For Ann Arbor:
y--Fair and. warmer.
The Michigan
fin Trifi *flTTYfl nnim Cl
No. 175.
i ves Prett Exibiion of
60:me n llHonor of Rickey's
Last Appearance as
Thaseball Coach".
Asst. Coach Douglas and Cpt0 Bell to
Take Chq ge o TeamF or
1~emnaining Games.
Pitching beautiful ball during thc
entire game and aided by sharp field-
ing, Baribeau came back against the
Farmers yesterday and evened up fo
last year by taking the last game of
the series by a score of 7 to 2. Consid-
ering that the little doctor pitched five
innings of air tight ball yesterday un-
der nerve racking conditions, his per
formance today stamps him as Michi-.
gan's real iron man and great credit
must be given to. him for the thorough-
ness of his job.
Yesterday was Branch Rickey's last
appearance as baseball coach as the
press of duties in St. Louis calls him
there at once. 'His work this season
has been of the highest calibre and
he hs given Michigan what they have
not had in some years, a really suc-
cessful baseball team. Losing only
three games on the entire schedule
and defeating many reputed strong ag-
gregations, the Wolverines this year
have set a mark that will be hard to
equal, and that in the face of the do-
,ings of Michigan's favorite jinx, the
injury and ineligibility bug. Rickey
will leave for St. Louis Monday and
Assistant Coach Douglas and Captain
Bell will have charge of the squad for
the remaining few games.
Perhaps it was the fact that it was
Rickey's last appearance, but
at any event the team put
up a prettier game than they
have displayed in some time. Sis-
ler distinguished himself with a big
league diving catch in left that brought
the stands to their feet, while Hughitt
had a busy day at the third sack. The
Aggies would not have scored at all
except for an unfortunate error when
Sisler dropped a long fly, but he made
up for this misplay. On the other
hand the Plow Boy wonders in the Ag-
gie infield went all to pieces and total-
led six errors that aided materially in
the Wolverine haying season.
Michigan gathered in three in the
first on Bell's single, two errors, and
Sisler's three base wallop. Two more
came in in the third on twoerrors and
two hits, and the fourth and sixth in-
nings resulted in lone tallies on hits.
The Aggies made their two tallies on
two errors and a hit. The Wolverinei
hitting was consistent with Sisler and
Baribeau leading as sluggers and prac-
tically every Michigan player getting
ine bingle. Peterson hurled for the
vis-itors and was fair in the pinches
but he didn't have a show with Bari-
beau and really deserved a worse lick-
ing than he got.
Umpire O'ara had no end of a busy]
day and had more arguments on hisc
hands than Mister Debs. However,:
his work was good and his decisionsf
were above the average. To conclude
his performance the little Ger-
man got in the way of Webber's peg to
catch a plow boy pilfering and gum-
med the game for a few minutes.
The Wolverines play one more gamec
next Saturday against the alumni and
will conclude with the two Penn gam-
es commencement week Yesterday's1
Plans for the inauguration of the
game of lacrosse here, will be discuss-
ed at a meeting to be held Tuesday af-
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the trophy
room of Waterman gymnasium.
Prof. Moexter, of the engineering
department, in speaking of the game
said, "It is the oldest and most truly
American game, having been handed
down to us from the Indians. The
game is one that does not require any
special development. One can become
proficient by practice and training
The game of lacrosse is a varsity
sport in many of the eastern colleges
and is also played in some of the
western schools. In the Canadian
schools this is one of the major
Biology Classes Will Complete Work..
Prof. C. H. Kauffman's lectures in
general biology will be held as usual,
and the quiz sections in botany 26 will
meet Tuesday and Thursday at 8:00
o'clock in the museum. The class in
botany 18 will leave on the Ann Arbor
railroad Monday noon at 12:00 o'clock
for field work. Botany 6 will leave
on the Ann Arbor Tuesday noon at
12:00 o'clock. Laboratory classes will
nmeet in front of the museum at the us-
ual hours, except general biology
which will meet in front of the library.
Nickelodian Will Open on Main Street
Another nickelodian will be added to
the amusement places in Ann Arbor
when the motion picture theatre now in
construction at 320-4 South Main street
is completed next fall. The house will
open with motion*pictures, and during
the winter vaudeville will be added.
The seating capacity will be 600.
Fouling in Double Canoe Race Causes
Dispute Over the Awarding
of the Championship
Prizes Will Be Exhibited at Union;
Success Warrants Establish.
went of Annual Affair
Michigan's first aquatic regatta was
held on Barton pond yesterday morn-
ing under the auspices of the Michigan
Union Boat club. About 500 spectators
witnessed the races. Contests, whi
were closely fought, proved thrillers
in the way of amateur water sports.
The first event, the men's single ca-
noe race was called at 9:45 o'clock,
and. was won by K. S. Staatz, '16M,
with D. H. Williams, E spec., and W.
Cook, '14E, less than a boat length
behind. The doubles were won by K.
S. Staatz and M. E. page, '16, while
D. H. Williams, and J. C. Shoemaker,
'15D, took second, and H. B. Stauer,
and W. Cook finished third. This race,
however, was protested because of
fouling by the teams taking first and
second places,-and the judges will con-
sider the protests the first of the week.
The tilting contest was captured by
A. A. Rusthrum, '13E, and 0. S. Guil-
baut, '14E, who were declared win-
ners in three out of four contests. Sec-
ond place was taken by L. C. Wilcox-
en, '16E, and L. M. Rakestraw, '15E.
P. W. Zerwekh, '16, was the victor in
the short swim, and H.D. Pritzeer, '15,
second, and I. J. Van Kammen, '14E,
third. The distance swim was won by
J. C. Abbott, '15E, while P. W. Zer-
wekh, took second, and B. Rosenthal,
'16, third.
The diving contest was decided on
both distance and form. R. M. Braun,
'14E, by getting second in the distance
and first in the form, was awarded
first place. M. C. Myers, '14L, receiv-
ed second place by winning first in
the distance dive, and A. H. Kuhn,'13E
captured third place by getting second
award for form.
The prizes will not be awarded to
the winners until the end of next week.
They will be placed on display at the
Union next week, with cards contain-
ing the names of the donors and the
event for which they were given. The
silver cup for the highest individual
point winner was not awarded because
of the protest of the double canoe race.
Staatz, who was one of the winners in
this event, who also took the single
race, which would give him the cup,
if the protest is not allowed. If the
judges decide to changethe winners,
then the cup will be given. to P. W.
Zerwekh, who captured theshort swim
and second place in the longer event.
Owing to the number of entries and
the enthusiasm of the crowd which
witnessed the events, the officials de-
cided to make the event an annual af-
:Diploma Fees Must Be Paid Tomorrow
The last day of the payment of the
diploma and teachers diploma fees for
those taking a degree in June will be
tomorrow. All seniors who have not;
paid their ten or two dollar fees should
see that it is in the hands of the treas-
urer before 4:00 o'clock.E
Thitrty chairs have already been
presented to the Union under the plan
recently made public by the board of
directors. Members of the Union are
given the opportunity of contributing
a dining chair to be used in the new
addition. An arrangement has been
made with a Grand Rapids firm to get
these chairs which ordinarily sell for
$5.00 at $3.40 each. The board of di-
rectors agrees to pay the $1.40 the con-
tributor to pay $2.00 for each chair.
The donor's name and class will be
engraved on a metal plate and attached
to the chair so that it may serve as a
sort of memorial to the member.
Each member of the board of direct-
ors has given one, 1913 Sphinx 14, stu-
dent council six, Trigon six, and
Toastmasters one. Only three sub-
scriptions have been received from in-
Prof. E. B. Greene, dean of the lit-
erary department of the University
of Illinois, will lecture on "Some Tran-
sitional Aspects of Japanese Life" in
the economics lecture room next
Thursday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock.
Prof. Greene was born in Japan
where his parents were missionaries.
At the age of 15 he came to this coun-
try and in time entered Harvard where
he received his Ph.D. degree. Last
, year Prof. Greene ret.urned to Japan
and it is his impressions of the chang-
es he has noticed that will make up
the lecture.
Vaudeville Act to Feature Reunion.
One of the features of the coming
class reunions on June 25, will be a
vaudeville performance of "old stars"
which will be staged in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall at 10:00 o'cock in the
morning of alumni day. The classes,
'08, '09, '10, and '11, are meeting to-
gether according to the Dix plan of
reunion and the footlight favorites of
these respective classes have promised
to do a little entertaining. Members
of each class will be on the program,
and although plans have not as yet
been completed, Spanish dances, Ger-
man dialogues and Scotch impersona-
tions are being looked for. Alumni
members of the Glee and Mandolin
clubs have promised to render several
musical numbers.
Clyde Queen to be Youngest A.M. Man.
Mr. Clyde Queen who will receive
his A.M. degree June 26 is the young-
ess man ever to receive this degree
from this institution, for Mr. Queen
will be just 20 years old. He came to
Michigan from Adrian college where
he graduated in the spring of 1912 with
honors. During his undergraduate ca-
reer he won honors in oratory and
scholarship, and upon graduation was
awarded the state college- fellowship
at Michigan. With this fellowship he
won the University Fellowship for the
next academic year.
Alumni Will Register at Exposition.
According to a letter received from
Captain Inman Sealby, '12L, who is
now in San Francisco, the alumni of
that city are planning to place a book
in the Michigan section at the Panama
exposition in which all Michigan alum-
ni will be invited to register, Michigan
alumni at the Golden Gate have also
inaugurated the custom of getting to-
gether every Wednesday noon for
luncheon. All Michigan men passing
through the city are invited to be pres-
* * * * * * * * * * *
* -p -0 *
* Pennsylvania..........24 *
* Harvard..............21 1-2 *
* MICH IGAN............19 *
* -Cornell...............17 1-2 *
Dartmouth..........14 1-2 *
Yale................10 1-2 *
* Wesleyan.............10 *
* California.. .......10 *
* Princeton.6 *
* Columbia..............4 *
* Brown ..................3 *
* Syracuse..............1
* Penn State .............1 *
* Individual Point Winner-Wen-
* dell, Wesleyan,10 points. Wen- *
* dell took firsts in both the 120 *
* high and 220 low hurdle
* New World's Amateur Record-
* Jones, Cornell. Jones won
* the mile in 4 minutes 14 2-5
* seconds. The old mark in the *
* event was 4 minutes 15 1-2
* seconds.
* World's Amateur Records *
* Equalled-Wendell, Wesleyan, *
* Lippincott, Pennsylvania. *
* Wendell won the 220 low hur- *
* dles in 23 3-5 seconds. Lippin- *
cott won the 220 yard dash ni *
" 21 1-5 seconds.
* Intercollegiate Record Equalled *
- -Patterson, Pennsylvania. '
dash in 9
* * *
won the 100 yard
4-5 seconds.
** * * *
Seniors aided by the National.Social
Work committee, will have a chance
to take a leading part in the improve-
ment of the social conditions in the
community in which they intend to,
settle after leaving college. -
This is a national movement and
was carried on here for the first tirge
last year, but was a failure because
it was not carried out systematically.
A. E. Gilman, '14, at the head of the
social work department here this year,
which began the playground miovement
in Ann Arbor, will send letters to all
seniors tomorrow, containing blanks
to be filled out and dropped in one of
the boxes to be placed in University
hall, engineering building, law build-
ing, library, and Huston Brothers' bil-
liard rooms. The boxes will be left in
these places until Friday.
The National committee wishes to
learn by this method what kind of
work each senior wishes to boost in
the community in which he intends to
settle,and literature will then be sent
to him concerning it.
Dr.' George N. Fuller was chosen
secretary of the Michigan historical
commission at its first meeting held in
Lansing Wednesday. Dr. Fuller re-
ceived his Ph.D. degree here last year
and is assistant in history at the pres-
ent time. The commission is compos-
ed of Governor W. N. Ferris, Profes-
sor Claud H. Van Tyne, Hon. E. O.
Wood, Hon. L. T. Hemans, Father
O'Brien, Hon. C. M. Burton and Mr.
W. L. Jenks. The salary of secretary
carries with it an annuity of $1,800.
"The Economic Beginning of Michi-
gan History" by Dr. Fuller which will
be published soon has been pronounc-
ed by critical authorities as the best
work on the subject.
Featured as a farewell to the seniors
from the Michigan Union the last mem-
bership dinner of the year will be held
Thursday evening at 6:00 o'clock. Dr.
James B. Angell will deliver the fare-,
well address.
Tickets will be placed on sale to-
morrow morning and until .5:00 o'clock
in the afternoon they will be
sold to seniors only. As many ta-
bles as necessary are to be reserved
for them. The committee desires every
senior who attends to wear cap and
gown. The plan is entirely new so far
as Union membership dinners are con-
cerned and all who plan to attend are
urged to secure their tickets Monday
so that a sufficient number of places
may be reserved.
At 5:00 o'clock tomorrow the tick-
ets remaining will be given out to
members of the committee and sold to
any member of the Union. The pro-
gram arranged will include as its fea-
ture the inauguration addresses of
the new officers.
Case of Suspected Smallpox Found.
The smallpox epidemic is not yet to-
tally-checked, the last case reported
being that of Miss Hulda Ehernburg,
a maid, who was infected while;clean-
ing the room of a hospital patient who
was not suspected of having the dis-j
ease. She was sent to the detention
hospital, and all the people with whom
she has come in contact have been vac-
cinated. Two cases upon whom the
vaccine had no effect are under ob-
Gradate Goes to Campbell-Ewald Co.
Norton T. Brotherton, '07, who
was secretary and advertising mana-
ger of the Keeton Motor Co., and form-
erly with the Ford and Olds Motor
Companies, has resigned his position
with the Keeton Co. to assume
duties on the staff of the Campbell-
Ewald Co., advertising-service.
Seven of Nine Men Qualifying For
The Maize and Blue Garner
a Total of Nineteen
One World's Record Bettered and Two
Equalled; One Intercollegiate
Mark Tied.
Once again Michigan's track teani
returns from the Eastern Intercollegi-
ate, rated as the third best squad of
cinder path artists in the American
colleges. What made the showing of
the Wolverines more noteworthy than
the mere winning of third place was'
the accomplishment 'of the task with-
out the aid of "Jimmie" Craig and
"Heinie" Haimbaugh.
Michigan entered the final day's com-
petition with nine men qualified for
the finals in the various events. Of
these nine, seven men were success-
ful point winners in the day's com-
petition, and they collected 19 points
for the Maize and Blue.
Probably the most noteworthy fea-
ture of the meet from Michigan's point
of view was the winning of the quar-
ter mile race by Captain Haff, in 48 2-5
seconds. Jansen showed that he has
the making of a great quarter miler
by taking fourth in the event.
Smith, placed in a race in which he
was little experienced, came through
with second. Seward and Bond de-
serve no little credit for their showing
in the dashes. Seward took second
and Bond third in the 220 y'ard dash,
while Bond captured fourth in the cen-
Kohler did not really come up to his
best possibilities e'specially in the shot
put and third was the best that he
could land. In the hammer throw,
fourth was the Lansing lad's portion.
Sargent also fell down in the high
jump, and had to rest content wifh a
tie for third place at a height of 5 feet
11 1-4 inches.
The meet itself proved one of ex-
ceeding inter'est inasmuch as one
world's record went by the boards, two
world's records were equalled, and one
intercollegiate mark was tied. John
Paul Jones of Cornell hung up a new
the distance in 4 minutes 14 2-5 sec-
onds. The other marks that were
equalled were Lippincott's record of
21 1-5 in the 220, Wendell's time of 23
3-5 seconds in the 220 low hurdles, and
Patterson's time of 9 4-5 in the hun-
Wendell's remarkable 'showing in
the 220 yard low hurdles precludes the
possibility that Craig might have won,
although he would have probably plac-
ed in the event. But even the points
he might have won, had he not strain-
ed his injured knee and been kept out
of the running, would have aided Mich-
igan materially in landing well toward
winning the meet.
In fact there are those critics who
say that without a doubt' Michigan
would have won the meet had Haim-
baugh and Craig been participants.
..Field Events:
Shot Put-Won by Whitney, Dart-
mouth, distance 47 feet 2 5-8 inches;
Beatty,Columbia,second, 47 feet 1 3-8
inches;Kohler, Michigan, third, 46 feet
4 7-8 inches; Kanzler, Cornell, fourth,
45 feet 10 inches.
Hammer Throw-Won by Cable,
Harvard, distance'156 feet; Shattuck,
Califorina, second, 151 feet 2 1-2 inch-
es; Englehart, Dartmouth, third, 150
feet 2 inches; Kohler, Michigan,foumth,
147 feet 9 1-2 inches.
High Jump-Beeson, California, and
(Continued on page 4.)
6:30 P. M.
Senior Meeting.
All Presbyterian
Leader, Ed. Lazear.
(Continued on page 2.)
and their friends. invited.
- .. . J .
Rev. Henry.
Gelston, A. B.
of Kalamazoo