June 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 1
…~1jc t *of i.*Waeilji Vol I.o 1-N) 0. UI\ EISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, Jt- EI, 11I'Tttc, lTtREECENTS. THE GAME WITH BROWN. The Grounds were Miserable and the Urnprin_ Rank. PsOIDEi tiNCE . . 1 28.- We arrived at Prot dleuce, Thurs- slay smorunig,about i i 30,tired and~ dirty, butt after a-gooildiiutier we felt better, togntb as coil is titough we hads1not israteled a few thtousatdtilesit.it.\t 3toathe gatie w-as called is the piresetice of abou...…