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June 01, 1911 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1911-06-01

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The Michig
AINN AiRBOR, MICHIGAN, T Il ixvili i Ji Xi

Vol. XXI.

NO. 1 72.

rixver Fridayx afti-rnxoon.The iparty- will
leavethithe hixa11usi at 2:30 anl Will (go
Japs Have Been Victorious in tiCaiscde Glen -hee pc tixill 1)"i
IThe M~ajority of Their the ltocke catpit ai taitmaager for next
American Games year xiiwximae nup.tte irogran. t. this
ate tile numerals ntlxthe ttppcrclass
nockey teai on ieild Dl axyxwillibepe
ONE PLAYER IS BATTING .630 Tickets can lie rouredlfrouxi Rose
_________ XWlxeelixcin. GertrexIIchneciixcke and iFlor-i
enicetoiididard itxlthiity-i iiiteits apieice.

The inifoxrimationx as toi txc real streixgtih
ofi the Keiox lniverxity nine titlarrixves
as itheJais coinuelx th ieir xvictoxrioust
touc-mke itse x een moxre certalin
tattileXWolverines wxiiili-ivetola-.
thir bilest ixaseballto lxxviifrxmxix viii- lxxi
lix who reii par r onltit erryxxi l ild iito-
iiixrroxwxaftcerxnooniorthelicrtet cxiitlust
oftw galii niiiserties. The chtamixonsiixof
Japan iht. iwo itieimjoixty if thxcir
gam e ixhiitisxcouniitrx aixithiley
have rjixiixicier, Sitaewihsv-ix prolvx ied
ivincible.-As Sxigase isx crtaxinxlixpitch
in f lihi inamesxiof tieleical xcries lthe
Micigan playersxixxiillxixvexto xetxxxiew
3The J lxxlxoxaltisexvrl stxxrsx ii xuxus-i
ulabl iiwholhaeibeenxin xxgxxix lx
illitrepuxitionxxiinxx-Amiericax. Sxxaxi'si
baxsx- runningxxandxxixll aroundix spexid5at d
dashixhavexxwxiifor tie lxxii tit lix "Iie
Ty Cobbii of Japxn." Saski wxxxin xjurxed
ill Ii lrecent xxigam lxbiii-ti:iisx-texortxedithxx
he-xxi wilbeixli lixlxxe xix p i-yvefrelix
teax reciii n rvbloxi r. xx liplaysx
short top ad if x i iikpt xxutofith
guils't-helixsxxxii iwilliii bdlyii iaxli-
caped its-i lxi xiis-til evxxiesthitter
thaxtlJapan hasiproduced.xIlelx xilili
.0,3o at present. TheiiiaIp playersi-geei i
toi bei tililixilxii viisatile,tile m ji tyxii ofx
them iiogtle t ill xianyxxx lxxitio111
ieJipll lxi areiifillowxinglx theiiwxoii
ofthli-ex xxx Keopaeill xix Xxi xxvitxxiihl
closest attetionixi Theirepitsx fxieachi
gameii xxie pxrompltly iabledi xndxxihi wholx
cinis in ai statxeiofl excitemeitiover
thei xxciiiixixixix i-ofl tleir rrexsientax-
It has ixt xxii l ernediilltilwxvi xii
(a laxx yixexrc eIt arixve:lxbiithey aix
c-xpe-cte-xithis xafternonix ornxx ixi iixiv
moixrninig. ()Ix Itricltix eeintixlii- liixi
xxiivexxexxicepinini thilieiclxiii l in
lxxta l oxi f iii- visixti lyers. On Sxtxur-
lxxx-evcxaixig bliili-xeams xxilxxe gixixux o
Pirof. Trneblooxxx. liiihis rix-ni trill
xiun ewrxxixixi xiiiilviiio. Trueblooxdxi spien
seera-ixilxaxs atxio Uniiversxxi-xtywheii
he addtrtxxiie-i tlecstuidexnti xxxiyxxindximetI a
xxxxxxixr ioitile imenxxxxliiaei lvi
withlitheiKelovibll ti eamx.
STi1l tix ux1ing 1-ixixROGAxMxxxxxsull
Rtexvidi txrexxxs of til e xriex oii'lec-
turesixiclt xxii libegil-ini diiriing the
xsiummiir sexsionxixiilie ixstteil inext wveek. 1
Oinxg lxoscverxalchng-es ini the faculty,-
it xwax iiiceixxxiv tolxtiter rue iviginaxl
A xxxixcxlsiii- homeiixiconomxxicls will
lbe oxfiri-d i Cxituxxia nivxxersity lnt
xxxiv. The coursei-iil iiixltotecii
wome howi lxxvolxbeicomixe efficien- ivexxi-s.
anid lx'tolenixil ii isiely.
The Stxatc Uiversitiy n of exI xias
biiniig axnxcib irxary ati'the cost if
ahal lxiimillioxll.

Tappan Association Plans Many lm=i
provements for Next Year
"Wc aregiiig to shaxve axx$ ,ooo pxlanti
liltt-iluxxix l h fiiilit olitxtvyearii as an
increa-xsedutfaxctorxi iiixg lxosupplx he i
gre-ttdeeiiifirridedxil xxi<:i xandi x lnca
tixxixxxt fxacilities xixii x tg -ii I x stxii
dentsx,", sa i . J. Leslii lxiiii lix-th
llxx Iii i ~vxxtiiix xstudent pastorI las
oxvrtund ielxxxti lepresent I . \Al. C-
\oi vxstxictixxx xas toitliii iii iiixii
tixixaxt affilllitlion"i i tii addedixxi xxi she
plaeel xxnthyeIse iflthiic huh roixii xi
it is o e ba h r ixxxx xi i i xilegxi x f xix

iiiitliii ilxxe ixikii
xlix izzrtbes fthel
\ii-kt III xxx till, xw ihi
It tiri hlae-s. isiitoi
irtietivi-ixa 15 siic
th l xiitoin upxi tairsiii

iadll-t 115 ix .-
P i xrxxgxparlor
fiii-up Is xiat-

The 1911 Michaganensian Has
Many Features in The
Wav of Pictures
and respei-ct xivxof seioriclassiesx e
d icat thxisi i to - hexIiiiloll.0,;. '' S
xix i i liifi tlx ,)I l ii liciig - II ili-
of x it librix xi mpniiit~is iu
bound il liv tliii ealgrane
co i-S ite xeath r xiii xxxi, ibos i- i
xxiic lxxx ii lxx insrcti n r it
P ii xxix xlxii atr lxix xixp -11711
lin fth fiii C r httr ixt
aill xnl li l I exiii li i i th t
uii leiit hixix ex i n + pc r ) ;
deaniaihxrisktchofihlii feandii'
lxxxii. Xii lxxxix ofI ixeilthi xxx
solxx leexx na di ks~cesfr hcas hainilg. :Arthur Cutiiili, rei-x
ie t ftheii senxior clasi haxalix iii
iklContinued on Page-4.i
Patteason, Bea 1Theta P, Falls a
Victim to the Disease
o te ixixiix 't'hetxa11-xIi 14 1. -i i> ll
(t slightxci s(exe sltlpox . Paterson x ili-li
=the lxxxxx-vxxxxx LIxilix orxihislx ml as txx
Fr i xxco plii ng f llesidii. i
te shl n I i ii tithex ceopI i
home iniix xi Detro i \es ii xii Icrliitgi 11.
Iti nolknxxv th t i ri x 111 lsih i
ihlut noi. tixixil c mplcatonswil x:iiie
Iheso rc o Ili lcseiii notiiknoxwnx
but 1 iDr . XX l y lxxi siitltoi thexxxa ni
x iveri S.i ixixi lx xvth ju iorla
xiiidentiiwhoiihas beenxicofined wxithxxv
Roxgersxxwhosxe i-le xlxiisara lxviio-
gressxing xpects lto be releaseiwithinix a
iick i-v-t lt lii- xi sax s th xisisisi oii nly
ease f liihe xihxma vlady xx XiiXwivi-:m ro .

l'i ltI iCt i ,£( x 4 liii 1C' -
Dlruidxsoand Barristers AddxiN v
ItAlesibers to ThIeir Rolls


('Itxlxii lxxxi xxSealiii ilRobert Tip)ping,
and I1r~r irxv XX ir , whoixixivirenoixi-i
IacdI -tex a a ixi iors xof lie
Iiilcrci 1; t f~il iiifineiiiiiiiii o
-I~l Nlcssr Kiiski-rx, xanii
the rcxi ixixixili.evi iolfxthexxril
11Cm lx xl xof lxxxix xxi I xilicatxionisxwere
lxx~ byillx pplari x xvotex ie-rilix-auter-
I x -li xihe ixsimmariincintg the ifour
lI t xniii xix W re:.: x-a] bx, a2sj
,ai 244:XXWatkins, zoNMcMahon,

fun-oo wxxi ill e ful-xIii -d altl tn
nscouriitihiddxediand iixiiier ibathi i-
This is axpartxofi a giea--i-ois-vit li
all xxvrthx-e xxiixxivx - xxxii lici xx xxIx l
tis~ hlatxx itch l is elii xxi xxpelxvixiii
of its lliuix will 'lxtei artxx ixixtix i xixix
xtxxxxxxothevr sxteil-uliivritiesxithe xneid
andi whaxxt Calilihe dlxxxixloe;;ii line
Iigixd Ixi iGodlexiss xiIxs~ttil xix " lI.
thlils oifxi tihe dxloiii in ole-s
Paxrtsare sho xl iixlii ill xincreasedvii xxi-
lxxiii lxxtovsend tier etixhxteix tolx li
lrer lnon-sictaianxisciiils iha
irst thiexyxexvid."
Xot thexleastxofithelix xxlxxxix xofthe
null xew xlvappan gu hiqipmen is, axIi i i
FItlli(TI'I"IIlXtIKR (fitIl X\Nit).
Xi a nut hug ofi the-Varsxitylbaiiid hldi
ill NlICtilxiit xaxii lxstnilglu theifolloixilug
officers wi-rceieletdfor the ensxiuig
yexri:leadhexuhr, I li- ischei j xxi <tt
leaex.x.hiCr i ury;-umxaixiger, ix Stxanx
ley xprexixdexi,'C. I.".iLtis; ssi-eta-x
truxuiece R. XX.- lcv-li -iiiudlitrXX'Si.
1el ;liliuxvixixn, J.S. Pyle.
No x con cerltxill lbx gixenixidayii nixghi
tixiig tolxaIxck o ittehuo-preparevai;xiit-
aidue progiram.u Thei folitnxiig xridaxi
tightlxxhowexver, xxviathertirmnittixxgther-
xxi lie the tisiul ionxcevt atx the lxhanx


1i R y ii t - :1.v ? ; 13 OARI) ELECTIONS
13;' i 1 t_; \V I i
-rill-ri> >,at' lx< ,SealhyTipping and Watkins
xi-i Were Successful by
- .txl WOMEN1 S i -Big Margin

t. J,

ll <l ]'{

lix xxxi
tl i-d
it - rc't

I1 si of te- ac hxat thi ncuture
xxx xxtl ix y ii ii iigiblehilht 350 xVxtes
mck r oerth iotlsc i om ouheu
xl if hehll lxisiit:x-hupolledbythe lawi
iiix xxii i icitl tl( ca a -
ifestedlx by the iluxlxxxx lxthe
xh l lc casiii t I.f "xxi 2, ind
f riicii e xiand xheumjorxu it luthsi al-i
xxiiite i i iivote iby iproxyi.
!I[(I!tl N \l.IXXII(ii itIL iR
The tuxuxiatxixxx forn officerxsxxifliie
xx x liiilSoiey fr hecoinug
lxxr are ii hug xlvmadeibxmeansio
;)(tllihe einexueringb iiuhg. liich
pc xxi) nn ae cwntvintresxiandu
lxxihax deix liii xx l xi. ecr tarv v-h-c
xf th oict ue gy llut.
liii lx 1hed lxwhihis lto hounsi tel-gidevr
sliii bered i-tx wek.Thirn
f(rits construion aru ivedxuhfriomDetvrioit
lxx beftore Yestviiday aiiithy htixhuir is
111 the giiiiidI 'Ille glieritl f l is xx -
plxxiiidxxwi xlilxxe vi xxxvii toxtae xihed
as s Imm as i- ithe latter iiihed.lIt is
ho x xc xxlt xi x-hav xe se ealtixaI fightsilbefore
the clos (f chot
iNNN JhtNFiStxx iCK
I%.XX tl'ififINi I iRI I, PA.
D r 1.1 xones, xiii furmr lya xill-
iii of the and Gaxii lirge staffshisand
vi11ii nix hiri xoflitXexWoxvinex last
liiimicr has ieftthuhe xixxauhulxxIxd-
pendeni wherel h aslbe-n xiiil-icity eittor
forith last ear. H hasiacepitedl aipo-
xii ,i t heF'ie h.isptc h.i
iii xxxiii xx;Cttiv xiii xxx xiiit DAY.xx
Jnxx u30u i ixbien dsitgntedxt:,ixciii
ix- (laviitxthe iat xxiionlettolxibexheld
ii Detroit xliii imonith. 'lue Uivxlersity
OfN l iii XivAeronauticlxcxx uiltxlx-has
arrangedI ,r timxxxvthioutsandicetsvx anxidx
Ni.a X. Cfu) r(,e ixtutuunit.Xxtiiuiber
1)f o~ter hc ixnI MihigxanxandxiOhio
xxilli x i voixi ix repres iiiatives.

i1' Xrgi
of Tl-"iII
xiei 1)"11)c
lxiii l'11

Will Go On Sale at -
Booth Near Flag Pole at 11r:00 a. 1).

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