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June 01, 1946 - Image 1

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D71 'itt


VOL. LVI, No. 154AH,


Regents Approve
Plan To Finance
New Construction
U niversity -eceives Gjif s Totalling
$70,527.70 for Awards, Fellowships
The Board of Regents yesterday authorized the University to borrow
$8,500,00 to retire all outstanding revenue bonds and to finance construc-
tion and furnishing of the new married students' apartments, the East
Quadrangle addition, the new women's dormitory and the Food Service

Senate Approves Modified Version
Of Truman's Emer'gency Labor Bill

from a term loan

Robert 1. Briggs said that $3,500,100 will be obtained
agreement with the National Bank of Detroit and

House To Consider
Revision Turdy
Penalties Are Eased for Strikers
Against Governmenit Operated Plants
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 1 - The Senate early today passed a sharply-
modified version of President Truman's emesrency labor legislation after
beating down a series of last-minute attempts t extract its legal enforce-
ment teeth.
The vote was 61 to 20.
The measure now goes back to the House for action on the Senate
umendments, chief of which removed authority to draft workers who strike
after government seizure of plants. , - -- --

Regents Accept
Addition of Two
Offices to SAC
Faculty-Student Ratio
Altered to Eight-Seven
The addition of two more student
members to the Student Affairs
Committee was approved yesterday
by the Board of Regents.
The reorganized committee will
consist of six members of the faculty,
the Dean of Women, the Dean of Stu-
dents and seven students. The Dean
of Students will continue to serve
as chairman.
Previously, there had been an eight
to five faculty-student ratio on the
As a result of the Regents' action,
the president of Student Legislature
and two other members of the Legis-
lature, one of whom must be a wo-
man, will be added to the committee.
Students who will retain member-
ship are the President of the League,
the managing editor of The Daily,
the chairman of Women's Judiciary
Council and the president of the
The president of Men's Judiciary
Council-which went out of existence
with the birth of Student Legisla-
ture-was formerly a student mem-
ber of the committee.
The Student Affairs Committee it-
self recommended an identical plan
of reorganization to the Regents May
21 as a result of campus dissatisfac-
tion with the faculty student ratio.
Lewm Urges
Break from
'Emotiona lism
"We must be brave enough to
break away from traditional emo-
tionalism" and to develop a science of
"social management," Prof. Kurt Le-
win, director of the Research Center
for Group Dynamics at the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology,
said last night.
Speaking on "Action Research on
Minority Problems" at the Hillel
Foundation, Prof. Lewin said that
methods to measure objectively the
.results of social action must be de-
veloped as prerequisites to effec-
tive "social management."
Prof. Lewin said that he has ten-.
tatively concluded that social action
is most effective when directed at
groups than at individuals or at
the masses. He based this conclusion
on experiments conducted by the re-
search center.
Knowledge, Prof. Lewin pointed
out, will not change prejudices. Re-
moving prejudices must be done ex-
perimentally on a group basis until
"social management" is developed, he
Marching Band
Plans Meeting
All men interested in becoming;
members of the University of Michi-
gan Marching Band for the fall se-
mester are urged to attend a meet-
ing at 11 a.m. next Saturday in the
Harris Hall band rehearsal room.
At this organizational meeting,
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of
the Marching Band, will discuss
plans and schedules of the 1946 foot-
ball season. The band will perform
at all home games and plans to make
trips to Minnesota and Ohio State
Veterans who expect to be in school
next fall and who have had some ex-

perience in high school or college
bands are cordially invited to attend

$5,000,000 by floating a dormitory
revenue bond issue.
The Regents also accepted gifts
to the University totalling $70,572.70,
made two faculty appointments and
granted three leaves of absence.
The largest gift accepted was
$20,000.00 from Industrial Rela-
tions Counselors, Inc., to found the
Clarence J. Hicks Memorial Fel-
lowship in Industrial Relations.
Other gifts accepted include: $10,-
000.00 from the Rockefeller Founda-
tion for use by the School of Public
Health; $1,500.00 from Meyer Mor-
ton of Chicago to maintain and
award the "Meyer Morton Trophy,"
which is to be given, as in past years,
to the most valuable candidate de-
veloped in spring football pratice;
$5,000.00 from the John Harper See-.
ley Foundation and $10,000.00 from
the Jessie G. M. Clapp Trust, Cleve-
land, Ohio.
Contributions amounting to $1,-.
000.00 were received to form a fund
to be designated "Furniture In-
dustry Program Equipment" to be
used in connection with the work
of the School of Forestry and Con-
servation in its projects in the field
of wood technology.
The Regents accepted the offer
of a scholarship covering tuition in
the Summer School of the University
of Havana for a Michigan student
made by the University of Michigan
Club of Havana, Angela Pons, '47, of
Schenectady, New York, has been se-
lected by La Sociedad Hispanica for
the award.
Prof. D. II. Parker of the philo-
sophy department was granted a
leave of absence for the fall semes-
ter to permit him to accept an ap-
pointment as visiting professor at
Columbia University. Doctors Mar-'
vin J. Shapiro, C. P. Chrest and
Arthur H. Joistand, Jr., of the De-
partment of Roentgenology of the
Medical School, were granted mili-
tary leaves of absence.
Prof. Nelson W. Clifton, chairman
of the Department of Aeronautical
Engineering at Iowa State College,
was appointed half-time professor
of aeronautical engineering for the
University year, 1946-47. David T.
Williams, of the Battelle Memorial
Institute, Columbus, Ohio, was ap-
pointed half-time associate profes-
sor of aeronautical engineering for
the same period.
Senior Bal
T ickets ont Sale
Are Available to All, I
Regardless of Class
Remaining tickets for Senior Ball1
will be available to all students, re-
gardless of class, from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. Monday through Friday at the1
main desks of the Union and League
and on the Diagonal.<
Identification cards must be pre-
sented to purchase all tickets.
Scheduled from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Friday at the Intramural Building,
the 1946 edition of the ball will fea-
ture Louis Prima, his showmanship,
and his danceable music, with Lily-
ann Carol taking vocal honors.
"We came, we saw, we conquered"
is the theme of the affair, and will
be carried out in decorations and
programs. Part of Ferry Field will
be converted into an open air ter-
race for the ball.

BELGIAN EDUCATORS VISIT HERE-Pictured above are the heads of four Belgian universities who will
visit here tomorrow and Monday as part of a two-week survey of American educational institutions under the
auspices of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation. Left to right: Prof. Jacques Cox, rector of the Un-
iversity of Brussels; Monsignor Honore Van Waeyenbergh, rector of the Catholic University of Louvain; Prof.
Edgard Blancquaert, rector of the University of Ghent ; and Prof. Jules Duesberg, administrator of the Uni-
versity of Liege.

Enrollment for
Vet Refresher
Course Limited
Applications Expected
To Pas 1,800 Quota
Enrollment for the fall term re-
fresher course for veterans will be
limited to 1,800, Clark Tibbits, Direc-
tor of the Veterans Service Bureau,
announced yesterday.
Although 1,800 is twice the num-
ber of veterans that were enrolled
in the spring term refresher course,
given last February, Tibbits said that
more than that number of applica-
tions are expected.
The fall refresher course will be-
gin on Thursday, August 15, and will
end on Friday, September 13. No.
degree credit will be given for the
refresher course, which is designed to
review the veteran's formal know-
ledge and to accustom him to aca-
demic work before the beginning of
the regular term.
The fee charged by the University
for the program will be paid by the
Veterans Administration. Veterans
electing a minimum of 12 hours of
work a week will obtain full subsis-
tence payments,
Courses will be offered in the fol-
lowing fields: science, mathematics,
engineering, social studies, English,
foreign languages and business ad-
ministration. An academic survey
course, consisting of reading drill and
lectures on academic problems, will
also be given.
According to a survey made by the
Veterans Service Bureau at the com-
pletion of the spring term refresher
course in February. participating vet-
erans gave "practically unanimous
approval to the program as a whole."
The survey indicated the veterans'
desire for more counseling.
Senior Caps, Gowns
Graduating seniors can now
place orders for caps and gowns
at Moe's Sport Shop, Liz Knapp,
head of the cap and gown com-
mittee, has announced. They are
requested to do as soon as poss-

Seven Wolverine Trackmieii
Qualify for Conference Finals

(Special to The Daily)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., May 31-Quali-
fying seven men in the strategic
events, Michigan's outdoor track
squad appeared to be well fortified
in its attempt to take second place
honors in the 46th annual Big Ten
outdoor track championships here.
While Illinois' rampaging speed-
sters completely dominated all the
qualifying heats, Michigan placed
two men in the 440, the 880, one in
the 220, and two in the shotput.
Ohio State's Buckeyes, chief threat
to thesWolverines' bid for runner-up
honors, provided the most exciting
event of the day when they placed
two men well in the running for the
half-mile title. Bill Clifford grabbed
his heat from Michigan's Herb Bar-
ten, trotting easily through the dis-
tance in 1:56.8.
Whitfield of OSU Surprises
Then Malvine Whitfield, surprise
runner of the day, followed with a
1:55 half-mile that left spec;ators
whispering. The Buckeye ace assumed
the lead from the blocks and was ne-
ver headed as he splashed home
through the puddles of rain water
that dotted the track.
Michigan's Bob Thomason re-
corded the best mark of his, life as le
'Area Studies'
Talks Con tinu~e
The International Student Ex-
change Committee and the Russian
Circle will present a social and cul-
tural program on "Modern Russia"
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Kellogg Au-
Speakers on the program will be
Prof. Lobanov-Rostovsky of the his-
tory department. Prof. John Shep-
hard of the psychology department,
and Prof. George Kiss of the geog-
raphy department, who will give
short informative lectures on Russia.
This program will be the second
of the series of "Area Studies" adop-
ted by the International Student Ex-
change Committee.

lost a hard fought half-mile duel
to Bob Rehberg of Illinois in the ex-
cellent time of 1:55.1. Thomason was
clocked in 1:55.2, a scant stride be-
hind the Illini runner.
Fonville Third in Discus
Chuck Fonville and George Os-
troot placed third and fourth res-
pectively in the finals of the discus
throw. Fonville's heave of 147 ft
7 in. was six feet shy of Bill Ban-
gert's winning toss of 153 ft. 7- in.
and two feet ahead of Ostroot's fol-
low-up mark. Fortune Gordien, Min-
nesota, eased into second place, mis-
sing a tie with the Purdue heavy by
two inches.-
Hurrying Herb McKenley led the
way in the qualifying heats of the
See TRACK, Page 3
New Teachers
To Be Honored
'At Coivocation
The School of Education will hold
its eleventh annual convocation at
2 p.m. Tuesday in the University
High School auditoriun
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will preside at the convocation, held
each year to honor the students who
are candidates for the teacher's
certificate, Provost James P. Adams
will give the convocation address and
the recipients of three scholarships
will be announced.
Two of the awards, nmamed i honor
of former heads of the University's
education department, are the Wil-
liam f. Payne Scholar Award and the
Burke Aaron Hinsdale Scholar Award,
both to be given for high scholar-
ship and high rank in professional
zeal and promise.
The third scholarship, to be award-
ed for the first time, is the Ceao Mur-
land Scholarship, aimed to stimu-
late the interest in superior teach-
ing, creative writing, and signifi-
cant research in the field of voca-
tional education.

House action will be delayed until
next Thursday under an agreement
there to take up no controversial
legislation until that time.
Fighting to get the bill through,
Democratic Leader Barkley (Ky.)
made major concessions to critics of
the measure. He agreed to:
Drop a section providing that any
profits resulting from operation of
a business enterprise under govern-
ment-seizure shall go into the Treas-
ury rather than being paid to the
Ease the penalties on those who
strike against a government-operat-
ed plant by taking out a provision
that they would lose their seniority
Before it acted finally, the Senate
upheld on a 54 to 28 vote the Presi-
dent's right to negotiate contracts
with unions after the government
takes over plants.
It voted 61 to 19 to keep in the
measure a provision to make those
who strike, as well as union leaders.
subject to court injunctions. Pre-
viously it had turned down, 44 to 36,
a proposal by Senator Revercomb
(Rep.-W. Va.) to exempt from this
penalty individuals who left their
Barkley seized an opportunity and
drove the bill to passage when Re-
publicans, who had been working
closely with pro-labor Democrats
fighting the measure, split on a move
to return the bill to the Interstate
Commerce Committee.
The motion by Senator Thomas
(Dem.-Utah) was beaten 42 to 40
with 26 Democrats and 16 Republi-
cans voting against. Supporting it
were 23 Democrats, 16 Republicans
and Senator LaFollette (Prog.-Wis.).
Some Senate changes may yet be
wiped ot in a compromise of dif-
ferences with the House.
Administration lieutenants said
the legislation still would be accept-
able to the President even if the
striker-draft clause is not restored.
Among minor changes the Senate
made in the House measure was to
stipulate that it shall lapse after
June 30, 1947, unless terminated
earlier . .
The Senate upheld the President's
authority to write contracts with la-
bor unions in seized industries.
Unified German1
Command Asked
BERLIN, May 31-AP)--Gen. Jo-
seph T. McNarney renewed his de-
mands today for administration of
Germany as a single economic unit,
and declared increasing attacks by
German civilians on U.S. troops and
hunger were resulting from the lack
of unification.
McNarney's'demand that the Pots-
dam Agreement's provision for ad-
ministering the Reich as an economic
unit be fulfilled in whole and not in
part was contained in his monthly
report as American military gover-
nor on occupation affairs.
It was a gloomy document, which
may herald the Americans' last big
effort to achieve unification. Blame
for the stalemate has been laid to
Russia, a signatory of Potsdam and
holder of an approximately self-suf-
ficient zone of Germany, and to
France, which was not represented at
Potsdam but insists on fixing Ger-
many's western boundaries before
discussing economic unification.
In order to force a decision, the
Americans have already announced
an embargo on all industrial repara-

Stalin Refuses
Truman Request
For Meetings
Diplomats See Double
Strategy in Discliosure
WASHINGTON, May 31 -(R)-
Premier Stalin has turned down two
invitations from President Truman
to visit him in Washington, Mr. Tru-
man unexpectedly disclosed today.
Diplomats scanned the revelation
for signs that it was a move in the
current diplomatic contest with Rus-
sia, but the White House said Mr.
Truman had no such purpose in
mind - that he merely reported the
fact in response to news conference
In saying Stalin had twice ex-
pressed his regrets and said his doc-
tors would not allow him. to make
long journeys, Mr. Truman did not
foreclose the possibility that he might
some time go abroad himself again
to meet the Soviet leader and pre-
sumably Prime Minister Attlee of
Great Britain, However, he said no
plans were under way for such a
The strategy which some diplo-
mats professed to see behind the
President's disclosure of the Stalin
invitations was two-fold - first, an
attempt to put the responsibility for
failure to hold a meeting of the
chiefs of state on Stalin; and, sec-
ond, a willingness to make one more
move tending to show that it is Rus-
sian objections rather than American
reluctance to act which is stalling
progress on world peace.
The chief executive recently has
been under some political pressure
here to meet Stalin.
Hard Coal Men
Still on S trike
UMW Negotiations
Fail in First Session
NEW YORK, May 31-M-Three-
nan negotiating sub-committees of
the United Mine Workers (AF) and
anthracite operators, meeting on the
first day of an industry-wide walkout
by 75,000 Pennsylvania hard coal
miners, failed today to produce agree-
ment on any point after a three-hour
The session today marked the be-
ginning of the fourth week of con-
tract talks.
At a news conference following the
session, Thomas Kennedy, UMW sec-
retary-treasurer, said:
"The subcommittees discussed
wages, the health and welfare pro-
gram, and related subjects which in-
volved practically all the propositions
which the miners have made. There
were no conclusions,"
Kennedy declined "to be more
specific" when asked to express in
detail the proposals discussed.
Both sides agreed that the miners'
walkout was completely effective.
The subcommittees meet again at
10 a.m. ('EDTI) tomorrow.
The strike-ninth major anthra-
cite shutdown since the turn of the
century-became effective last mid-
Japanese Alumni
Ex-Chairman Dies


Athletics Can Teach

Youth Democracy




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