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June 01, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-06-01

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'Rumor Has It' Will Be Given Today

Co. D, Coeds To Participate
In Musical Comedy Piemiere


The premier performance of Co.l
8;30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelss
Judy Chayes and Staff Sgt. Henry
coeds and 35 members of Co. D. Ti
being allowed to take a part in an A
featured as actresses, singers, dancer
The other leads are being played
Sutton and by Lucille Genuit opposite
Hopwood Talk
To Be iven
In Rackham
Louise Bogan, Critic,
To Speak Tomorrow

Representatives of major publishing
companies and several former Hop-
wood winners will be present to hear
Louise Bogan, verse critic of The New
,Yorker, deliver the annual Hopwood
lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Following the address, the names
of the 1944 senior or graduate student
winners of major Hopwood awards,
and undergraduate winners of minor
awards in the fields of dramatic writ-
ing, the essay and fiction and poetry
will be announced.
Former Winners To Be Present
Among the former winners of Hop-
wood awards who will be present are
Dorothy Tyler, editor of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota Press, an early
Hopwood winner, and Iola Fuller,
whose novel, "Loon Feather won
the major award in fiction for 1939.
Publisher's representatives will in-
clude Harry E. Maule, editor of Ran-
dom House; Jane Lawson, editor of
Knopf; Edward Weeks, editor of At-
lantic Monthly magazine: John Teb-
bel of Duttons and A. J. Putnam of
Dinner To Be Held
The University Hopwood Commit-
tee will be hosts at a private dinner
in Miss Bogan's honor following the
lecture, and all 1944 contestants are
invited to a reception to be given in
her honor at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
the Grand Rapids Room of the
Yank Bomberhs
Strike Kuride,
Caroline I slands
By The Associated Press
American bombers took up the
gauntlet against Japan's defenses,
with the most extensive sweeps ever
made against the Kuriles and a triple
blow at the Carolines, as fighting for
new air bases on Biak Island in the
southwest Pacific dwindled to artil-
lery exchanges and patrol activity.
South Pacific bombers swept Truk,
Woleai and Satawan Islands on the
Caroline central Pacific road to the
Philippines while Army and Navy
bombers hit the northern approaches
to Tokyo in the Kuriles.
Two more stiff Japanese counter-
attacks were repulsed on Biak before
action lapsed into a consolidation of
positions. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
reported today that 679 dead Nippon-
ese had been counted up to Memorial
Day. He did not mention American
casualties. On Biak they have run
into the stiffest opposition in the
southwest Pacific campaign.
A three-hour tank and infantry
battle on Biak Island near the west-
ern end of New Guinea with U.S.
Sixth Army troops stir two miles
from Mokmer airdrome, yesterday's
southwest communique said. The
Amerieans had gained only half a
mile since Sunday, compared with a
two-mile advance in their first 24
hours' ashore on Biak.
,,* *
Jap South Pacific
Losses Are Reported
AUCKLAND, N.Z.,, May 31.-(P)-
Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., told
a.rreccofrec trwiav that. the

D's "Rumor Has It" will be given at
sohn Theatre.
y Schneidewind will lead a cast of 45
he coeds, who for the first time are
Army show at the University, will be
s and members of the orchestra.
by Sylvia Nycamp opposite Pfc. Joe
Pfc. Charles De Bare. Pfc. Richard
'Pratt has a featured role as Profes-
sor Mulliford. The quintet which
sings many of the show's hit tunes
is made up of Pat DuPont and Pfc.'s
Phil Brancucci, Paul Brazda, Gordon
Clarke and Jerry McCroskey.
Arty Fischer Directs
The play was directed by Pfc. Arty
The 11-piece orchestra which con-
sists of nine coeds and three men
from Co. D is made up of two flutes,
three clarinets, one oboe, a French
horn, one bassoon, a string bass, a
drum and a piano.
The story of "Rumor Has It" deals
with the adventures of an Army unit
detailed to train at a mythical uni-'
versity. The book for the show, which
has two acts, eight scenes and a pro-
logue, was written, by Pfc.'s Oscar
Shefler, Dannie Gilman and Stan-
ley Krenitz.
Ten Scores in Comedy
The score for the comedy includes
ten songs, ranging from a beguine to
novelty numbers, all original compo-
sitions by Pfc.'s Jim Rhind and Ken
Pierson" Pfc. Dick Thomas and Pfc.
Bob Commanday have arranged all
the choral and orchestral music.
Dorothy Murzek has been in charge
of dance direction and choreography.
A limited number of tickets for the
performance today. can ,still. be ob-
tained at the Lydia Mendelssohn
boxoffice. All the tickets for tomor-

SHOW LEADS-Judy Chayes and .Sgt. Henry Schneidewind who will
play the lead roles in Co. D's original musical comedt, "Rumor Has It"
which will be given at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Portuguese Ref ugee Ship Is
b eran U

row's performance

have been sold

Leading Allies
Believed To Be
In Agreement
WASHINGTON, May 31.-(A')-The
four leading Allied powers are believ-
ed by informed officials here tonight
to see eye to eye already on many
points of post-war world organiza-
tion-including particularly the as-
surance of an adequate voice to small
Reason for Confidence
This is a major factor behind the
apparent feeling of confidence in
high quarters that the forthcoming
Washington conversations among the
United States, Britain, Russia and
China can make progress toward an
effective world organization to secure
The Big Four meeting probably will
be held in the late summer or fall.
Such differing views as do come up
may be focused initially on the ques-
tion of how to draw upon and apply
the force of the United States, China,
Russia and Britain and of other par-
ticipating nations for suppressing fu-
ture threats to world order.
Small Nations Important
These nations, however, need the
full cooperation of small countries,
in the opinion of Secretary Hull and
President Roosevelt; and they believe
this view is generally acceptable to
the great powers.
President Roosevelt says the Am-
erican program still is subject to
change and capable of vast improve-
ment. Hull has told reporters he
would welcome all new ideas that
people may send him in preparation
for the forthcoming meeting.

By The Associated Pr ss1
nounced Wednesday that a Nazi U.-
boat stopped the Portuguese refu -
gee ship Serpa Pinto in mid-ocean
last Friday and, taking off two Amer-
icans, forced removal of the .385 'pas-
sengers and crewmen to lifeboats
preparatory totorpedoing the ship
but-on radio orders from Berlin-
allowed the ship to reload and pro-c
ceed to Philadelphia.-
Three persons lost their lives in the
transfer between the Terpa Pintot
and the lifeboats in which they
bobbed in helpless terror for as long
as nine hours.
Ship Docks in U.S.
The Serpa Pinto, engaged in bring-
ing European refugees toAmerica,l
docked here Tuesday night.1
The refugees-Europeans bound
for Canada-were traveling under
Nazi Rornanian I
Forces, Repulsed'
LONDON, June 1. Thursday.-(P)
-Large German forces continued to
attack fiercely R.ussian lines north of
Iasi in Romania yesterday but were
repulsed without having advanced
"even one step" and left "thousands
of dead" on the battlefield, Moscow
announced early today.
The enemy's losses were enormous
in the series of attacks and counter-
attacks which raged throughout- the
day, the Russians said.
Giving an indication of the inten-
sity of the furious air and tank bat-
tles which started Tuesday after a
six-weeks lull on the main eastern
front, Moscow reported knocking out
122 German tanks and shooting down
164 enemy planes in two days of

the sponsorship of the American
Joint Distribution Committee.
A sixteen-month-old baby, Beatrice
Trapunski, daughter of Polish refu-
gees, was one who died.
The others were the ship's doctor
and a cook.
American Citizens Taken
The American citizens taken pris-
oner were Virgilio Magina, 22 years
old, of New Bedford, Mass., a barber,
and Manuel Pinto, 22, of Waterbury,
Conn., listed as a farmer. Both had
been in Portugal a number of years.'
The Navy said: "The ship was
stopped by gunfire and signals at
12:05 a.m. on a clear dark night and
a calm sea. Her captain, Americo
Dos Santos, was summoned to the
"The submarine's bliriker flashed,
'Send a boat.'
"The chief officer, Manuel Valen.-
tine Pinto, and the second officer
were sent with the ship's paper, the
ship passport, lists of crewmen, pas-
sengers and cargo manifests. .
Pinto Held Hostage
"Pinto was held as hostage while
the ships boat returned with a sub-
marine officer and a sailor armed
with a tommy gun.
"The U-boat officer informed Dos
Santos the ship would be sunk unless
Camilo Grande Perez, 22, native of
Canada and a British citizen, were
produced within five minutes. Perez
was found and put aboard the ship's
boat, which returned to the sub-
Order Given
"Pinto returned in the boat with a
message from the submarine that the
vessel would be torpedoed in 20 min-
utes. Capt. Dos Santos immediately
gave the order to abandon ship.
"The Serpa Pinto sailed from Lis-
bon May 16 and touched Oporto,
Portugal, May 18, and Ponta, Del-
gada, the Azores May 21.

3,500 RAF
Planes Bomb
French Coast
Allied Night Raiders
Launch HeaViest
Pounding of War
L By The Associated Pressy -
LONDON, June 1, Thursday.-Fo-
lowing up a tremendous daylight aer-
ial assault on Hitler's Europe from.
the west and south by possibly 3,500
Allied planes, RAF night raiders
smashed at the French coast from1
Calais to Cape Gris Nez early today
with its heaviest bombing of the war.
The mightiest blows yet struck at
the Nazis' vaunted westwall rever-
berated across the channel like an,
eartliquake, echoing through the,
night with great, repeated blasts.
Targets Are Nazi Guis
The targets appeared to be the
German long-range guns which oft-
en have shelled the Dover district.
Flares were dropped soon after the
planes had passed from sight and as
the unnatural glare showed on the
horizon German ack-ack gun fire
The noise of this barrage seemed
French Report
New Nai Illings
LONDON, May 31. -()- The
German Gestapo pressed a fero-
cious new wave of terror in France,
Holland and Belgium today with
mass shootings and arrests of the
patriots on whom Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower has called to assist his
coming liberation armies.
This ruthless blood-letting, re-
ported by the French press serv-
ice in London, offered new evi-
dence of possible jitters within the
armed fortress of Europe and con-
trasted sharply with the calm1
confidence evidenced in this inva-
sion base. The British press gave]
prominent headlines to the WPB
report that the United States was
producing a plane every five min-1
utes and to Navy Secretary For-
restal's announcement that there
now were enough landing craft to
carry the entire invasion army
over the waters to Hitler's Europe.
Both articles were significantly
noted by the public.
to die as the bombs dropped, touch-
ing off great blobs of fire one after
Attack Short
The attack, like the four which
preceded it in the same region, was
as short as it was sharp and a little,
more than 15 minutes after the blast-
ing began the planes began stream-
ing back to their bases.
In skies virtually clear of the en-
emy and at a cost of one bomber and
four fighters, from 750 to 1,000 Am-
erican heavyweights from Britain
pounded crowded railway yards at
Hamm, Osnabruck, Schwerte and
Soest-transport centers just inside
Germany which feed the coastal de-
fense zones.
Locomotives Shot
For the fourth consecutive day
more than 1,200 fighters flew escort
but finding no opposition in the air
they swooped down and shot up more
than 35 locomotives and aircraft
parked on airdromes.
World News
axt a Glance

Iceland Severs Ties . . .
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, May 31.-
(/P)-The people of Iceland, one of
the world's oldest democracies, voted
70,536 to 365 to sever their 700-year
old ties with Denmark and form an
independent republic, final figures on
last week's plebiscite released tonight
About 98 per cent of the eligible
voters on the island participated.
* * *
DeValera Reelected . ..
DUBLIN, May 31.-(P)-Eire vot-
ers reelected Prime Minister Eamon
De Valera and at least six of his
cabinet members yn the general
election Tuesday, early returns
showed tonight, and De Valera's
Fianna Fail Party apUarently has
ho ac ,~i f . m 4sain it t he

By The Associated Press
PLES, May 31.-American and Brit-
ish troops drove into Rome's outer
defenses with increased fury today
and smashed through to a point west;
of Velletri, a key fortress in the Nazis',
powerful new mountain line before
the Eternal City.
Allied troops who advanced through
deadly fire and repulsed savage
counterattacks west of Velletri were
reported to have reached a point
within six miles of the Pope's sum-
mer home at Castel Gandolfo and
within approximately 16 miles of
British 14 Miles from Rome
The German radio said "dramatic
street fighting" was raging in Velle-
tri itself as Nazi shock troops fought
American Doughboys for possession
of the stronghold, loss of which
would seriously disrupt the enemy's
plans to make a lengthy stand in the
Alban Hills.
British forces driving up from. the
south, on the coastal flank of the
25-mile battle line before the Italian
capital, were edging forward through
thick mine fields south of Pescarella
Nuova, which is 14 miles due south
of the edge of Rome.
Nazi forces entrusted with the im-
mediate job of stemming the Fifth
Army's assault until the bulk of Field
Marshal Albert Kesselring's Tenth
Army could be withdrawn from the
broken Hitler Line, continued to of-
fer desperate resistance all the way
from Valmontone to the sea.
"Enemy Will Hoid Line"
An Allied communique said "it is
now clear the enemy intends to hold
this line at all costs."
Edward Kennedy of the Associated
Press wrote from the fighting front
at 6:30 tonight that the Germans
were "delaying the Allies as long as
possible and making them pay dear-
ly for every inch gained in Italy."
He said it was a hard slugging match,
* * *
Fascists Escape
Allied Capture
Not a single important Fascist has
been captured in the current Allied
offensive for the simple reason that
the local moguls of Mussolini's Fas-
cist "republic" are going northward
well ahead of the German army.
If the conduct of these dignitaries
runs true to form ,not many will be
found in Rome when the Allies enter.
It is not that they are so afraid of
what the occupying army might do
to them, but rather that in these
mountain towns they have been more
worried over the possible interim be-
tween the departure of the Germans
and the arrival of the Americans,
giving the townspeople a brief op-
portunity to settle scores.
"Oh, yes, we find Fascist officials
in these towns, but we never find im-
portant Fascists," said an Allied mil-
iary government officer who has in-
augurated a new regime in half a
dozen Lepini mountain towns, "and
the ones we find say they were Fas-
cists only because they had to be
Fascists to hold their jobs."
Cl eanup Hour
Prizes Offered
War Councl, Union
To SponĀ®or Drive
"Come on kids, let's clean up the
campus!" is the challenge which will
be issued by Women's War Council
and Union Staff members to ambi-
tious students at 3:45 p.m. today
when the University's official "clean-

up" hour will start in front of the
general library.
The campus has been divided into
nine zones. Two War Council mem-
bers, one Union staff man, and one
'47 Corps captain will act as foremen

Street Fighting in
Velletri Reported
British Advance Through Heavy Mine
Fields 14 Miles South of Eternal City

with Aliled troops pushing ahead but
having no easy time of it.
In today's fighting, Kennedy said,
American troops broke into Nazi po-
sitions between Vellerti and Valmon-
tone and occupied points threatening
All available German troops have
been thrown into the line, and it has
became plain, a headquarters spokes-
man acknowledged, that only a very
powerful drive will split it open. All
four key strongpoints in the line-
Valmontone, Velletri, Lanuvio and
Campoleone-have been under fierce
assault for several days and fast
are being turned into smoking ruins
by massed Allied artillery.
Smith To Talk
To Gradu.ates
To Be Held June 24
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
and secretary of the University, who
reaches the retirement age next May,
will deliver the commencement ad-
dress Saturday, June 24, in Hill Aud-
itorium, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven
announced yesterday.
"U" Alumnus
An alumnus of the University,
Vice-President Smith graduated in
1897 and received his A.M. in 1900,
studying under the late Prof. Fred
Newton Scott.
With the exception of four years
spent with an insurance company, he
has been connected with the Uni-
versity ever since. He was an in-
structor in English from 1898 to 1901.
Appointed "U" Secretary
In 1901 he was appointed Secretary
to the University and editor of the
Michigan Alumnus. He added the
position of business manager to his
list of duties in 1927, a post he held
for three years. On March 7, 1930,
he was appointed vice-president of
the University.
Vice-President Smith is a charter
member of the Association of Univer-
sity and College Business Officers. He
is also a member of Phi Beta Kappa,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Phi,
the University Club, the Rotary Club
and the Masons.
Detroit Bakery
Drivers Will Go
Back to W'ork
By The Associated Press
Striking bakery drivers decided
yesterday to return to their jobs in
Detroit, while back-to-work efforts
took shape in other labor disputes
that had affected approximately 50,-
000 men and women.
James Hoffa, international repre-
sentative of the AFL Teamsters Un-
ion, announced the men had voted
to resume bread deliveries in Detroit,
where about 1,000 of them walked
out a week ago to support demands
for increases in their base pay and
Earlier, the War Labor Board ap-
pealed to Philip Murray, presient of
the CIO, to assist in bringing about
a quick resumption of work in the
lumber industry in the Pacific north-
The WLB also sought to end a
strike of 1,900 CIO unionists at Parke
Davis and Company in Detroit, where
the dispute has hampered production
of medical supplies for more than a
1,000 Navy Men
Rescued from Sip

SAN FRANCISCO, May 31.--(')-
More than 1,000 Navy men were res-
cued from a stricken transport and
surrounding waters today after the

Churches Gain in Russian Iavor

The orthodox church in Russia,
although treated by the Soviet gov-
ernment with tolerance since the
close of the revolution, now enjoys
a cordiality from Russian leaders,

nose It, as such, and not as a re-
Pointing out that uermission to
organize a synod, is an example of
the new cordiality shown to the
church by the Soviet government,

advance, he nointed out, for the
war with Germany which she
knew was coming.,
Dr. Shepard said that Russia
knew that her citizens would have
to keep up a terrific pace, as Mor-
ris Hindus has explained, if Soviet

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