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June 01, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-06-01

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The Weather
Cloudy and cool today; little
change in temperature.

C, . r

Mi1t igau


Going To
Summer School..



Hits NRA
0 .I10
President Hints Wish For
Amendment To National
Says Nation Must
Decide Questions

Faculty Men Think Abolition
Of NRA Unharmful To Nation

Declares Court Has Taken
Country Back 'To Days
Of Horse And Buggy'
WASHINGTON, May 31.-(A)-
President Roosevelt today appealed
the. Supreme Court's NRA decision
to the people.
Hinting strongly at an effort to re-
vise the Constitution, he asserted,
at a press conference unique in his
administration, that the Nation must
decide whether the Federal Govern-
ment shall, or shall not, have author-
ity to deal with what the administra-
tion considers grave economic and
social problems of national scope and
The Presiaent challenged directly
the Supreme Court's interpretation
of the fundamental law and told a
hundred reporters - gathered in an
atmosphere of tension - that the
court has "relegated the Nation to the
days of the-horse and buggy.''
Other Acts Threatened
'Surveying the wreckage of NRA, the
Chief Executive declared that the
Federal Alcohol Control Administra-
tion, as now constituted, had been
abolished and that the Agricultural
Adjustment Administration and Se-
curities Exchange Commissions were
While stock and staples markets
quickly hit a downward trend, Wash-
ington interpreted Mr. Roosevelt's re-
marks as indicating future Adminis-
tration policy would follow one of two
The submission of an amendment
to the Constitution giving Congress
specifically .the powers it sought to
wield in NRA, but which the court said
were denied to the Federal Govern-
ment by the fundamental law.
A campaign of public education and
agitation intended to find its reflec-
tion in a change in the Court's philos-
ophy which led it to confine inter-
state commerce, as Mr. Roosevelt in-
terpreted the opinion, to goods in
Mr. Roosevelt stopped short of say-
ing definitely what he would propose
to meet the situation. He expects
to have a statement tomorrow after-
noon on some of the aspects of the'
Supreme Court decision but -in all
probability he will wait until later,
next week to announce his emergency
Lengthy Conference
He did say, however, that the people
would have to vote on the fundamen-
tal issue that had been raised -not
necessarily this summer, or even next
winter, but within the next four or five
years; certainly within the decade.
For an hour and a half, the Presi-
dent talked NRA with the newspaper-
men who surrounded his desk and
jammed his office to the rear door.
Frequently he leaned forward and
waved a copy of the high court's NRA
opinion to emphasize his points. So
intent was he that he smoked but
one cigaret in that time. His desk
was littered with telegrams and let-
ters on the subject, to which he re-
ferred from time to time. Mrs. Roose-
velt was present, calmly knitting on
a nearby davenport.
While the President spoke, House
leaders were predicting early enact-
ment of an NRA law confined to in-
terstate business as defined by the
Court, and supplemented by legisla-
tion to encourage state legislatures to
enact laws for NRA's of their own.
They thought a constitutional amend-
ment would run into difficulties in
20,000 Dead As
Quake Shatters
Frontier Cities

KARACHI, India, May 31. - (P) -
Three tremendous rumbling shocks
shattered the northwest frontier city
of Quetta early today, killing an esti-
mated 20,000 Europeans and natives.
It was feared the death toll would
go much higher with receipt of reports
from nutlving districts, especially that

Confidence that the upward swingI
of business recovery will continue de-
spite abolition of the NRA was voiced
yesterday by economic and political
authorities on the campus.
In expressing approval of the Su-
preme Court's invalidation of the
recovery administration, Dean Clare
E. Griffin of the School of Business
Administration, Prof. Shorey Peter-
son of the economics department, and
Dr. Harold M. Dorr of the political
science department saw hope out of
the reported "chaos" in Washington.
Dean Griffin, in declaring that
"recovery will continue, regardless
of the decision," said he believed the
adverse ruling on the NRA "is a help-
ing factor" in the business upturn.
"The attempts of the government to
fix prices, regulate wages and hours
of work, and in general control in-
dustry were bad," he stated. "The,
business system should be kept flex-
ible so that the natural forces will;
be allowed to work."
Although he admitted that the ma-a
jority of business men were antag-
onistic toward the NRA, he pointed,
out that the antagonism "was not1
wholly rational." He said that the
codes have helped eliminate unfairj
competition and child labor, "and
although the child labor problem has

not been serious since the depression,
it will be in the future."
The gains in elimination of sweat
shops achieved by the NRA may con-,
tinue in many instances even though
the codes are gone, Dean Griffin pre-
dicted. Another permanent gain of
the National Recovery Administra-
tion, he said, is that business men
have learned to think in terms of
an industry rather than a company.
The danger of excessive price cutting
is now greatly diminished, he advised,
because there is no longer a great
over-supply of goods.
In discussing the possibility of in-
dustry formulating voluntary codes,
Dean Griffin pointed out that with
the invalidation of the NRA the anti-
trust laws, which the code making
provisions suspended, are now back
in force. It is his opinion that bus-
iness men will find it necessary to,
maintain some kind of organization
which allows for the exchange of
statistics and determination of stand-
ard methods of determining costs
and still be within the Sherman Act.
"One of the biggest problems in
price cutting," he declared, "is that
many industries do not know their
own costs." He warned that any such#
business agreements would be inside
the anti-trust laws "by a very fine
He pointed out that enforcement
(Continued on Page 6)

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Church Groups
End Activities
For Semester
Student Organizations To
Hold Final Programs
This Sunday
With final examinations and the
close of the current semester, the
majority of the student religious or-
ganizations have discontinued many
of their activities until the openingJ
of summer school.
Dr. W. C. Brashares, pastor of the,
First Methodist Episcopal church, has
chosen the topic "Christ's Alterna-
tive to Communism" for the 10:45
a.m. worship period. An informal
discussion has been arranged for the
Wesleyan Guild hour at 6 p.m.
"A Heartening Display of God's,
Power" will be the subject of the
Rev. E. C. Stellhorn at the 10:30 a.m.
services of the Zion Lutheran church.
The Rev. Herman A. Brauser, of St.
Steven's church, Detroit, will act as
guest pastor at the confirmation re-
union services of St. Paul's Lutheran
church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. The
10:45 a.m. worship period will be in
charge of the Rev. C. A. Brauer, whose
topic will be "Take Thou My Hands
And Lead Me" for the confirmation;
The Rev. Allison R. Heaps will dis-
cuss the topic "Religion and Social1
Action" at 10:30 a.m. toniorrow. The
morning worship topic will also in-
clude the program now being set up
by the Congregational denomination
in an effort to integrate more closely
the activities of the church with the
social problems of the hour.
Ohio Students
Join Strikers
In Disturbance'
COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 31-(A')-
With Ohio State University students
in the front ranks, Columbus Pack-
ing Co. strikers and their sympathi-
zers clashed in a 30-minute pitched
battle with 200 policemen and detec-
tives today.
Four policement were injured, doz-
ens of strikers suffered bruises and
cuts, and 22 strike sympathizers were
The riot brought an ultimatum
from Safety Director W. S. Pealer
for university students to stay "in
their own end of town" and a point-
blank order from Mayor Henry W.
Worley against mass picketing at
the plant torn by strike disturbances
for nearly two months.
Four hundred union electrical
workers at Toledo held a strike threat
in abeyance until Monday pending
negotiations for a 20 per cent wage
Police Sergeant Charles Fritz fa-
tally shot William Williams, 30 years
old, at Cincinnati, as the aftermath
of a recent strike in the Norwood
Chevrolet-Fisher Body plant.

Rescue Three Men
From Huron River
Three young men claiming to be
University students were rescued,
Thursday from the Huron river near
Whitmore Lake by Charles Sylvester,
14 year old son of Herbert Sylvester,
district manager of the Detroit Edison
The three students, who gave false
names to the police after their rescue,
had been swimming and diving from
a canoe in the river when it drifted
a w a y from them downstream.-
Charles, who was fishing nearby from
a rowboat, heard their cries and
rowed to the spot where the three,
men were floundering in the water.
Several people who had seen the
occurrence from the shore telephoned,
the sheriff's office, Deputy Sherifff
John Osborn taking charge.
Catch Burdar
elSuspects Afte r
3 Mile Pursuit
Patrolmen Ehnis And Ier1
Stop Fleeing Car; Find
Short Wave Radio1
Ann Arbor Patrolmen Julius Ehnis
and Edward Iler overtook and cap-
tured two burglary suspects after a
three mile chase yesterday afternoon
through the streets of the city and
out into the country on Plymouth1
With both cars traveling in excess
of 80 miles an hour a bullet from one
of the policemen's guns went through
the back window and penetrated the
windshield inches from the driver's
head, bringing the fleeing car to a
standstill and the chase to an end,
Searching the car after the capture,
local police found a small radio set
tuned to the short wave frequency3
on which the police radio broadcasts.
Scattered along the road and in the
car police found 12 suits of clothes
which the men claimed to have pur-
chased in Chicago. Hidden under the
rear seat was a heavy iron crowbar.
The car was first picked up en-
tering the city on the Dexter road.
The police car gave chase through
the city and two miles out on the
Plymouth road. The men in the car
were unable to give any excuse for
not stopping when the first shots were
fired. They were taken to the sta-
tion for fingerprinting and question-
ing. Adrian police planned to bring
the proprietor of a Hudson clothing
store which was robbed Thursday!
night of a large amount of men's
clothing to Ann Arbor in an effort
to identify the 12 suits found in the
captured car.
Chicago Students
MayFace Action~
CHICAGO, May 31. -(WP) -Twen-
ty-five University of Chicago stu-
dents who participated in a Memorial'
Day parade of, communists and paci-
fists tonight faced possible disciplin-
ary action for a breach of the school's
Recognition was withdrawn from
the Chicago chapters of the two or-

Regents Hold'
Last Meeting
Of Semester
Goddard's Resignation Is
Accepted; 15 Donations
For Research Received
Prof. Chapin Given
Leave Of Absence
Alexander Will Administer
$5,000 Gift For Work
In ThoracicSurgery
The Board of Regents held their
last meeting of the current semester
yesterday and accepted the resigna-
tion of Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, mem-
ber of the Law School faculty since
1895. Gifts of money from indi-
viduals and foundations to aid in
carrying on fifteen research projects
were also received by the Regents.
From the Earhart foundation $3,-
800 was given to support research in
psychiatry under the direction of Dr.
Theophile Raphael during the aca-
demic year 1935-36. Prof. John Alex-
ander was also named administrator
of an anonymous gift of $5,000 for
work in thoracic surgery.
The Board also received from an
anonymous donor $2,000 for dental re-
search, $7,000 for child study, $15,-
000 for support of the institute of
health and social sciences center for
graduate study in Detroit, $10,000 for
research in the field of Michigan ar-
chaeology under the direction of Pro-
fessor-Emeritus W. B. Hinsdale, $5,-
000 to support the program in the
teaching of post graduate medicine
under the direction of Vice-President
James D. Bruce, $3,800 for research
in surgery under Prof. Frederick A.
Coller, $1,500 for research in rickets
under Dr. C. A. Lilly, $20,000 for as-
tronomical research at Lake Angelus
observatory near Pontiac, and $18,000
for work in connection with the Uni-
versity Fresh Air Camp which is lo-
cated on Patterson Lake.
Foundation Gifts
Two gifts were received from the
Rockefeller foundation. One provid-
ed for $8,200 in 1935-36 and $5,800
for 1936-37 for research in the ap-
plication of spectrographic methods
to biological and medicinal problems.
The second grant from the Rockefeller
foundation provided $5,000 a year over
a five-year period for special re-
search in the physiology of respira-
tion under the direction of Prof. Rob-
ert Gesell.
The Geological Society of America
gave the Regents $2,000 to assist Prof.
L. B. Kellum of the geology depart-
ment in continuing cooperative geo-
logical investigations in Northern
Change Dental Curriculum
The curriculum of the dental school
was changed from the optional three
or four year curriculum to a com-
pulsory four-year curriculum. The
combinedliterary and dental curricu-
lum program was lengthened from
six to seven years.
The resignation of Prof. George
Ulenbeck of the physics department
was accepted. Professor Ulenbeck will
go to the University of Utrecht in
Holland to accept a position as pro-
fessor of theoretical physics.
. Sabbatical leave for the academic
year 1935-36 was given Prof. Myron B.
Chapin of the College of Architecture
and leave for the first semester was
given Prof. C. O. Carey of the geodesy
survey department. Prof. James H.
Cissel of the civil engineering depart-
ment was granted an extension of
leave. He is at present working in
the State Highway Department.

Il l u s t r i o u s New Yorker
Pleads For Criticism Of
Literature Without Bias
Capacity Crowd Is
Present At Speech
Writer Urges Objectivity
Of Critic When Judging
Works Of Authors
A plea for literary criticism free
from the social and economic bias of
the critic was voiced yesterday after-
noon by Henry Hazlitt, distinguished
New York writer and editor in the
fourth annual Hopwood lecture.
Hazlitt's talk, on the subject "Lit-
erature vs. Opinion," was delivered
before a capacity crowd in the Union
Hazlitt charged Marxist critics in
particular with basing their criticism
mainly on the writer's treatment of
the class struggle.
According to most Marxist critics,
he declared, a "writer must align
himself either with the proletariat or
with the bourgoisie, either with the
forces of light, or with the forces of
Necessary To Make Estimate
"We must correctly estimate the
skill and ability of our opponents,"
he asserted. "This correct estimate
is one of the primary functions of lit-.
erary criticism. The important ques-
tion for such criticism is not which
side a writer is on, but how able he
is in the service of that side."
Indicating a course for contempo-
rary "creative writers," Hazlitt said,
"There is only one rule: The writer
should write about what most inter-
ests him, and in the way that he
prefers to do it."
"This is what counts, in the end,
in literature-the quality and nobility
of the author's mind-and not either
mere techincal excellence, or the au-1
thor's social and political sym-
Hazlitt urged an attitude of com-;
plete objectivity on the part of the
critic. "The cardinal business of
literary criticism is not to declare
that side A is right and side B wrong;'
it is to distinguish, on whichever side,
the brilliant and original writers from
the empty ones."
Function of Critic 1
"In. brief, it is the paradoxical
function of the literary critic, as;
critic, to detach himself as completely
as possible from the actual merits of
the controversies of his own time."
The speaker employed a quotation
from William. Hazlitt, writing on Ed-,
mund Burke, as the text for his lec-j
ture. The excerpt said, in part:
"I conceived too that he might be1
wyrong in his main argument, and
yet deliver fifty truths in arriving at
a false conclusion."
Pointing out the disadvantages of
both propagandistic and non-prop-
agandistic writing, Hazlitt concluded,
"But what in any case finally saves a
work of literature, and makes it worth
reading, is not the specific doctrines
held by its author, but the whole qual-
ity and texture of the thought and
imagination that go into it."

Heads Men's Council

Hazlitt Delivers


Skidmore, Elder Given

Hopwood Prizes,

'Unfinished P i c t u r e' By
By Cohen Wins Award In
Drama Field
Essays Of Scholten
And Heitman Best
Kesselman's Play Chosen
For Special Recognition,
Author Given $500
A total of $7,850 was awarded yes-
terday to 13 University students as
prizes in the Avery Hopwood and
Jule Hopwood Awards Contest for
Hubert S. Skidmore, '35, Ann Ar-
bor, and Donald B. Elder, '35, Miles,
were each awarded $1,500 in the
major fiction contest. Their stories
were entitled "They Shall Inspire,"
and "Nothing But Time," respect-
The one major prize of $1,000 in
drama was given to Theodore Kane
Cohen, '35, Dorchester, Mass., for his
play "Unfinished Picture," which was
produced in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater earlier this semester.
Martin E. Scholten, Muscatine, Ia.,
and Edward K. Heitman, '35, Royal
Oak, won $800 prizes in the essay
field. Their essays were entitled
"Critical Essays" and "Woodrow Wil-
The only special award, of $500,
was given to Harriet Kesselman, '35,
Milwaukeee, for her play "Apartment
for Rent."

William R. Dixon, '36, (above),
of Midland, was elected president
of the new Men's Council at its
first meeting. He is past president
of Sphinx, a member of the
Student-Faculty Relations Commit-
tee, and is affiliated with Kappa
Sigma fraternity.
Romney Brent
Added To Cast
Of 'Ut) To Stars'

-- r .,

Ann Arbor Aud
See Hun In N(
Skits For Firs
Romney Brent, who
tured this week with
been added to the cas
Stars" which ojens b
Mendelssohn theater,
nounced last night b
derson, director of the
This will give Ann A
the opportunity of seei
of the Noel Coward ski
in the, original Londoi
"Words and Music."
This revue featur
sketches by Noel Co
the Americans, Norm
Brothers Shore and Ju
starring Walter Sleza
Ilka Chase, the Ame
Brent, the Mexican,
Rocky, the Continents
sova, the Russian, P
the English actress, ar
Landis, Imogene Coca
Demetrios Vilan, Heler
producer-star, Leonar
The material for thi,
selected from "Word
"New Faces" and "F
with many new numbe
Walter Slezak will
including "Double Bed
Interlude," an adapta
famous "Stooge" num
Faces" with Imogene
rassing Moment" with
distinguished New
"The Gangster Influe
Coca; and Noel Cowa
and Englishmen" with
Ilka Chase, and the co
will be remembered
"Music in the Air"
Sister" in which he w,
ally received here last
Ilka Chase, distingu
actress will also be fe
Star Final,". the qt
"Position in Life,"e
Wealth." The Rocky
dancing partners of N
Josephine Baker in
Paris will be featured
Dance with Coca," "V
nity." "Au Revoir PE
original creations.
Mlle. Nija Tarasov
Russian numbers w
featured at the Bar
winter. Sorel Felicia
Vilan, featured danc
will do their origin
which have also be
Barbizon Sunday N
"Homesick," "Franki
and "Serenade to a V
Miss Sorel is the prob
for the ballerina of t
nnra next vear. T

Awards In Fiction
The minor awards of $250 in the
iences win fiction field were given to Eugene
S., Brewer, '35, Owosso, fOr "Some
oel Coward Brass and No Groceries," and Walter
at Time P. Domanowski, '37, Detroit, for
"Three Stories."
The minor poetry award of $250
has been fea- was won by Otto A. Bird, '35, Ann Ar-
Nazimova, has bor. No major prizes in this division
t of "Up to the were awarded.
Monday in the Arthur Clifford, '35, Ann Arbor, was
yit was an - te minor award winner in the drama
y Robert Hen- field, receiving $250 for his two plays,
Dramatic Sea- "See a Man Die" and "Child of Dark-
krbor audiences The three minor essay awards of
ng him in many $250 each were given to Richard H.
ts which he did Mattox, '36, Shenandoah, Ia., Dorothy,
n production of S. Gies, '36, Ann Arbor, and Dorothea
MacGregor, '36, Bay City.
es songs and Their contributions were entitled,
)ward,. and by respectively, "Essay on Social Values,"
an Zeno, Viola "Three Essays," and "Three Literary
ne Sillman and Essays."
k, the Vienese, The winners were announced by
'rican, Romney Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the
Paul and Lief English department, acting director of
als, Nina Tara- the Hopwood contest, following the
atricia Calvert, annual Hopwood lecture delivered by
nd Jessie Royce I Henry Hazlitt, distinguished New
, Felicia Sorel, York editor and critic.
n Gray, and the Many Former Winners
d Sillman. Cohen's award was the fifth he has
s revue has been won in Hopwood competition. Two
s and Music," of the other four were for dramatic
"ools Rush In" contributions, and the others were en-.
ers added to the tered in the prose narrative and es-
say fields.
Clifford and Miss Gies have each
do many skits won three previous prizes, Clifford
," and "Strange having succeeded in the drama, essay,
tion of the now and poetry fields, and Miss Gieshay-
bers from "New ing won in the essay, poetry and
Coca; "Embar- prose contests.
Elizabeth Love, Elder has already received prizes
York ingenue; for prose narrative and fiction offer-
nce" with Miss ings. All the other winners were
rd's "Mad Dogs given awards for the first time this
Romney Brent, year.
mpany. Slezak Sinclair Lewis, Nobel Prize winner
for introducing in 1930, Ruth Suckow, author of "Iowa
and "Meet My Interiors,' a recent Literary Guild
as enthusiastic- selection, and Webb Waldron, Mich-
t year. igan graduate and former Hopwood
ished American judge, were the judges for the fic-
atured in "Five tion contest.
uintuplets skit, The essay entries were judged by
and "Ladies of John Erskine, author and professor of
Twins, former English literature at Columbia Uni-
distinguette and versity, Van Wyck Brooks, essayist
the Casino de and critic, and Mary M. Colum, win-
I in "I Want to ner of the Guggenheim Fellowship
Waltz With Dig- in Literary Criticism for 1930.
ar is' and other Judges Well Known
rarils g n her Mark Van Doren,anthropologist
a will sing her and professor of English literature
hich have been at. Columbia, Frances Frost, author
bizon Plaza all
and Demetrios and magazine contributor and Ezra
ers of the revue Pound, founder of the Imagist move-
al dance forms ment in poetry, determined the poetry
en seen at the awards.
ights including National judges in the field of
e and Johnnie,,,drama were Robert Littell, author
ealthy Widow" and former dramatic critic of the
able nomination New York World and the New York
he Metropolitan Evening Post, Arthur Ruhl, author
'he entire revue and dramatic critic of the New York

Henry Hazlitt Says Proletarian
Literature Is Not What It Seems
By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN pecting, but it will not remain as
Proletarian literature is neither literature."
proletarian nor truly literature, in the LiThe radicals reply: 'What of it?
opinion of Henry Hazlitt, distin- phasize the class struggle. So-called
guished critic and editor who deli- "pure" literature is of minor impor-

vered the Hopwood Lecture for 1935
yesterday afternoon.
"The term is a misnomer. It is not
proletarian in thewsense that it has
its origin in the working class, and
the authors who write it - John Dos
Passos for example - cannot in any
sense be called proletarian.
"Nor even if the revolutionary ideal
could be realized would there be any
proletarian literature," Mr. Hazlitt
believes. "Although the working peo-
ple would supposedly be liberated for
more literary activity, it could no
longer be called proletarian since
class distinctions would at the same
tie ,aesricnnn e

And the answer lies in the defini-
tion of an author's objectives, de-1
clares Mr. Hazlitt. "'You are either
interested in inducing social change{
or in writing what is truly litera-
ture. The novel that is written with
the social motive behind it will not
"Of course it is true that many
great books did come into being with
an idea of ameliorating social con-
ditions, but these are great for the
qualities of expression entirely lack-
ing in the so-called proletarian liter-
ature today.
"The young writer of'today is faced

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