 11:30 to 1:00. Dean Alice
Lloyd will be guest speaker. Her topic
will be "War Programs for College

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