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June 01, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-06-01

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Occasional thunderstorms
today and tomorrow.


tflir iga

:43 at ij

Wa biiiton's Fight
For Public Welfare ..



Grade School
Blast Injures
57; Building
Is Demolished
Four Adults Are Included
Among Casualties; Three
Fatalities Are Expected
Disaster Blamed
On Gas Explosion
BARBERTON, O., May 31.-()-
A roundup tonight of victims of an
explosion which shattered a school
building here in mid-afternoon
totalled 57 persons injured-53 grade
school children and four adults.
Three were not expected to live,
hospital attendants reported. They
were Dorothy Young, 6; Frances Fish-
er, 7; and P. S. White, 59, janitor.
Two teachers injured were Miss
Mabelle Miller, 38, who suffered
fractured leg and ribs as she was
buried beneath a piano, and Miss Al-
bertine Mills, 44, with possible frac
tured back.
All Suffer Shock
H. P. White, an electrician working
nearby, also was hurt.
Thirty-one remained in hospitals
tonight, several suffering fractures,
many burns, and all shock.
The explosion, which all concerned
said undoubtedly was from gas, liter-
ally tore the two story frame struc-
ture apart. It was a former house
being used as a school while a new
building is being built.
The outer walls flew out. The center
partitions remained upright. The
a upper floors slanted downward, shoot-
ing children out, sliding down like
a toboggan.
Dozens of tots on the first floor
dropped into the basement and were
covered with debris.
The roof fell upon the mass of
children and wreckage.
A carpenter foreman, John Ruhl-
en, working on the new building sent
his men for help and went to the
rescue. He said:
"I was on my hands and knees
when I heard the explosion and the
screaming. As I ran to the building
the sides fell out and the roof came
down with a second roar.
Many Slide Out
"Most of the bured children were
caught under lath and plaster and
desks which were not very heavy.
Many of them slid or were blown out
of the house.
"There were about 20 on the second
floor and I believe some of them fell
clear to the basement.
"I pushed a piano off a teacher
and carried her and another teacher
out. I took out about 15 little fellows.
"One of the worst parts of this is
that some of the little girls probably
will be disfigured for life."
Before Janitor White lapsed into
unconsciousness because of burns,
he said he had been burning papers
in the basement when the blast let
"The whole basement must have
been filled with gas," he said before
lapsing into unconsciousness because
of burns. "I'm sure it was a leaky
Senate To Plan
Student Parley
July Series Will Parallel
Annual Spring Session

A Summer Parley on the lines of
the Spring Parley will be held during
the coming Summer Session by the
Student Senate, in cooperation with
Dr. Blakeman's office.
The Parley, the subject for which
has not yet been decided, will be held
the first or second week of the Ses-
sion. It is hoped that these parleys
will be held four times a year, the
summer, fall and winter parleys all
leading up to the Spring Parley.
All Student Senators who expect to
attend the Summer Session are asked
to contact Tom Downs, '40L, pro-
visional chairman of the committee or
one of the other committee members,
James Dusenberry, '39, or Jack A.
Sessions, Ed.
Tragedy On The Huron!
Canoeists Find Corpse
Three University students canoeing
on the Huron Tuesday saw "some-
thing that looked like a man's body"
floang inthA current nd naimmedi..

Moseley Warns Dies ,
Group Of 'Revolution'
WASHINGTON, May 31. -(y)-
Maj.-Gen. George Van Horn Moseley,
retired, spent five turbulent hours
before the Dies Committee today, al-
ternately insisting that Jewish-led
Communist revolution is about to
overwhelm the country and protest-
ing that he harbors no anti-Semitic
Several organizations are known
to be looking to Moseley for leader-
ship in the fight against the alleged
"revolutionary activity." Moseley
said today that it was unfortunate
that Robert E. Edmondson, identified
with a "patriotic organization," re-
cently published an article entitled
"Hail Moseley."
Plans To End
Briggs Strike
To Be Offered
Proposals Will Be Made
By J. F. Dewey Today
After Lengthy Meetings
DETROIT, May 31.-G'P)-Recom-
mendations designed to end a week-
old strike that has closed seven plants
of the Briggs Manufacturing Co. and
affected more than 70,000 workers
will be submitted to a joint confer-
ence of management and officials of
the CIO-United Automobile Workers'
Union here today.
Federal Conciliator James F.
Dewey, who spent today discussing
with both sides 28 grievances which
the CIO-UAW blamed for the strike,
said he hoped acceptance of his
recommendations would bring about
"immediate" reopening of the plants.
Both management and union offi-
cials have agreed to accept Dewey's
decision on the grievances. After the
verdict has been accepted, Dewey
said, discussion of an agreement for
reopenmng the plants will begin.
Meantime, estimates of the number
thrown out of work by the shutdown
( continued to grow. It was an accepted
fact that the strike has made idle
more than 70,000 Briggs, Chrysler and
Ford employes in Detroit, and one
reliable source predicted that the
shutdown soon might force an addi-
tional 130,000 out of work in the
steel, rubber and glass fields.
Approximately 700 employes of the
Bay Manufacturing plant. at Bay
City, Mich., were sent home today
after the Bay City Plant of the Elec-
tric Auto-Lite Co. failed to resume
full production following the week-
end shutdown. Officials blamed the
shutdown on the Briggs striked
Cubans Expect
Refugee Revolt
Ship Captain Fears Mutiny
Of Jewish Passengers
HAVANA, Cuba, May 31. -(AP)-
Capt. Gustav Shroeder of the Ger-
man liner Saint Luis, informed auth-
orities today he feared a "collective
suicide pact" among his 917 German
Jewish refugee passengers, who are
scheduled to sail back to Hamburg
with him tomorrow after being de-
nied entry to Cuba.
He reported there was a "state of
mutiny" aboard which he could not
control and threfore he feared "open
mutiny" when the ship left Havana
The Captain made his statement
after Capt. Juan Estevex Maymir,
Chief Aide of President Laredo Bru,

had spent several hours aboard the
ship investigating reports that hun-
dreds of the refugees, denied admit-
tance to COiba, were threatening to
take their lives if the ship sailed back
to Germany.
Twenty-five police were sent aboard
the liner to guard others from any
attempted self-destruction after Max
Loewe, one of the refugees, slashed
his wrists and jumped overboard yes-
terday. He was rescued and is recov-

Leaders Seek
July 15 Close
Neutrality Bill May Block
Prompt Adjournment,
Chiefs Tell Roosevelt
Date Affects Plans
Of President's Trip
'WASHINGTON, May 31. -(A)-
Leaders sought today to speed up the
legislative pace so that Congress could
adjourn by mid-July, but one major
"if -neutrality legislation-prevent-
ed them from promising President
Roosevelt that the session would end
by that date.
The things Congress has done and
left undone were canvassed at a
White House Conference attended
by Vice President Garner, Speaker
Bankhead, Senator Barkley, (Dem.-
Ky.), the majority leader, and Repre-
sentative Rayburn of Texas, the House
Democratic leader.
The leaders advised Mr. Roosevelt
they would check on the progress of
major legislation through committees
this week and give him next Monday
their best guess on when Congress
would adjourn.
Will Determine Departure
Their forecast may decide the date
on which the President will start his
projected trip to the San Francisco
Fair. Mr. Roosevelt has said that if
it appears possible Congress will ad-
journ by July 15, he will delay his
trip until after that date. If Con-
gress is unlikely to adjourn before
Aug. 1, however, he probably will
leave Washington June 15.
The Congressional leaders reported
to Mr. Roosevelt that adjournment
prospects were tied up with the prob-
lems of neutrality and tax legisla-
A tax revision measure is expected
to reach the House week after next.
Thus, leaders said, cebate-provok-
ing neutrality legislation is the main
barrier to a July 15 adjournment. The
Senate Foreign Relations Committee
today postponed until June 14 con-
sideration of neutrality proposals ad-
vanced by Secretary Hull.
Hull Bill Asked
The committee agreed to ask Hull
for a bill embodying his suggestions,
which include proposals to repeal the
existing ban on arms shipments to
belligerents and to prohibit American
vessels from traveling through com-
bat zones in war time.
There have been reports that the
Administration would seek action
first in the House on the Hull propos-
als and then would ask Senate ap-
proval if it appeared possible that
action could be obtained without long
Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D.), told re-
porters he thought that a filibuster
against repeal of the arms embargo
would be justified but would not be
"The more time Congress will spend
here on the job in Washington be-
tween now and next January," Nye
asserted, "the surer will be the chance
of America's staying out of European
Local Resident Succumbs
After Automobile Crash
Thirty-five minutes after he drove
his car into the guard rails on U.S. 12,
John D. Brown, 945 Wall St., Ann
Arbor, died in St. Joseph Hospital
Tuesday night from a heart attack.
Driving east about one-half mile
from Dixboro, witnesses reported, he
had been driving all over the road
before he finally crashed off the right

side. When deputies from the sheriff's
office arrived he was unconscious; he
was then taken to the hospital where
he died a short time later.

House Plans

Pension Bill
Act Called 'Recovery Plan,'
'Heresy' In Hot Debate.
On Townsend Proposal;
Author Of Measure
Predicts Its Defeat
WASHINGTON, May 31.-()-Thej
Townsend old age pension bill was
described in the House today both as
"a national recovery plan" and as
"economic heresy."
At one point in the hours of debate
preliminary to tomorrow's vote,
Chairman Doughton (Dem., N.C.) of
the Ways and Means Committee said
it would impose "the heaviest tax ever
levied in all our history." He as-
"The issue is-shall we continue in
effect the principles of social security
which we have tried and tested, or
shall we accede and surrender to the
demands of cock-eyed, crackpot, sel-
fish economists and accept a plan
never before tried by any nation on
earth, and one which violates every
sound economic principle."
Simply Taxation Plan
Representative Hendricks (Dem.,-'
Fla.), the bill's author, said the
measure was "not simply a taxation
and pension plan."
"It is essentially a national re-
covery plan or it is nothing," he de-
clared. He added that the bill pro-
poses "to continue spending to bring
back prosperity."
Hendricks reviewed briefly the bill's
provisions to levy a graduated one-
half of one per cent to two per cent
tax on business and services to pro-
vide pensions up to $200 a month to
elderly persons. He also noted that
the measure would compel immediate
spending of the pensions.
New Purchasing Power
"It is our hope," Hendricks said,
"that with the spending of this money
and the resulting new purchasing
power-with the factory wheels turn-
ing and industry humming-the re-
maining millions of unemployed can
get jobs and the government be re-
lieved of this problem."
With the leadership and even Hen-
dricks saying the bill would be de-
feated, the debate droned on for
Decree Closes
Pearl Harbor
FDR Bars All But Navy
Ships FromKey Base
WASHINGTON, May 31.-()-
President Roosevelt closed the waters
near the naval base at Pearl Harbor,
N.J., today to all vessels except those
with special authorization to enter.
Officials said the order, an execu-
tive decree, created the most exten-
sive closed military area in United
States territory. It is indicative, they
said, or the strategic importance of
the harbor, the Navy's principal Pa-
cific outpost, and is in line with the
government's policy of tightening re-
strictions protecting military prop-
erty from prying eyes.
The order forbids all "vessels, craft
and persons" from entering the area
except "public vessels of the United
States" unless specifically authorized
by the Secretary of the Navy. Even
fishermen will be barred. Violators
will be punished under the criminal
Pearl Harbor has long been closed
to "commercial sea traffic" except

by special permit.I

Manager Names
Ensian Business
Staff Members
Business Staffappointments for
the 1940 Michiganensian were an-
nounced yesterday by Richard T.
Waterman, '40, the new Business
Ellen E. McDonald, '40, Women's
Business Manager, will be in charge
of the lower staff. The new Sales
and Advertising Manager is John
W. Cory, '41; Accounts Manager is
Myron Gins. Edward A. King, '41E,
is the Organizations Manager.
A complete sellout of Ensians was
reported by Charles L. Kettler, '39E,
business manager of the 1939 Ensian.
A few of the copies sold to Ann
Arbor book stores are left, and about
a hundred copies ordered by stu-
dents have not been picked up. Many
wishing to buy Ensians over the
counter have been disappointed. Next
year's seniors are urged to place their
orders early in the fall to insure
themselves of a copy of next year's
Netmen Win
Third Place
In Conference
Jim Tobin Paces Varsity
As Chicago Captures
Top Position At Meet

Molotoff Rejects
New Pact; Doubts
Britain's Sincerity



CHICAGO, May 31.-Paced by Jim1
Tobin, the only player to take an a
individual title away from Chicago,
the Michigan Varsity tennis team up-
set the early season dope by scoring
8Y2 to capture third place in the 9
Conference tennis meet. e
The University of Chicago swept
to its third straight team title, carry-
ing off all three doubles finals ands
all but one singles crown. Northwes-
tern was in second place. The Maroons
scored 25 points, while the Wildcats o
tallied 16.
Tobin, who had beaten Ken John- n
son of Illinois and Tom Neilson of
Wisconsin, in the early rounds, 1
reached the finals by way of a de-n
fault from Chet Murphy, Murphy,
favoring a lame back wrenched in i
play last week, decided to forego 1
singles competition in order to be at- i
top strength for defense of the num-
ber one doubles.
Harrison O'Neill, Northwestern
ace, was Jim's opponent in today's
match, and had already met and de-
feated Tobin earlier in the year. At
first it looked as if he were going
to repeat the victory, as he captured
the first set 6-4. However, Tobin
rallied and finished going away as
he took the next two sets 9-7, 6-0.
The other Wolverine to reach the
finals, Sam Durst, was unsuccess-
ful in his search for top honors as heb
was defeated by James Atkins of Chi-a
(Continued on Page 7)a
Harlan DisputeI
Still Unsettledt
Operators Refuse To GrantI
Union Shop Contract r
HARLAN, Ky., May 31.-()-Fed-
eral and state conciliators stepped
out of contract negotiations between
Harlan Soft Coal Operators and the
United Mine Workers (CIO) today
with the announcement conferences
had been suspended indefinitely.
John L. Conner, labor department
conciliator, left for Charleston, W.
Va. He said conferees were subject
to recall by either side.
Today's three-hour conference,
which ended with no statement of
progress made, climaxed a week of
efforts by Conner and Emmett Dur-
rett, state conciliator, to reconcile the
views of union leaders and operators
on contract differences.
The Harlan County Coal Operators'
Association, controlling 42 mines,
opposes a contract embracing the
"union shop" clause included in pacts
signed by operators in every other
major field in the 'Nation since the
April 1 general shutdown.
George S. Ward, association secre-
tary, said half the association mines
now were operating without con-
ASU Announces
Winners Of Raffle
Holders of the five winning tickets
in the American Student Union raffle
were announced after the drawing
which was held last night in the

Royal Visitors
Leave Pacific
Coast Province
CHILLIWACK, B.C.,.May 31.-(IP)-
King George and Queen Elizabeth
maid farewell to Little England on
he Pacific today, leaving behind the
royalists of bustling Vancouver and
sleepy Victoria to live with the mem-
ries, the Queen's smile and the
King's royal demeanor.
If there is any truth in the old story
that Englishmen stand up in their
>aths when the national anthem is
layed the patriots of old Victoria,
vho look on London as an outpost of
.mpire, were able to take their tubs
or the first time in 36 hours. The
trains of "God Save the King" ran
ike a theme song through the town
while the royal couple was there.
At Vancouver the British sover-
figns were publicly proclaimed King
nd Queen of Canada for the first
ime since their arrival in the Do-
minion. At Victoria the visit was
a triumph of successive appearances
n a seagirt setting like their island
home 6,000 miles away.
Skylarks, old oaks, golden broom
growing as rank as in Scotland,
rooked lanes scented with blossom-
ng May trees, even road signs like
"teas with Devonshire cream" added
o the illusion of the English country
Only an occasional "hot dog" stand
or freshly painted cryptic "Bar-B-Q"
sign for the American tourist horde
relieved the spell of the old country.
So far as was known, Queen Eliza-
beth, who took the royal suite pic-
nicking after their engagements end-
ed, didn't stop at a hot dog stand
for a practice bout with the fare
they may get at the Hyde Park picnic
in their honor.
Union To Open
Book Exchange
Travel Bulletin Is Offered
For Departing Students
The Student Book Exchange will
be conducted during the Spring Ex-
amination period, according to an
announcement made yesterday. This
re-opening will headline a list of
Union activities for the remainder of
the school year, including an "Exam
Dance" and the establishment of a
travel bulletin.
The Book Exchange, headed by a
committee of Union, League, Daily
and faculty members, will be open
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. from June 7
to the end of the examination period.
The Exchange will be held in the
South Lounge of the Union.
Those on the Book Exchange Com-
mittee are: Dean Walter B. Rea, Dean
Jeanette Perry, Robert Ulrich, '39,
James Palmer, '39, Harriet Sharkey,
'39, Roberta Leete, '39 and Robert
Bogle, '41.
Dances, held both Friday and
Saturday nights will feature a "Get-
ting Away From Finals" theme.

Berlin Welcomes 4,500
Nazi Soldiers Returning
From Franco' s Forces
Premier Addresses
Russian Parliament
MOSCOW, May 31.-(A')-With Jo-
seph Stalin looking on and applaud-
ing, Premier-Foreign Minister Vya-
cheslaff Molotoff tonight rejected the
latest British-French pact proposals
as inadequate.
In a speech before the Supreme
Soviet-the Russian parliament-
Molotoff left the door slightly open
for further negotiations, however, if
Paris and London are willing to meet
Moscow's view. He emphasized that
Russia stands for a common front
of all peaceful nations.
Asserts Moscow Independence
He asserted vigorously, however, the
complete independence of Moscow's
foreign policy. It was his first speech
since succeeding Maxim Litvinoff as
foreign commissar on May 3.
"It is impossible," he said in a caus-
tic reference to British-French efforts
to build a bloc of nations to counter-
balance the Rome-Berlin axis, "to
think now whether they want to end
He also mentioned a possible re-
newal of trade negotiations with Ger-
many, clearly indicating that Moscow
is not leading any anti-Hitler boy-
cott. These .negotiations, he said,
"may be resumed."
Molotoff described the British-Po-
lish mutual aid agreement and a like
British-Turkish understanding as a
"good sign," but declared Russia
wanted more.
Soviet Conditions
The conditions of Soviet coopera-
tion include, he said, a mutual as-
sistance pact covering not only those
countries guaranteed by Britain and
France but "all neighboring countries
of the USSR."
Britain and France have "remained
silent as to three countries on Soviet
Russia's northwestern frontier (ap-
parently Latvia, Estonia and Fin-.
n)land) which may be powerless to de-
fend their neutrality," he said. Brit-
ain and France, he added, "only think
of those whom they have guaranteed."
As for London's answer to previous
Russian objections that the British
offer did not include reciprocity, Mo-
lotoff said:
"It is true that London and Paris
have accepted the principle of reci-
procity modified by numerous clauses
so that it may be purely formal."
Germans, Danes Sign
Non-Aggression Treaty

BERLIN, May 31.--(P)-Germany
today welcomed home 4,500 soldiers
who helped General Franco win the
Spanish Civil War, signed a non-
aggression pact with Denmark and
prepared to honor Prince Regent Paul
of Yugoslavia, due tomorrow for a
five-day visit.
Field Marshal Hermann Wilhelm
Goering, representing Chancellor
Hitler, in Hamburg greeted the Ger-
mans who were sent to Spain to
"fight Bolshevism." At the same time
Foreign Minister Joachim von Rib-
bentrop in the Berlin foreign office
signed the agreement with Denmark.
The treaty, of two short articles,
was the first of three which Hitler
plans as a direct result of President
Roosevelt's April 15 peace message, in
which Mr. Roosevelt appealed to Hit-
ler and Premier Mussolini for a.pledge
not to attack 31 specified nations.
The official Nazi view was that the
approaching state visit of Prince Paul
"shows that the Belgrade govern-
ment intends to remain absolutely
firm against bloc building and follow
the friendship and commercial policy
that is the most natural and useful
for the country."

Actress Roos Of White Steed'
Believes InEnjoyment Of Life

I y W Y7A1 V~Z n.
"Oh, it is so nice to get away from'
Trappe Miner'sNew York," sighed Joanna Roos as
she sat down on one of the campus
Body Photographed benches. "It is so nice and peaceful
in Ann Arbor. There are so many
trees, and the whole atmosphere is
TOLUCA, Ill., May 31.-(R)-A pic- full of green wholesomeness. But
ture taken with a camera lowered to more than that the serenity of a
the bottom of a 421-foot mine shaft college town gives one a chance to
tonight located the body of Dominick know himself."a
Zalesano, 77, who had been missing Miss Roos is visiting Ann Arbor
since May 18. for the second successive time. She
Members of Zalesano's family, who played here last year with the Dra- .
had feared he might have fallen into matic festival and is back again this
the abandoned shaft had been denied year to duplicate her winning per-
nrmission to exolore it by state mine formances. She is cast in the femalef ,

Co-Op Society's
New Plant Opens
Downtown Today
After three years in business at
Detroit and Katherine Streets, the
Ann Arbor Cooperative Society will
open its new business location at
633-37 S. Main St. today.
This plant has a large and modern
grocery store, a fully-equipped service
station and a coal yard served by a
railroad spur. A meat market will
soon be added.-
The store occupies the first floor of
a two-story brick building. Room for
a meeting hall and offices is provided
on the second floor. The property
purchased by the society also in-
cludes a one-story machine shop,
which will continue to be occupied
by the present tenant.
Painting (inside and out), altera-
tions and new equipment will provide
a more serviceable place of business
for the nietv's 750 memhrs.


Engineers To Hear
E. A. Stalker Today
Prof. E. A. Stalker of the aeronauti-
cal engineering department will
speak on his recent trip to the aero-
nautical laboratories at Langley Field,
Va., before the Institute of Aeronau-
tical Engineers at 7:30 p.m. today
in Room 1042 East Engineering
Professor Stalker has just returned

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