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June 01, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-01

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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair toilay, chance4
cooler this even

of rain;






Draft Requirement

Revisions Rises

Pressures exerted in recent weeks
by student protestors, academ-
icians and congressmen against
Selective Service draft policies may
find release in a long-range over-
haul of the system. A special Pen-
tagon committee is currently ad-
vocating revisions so that in nor-
mal peacetime only 19-year-olds
would be drafted.
The Defense Department group
also recommended a return to the
lottery system of calling up draf-
tees, whereby all young men aged
18 and 19 would have their names
put in a "hat." Those whose names
were drawn out would serve, while
others might remain exempt in-
definitely except in cases of acute
national emergency.
The Pentagon report, rumored
to be on the verge of presentation
to President Johnson, will be the
conclusion of a study ordered by

the President in the spring of
1964. Long delayed and not yet
officially released, the report has
become the center of the current
draft controversy. Some sources
have even speculated that it has
been approved at highest Penta-
gon levels, though such indica-
tions were quickly denied by De-
fense Department officials.
According to the New York
Times, Defense Secretary Robert
S. McNamara disclosed that he
has not yet made up his mind
as to what specific recommenda-
tions should be made to the White
House, although two ideas are un-
der serious consideration at this
The first is that the draft should
be continued in roughly its pres-
ent form while pressures and com-
mitments in Viet Nam grow. It is
thought that to change familiar

procedures in midstream would be
too complicated and unsettling.
The Pentagon study group reach-
ed this conclusion last year and
the increased war efforts have re-
inforced its convictions that the
draft must be continued at least
on a short term basis.
The second consideration is in
the form of an alternative system
which could be substituted for the
draft. Sources close to the study
group indicated that the most pop-
ular among the members is the
lottery, similar in various ways to
the system used at the beginning
of World Wars I and II.
Under the version already men-
tioned involving youths of 18 and
19, young men would have the
option of withdrawing their names
from the pool if they wanted to
go straight to college from high
school. Students' names, however,

would automatically be returned
to the "hat" upon their receiving
a degree.
This system would not allow
men to continue escaping military
service by going to graduate school,
nor would marriage and raising a
family while in college insure a
continuing exemption. Members of
the study group commented,
though, that a few exemptions
would undoubtedly still be granted
in cases of extreme hardship.
Recent student and Republican'
criticism contending that the draft
is unfair to the poor would be
met by this system. Men financial-
ly able to keep themselves in col-
lege for prolonged periods would
no longer be favored. The lottery,
too, would be flexible to the na-
tional military needs-in wartime,
the number of names drawn for
service could be easily increased.

While there is no assurance that present program of deferring col-
the Pentagon's report will result lege students results in "inevitable
in major changes in the draft sys- discrimination between the rich
tem, the plan will undoubtedly re- and the poor." The paper also
ceive a thorough review by Presi- points out the many changes with-
dent Johnson. Whatever sustains in the country since the law was
examination the draft undergoes, written in 1951 which might tend
it will be its first in 15 years. to outmode the present system and
Regardless of what action the make it entirely inappropriate.
President takes, interest in the The Republican statements as
question continues to rise. If the well raise familiar issues:
White House remains silent, con- . . f
gressional criticism is likely to -Whether it is fair to favor
grow in the next few months. those who marry early or who are
Resolutions have been introduced wealthy enough to attend college;
in both the Senate and the House -Whether men with "trick
asking the President to establish a knees" now often exempted should
blue-ribbon committee to investi- not be allowed to perform cleri-
gate the draft. cal duties, and
Twenty-five Republican mem- -Whether mental standards
bers of the House, the so-called should be lowered with the armed
Wednesday group of liberals and services providing special teach-
moderates, issued a position pa- ing for those below a certain level.
per recently declaring that the Draft director Lt. Gen. Lewis B.

Hershey commented over the
weekend that he sees some con-
gressional electioneering behind
Capitol Hill's demands for an
investigation of the Selective Serv-
ice investigation.
One alternative the Republican
group and many others would
like discussed is a peacetime Ar-
my based solely on volunteers. Op-
ponents of this proposal include,
however, most professional mili-
tary men. A voluntary system,
many claim, would work only if
military pay, fringe benefits, and
prestige are made commensurate
with civilian occupations. One un-
official estimate is that it would
take $6 billion to make abandon-
ment of the draft feasible.
A final alternative which sourc-
es say met with sharp opposition
from many of the members of the

Pentagon study committee was the
idea of non-military options.
Though appeal on ideological
grounds is high and endorsements
from Peace Corps and VISTA of-
ficials have been favorable, objec-
tions are being based on strictly
practical grounds.
It has been argued, for example,
that there are not enough non-
military jobs to fill the demand.
Further, the Peace Corps and sim-
ilar programs might be damaged
by making them a haven for draft
If the United States decides to
adopt a lottery or other conscrip-
tive form of male youth service,
it would be among one of a hand-
ful of nations in the world to have
such a system. Universal conscrip-
tion today is more the exception
than the rule.

To Release
Funds Bill
University To Receive
Less Than Requested,!
Final Approval Soon
The Ways and Means Commit-
tee of the House of Representa-
tives is expected to release the
University's appropriations bill
sometime this week. The commit-
tee will recommend a figure for
the amount of state funds to be
allotted to the University. This
figure must receive final approval
from the entire House.
The University's original request
sent to the governor totaled al-
most $65 million. The Senate Ap-
propriations Committee trimmed
this figure to $57.9 million-a little
over $1 million above the gover-
nor's budget.
In a presentation before theE
House committee, the University
decreased their requested appro-
priation to approximately $62 mil-
lion. This is still $4 million over
the Senate allocation. Part of this
was to help raise professors' salar-
ies by an average of eight per cent.
The University has asked for a
$1 million appropriation for the
Center for Research on Learning
and Teaching, so that the Univer-
sity could set up a proposed state-
wide computer network, allowing
it to exchange information with
other schools.
The governor in his budget had
requested only $200,000 for the
center, but the Senate provided no
money to set up the center. Lans-
ing sources indicate, however, that
a line item might be inserted for
the center for approximately $550,-
000-the amount requested by the
State Board of Education for the
A line item is a portion of the
University budget which is appro-
priated for a specific project and
supposedly not part of the Gen-
eral Fund. Thus, the University
would be required to spend the
money for the new center and not
for other University needs.
Further speculation has centered
on the University request for an
Institute for International Com-
merce which is to be part of the
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration. The University has
asked for $150,000 to set up the
institute but no money was ap-
propriated by the Senate. Sen.
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor)
has given the proposal his active
personal support and it appears a
line item also might appear for
the institute.

MinhInuredSoviet Union Urges Quick
MIoigan By Grenade AtnOHS eTrC
NEWS WIRE Last Night A to nSaeTet
Monk Wounided as

Late World News
A NEGRO WON THE Democratic nomination last night for
Macon County sheriff-a historic victory-and two other Negroes
also won nomination for local office in Alabama.
In a peaceful runoff primary, two Negroes were nominated
for tax collector and the county governing board in Macon County
-home of the famed Tuskegee Institute. Another Negro was
nominated for a school board seat in Green County.
In 22 other races for local office Negroes either were defeated
or trailing white opponents.
The defeated Negro candidates included attorney Fred Gray,
long active in Alabama's civil rights struggle, who ran for the
legislature from a district that included Gov. George C. Wallace's
home county of Barbour.
Macon, which two years ago became the first Alabama county
to elect Negroes to office since Reconstruction days, already has a
Negro on the Board of Revenue and three more holding other
In addition, Tuskegee, the county seat, has two Negroes on
its City Council. One of them, the Rev, K. L. Buford, had sup-
ported Sadler for sheriff.
NEW YORK-A PEACE SCARE sent a nervous stock market
into a steep decline yesterday.
Pressure on prices increased after Wall Street heard un-
confirmed rumors of peace overtures by North Viet Nam.
Some brokers said investors were worried over what would
happen to defense issues in the event of a cease-fire.
"We've had this before," one broker said. "Peace shouldn't
hurt the market as a whole as we would get rid of the threat
of a tax increase and higher interest rates."
REP. WESTON VIVIAN (D-Ann Arbor) announced last night
two National Aeronautics and Space Administration grants to
the University. A $14,352 grant for "Panel Flutter of Cylindrical
Shells" went to W. I. Anderson while G. W. Stroke received
$144,170 for "Investigating Novel Techniques for Ruling Improved
Large Diffraction Gratings."
Vivian also announced a National Science Foundation grant
to Richard L. Malvin for his project "Hormones and Renal Func-
GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S comedy about courtship, "Mis-
alliance," will open the Summer Playbill season of the University
Players at 8 o'clock tonight in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
play is directed by William R. McGraw of the speech department.
AN EXCHANGE PROGRAM that will allow undergraduate
candidates for the teachers' certificates to study for one year in
India is being implemented by the University's School of Educa-
This new program will send prospective teachers in the social
studies to the University of Baroda for a year of study from
July, 1966, to March, 1967.

Students Burn U.S.
Consulate in Hue

I -A- - - '%-o#r qMW -AMI-

SAIGON ('-A student mob
sacked and burned the U.S. con-
sulate in Hue late last night while
in Saigon a leading Buddhist monk
was seriously wounded by a gre-
nade thrown by an unknown
The new outbreaks of violencej
came on the heels of the start of
talks between Buddhist represen-
tatives and leaders of the military
junta the Buddhists have been
trying to overthrow. The attack
on the monk appeared likely to
have serious repercussions on the
talks and could touch off new
demonstrations in Saigon.
No Americans were reported in-
.olved in the attack on th - con-
sulateinii Hue, the Buddist
stronghold 400 miles northeast of
Saigon. The consulate building was
closed last Saturday, t wo days I
after a mob sacked and burned
the U.S. Information Service
building in Hue. Most of the con-
sulate staff was evacuated to Sai-
gon, but U.S. Consul Thomas Cor-
coran set up an office in the U.S.
military compound in Hue.
Student Mob
A mob of about 1,000 screaming
students attacked the two-story
consulate building just before
noon, ripped down portraits of
President Johnson and carried off1
two U.S. flags as the building
The mob also set fire to a resi-
dence next door used by members
of the consulate staff.
A company of Vietnamese army
troops fled when the students
marched on the consulate.
The monk wounded in Saigon
was Thich Venerable Thien Minh,
deputy head of the Buddhist In-
stitute which has been leading the
campaign to oust the military
A grenade was thrown at his
car as it was entering the gate
of the Buddhist youth center on
the outskirts of Saigon. Minh's
driver also was injured.
Shortly after the attack, a mob
of screaming Buddhist youths
burned an American vehicle out-
side the Buddhist Institute. It was
not known immediately what pro-
voked the burning.
Monks at the youth center
'claimed the grenade attack on
Minh "must have been the work
of government henchmen."

:- D
a ean
Similar To
Seek Treaty To Ban
"r A ii u v i"a r


-Associated Press
This is a full-scale model of the 2,200 pound Surveyor I scheduled to attempt a soft landing late
today in the dry Sea of Storms on the moon.
Surveyor Heads for Moon as
Gemi*ni* 9 Pilots ,Start Launch

PASADENA {A'}-Surveyor 1 has The astronauts themselves were
changed course slightly and is ready to roar off aboard a Titan 21

.,..4k ,,,.., .,,.. .. ... M _ . -- -- i

heading for a new target on the
moon where, hopefully, it will land
gently tonight-Pacific Daylight
Time-and take close up pictures
of the surface.
Meanwhile, at Cape Kennedy,
the Gemini 9 pilots, tempered by
disappointment, try again todayl
for three days of space acrobatics
and a 2%-hour walk in the sky.
The latest satus report: some
transient electrical gremlins, but
nothing serious.
The electrical troubles cropped
up in an inverter-a gadget that
translates direct current into al-
ternating current - abroad the
Atlas rocket. The Atlas is to send
a make-shift target into orbit at
11 a.m. today.


Fraternities Cited As Flexible, Healthy

rocket an hour and 38 minutes
Launch officials began their
midcount checkout at 1 p.m. yes-
terday-testing out all the Gemini
For all the hope and excitement
surrounding their own flight, Staf-
ford and Cernan kept ears cocked
for reports of the three-legged
Surveyor probe heading with great
precision for a soft landing on the
moon to chart a man-landing area
and test the lunar surface.
The spidery 2,200-pound craft,
launched Monday from Cape Ken-
nedy, should come down at 11:17
p.m. PDT today in the moon's dry
Sea of Storms.
Descension Critical.
The critical question is how
gently it will descend. A retro-
rocket and three guidance rockets
are supposed to slow it from near-
ly 6,000 miles per hour to about 8
m.p.h. at impact.
A soft landing is vital if its
television camera is to survive and
end back pictures which will in-
dicate strength of the moon's crust
and help scientists select a land-
ing spot for Apollo astronauts
later in this decade.
If all goes well, Surveyor should
begin sending clear television pic-
tures of the lunar surface shortly
after it lands tonight. They are
expected to be comparable if not
superior to pictures returned by
Russia's Luna 9.
Other Florida Preparations
Thwarted once before when an
Atlas rocket's steering ran wild
and their space target was lost

But when the Agena was lostt
May 17, causing a two-week post-
ponement of the flight, the 11-
foot ATDA was pressed into serv-
Air Force officials declined tos
hold off committing the Atlas to
flight until a through investigationX
of the problem. However, a spokes-t
man said it was "not expected to
have an adverse effect on to-
day's launch attempt.'f
Inverter problemsrare not new
to the Atlas, and are often fixedx
with very little interruption in{
schedules, officials point out.
Stafford Voice Link
While Cernan cavorts in spacel
with his own oxygen supply,
Stafford, an Air Force lieutenant
colonel, will be the only voice link
to his space buddy. The ground
will be able to talk with Stafford,
but only Stafford will be able to
talk with and hear Cernan.
Just hours before Cernan be-
gins his walk in space, the first
television pictures of the moon
from the Surveyor satellite are
to be beamed to earth. When it
lands, both Stafford and Cernan
will be snoozing in their Gemini
spacecraft, docked with the ATDA,
in a 17,500 mile per hour orbit of
the earth, 185 miles up.
The docking and space chase.
will take the first hours of their
flight-simulating the rendezvous
that astronauts will have to per-
form to return to earth from the
When the first American astro-
nauts do fly to the moon, they
will go into orbit around it with

w aons anct iitary
Activities on Moon
Soviet Union yesterday urged
quick action on a treaty to inter-
nationalize the moon and other
celestial bodies and to ban their
use for military purposes.
The plan was strikingly similar
to one advanced May 7 by Presi-
dent Johnson. While the Russians
did not link the two plans, the
Soviet move appeared to assure a
full debate in the fall on the outer
space issue which both Washing-
ton and Moscow now consider
In Washington, the deputy press
secretary at the White House,
Robert H. Fleming, said of the
Soviet proposal: "It appears to
support the stand taken by the
President in the May 7 state-
This was one in which Johnson
also proposed a treaty that would
ban weapons of mass destruction
on a celestial body as well as
weapons, tests, and military ma-
neuvers and leave the moon and
other heavenly bodies "free for
exploration and use by all coun-
Soviet Ambassador to the U.N.
Fedorenko disclosed the plan at
a newsconference. He acknowl-
edged that the United States had
advanced its own proposals, but
indicated the Soviet move was
part of a continuing effort rather
than a response to the U.S. in-
The timing, however, was seen
as a sign that the Russians were
anxious to get the stalled talks
moving again. This was the first
step that could be viewed as a
possible reaction to the Johnson
In a letter, Soviet Foreign Am-
bassador Andrei Gromyko laid
down four principles which he said
he hoped would be included in the
proposed treaty:
-The moon and other celestial
bodies should be free for explora-
tion and use by all countries with-
out discrimination.
The moon and other celestial
bodies should be used for peace-
ful purposes only and all military
bases and weapons of mass de-
struction should be banned.
-The exploration of these bod-
ies should be carried out for the
benefit of all mankind and the
bodies are not subject to any ter-
ritorial claims.
-In the course of the explora-
tion of the celestial bodies there
should be cooperation and mutual
assistance, among the nations in-
Johnson's May 7th proposal
called for immediate action to
draft a treaty internationalizing
the moon and other outer space

The University's fraternity sys-
tem was characterized as "flex-
ible, healthy and changing" by
Charles Judge, Assistant Director
in the Office of Student Affairs,
He said that the past two
rushes, which were the largest
ever, are proof of the strength of
the system, and that as long as
the University continues to grow,
thp fraternities likewise will con-

on the "rah-rah socializing as-
pects" he said.
Increasing Academic Interests
As an example of this emerging
concept, Judge pointed to Phi
Kappa Tau, which has instituted
a speaker-discussion program.
What holds this group together,
he said, is an interest in more
intellectual aspects. Such a group
would probably never have been
organized ten years ago, he added.
Further proof of increasing in-

than at most other Big Ten uni-
versities, he pointed out.
Differences Noted
Judge said that there are several
differences between the Univer-
sity's fraternity system and those
at other colleges, and that these
differences are responsible for
some of the strong points of the
First, he asserted, the fraterni-
ties here do not have house
mothers, which puts a great bur-

aduit chaperones at their parties,
Judge explained, but only require
that two of the house officers be
present. There have also been a
liberalizing of rules governing
"open-opens," he added.
The Interfraternity Council dis-
ciplines the system, Judge pointed
out, thus making the students
responsible for this aspect of the
system too.
Accept Responsibility
The important thing about the

limiting their range of living ex-
periences. Here, it is likely that a
member will live in the dorm, the
house, and an apartment, or at
least two of the three, while he is
at the University.
As freshmen or sophomores,
Judge explained, men will join a
fraternity for several reasons-
prestige, social contacts, social life,
and because of a group living situ-
ation. By the time they are juniors
or seniors, however, their social
or intellectual interests may have

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