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June 01, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-06-01

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Thle Weather
Fair Wednesday night anid
Thiursday, somewhat warmer





Roosevelt and Hitler.

. ... ... .. .

L. XLIII No. 177




ant Prizes

Appointed Permanent Class Secretaries

To Seventeen
In Hopwoods
Mrs. Mildred Schernn,, Of
Ann .Arbor, Given Fic-
tion Honor
Tota Of Awards Is
Highest In Country
Bequest Of $321,987
Made By Well-Known
American Playwright
Seventeen students will receive
prizes totalling $9,000 in the annual
Hopwood Writing Contest at the
Hopwood Lecture, to be held at 4:15
p. m. today in the Union ballroom.
These awards are from a fund given
by the late Avery Hopwood, noted
dramatist, who set aside more than
$321,987 to be used for the encour-
agement of young authors.I
Max Eastman, well-known literary
critic and poet, will deliver the an-
nual lecture and will present the
awards to the winners.
The awards are divided into the
major and minor classes, and are
given in the fields of drama, fiction,
essay, and poetry.
Major awards were given to the
following persons: drama, Vincent C.
Wall, Jr., Grad., $1,000, and Hobert
D. Skidmore, Grad., $500; essay,
Theodore Hornberger, Grad., $700; es-
say and fiction, Mrs. Mildred W.
Schemm, Grad., $1,500; fiction, Doro-
thy Greenwald, Grad., $800, and
Frances Swain, Grad., $700; poetry,
Van B. Aldermann, Grad., $900, John
M. Turner, Jr, Grad., $900.
Minor awards of $250 each were
granted to the following students:
drama, Theodore K' Cohen, '35, and
Kathleen C. Murphy, Spec., essay,
Walter R. Morris, Grad., and Arthur
F. Clifford '35; fiction, Beatrice
Schmidt, Grad., and Donald B. Elder,
'35; poetry, Marian L. Giddings, '34,
and Katherine Ripman, Grad.
Judges in the competition were:
in the field of poetry, Dorothy Can-
field Fisher, John Turner Frederick,
and Harlan Hatcher; in drama,
Charles S. Brooks, Paul Green, and
Burns Mantle; in poetry, Max East-
man, Jessie B. Rittenhouse, and'
Wallace Stevens; and in essay,
Franklin P. Adams, Henry Seidel
Canby, and Edmund Wilson. Last
year the Hopwood Awards totalled
Dr. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, director of the
awards, said he was highly pleased
with the -work that was turned in.
"Some of the work is challenging
and rich in promise," he declared,
"and some of it has arrived."
He predicted that the literary
world "shall hcar from some of these
people," citing the work of Anne
Persov, Grad, "Whatever You Reap,"
which was recently published and
has received "wide acclaim," in Dr.
Weaver's words.
Baseball Team
Beats Ohio In
Close Contest
COLUMBUS, O., May 31.-(Spe-
cial) - Michigan's baseball team
cinched a tie for second place in the
final Conference standing Tuesday
and Wednesday when it took two
games from Ohio State at Columbus.
"Whitey" Wistert won the final
game of the year yesterday when he
set the Buckeyes down with two runs

and four hits while he and his team-
mates got 11 hits for four runs.
The Decoration Day game devel-
oped into a slugfest for both teams
with the Wolverines coming out on{
the long end of a 10 to 8 score. Art I
Patchin started on the mound for
Michigan but was driven to the
-lhowers in the fourth when the
Buckeyes got four runs.
Harry Tillotson finished the game,
keeping the hits well scattered. He
allowed two runs in the ninth but
cut off the Buck rally before it could
become serious.
Fishcer's men got 15 hits, including
a home run and a triple by Captain
Mike Diffley.
Wednesday's game:
Michigan ....110 000 110- 4 11 2
Ohio State ...200 000 000- 2 4 1
Three Coaches To Be
At Battle Creek Party


Catherine Heeson, '33, and James Inglis, '33, who were appointed
permanent class secretaries yesterday of the class of 1933.
* * *r <i - - ~ ___ _
Secretaries Of Fourth Play Of
Class Of 1933 Sprin ; Season.
Are Announced OpensTonight
Catherine Heeson, James Violet Hemning, Geoffrey
Inglis Appointed To Be Kerr, Tom Powers Star
Permanent Officers In Noel Coward Play
Catherine F. Heeson, 33, and The fourth attraction of the Dra-
James H. Inglis, '33, were appointed matic Season opens tonight with NoelI
yesterday as permanent secretaries Coward's dramatic comedy, "Design'
of the graduating class of this year for Living," at the Mendelssohn The-
by Charles M. Rush, senior president. atre. By special permission of Mr.
Miss Heeson is a resident of Te- Coward, the performance tonight will
cumseh, Mich. She is a member of mark the first production anywhere
Delta Gamma sorority, of Sigma Al- outside of New York City. The cast
pha Iota, and Alpha Lambda Delta. will star Violet Heming as Gilda,
In her junior year she was presi- Geoffrey Kerr as Leo, and Tom Pow-
dent of Wyvern and vice-president ers of the New York Theatre Guild
of her class. She has held the pos- as Otto.
itions of music chairman of the "Design For Living" will be pre-
Freshman Pageant, chairman of the sented for seven performances in the
program committee for the Junior Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, includ-
Girls' Play, and chairman of the dec- ing tonight, tomorrow matinee and
orations committee for the Sopho- night, Saturday matinee and night,
more Cabaret. This year she was a and Monday and Tuesday nights,
member of Mortarboard, senior wom- June 5 and 6. At the Wednesday
en's honor society. matinee and night, June 7. Alexandre
Inglis, a resident of Ann Arbor, is Dumas' "The Lady of the Camelias"
a member of Alpha Delta Phi Fra- opens with Miss Jane Cowl and Rollo
ternity, of Michigamua, Comedy Peters.
Club, and Quadrangle. At present "Design For Living" has just closed
he is vice-president of Sigma Delta a run of 26 week at the Ethel
Chi, professional journalistic frater- Barrymore Theatre in New York
nity, and secretary of Mimes. He City. A telegram from Noel Coward,
served for three years on the staff received by Robert Henderson yester-
of The Daily, as tryout, reporter, and day, which was sent just before Mr.
night editor. Coward embarked on a cruise to Peru
In accordance with the usual cus- and Caile last night, reads as fol-
tom, the graduating class will return lows: "The Lunts and myself send
to Ann Arbor for its first reunion in very best wishes for your success in
1938. Inglis will prepare form letters Design. Hope your audiences like the
annually relating to alumni activities play as much as we do. Best wishes to
and mail them to the members of his Geoffrey and Violet-Noel Coward."
class. Information regarding 1933 Geoffrey Kerr returns to Ann Ar-
graduates will be sent to the perm- bor for this single production follow-
anent secretaries who will, besides ing his success in the Dramatic Sea-
keeping it on file, submit it to the i son last year in Philip Barry's "The
Michigan Alumnus for publication. Animal Kingdom" and with Violet
1Kemble-Cooper in "The Vinegar
12 Tree." He has been working with
both Mr. Coward and Alfred Lunt on
Hy the exact playing business of the
Paid To Staf f production. Mr. Kerr said yesterday,
"We really felt that we come to 'De-
sign' with the tremendous advantage
Of U n iver sit of all of the New York production's
revisions as they found various elim-
.t Uinations and additions that made the
Half of the amounts due Umiver- play more effective in actual play- !
sity employees in payrolls for the p m f v a
month of May were paid yesterday,
according to Shirley W. Smith, vice-
president and secretary of the Uni- STATE GETS RELIEF FUNDS
versity. WASHINGTON, May 31.-(A)--
Totalling approximately $272,000, Harry L. Hopkins, Federal relief ad-
the sum was handed over to the ministrator, today granted $4,547,-
University some time ago by the fi- 913 of emergency relief funds to
nance committee of the State Ad- Pennsylvania; $3,915,107 to Michigan,
ministrative Board. and $57,895 to Georgia.
Old Alumnus Of University Is

Senate Digs
Further Into
Morgan & Co.
More Prominent Persons
On Favored List; Sen.
Glass Gets Threats
Committee Member
Is Among Named
William G. McAdoo Is
Again Listed; Whitney
Defends Company
ramifications of J. P. Morgan & Co.
financing dug out by Senate inves-
tigators today lengthened the line
of prominent persons to whom the
big banking firm opened opportuni-
ties of one-time paper profits exceed
ing $20,000,000.
"Sharers in the risk of underwrit-
ing" was the persistent designation
given these customers by George
Whitney, a member of the firm, who
spent most of the day outlining the
organization of The United Corp., a
Morgan utility holding group, while
J. P. Morgan sat quietly by.
Repeatedly Whitney objected to
describing as "preferred" or "fa-
vored" those clients to whom stock
was sold at cost prices-prices much
below market quotations of a few
days later-despite Senatorial prod-
dings into public connections of the
buyers and .iust what the "risk" was.
The Banking Committee members
found one of its own members-Sen-
ator Hamilton Kean, (Rep., N. J,)-
on the list of those who were sold for
$75 units of United stock that were
quoted just a little later on the mar-
ket at $99.
Kean's firm of Kean, Taylor &
Co., bought 500 units.
Sen. William Gibbs McAdoo (Dem.,
Calif.), also appeared on this third
list of customers as the purchaser of
250 units, each unit consisting of one
share of preferred and one share of
common. McAdoo also had peen
among cost price customers of Alle-
gheny Corp. and Standard Brands,
Inc. Both of McAdoo's transactions
were before he went into the Senate.
Committee investigators said also
that when the United customers of
Drexel & Co., Morgan's Philadelphia
affiliate, are put into the record to-
morrow, the name of Supreme Court
Justice Awen J. Roberts, will appear
Both of his transactions were be-
fore he went on the Supreme Court
"Is my name on the list?" asked
Senator Carter Glass, (Dem., Va.),
who came to the hearing with a sheaf
of letters threatening him because of
his stand in the Morgan inquiry.
"No, Senator, it is not," Whitney
replied as Morgan joined him in a
broad smile.
Court Hearing
To Be Held On
East Side Beer
New Granada Cafe Asks'
Hearing On Mandamus
Writ; Saturday Is Day
The legality of Ann Arbor's east
side beer ban will meet a court test
Saturday morning. Circuit Judge
George W. Sample has set that time

for a hearing on a writ of manda-
mus requested by the New Granada
Cafe, 331 S. State St. The owners of
the New Granada Cafe, Ralph T.
and Winifred Monk, claim that they
have met all the requirements of the
law and that the Common Council
has discriminated against them in
refusing their application for a
J. Edgar Dwyer will represent the
restaurant at the hearing Saturday.
He has acted as attorney for the
State St. stores during the contro-
versy. The New Granada Cafe was
selected to make the court applica-
tion, since its equipment satisfies all
portions of the state beer law and no
technical reason may be advanced by
the city for the license refusal.
In their application for a writ of
mandamus, the proprietors of the
cafe claimed that the council had re-
fused their application "without rea-
sonable cause or valid reason," and
that the refusal had resulted in a
loss of business to the establishment.

Intoxication At Swingout
Arouses Disapproval Of
Public And Faculty
Several members of the senior
class face disciplinary action by the
University for being under the influ-
ence of liquor during the Swingout
ceremonies, according to rumors last
night. Any action which the discip-
linary, committee may take will be
made public today, it was learned.
The case of a sophomore woman
who was involved in the affair was
brought before the judiciary commit-
tee of the Women's Self-Governing
Association, and the recommendation
of that body is now in the hands of
Dean Alice C. Lloyd. The charges
brought against her were not made
The students involved have been
brought before the disciplinary com-
mittee and may either be suspended
from the University or required to
take additional hours for graduation,
which will necessitate their returning
to the University for additional work.
Swingout, a tradition of long
standing, may be done away with as
a result of the intoxication of many
members of the senior class during
the ceremonies which took place May
16, according to reports. The cere-
monies this year were a "disgrace to
the University" in the opinion of
many members of the faculty, and
it is believed that a movement by
faculty members towards abolishing
the tradition is already under was.
The Student Council, in former
years, has had the responsibility of
running the Swingout ceremonies,
but due to the demise of that body
this spring, no organization was held
responsible. It was the consensus of
opinion among many of the students
that the affair lacked organization
this year.
Alumni Groups,
Ninth District,
To MeetToday
The annual meeting of the Univer-
sity Alumni clubs of the ninth dis-
trict, which covers southeastern
Michigan, will be held at noon today
at the Owosso Country Club. Mem-
bers will meet for luncheon, which
will be followed by business meetings
and a golf tournament. A banquet
in the evening concludes the day.
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of
alumni relations, will represent his
department, and will speak on the
lecture courses sponsored for district
alumni clubs by the local headquar-
ters. Other units interested in the
success of the courses given this year
in Detroit and Pontiac wish to have
them made available to a wider
T. Hawley Tapping, general sec-
retary of the Alumni Association and
editor of the Michigan Alumnus, will
attend as the association's represen-

Undergraduate Council Is
Established With Ex-Officio

Organization To Be Object
Of First Public Meeting,
At 7:30 P. M. Today
A New Deal in student government,
embodying practically all the fea-
tures of the "ex-officio" plan, was
approved yesterday by President
Alexander G. Ruthven, and will go
into effect at once.
The Constitution of the new stu-
dent governing body, which will be
called the Undergraduate Council on
Student Affairs, was drawn up by a
committee appointed by the dean of
students shortly after the recent
failure of the old Student Council
to continue its existence.
The membership of the Council
will include the presidents of Michi-
gamua, Druids, Vulcans, ,Sphinx,
Triangles, Tau Beta Pi, Mortarboard,
Wyvern, the Union, the League, the
Interfraternity Council, the Panhel-
lenic Association, and the Engineer-
ing Council; the managing editor of
The Daily; and the presidents of
Sphinx, Triangles, and Wyvern for
the first semester of the preceding
If there are not two non-frater-
nity members on the Council, the
Council will elect enough members to
insure at least two being on the
Council at all times.
The Council will hold its first
meeting at 7:30 p. m. today in the
Union in conjunction with the mem-.
bers of the committee which framed
the Constitution. Organization of
the Council will take place at that
time. The meeting will be open to
the public.
The constitution provides for a
president, who may be any man who
has had at least three years of resi-
dence on campus, not necessarily a
member of the Council. The secre-
tary-treasurer must be chosen from
the Council.
The complete constitution is as
follows :
The purpose of the Undergraduate
Council on Student Affairs shall be
to insure an effective means of com-
munication between the undergrad-
uate body and the University author-
'The prestige of this body, so neces-
sary to its successful operation, shall
be secured through strength of per-
sonnel gained by the selection of
recognized campus leaders from both
men's and women's activities and the
maintenance of a balance of repre-
sentation among all undergraduate
This Council shall exercise a gen-
eral supervision over student activ-
ities, organizations, traditions, cus-
toms, and conduct by means of legis-
lative and judicial action and
through the delegation of adminis-
trative functions to proper campus
agencies. It is recognized, for ex-
ample, that the Michigan Union and
the Michigan League are properly
qualified to handle jointly class elec-
tions; the Union to handle class
games; and the League to take dis-

Honorary Group
-en Men And Women Will
Serve On New Body;
Students F a c e To Meet Tonight
OfficialAction Provides For Two
Nkon-Fraternity Men

ciplinary action for women through
its Judiciary Committee.
Recognizing that it has with the
University Administration a common
duty in working for the best interests
of Michigan and Michigan under-
graduates, the Undergraduate Coun-
cil shall seek to co-operate with the
Administration in the exercise of its
governmental offices.
Article I.-Name
This organization shall be known
as "The Undergraduate Council on
Student Affairs of the University of
Article II-Objects
The objects for which this organi-
zation is founded are as follows:
1-To provide an effective means
of communication between the Un-
dergraduate Body and the University
2-To* exercise a general supervi-
sion over student activities, organiza-
tions, traditions, customs, and con-
duct in such a manner as to pro-
mote the best interests of the Uni-
versity students.
3-To crystallize and make effec-
tive representative undergraduate
Article III-Powers
Sec. 1-Legislative. The Under-
graduate Council may make rules
and regulations affecting student
customs, elections, celebrations, cere-
monies, special games and contests
not under the control of the Athletic
Board, and the general behavior of
the student body, except insofar as the
regulations in such matters is now,
or hereafter may be provided for by
the University authorities.
Sec. 2-Judicial. The Undergrad-
uate Council shall set up a Judiciary
Committee, composed of the Presi-
dent and four of its male members
which shall be elected by the Council.
This. committee shall have the power
to .conduct investigation into cases
concerning discipline of men, ahd re-
port same with recommendation to
the Dean of Students-for transmis-
sion to the proper faculty committee,
Sec. 3-Administrative. The Un-
dergraduate Council shall administer
(continued on Page 6)
Reserve Heads
To BeFeted At
Prof. Hobbs Is Principal
Speaker; Dr. Pierce To
Act As Toastmaster
Reservations for the banquet hon-
oring Maj. Basil D. Edwards, Capt.
Arthur B. Custis, Capt. Carroll A.
Powell, Capt. Robert H. Lord,. aid
Lieut. Richard R. Coursey have been
coming in very rapidly, it was an-
nounced by 'officials yesterday. The
dinner will, be held at 6:15 p. m. to-
day in the Union.
The occasion for the banquet is
Major Edwards' transfer from duty
as head of the Reserve Officers
Training Corps here to a post in the
office of the assistant secretary of
war in Washington. It isbeing spon-
sored by the Ann Arbor Branch of
the Reserve Officers Association.
Dr. Carleton Pierce, captain, med-
ical reserve corps, who is president of
the local chapter of the Officers
Reserve Corps, will act as toastmas-
ter, and the principal address of the
evening will be delivered by Prof.
William H. Hobbs, head of the geol-
ogy department. Professor Hobbs is
also chairman of the University
Committee on Military Affairs.
Among those expected to attend

are members of the Army and Navy
Club, senior officers in the Reserve
Training Corps, the officers of Scab-
bard and Blade, honorary military
fraternity, and officers of the Signal
Corps fraternity.
Yesterday the committee stated
that the purpose of the banquet is
Sto showthe appreciation felt by the
lmembers. of the above organizations
for the outstanding work which the
present staff of officers has accom-
plished here in building up the
R.O.T.C., and in devoting their time
voluntarily to the projects of the
other military organizations of the

Voted Degree After

72 Years

By JOHN C. HEALEY In September he became aide-de-
Seventy-two years after his class camp and assistant adjutant general
graduated f r o m the University, on the staff of Gen. R. J. Oglesby,
George Mason, 93 years old, has the successor of General McArthur.]
been voted his bachelor's degree by Later he participated in the Atlanta
the Board of Regents. Campaign and in July 28, 1864, he
Mr. Mason attended the University was honorably discharged.
and was to graduate with the class Leaving the army, Mr. Mason re-
of 1861 when the Civil War broke turned to Chicago, where his fam-
out. He asked President Henry P. ily had settled in 1844 when they
Tappan, the first man to head the came to this country from Scotland.
University after it had been located He entered business there, establish-
in Ann Arbor, whether he should ing a general foundry, which was
stay in school and receive his degree later merged with another as a com-
or join the Union army, and he was pany manufacturing general mach-
counseled to do the latter. Accord- inery.
ingly, he left a few months before Mr. Mason was a director of the
Commencement and went to train Chicago Public Library from 1874
for service. to 1880 and a director and member
In September of that year he en- of the Inter-State Industrial Ex-
listed as a private in the Twelfth position, which was terminated by

Economist Disputes Sociologist
On Woman's Business Future'
By MARJORIE BECK department, who claims that it is
The sociologists and the econom- easier now for women to get jobs
ists are again at odds over the ques- I than it is for men.
tion of whether or not the business This reversed state of affairs, Pro-
world will be more inviting to wo- fessor McKenzie said, has existed
men in the future. since 1920, and is due; to the fact
Women will never make a great that greater emphasis is being placed
success, as a group, in the business today on the commercial and cul-
world if present conditions continue, tural services as opposed to the in-
according to Prof. Max S. Handman dustrial. Manufacturing, he contin-
of the economics department. A ued, is on the decline as .far as the
change in the standard of values in number of workers is concerned, and
the business world, he said yesterday with the consequent opening up of
make it possible for women to make clerical and domestic service jo.bs,
their own peculiar contributions and the demand for women workers is
have them rated as highly as the increasingly greater than that for
men's. He believes, however, that men.
such a change is unlikely and he ex- The census for the past decade,]

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