The Michigan aiy
Inte etrnItercIl iteTn The memb~ers of the hasrirall sqard RY PETTEE.
Hot Fight Among the Candidates- IntheWseniiecrigaeTn
ils Tourrnarment at thicago , Mtichi- reirere trrr oday nirght soerrwhat, ill
Election Thursday in University -a' ereenaie gearr ad rrrrrtlr ( ty the risrswhici r jr' v,i (l tin iMloriray rerirg tih- Vniversity
ca Vte trnretnprsentrhie is rLeeanigdrernt, it(errrrein t ryirngisses ew ihtire (t(sI- te 'art adoted tihefollorwingilemrr-nr
Hall-All Students neianrVoetettfrrunrrrriao ireeurbrreriitas oerrrI tr th crrrrrretr
for their Department Can- rlopoents in lire ratches yseeiyh5elragest nz'Iontdti a air hetamtrrt Or s ofrfei--r-a Iythn ecomittee
didates. 'aiteririrr. tn sirrgles Htira bieartria' iidnrar.rii-rwsi-r girli-Iiiesr ert r
B___ ailey at Irrwa try a score rrif t -i4 ra' bri aw hc a ey Aantetnvri~ <itIa
6-.I'tedule'utan e on-r~i tying tinfi i-coiachres. ireriscre-it-ric-ki-riandriwi rer-caiile
Great interest is being chanifested romtar lrighrarriandMrreheard rrf (hi- 'iTrerrext garie -iwillire oir Saturrrday tinrerro i'r lss oi rirnotiero u
amornglire sturrenitlrrrdy this weeiraosoig1-,63 -.Tmrowwt otwsen hsadteto eoe nmes o erytit
rrer the electhrr te rd rrrrr~' rrlerrfHirntis schrerdulldisoplay in sinrgles (rei-i rmCr's ireri' )Ill uy er-niri riirr. 'ris ire ras sal.tcth irs irralltor
nieratersstthehisrilrr crrririlatagainstHrrBaoantofNorthwesterrn anrd hirme-- iane n'srrthi' ir'iierriirrric c'ritrrrtrrrrtyat teitivi'trr
the Athletic Association. The hboardtLee tor stay Elinsaot Armrour. errfyficiritdtiny, tirourr-rrghly intorm-
is comrrposedlof tire taecrlty memres e ilaii nier sir y rattairs, corirteours,
andrlfourr strurernts memhersrrne ironm D[UTSC1-'R V[lR[IN. firmi, and -isie. t'sreed-ofuta gei-aal,
each dtepartment. Last weeki the pres- EXCURSION TO CHIICAGO. rindtriridly rature, of rr'tinedr se-rsitrili-
ear brrardt tlaced in nrrnrationrftir ____Officers Elected-Success of German ties andI a winde iulture,-hli' iarty swonr
reprresentative menr tram each idepart aeo 745Wl eGve o a- Play-Plans fsr Coming Year- tri-ri-spict and affttr'ritrofii iis ciii-
merrt. Rt fX.5Wl biieio a- N elor sCoe o lieues andIhldIn ii',, steardrily iitic'h
Theelctin s tenwirapn tr he urday's Intercollegiate Meet- Ngelor sCoe s
whil tusdirent brsdy and eceryorne may Fifty Persons Must Go- President. r1ig i'tn rii rii iiiurrri r
vrote whether a menmher at' the Athletic Marshall Field Seats t hivrriit anndiris trissinne11r-rcrrtirnrue
Assrrciationars rnat,,anrd aftrrther tact on Sale at Myers. At Ithe arinuialsimi-itig oit i iii- ti--i beifel-ti-i irriirr~ inm ywasfr iilrng
nrrt gener-ally rnown is that sturrents artier ver'eill tireldye'steirday ordicr-rcineiitoi crrmi-.iter riispercruliarlry tit-
of eachs department may vote tar alighate elasoudcm t-
earriirate in each oatihe otheeriepart- IAs theI- ntercrllegiate meet next ftire icoeririg 5y'a r-ere-<i-t' Isi iriii eirir iirriiiireti
tihrand i tr'spreadi un it errcrdrs
meats.. Seats an the Boardi at Can- Saturdray promrrise-s toi ie thre greatest titirrecs sm nrnniexnr-esrsrioofthte-i'srisrm.arnd
teat are highlty prizedi hy the studrents cancest ever Iheld hetween the western Pre-stient, AdrinnNag-icsnrrt, 05I ii ' e itiwichei ar' ish-itliismr-
atnd rival candidlates are ptaiing upiacolleges anndnmany sturdents have ex- lit;cvice-pnresieint, ilMrest . Beinjaint ry a i nd omirehigh regasrd tiris ie r-
I ire hardiesi- hind at a ight. '05 lit;seem-i tr-Irerrsilre-StMisIat -i-es in the ri- ii-i in-ine 'i-it rrnirg
J. S. haley and S. H. Standish who esen 'reie nnateri heaatL. Weckerr- '11 o <wnriin-ns innwich- iis liti-wni-meotedntrr
wicer-enminated romtrntire Literary and Manager Bird has aarrgedi with tire 'The clubrit s moganizte-itin Jarnursy rein irrt Ir ri--nrir
Erngtrneeenng rdepartmnent respectively, Mtichiigarn Central raileraditirea 'ate 19031:1throunrghithliii- rtris onitrtesr'ar lrofntnssirn 'ri inn'(ledi Ilniru is home
dtreint nirenter thefirghrtadhavemtf$7.55 tire thn-erondrtrill innChicago. Wintli-eanndiothes. Ins puirpetisr i e tiitori ~l111 tr-Itn tri
withdreawn their- names. Tire electinnThis rate will ire given inrov-idledthat seereru rre ruins nutbrgr eageni-urei pro- .ti'r-s n irtin ueengna
will takie iplace ritaTlnur'ni-ry in Utit-ifierncy in erm-uanu. iPlanse hiveitin-i-ridut in's innnthe t~iie sIn y rcinntin-helast
veesty tall t iinietcir. titt inesrrn wil sigify heirintei-ftrmnulratedrtorn rnlethc ie von-n-i-inbtini er enruin - befo'iiIii ris iii' run Iibinn iis
'The-listnut candleitirnies as it nonw i-onsnut gloing. All tpersonns whir in- iranuer-nx:yne. Odir tdentsir-ni ei-lth In unidtire tipiredin-nftrerrly-
standrs, is as tfollowes:terndtto maktre r tisare requresi-editin enc-rrrnniri-rbty lith rtyr 5 l -n,-rerndunhiis tinysir-inbadin ried
Literary Department--R. H. 1I ittrn, ti-ave itheir names at Me-ye's news gurubleitonrmrembershipr.himun fnthennurnrairn Ie-ure of rut
1. K. Stone, Ctre_ Canapbiell. starnd as soon as poisible. At the meent tig ri-streray- e-sinlirl ii'.
Law LDepartment-Tihomnas thed, W. J. Manager hBairdthas secred anslimit-[iounis wienetpassedrthIiankiiig thone'!SnittiniiiIti-urnsPi-iein-was tornin
lioruiralter, it. (t.lihnut, W.C. (rule. c utmbrt of nucs-ine-seats ftrei' wen --s indnmadieitheiiptiy San urninry Ninn tninir -'rles, Mnaes., Jarnuarry
Engineering Dep.,ei ent-i'. S. Nore-nmeet and these are rnw urn sate at nightia II+'rue0' 11:, 18:),x. not r-er- e-nil ivrn-N's' Erg-
crouss, Sr ante~ e'Fte, A is. M. ltnri. Meyer's. A nurmbneerutftloyalMichi- wreinsprsec-iatlly- r-niini-ili-nt forithen' lud rn-renlag-. listeinatrewane i
M. ed'i t.. I . Molre, hginenIrCtarhaveenlnanul 1 artraliinrizeatlire sedcrin n rair n-nnatnrirnun-n runtiiiliiitriins rununt nu
L.Iei .H eih .iS tce-taeaMichigan roters se-ctionrat tig liii',i-ru-oni nit ctirs. mnll unicinriry. III boyhoodm iis s~ii
tnrgsi er. ( he ame-et annd thr sn-ate niwlis run e of t-hanks - ---s n ' -rn-i . ie 1?1rues- i -ns l ,-n iha-do1b- -- n -- - - - ,,I
The- druawing tir tine first, erund in
tire guilfturnamntr are as folilows:r
I-elir -is. Meant, ityrani Teruebloodan vs.
Hopirins, Jorcelyn vs. Thomuas, Bloom-
tic-tn vs. Herry, Kridstn vs. Brbur,
Bcnr vs. 'P'hiernie, Prent. Trern-torod
vs. C'ampbntell, Snmoost vs. Wheeler.
are in the midsti ot this sectiorn. Thney
ire aniong the lbest sn-ate on Mtarshrall
j ieldt and Mtanrager IBairdt considiers
himselft very foururate in secr-ring
Thre excnut',ir itiets wiltlire accetr-
n-r the 1(.201 trainFriday night; annu
wiltlire goodnnifinethe' returentrill Sun-
Schrnitrz turhsluterc-ncesiu rain- neigin, ii
tiii ilay. I - ", ' t,! !', In
given and a inn-ge anrionun- o an inelIiiat mi n-o(
s1ntenuts inithu-i' f'lr - IT)IP- akiIIt ng n otms issun i mnnu as n fn 'runt inni
tire ynrrrrg nbride- aiSn' r.Niuirru-, . aIti rnorun
as Perfessor Lambeurt.- :w!nunin! tin - In<x- t -u rrted -N
rut, paite aditn rambly rund lithe ninoitn tI t 1Slt -.
parts ru-uo-re tlt-akn.rweth nM11issi-Bins. --i ill
-li t r'rrM ! ; I u-ll urn4l~l
hi unin in s i r ru1(I)in Ibolynr
runt i t nun runt lintole-
ri n' ri sliii nuno l i ve
attnin Own-'- -in r ear, an-
Svitu) -in timll i theclas
1Irisusarc requrested toin play roff tl' I CHESS CLUB TO ORGANIZE. ley vs isluStseM. l~n r, a.- te St in
ist romuinn-bforerThunresday rnight. strut telirn-cltt and 1St u. G1111ottinh, rue In-'
trust scoe's un litheirbullt innborard. A meeting rat the chess ann checker tFanrnhus. Th-enrgeias pletii fily
J.51. 'THOMiAS. t enthrusiasts was hueldiat Newberry,. aerungedt stintani returnssisted nitin mak-t
ovr liii'
)i l Stsin-i-
' i s , il tln'
Hall Fridlay evening, Owing to athe r ig thei lay ainSc-iniise are e imerr cni ng - "n h cl£ h;r tthe 'rnrtune
HAHN'S FOOT IMPROVING. attractiorns brit few were ttresent andet if braise. jil-rims inn-sist<-itrimnneminsle-runm-
_______ ~no detinite action was taken hunt an- - -________ ~ eIn-tIsi lte n- 'nln etn
'teciitnioiauneo iels ther meeting has been called foe MUSICAL CLUES. ; 7 nit £ ;Ii untiem i'li5-
twin hays has afforedtn vacatiounftr next Fridlay evening and it is extpected inrtl un mmit-
the track nmenn since Trainer I'itllatha t ahe.aofuMl chessndb willhbetme-v'thin'mrrrniriat (imic~tni nut rim.iltmhis nun
rickc ursaIe tthur-urn a. wI c.ganizedt at thrat time.etyurri-antniswlth intttns
lciyusiamen'ut an 3i~r rrr. f tin- r4Iu-inn n oro
'T'hereare nonserw dreceloptments n-x- W. D. Moriarty sf Bay City cali Earl ''imnusri'r r'n-iilig, .lorne- .,in itrn 2-4rm n it i nun 1m urn r lrarrer-cn
cell- that Hahrn's sore firmtis esome- Highby of IVotterville are working uiinl 'nrtc-si tit la tinnsevemitn o'loc..1m'uI'mmlle i a rm
what helter than it was last weekr anrdlthe praject. They protauseinn oreganize anult u-tnelmummtfuficers anl Iloadelrs ;t r ,tnfraylt m afto
it, is Ihoptedtthartthe little stritnter n-ill this year so as to get the cdunnwork- muill be- hn-tn. Ift hem-se ennuisegrunt ,I mmii - - Issn'il lmruinll. iaschemalr
Ire inn shapentry Satrday althounmghrit. ing smoothrly by next year and if pos- tiner- --iill inn'a5serenadiing perel tate I m- I nrm186-65 ihIni lltinere
is try nunmcans certain thrat ire wilt sible to arrange games withr the unit- inn thin-everninig, Them prominus in fo lr t1ine' I i-im-i, i--i yist te
be-. "tIfHahn is isncondhitinsun that (mste cnd of pickintg a team tin retre- extmm:m ense rm-viryec r-rrirrlirg. SSii 'mmir.E ltlsm t3 dhtin chargeun ofith l ie'-
I can workniembuntiis wee-li''saint Ke-ene sent the cdab in case intercollegiate runtrirnumirm isau-n rnxdetmi Irum mwill tin'tiV£ er tinn miim*nt Jti -imurs nunI tin'lair-
t-it.trieiryesterdlay "there is no contests couldi be arrangedt.nmadet, ae thn e-incli c mu(,, ell- t ttised rt . un 11mIltis-,peinodmofi ut dy imcannuiten-
dorurit: in my nmindtburl that, he. will ld- The tiesatfa dress cdunnhart its 'Thrncubts arm- alnrady hmomiiti--h rn ui- ntrnImm eemn-nIIte--y-us
fe-at Itice nexr Satuirduay." As to the oreigrinin those whichi flourishitnmromm inn Kans Cite tin litttolwl, fromi 1 > to 8;.huer- tins nmin
teams trorspects, the trainee ban little West, It is desirable that all those in-herprse'ntiassistanil.umanangiewiltliin ,rne nwhn-insntSirigAa
ton discurss, saying that things run not interested shoulnd affiliate at once in withttrdohubutrener m inete-poitiorinnuoftmutiny rut Smxony. ' leer-i r-g, withlrva-
aippear any difterent than formerly. order that the charter members may mnagerfume thu enuinrg yr-an r truus innthminring regionrns nottr-
Dunnlap plurt the short 42 feet 2 inces be known at the next meeting,.mry
yesterdlay and Carrels marde three ma________ SIE RMTQE nny.SSe ele-eirurr n ir
thr fee tttr icr ta eerce FRESH LIT NEARLY DROWNS. ____ cnel ntcmrestry a-i atach-ier in thu
On Fridtay evmeninng hum'tner-t-leran- Sc-hooln ruftMinui-snI[nnudPrcictnatGrin
TAKAHASH I OFF FOR JAPAN. ArthrrFiedman tresieeint rot the- eats wilt give a Sonimr ernnnntrrn runlug'tr-rsirttmmirnielrei-
freshman it class hart a narorew es- Sarahr Caswrll Anugmell .ath. Twoun ellttui rut Jrrsiai 11 Whitneny, the
caineteromdrorcwninug in thn-Huromn, Sat-slummrt.ilays: 'tesnis trrnuS doi-- ttrr-tme''SIuregi s-I lu~r r-etrin Iresuefutgeology,
Mr. I-tideeichi Takrahashi, rut Japmant, nrmlay. He venturedt beyrundlhis utethiand 't-e(tacr-i-ini,''with tin' rremscnnt the diinruerutocsvarmeolohrgic-al sur-
:118t frai yer-emratroeson tMe and being unable Is swim wonuldriprmrb- unr t~e ii,- grirlnruiomuI derlr- dcn' -ies, intunrtring mini' latin Suprrniorre e
1:8 rinyetrdy fe ''a.Mr bly have goine douwn rant itnnitbeenIrPonti. Simm-i-at arrneug 'mlr>ii sin-n i'm; nit alr of
Taknahashil has been in tits corunry for the effcorts ot his roam inate, Win. inane ftruen-succness rtobmustmeafir ndn mmi rue amumuri, the- c-iures r-aru et-iattic
abnnin thee ear an a altbeig e- Henn, a 18(111law, whorrinirrgcmi matter a large nirr ofeintnteremstedI situdn'tsenrilati''eertrlutnnIsurn-
gagel i trsinss i Ne Yak utilhim and attea hardl str-nrgte pulliedtwill atennu. The 5m 'n-u'witlhil u n'.Sr' n- mmsnrnnnirlsuaatnn1Stl
last tall when he came tin Ann Arbuor. him iis reC nlier umethit rst nstructr in Minting,.tie
He was nntregulaarly enroslled in the mt hoeero'lc. 5rs 'nut cs-umin187a1tommthi n-kionu
Literary mdepatment bnut was taking - S - - -A, estnt. I Prtfsr''inin thursame
special workeicin English Sociologny, si i-;;: i s - ~5i ni- - - - 'lens-.,e'r._uan re i ernrnru.
Eurcopean History and Internatinal 4 -Sgoc iralstv'stob are
law. '4 ELECTION OF STUDENT MEMBERS unndir e -aunspices'of the larvardi
le was a very bright and pleasant 15ISchmolrof nin aing.
younng man, and dsring his shonrt stay <' OF BOARD OF CONTROL. to I the surmnnmemint 18t, IPron. i-e
has wan many triends who wish him = }nadelr'argeorlogicaln mu tormmgaphinal
surccess in his lite's workt. THURSDAY, JUNE 2 AT UNIVERSITY HALL.srvemyonut hr SoruthirkehfitColormadou
Mr. Takrahashi is going to the seat 4, in ditrhict:,hich hednotmiibIn-un coveredr
at war. He will probably be uinable-I Doors Open at 4 p. m. Closed at 4.18 p. m. try tue ilninnnl Stains geonlogical sine-
to Es in as a soldier hint expsects tinr - ; s'ceys. Inn thin year 18701-7thi- was i-..i-s-------------..i-liri,.i-s i-s.t.. tn~i44tt Continued on page 2.)