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June 01, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-06-01

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May Check Nazis;
Baghdad Invaded

Action By British Forces
Can Save Middle East,
London Source Asserts
Iraq Government
Seeks Armistice
LONDON, May 31.-(P)--The Brit-
ish-Greek defense of Crete, crumbling
now though. it is, wasregarded
authoritatively in London tonight as
'the -possible salvation of Britain's
desperate stand in the whole of the
Middle East.
Collapse of Rashid Ali Al Gailani's
fight in Iraq, informed quarters as-
sertednwas the direct outgrowth of
the inability of the Germans to clean
up Crete in a hurry.
"A walk-overfr Hitler in Crete,"
one informant said, "would have
made the situation extremely bad, but
as it finally 'developed German aid
which Rashid Ali expected was very
much occupied elsewhere."
There was no effort, however, 'to
minimize the Germans' gain through
possession of Crete.
Would Hamper Fleet
Informed quarters conceded it likely
would hamper tremendously the Brit-
ish fleet's three-fold task of keeping
the Mediterranean open to British
sipping, preventing Axis supplies
from reaching North Africa and fore-
stalling large-scale German occupa-
tion of French-mandated Syria.
The Battle of Crete was "a vast
rearguard action" into which Britain
was forced by the German preponder-
ance of warplanes and mechanized
troops, authorities here asserted.
The Crete diversion, it was point-
ed out, enabled Britain to spend the
intervening time on these jobs:
1. Wiping out the Iraq trouble.
2. Winding up the Ethiopian cam-
3. Preparations to meet the Axis
threat to Suez from Libya.
4. Resting, reorganizing and re-
equipping General Sir Archibald P.
Wavell's forces after the Battle of
Eden Statement
Indications that Britain may have
been spending the time effectively
in other directions were seen in For-
eign Secretary Anthony Eden's care-
ful statements of sympathy for Syr-
ian Nationalist aspirations and words
of friendship for the whole Arab
Informed quarters declined to go
beyond Eden's words, delivered Thurs-
day, but there was reason to believe
a native uprising against Vichy's ap-
parently weak hold on Syria hardly
would surprise the British. ,
British Enter Baghdad,
As Iraq War Collapses
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, May 31.-Iraq's Axis-in-
spired war with Britain collapsed to-
British advance forces marched
into disorderly Baghdad, and a citi-
zens' committee which took up the
reins of government dropped by the
fugitive Premier Rashid Ali Al Gail-
ani asked for an armistice to end the
hostilities which began May 2.
Nazis Remain In Air
German air units that flew into
Iraq via French-mandated Syria
after the conflict was two weeks old
are believed to be still in the country,
mostly around the oil center of Mo-
sul in the northeast. But a reliable
British source remarked with sar-
casm that the Rashid Ali's flight to
Iran rather than to the German base
"shows the faith he places in the pro-
tection the Germans can give him."
The Rashid Ali, who seized the
premiership April 4, entered Iran
yesterday at the border town of
Quasr-I-Shirin with his chief of staff,
Amin Zaki, and a group of officers.

Kidnapping Unlikely
Official quarters here chose to re-
gard as "most unlikely" reports that
he had "kidnaped" the 6-year-old
King Feisal II as a possible hostage
for future bargaining with the Bri-
One source said the German and
Italian ministers to Iraq had fled
with the Rashid Ali. The Regent

Mystery Play
Will Be Given
Next In Series
* * *

John Winant
To Be Given
Visit Follows FDR Speech;
Timing Hints Purpose
Of Secret News Mission
Safe Delivery Plans
Are Not Disclosed
WASHINGTON, May 31.-(P)-In-
formed Washington opinion is that
Ambassador John G. Winant's hur-
ried visit to this country is not so
much for the purpose of bringing
information to President Roosevelt
as of carrying highly important and
secret information back to London.
The timing of his visit would sug-
gest that such was the case. It fol-
lows immediately upon Mr. Roose-
velt's Tuesday night speech, an ad-
dress which stated American policy
toward England and the war in posi-
tive terms and spoke vigorously but
mysteriously of new measures to be
attempted upon the Atlantic:
Delivery Plans Secret
At a press conference the next
day, the Chief Executive made it
more than clear that he considers
his plans for assuring the safe de-
livery of American supplies to Eng-
land a military secret of the most
important character. When asked
what he proposed to do, he told a
reporter that that was what Adolf
Hitler would most like to know.
Ambassador Winant heard the
President's speech by short wave radio
in London, he revealed upon his
arrival in New York yesterday. Plans
for' his trip to the United States had
already been made and he did not
wait even to ascertain London's re-
action to the address.
Now, it is hardly unusual for am-
bassadors to act as messenger boys,
particularly in times of crisis. In
days such as these there naturally
must be exchanges of information so
confidential in nature, and so valu-
able to Germany, should the Nazis
by any chance obtain it, that it can-
not be entrusted to coded cables or
diplomatic mail pouches.
Transportation Of Munitions
Obviously falling into this classi-'
fication is what ihe President intends'
to do to implement his statement that
all necessary measures will be taken
to see to it that American munitions
are carried safely through the Nazi
submarine, surface raider and air-
plane blockade. The President's°
press conference statement shows
that he himself so considers it.
Naturally Winant will give Mr.
Roosevelt a detailed and up-to-min-
ute report on conditions in England,
even though the Chief Executive had
such a report only a fortnight ago
from James V. Forrestal, Under-'
secretary of the Navy. The Ambas-'
sador talked at some length with the
President-the latter was at Hyde
Park-by telephone today.
Huge Waterfrnt Fire
Guts Erie R.R. Yards'
JERSEY CITY, N.J., May 31-(IP)--
A spectacular fire that sent huge
clouds of smoke billowing over the
New York metropolitan area raged
unchecked tonight through the huge,
yards of the Erie Railroad on the
Hudson River waterfront.
Unofficial estimates said the dam-
age would soar "into the millions"

- -.,.murders her employer
* *' *
After two weeks of comedy, the
Dramatic Season will shift to the
field of English melodrama as "Ladies
In Retirement" opens its week's run
Tuesday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Rated as the best mystery play
since "Kind Lady," the thriller will!
bring to the stage Ruth Gordon, not-
ed actress of stage and screen. She
will be cast in the role of Ellen Creed,
the housekeeper whose loyalty to her
crazy family prompts her to murder
her employer.
Supporting her in the role of Leo-
nora Fiske, the breezy former chor-
us girl, is Eva Leonard-Boyne, who
appeared in Detroit recently in "The
Time of Your Life."
The story is laid in a dreary coun-
try home near the Thames estuary in
England: where the generosity of the
retired dancer proves her undoing.
The two demented sisters of the
housekeeper will be played by Mil-
dred Natwick and Dorothy Blackburn.
Miss Natwick, who is renowned as a
character actress, will play the part
of Louisa, the crazier of the two,
while Miss Blackburn plays Emily.
Other members of the cast are Dav-
id Powell as the worthless nephew
and Perry Wilson as the maid. Tickets
for this play and the following ones
may be purchased at the box office
of the Mendelssohn Theatre.
Freshman and sophomore can-
didates for positions on Engineer-
ing Council may obtain their eligi-
bility cards by calling for them
from the secretary in the office of
Dean Ivan C. Crawford.

Gives Ickes
Veto Power
Secretary I Empowered
To Act In Petroleum
Suits Affecting Defense
Extent Of Powers
Not ClearlyDefined
WASHINGTON, May 31.-(2)-
Secretary Ickes was given the job
today of solving gasoline and oil
problems arising from the defense
program, and the Justice Depart-
ment immediately placed in his hands
a potent weapon- the veto power
over negotiations in anti-trust suit
against 22 major il companies.
Although Ickes appointment to be
"petroleum coordnator for national
defense," was only announced today
in Hyde Park, 7.Y., by President
Roosevelt, it was learned that the
Interior Secretar already had con-
ferred with repre entatives of the oil
Aides said he was arranging for
conferences soon in Washington of
all federal agencies dealing with oil,
industry representatives, rail and wa-
ter carriers and officials of oil produc-
ing states.
It was not clear exactly how ex-
tensive Ickes' powers were.
President Roosevelt directed him to
make "specific recommendations" for
"action which is necessary or desir-
able" and cited these as problems for
immediate action:
1. Development, production and
utilization of reserves of crude oils
and natural gas that are of "stra-
tegic importance both in quality and
2. Elimination or reduction of cross
hauling of oil products, expansion of
transportation facilities, and more
efficient use of existing transporta-
tion and storage facilities.
3. Balancing of refining operations
to obtain: maximum yields of specific
products, most economically use of
raw materials, and efficient priduc-
tion and distribution.1
4. Elimination of the drilling of
necessary wells in proven fields and
of "other unnecessary activities and
Heads Named
McCormick To Be Editor'
Of LiteraryMagaziie
Jay McCormick, '42, has been
named editor-in-chief of Perspectives,
campus literary publication, for the
coming year.
Assisting McCormick will be Gerald
Burns, '42, fiction editor, Richard
Ludwig, '42, essay editor, Irving J.
Weiss, '42, poetry editor and Carol
Bundy, '43, publications editor.
The final edition of Perspectives
will be distributedwith The Daily
early this week, McCormick has
Among its features are an informal
essay by Hervie Haufler, '41, revealing
the atmosphere'Tsurrounding the to-
bacco auctions of the South, and a'
short story' by Vernon Blake, Spec.,
describing the circumstances of a
boy's "First Drink"cThe decision to
indulge in an alcoholic beverage coma
only at the important crisis in his life'
when his "girl" leaves him for anoth-
Emile Gele, '42, has contributed a

short stoi'y under the unique title, C
"Deep Under 'ThisSnow." It concerns
a strange situation arising from the
seduction of a young girl by a man'
who has come to her town, and is
written as a letter penned by the un-
fortunate girl's sisters.
UA W To Negotiate
For Labor Contract,
In Two Ford Plants
DETROIT, May 31. -(/P)- The,
United Automobile Workers (CIO),
winner in a recent National Labor
Relations Board Election for bar-
gaining rights at the, Ford Motor
Company's Rouge and Lincoln Plants,
will open negotiations for a contract
with the company on Monday, it was
announced today.
Included in the union's demands
are a general pay raise of 10 cents
an hour for hourly workers, seniority

Wolverine Netmen


Muir Yields Only Six Hits
In First Eight Innings;
Wakefield Blasts Triple
Wolverines Clinch
Title, Keep Going
(Special to The Daily)
EAST LANSING, May 30.-Michi-
gan's ig Ten champion baseball
team, fresh from two victories over
Northwestern at Evanston, rolled into
East Lansing today and stayed just
long enough to take an easy 6-4 win
from Michigan State's Spartans.
Lefty Neil MJuir, who hurled only
in i"elief roles during the Western
Conference season, started on the
mound for the Wolverines and held
the State batters to six scattered hits
and one run during the first eight
innings. He weakened in the ninth
and gave up four more bingles and
three runs but Michigan had put
the game on ice by that time.
Wakefield Hits
The Michigan attack was paced by
sophomore Dick Wakefield who con-
tinued his sensational hitting with
three singles and a triple in five
official trips to the plate. Bud Cham-
berlain and Bill Steppon each had
two hits for the Wolverines.
After a scoreless first inning, Wake-
field started things off for Michigan
by slapping a single to open the sec-
ond frame. Chamberlain advanced
him to second with a hit and Ruehle
walked to fill the bases.
Mike Sofiak then hit to Norm Dun-
can, State shortstop, who threw to
second to force Ruehle, Wakefield
scoring on the play. George Harms,
the next batter, hit an easy double-
play ball to second-baseman Peller-
in who failed to handle it cleanly.
Chamberlain scored on the error and
Harms was safe at first.
Muir Helps Cause
Pitcher Muir helped his own cause
by connecting ' for a clean single
which sent Sofiak racing home from
second and advanced Harms to the
keystone sack.
After Davey Nelson had been
thrown out by pitcher Joe Skrocki,
Whitey Holman scored Harms with
a single to bring the Michigan run
total to four for the inning.
An error by George Ruehle, Michi-
gan first-sacker, and Bill Fitzsim-
(Continued on Page 3)
256 Fatalities Reported
From Holiday Mishaps
(By The Associated Press)
Fatalities in the nation's celebra-
tion of the long Memorial Day week-
end totaled 256 late yesterday, with
terrific crashes leading the mounting
There were 172 traffic deaths, 42
drownings, six killed by trains and
36 by miscellaneous causes.
California, leading the states with
46 deaths, counted five persons dead
in a family murder and suicide pact
and six persons drowned after a dis-
abled motor boat overturned a mile
off Morro Bay,

Sllness Or,
Fielding Yost
Back At Workl
Fielding "Hurry-Up" Yost, Michi-
g-an's famed athletic director, yes-
terday demonstrated one of the traits
that earned him his nick-name years
ago. Returning in the morning from
Nashville, Tenn., where for several
days he has been confined to a hos'
pital bed, he went immediately to
work at his office in the administra-
tion building.
Yost, who will retire next month,
looked exceptionally well and, as he
pitched into .all the back work which
had piled up in his absence, told re-
porters that he had "never felt better
in his life."
" They gave out the information in
Nashville that I had suffered a heart
attack, but this information did not
come from the hospital. According
to the physicians there I was suffer-
ing from a gall bladder attack. They
[told me I could start playing golf
again, but there is a lot of work to be
done before July 1."
Rate Reduction
T o Be Sought
'In Ann Arbor
Citizens Will Urge Council
To Secure Lower Cost
Of City's Natural Gas
Action to secure a reduction in cost
of natural gas will be urged upon the
Ann Arbor Common Council in its
meeting at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow in
the City Hall.
A group of Ann Arbor citizens, led
by Leslie Wikel, local businessman,
Prof. L. C. Karpinski of the mathe-
matics department and Prof. John
Muyskens of the speech department,
are planning a concerted course of
action in conjunction with a cam-
paign, to lower gas rates all over
southeastern Michigan.
The local drive comes upon the
heels of a Securities Exchange Com-
mission ruling in Washington, accord-
ing to Professor Karpinski, which will
make it possible for Detroit to shortly
secure natural gas at a much lower
rate than is now in effect.
John W. Smith, president of the
Detroit Common Council, has invited
the mayors of a number of south-
eastern Michigan cities to meet in
the council chambers June 12 to de-
cide upon a course of action with re-
spect to obtaining a similar lowering
of rates in their respective communi-
A formal hearing of the gas case is
to be held in Lansing June 18 before
the Michigan Public Service Commis-

Michigan Gets Third Place
With Fine 'Performance
On Rain-Soaked Track
Michigan Secures
Two Singles Titles
(Special to The aily)
CHICAGO, Ill., May 31.-Michi-
gan's mighty netters won their first
conference crown today and cracked
the eight-year monopoly on Big Ten
tennis championships maintained by
Northwestern and Chicago since the
team title was instituted in 1933.
When final matches were over, the
Wolverines had 16 points, followed by
Northwestern, the 1940 champions,
and Chicago with 11 each; Minnesota,
8; Ohio State 5; Wisconsin 4; and
Iowa none.
Two Individual Titles
In winning the net crown, the Maize
and Blue players gained only two in-
dividual titles. In the fifth singles
brackets, Tom Gamon whipped Ralph
Johansen of Chicago in the finals,
6-1, 6-2. On the previous day he had
beaten Bob Bruce of Wisconsin, 4-6,
6-4, 6-2, while Johansen had defeated
Jack Shapiro of Northwestern, 3-6,
6-1, 7-5.
Carrying his victory string to 12
straight Alen Johnson blanked his op-
ponent, Ken Silgen, 6-0; 6-0, to win
the number six singles crown. In beat-
ing Bob Goodkind of Northwestern
yesterday, "Jinx" lost but two games,
while Silgen was forced to three sets
before he conquered Grover Daily of
Chicago. Incidentally, this shutout
was the only one in the tourney.
Four other Michigan men reached
the finals today, but couldn't put
across the winning points. Capt. Jim
Tobin, playing his last match for the
Maize and Blue, was downed by Sey-
mour Greenberg, 6-4, 6-3, in a bril-
liant exhibition of tennis.
Yesterday Greenberg was carried to
three sets before he beat Sherwood
Gorenstein of Wisconsin, but was not
up to his usual game. Tobin, on the
other hand, played excellently to whip
Dick McFarlane of Ohio State, 7-5,
Tobin Red-Hot
Today, Tobin was red-hot, but the
Wildcat southpaw was even hotter
Tobin played brilliantly but just was-
n't good enough to beat Greenberg.
Teaming with Lawton Hanlmett to
play in the first doubles final against
Greenberg and Gene Richards, Tobin
again played great tennis, but Green-
berg was all over the court.
The Michigan duo went down in
straight sets, 6-3, 8-6, after having
a 5-4 lead in games and a 40-love set
point in the second set.
To reach the finals, Tobin and
Hammett whipped Henry Nosek and
Chris Geanekoplis of Minnesota and
the Northwestern pair took Goren-
stein and Art Neilson of Wisconsin.
Wayne Stille lost a tough struggle
(Continued on Page 3)
Wolverines Take Third
Behind Hurons
Capitalizing on their traditional
strength in the distance :events, the
Michigan Normal Hurons.copped
their second consecutive Michigan
AAU outdoor track crown on Briggs
Field's rain-soaked track at Ypsilan-
ti yesterday, running up a total of
129 points.
The Detroit Police Club finished
second with 119 points, followed close-
ly by a small group of Wolverine run-
ners, who despite their lack of numer-
ical strength, challenged the win-
ners with a total of 117 points.
With many of his star performers
remaining at home because of the
nearness of final exams, Michigan
Coach Ken Doherty announced be-

fore the start of the meet that the
Wolverines would .not be competing
for the team title.
Frank McCarthy, Wolverine sopho-
more, was second-place individual
point winner, garnering 31 points to
finish behind George Huber, the 250-
pound Detroit policeman, who rolled
up 32 points. McCarthy won the

First Conference Crown;
Nine Downs Spartans, 6-4

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MedF l Libartian veetetHere
For 3 IDay Nation.al Conven tion

Ralph Ingersoll Editor Of PM,
To Speak Here On British Aid

One hundred twenty medical libra-
rians, coming from the greatestl
libraries from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, convened this week on Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday in meetings
of the American Medical Librarians'
The meetings were under the lead-
ership of the president of the society,
Col. Harold Wellington Jones, libra-
rian in charge of the Surgeon Gen-
eral's library in Washington, D.C.'
This institution is the most important
medical library in the world in both
the fields of general and military
Congressional Appropriation
Congress has recently appropriated
$5,000,000 to house this library, and
for this reason, Col. Jones was inter-
ested in the internal arrangement of
Ann Arbor libraries. He asserted,

lands, who is recognized as the fore-
most American authority in this
Jones Gives Paper
Colonel Jones, as president, pre-
sided over many of the sessions, and
presented an illuminating paper
which indicated that there were over
900 public and private medical libra-
ries in the U.S. In his examination
of the collections of Dr. Crummer,
the Haas medical incunabula and
the Stephen Pilciher anatomical col-
lection, Dr. Jones declared that the
copies were superb specimens of the
great rarities of medical science.
In some respects, the most notable
items of the meeting were the three
historical papers presented by Drs.
Sturgis, Coller and Weller, three of

Climaxing a day of meetings and
discussions sponsored by the Ameri-
can Student Defense League, Ralph
Ingersoll will address a mass assem-
bly at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on "Whose War
Is This?"
Ingersoll's talk will be the highlight
of the ASDL's state regional con-
ference which will be held at 4:30
p.m. in Room 305 Michigan Union.
Ingersoll will speak at this meeting
on "America At The Crossroads."
After dinner at the Michigan Union,
the faculty advisers, executive com-
mittee and guests of the ASDL will
conduct a discussion on "What Kind
Of A World Are We Fighting For?"
Proam Part Of Effort

York American to the general man-
agership of Time, Inc.
PM is not the first of Ingersoll's
pioneering efforts. He was present
at the birth of the New Yorker and
Fortune, and served as managing edi-
tor on both magazines before he con-
ceived the idea of PM.
Ingersoll Crusades
Since the appearance of PM with.
Ingersoll as editor and publisher, he
has taken the lead in crusade after
crusade. Under his leadership, PM
has criticized social abuses ranging
from unsanitary poultry' markets to
slum conditions in Hoboken. It was
particularly outspoken in the recent
Ford-CIO controversy.
Ingersoll is well-qualified to dis-
cuss the aspects of this emergency
situation. He has recently written a

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