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June 01, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-06-01

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Continued Cool


5k ian


Pot Pourri.,



18 Hopwood)



Steppon, Tobin Elected
Baseball,_Tennis Heads
New Captains Replace Charlie Pink And Sam Durst;
Big Bill' Was In Amateur All-American Nine

Byl7 Students
in'4"0 Contest
H. S. Canby, Noted Editor,
Cites Growth Of Native
Culture As Forerunner
Of BestLiterary Work
Winners Receive
$8,500 In Prizes
Eighteen students were named yes-
terday as recipients of $8,500 in Hop-
wood awards, presented annually for
outstanding literary achievement.
The announcement wasdmade after
the annual Hopwood address given
by Dr. Henry Seidel Canby on "The
American Tradition and Contempor-
ary Literature."
"We are a nation in the making,"
Dr. Canby explained. America can-
not yet boast of a literary culture,
he maintained, stating that this is
a period of cultural'expansion which
may result in the greatest work the
modern period has produced.
The highest prize went to Maritta
M. Wolff, '40, of Ann Aror, for her
novel, "Whistle Stop," for which she
received $1,000. Jay McCormick, '41,
the only, winner to receive two
awards, won $200 Wn the essay divi-
sion for "Down the River," and $200
for his collection, "Three Stories,"
entered in the fiction division. Both
were minor awards.
Major Poetry Awards
In poetry the major awards went
to Edwin C. Burrows, Grad., New
Haven, Conn., $800; John Malcolm
P Brinnin, '40, Ann Arbor, $700.
and Ethel B. Arehart, Grad, Otsego
Mich., $600.
Two major drama awards of $700
each were made to Janet Shafroth,
Grad., for "Bonanza," and to Grace
Elizabeth Potter, Grad., for "I, A
Major essay wards of $500 each
went to John R. Stiles, Grad., for
"With the Coin We Blew," and to
Fredric R. White, Grad., for "Acad-
emica." '
Winners of the minor awards, for
which sophomore, junior and senior
students are eligible, were: in the
essay, James Green, '40, $100, for
"Critical Essays"; McCormick, and
to Nelson Bentley, '41, for "Grey-
hound to Chicago."
Fiction Division
In the division of fiction, Jay Mc-
Cormick, and Charles Henry Miller,
'41, who was awarded $250 for "Hu-
manity and Whiskers," were the only
In poetry there was a single prize
of $250 awarded to John Paul Rags-
dale, '42, for "Eighteen to Twenty."
Three prizes were awarded in the
drama division to Charles A. Leavay,
'40, $250 for "Episode Crotona";
Rowland O. Barber, '41, $150 for
"Deep in the Earth"; and Della
Rebish, '42, a prize of $100 for "They
Die Fasting."
The judges were as follows: In the
field of the essay, Alan Devoc, Amy
Loveman and Carl Van Doren; in
the field of the drama, John K. Hut-
chens, Joseph Wood Krutch and
Brock Pemberton; in the field of
poetry, 0. J. Campbell, Margaret
Widdemer and John Gould Fletcher,
and in the field of fiction. John
Chamberlain, Henry Hull and Lewis
Two Works Published
Of last year's winners in the Hop
wood Contests, two works were pub-
lished: John Ciardi's collection of
poems, "Homeward To America,"
and "Loon Feather," a novel by Iola
Fuller and winner of a $2,000 fiction
The Hopwood Awards are made
possible through the testament of

the late Avery Hopwood, prominent
American dramatist and alumnus of
the University, who left one-fiftieth
of his estate to the University with
the provision that the income be giv-
en away each year to "Students who
perform the best creative work ir
the fields of dramatic writing, fic-
tion, poetry and the essay." On13
students regularly enrolled in the
graduate or undergraduate schools
of the University are eligible to com-

Michigan's baseball and tennis
teams recognized stellar athletic
ability and the necessary qualifica-
tions for leadership when they elect-
ed Bill Steppon and Jim Tobin to
captain their respective squads into
action for the 1941 season.
For both Steppon, a native of De-
troit, and Tobin, who hails from
Highland Park, the captaincy comes
as a fitting reward for a notable
athletic career characterized by glow-
ing achievements and stuirdy de-
pendability. The former replaces
Charlie Pink and the latter Sam
Steppon, every ounce a ballplayer,
has long ago been tabbed big league
timber. After climaxing his career
at Western High School by being
named captain of the Detroit All-City
schoolboy team, "Step" attended a
baseball school, sponsored by the St.
Louis Cardin'als of the National
League at Flint in the summer of
Offered Contracts
Bill enrolled "just to see how far
I could get," but after surviving all
the cuts, so impressed the big league
scouts that they promptly offered
him a contract with the Cardinal
system and a tryout with Columbus'
farm of the International League.
"Walloping Willie" passed it up, how-
ever, in favor of a college education.
The big Wolverine second-sacker'
was admitted to Michigan State Col-
lege, attended the East Lansing in-
stitution for one semeser and trans-


ASME Group,'
Holds Meeting
Here June 20
Applied Mechanics Parley
Returns To Ann Arbor
After Five-Year Absence
Returning to the Michigan cam-
pus after a five-year absence, thel
Applied Mechanics Division of the
American Society of Mechanical En-
gineers will meet here June 20-21,
it was announced yesterday.
The conference will open at 9 a.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre, with
a meeting on 'Elasticity.' Prof.
Franklin L. Everett of the engineer-
ing mechanics department will act
as recorded for this session.
The second session, convening at
2 p.m., will deal with "Dynamics."
An informal dinner will be held in
the Union in the evening, at which
time Dr. R. R. McMath, director of
the McMath-Hulbert Observatory,
will present motion pictures of Solar
Prominences, describing the me-
chanical features of the apparatus
used in making the pictures. Prof.
Edward L. Eriksen of the engineer-
ing mechanics department will act
as toastmaster.
Friday morning the topic will
again be "Elasticity," and in the
afternoon it will be "Fluid Mechanics
and Thermodynamics," with Prof.
Milton J. Thompson of the aeronau-
tical engineering department acting
as recorder.
Local committee for the confer-
ence is composed of Prof. Jesse Or-
mondroyd of the engineering me-
chanics department, chairman; Prof.
Charles W. Good of the mechanical
engineering department; E. J. Ab-
bott of the Physicists Research Co.
of Ann Arbor, and Professor Eriksen.

ferred to Michigan. After a season
of freshman baseball, Bill's wealth of,
natural ability immediately attracted,
the praise of Coach Ray Fisher, the
following year.
Varsity Handy-Man
As a sophomore, Steppon was the
varsity handy-man, filling in at sec-'
ond base, shortstop and the outfield.
He batted only .214, but over half his
hits were for extra bases and his field-+
ing was of high caliber.
Last summer, big Bill journeyed to
Cooperstown, N.Y., to make the All-
American Amateur baseball team and
earn himself a trip to Havana for a
series with the Pan-American All-
Star aggregation. He batted .302 for
the series.
This year, Steppon was placed in
the cleanup spot in the Michigan
(Continued on Page 3)
S D X Awards
Carl Petersen
Merit Citation
News Fraternity Names
Summer Daily Editor
Carl Petersen, '40, was selected yes-
terday as the University's outstand-
ing senior journalist by Sigma Delta
Chi, national professional journal-
istic fraternity.
Petersen is the retiring managing
editor of The Daily and will serve as'
managing editor of The Summer
Daily this summer. He has been a
member of The Daily staff since the
second semester of his freshman year.
For this work, Petersen has been
awarded a citation of achievement by
Elmo Scott Watson and Willard R.
Smith, national president and secre-
tary, respectively, of the fraternity.
His nomination was made by an
authorized committee of student,
faculty and professional members of
the local chapter of Sigma Delta Chi,
The basis for' selection was general
excellence in character, scholarship
and competence to perform journal-
istic tasks.

Mrs. Bursley
Dies At Home
Wife Of Dean Of Students
Succumbs After illness
Lasting Only One Hour
Funeral Services
To Be Tomorrow
(Of The Law School)
Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley died at her
home at 2107 Hill Street early yes-
terday morning after an illness which
lasted only an hour.
Mrs. Bursley's death was due to
coronary thrombosis.
The end came in the home which
for years she had loved and had made
loved by a host of friends. Mrs.
Bursley was the wife of Dean Burs-
ley and the daughter of former Prof.
Jerome C. Knowlton of the Law
School and Mrs. Knowlton, and the
niece of former Prof. and Mrs. Albert
H. Pattengill and of the former prin-
cipal of the Ann Arbor High School
Judson G. Pattengill and Mrs. Pat-
tengill and of former Prof. Victor H.
Lane and Mrs. Lane.
She is survived by her husband and
three daughters, Anne and Margery
of Ann Arbor and Mrs. John S. Win-
der, of Schnectady, N.Y.; a grand-
son; her sister, Mrs. Herman Kleene,
of Asheville, N.C.; several cousins, in-
cluding Miss Caroline Pattengill, of
Ann Arbor, Victor H. Lane, of Ann
Arbor, Henry Lane, of Chicago, and
Mrs. H. Lee Simpson, of Detroit; and
four nephews and a niece, Fritz K.,
Thomas H., and John K. Kleene, of
Detroit, Gilbert E. Bursley, of Wash-
ington, D.C., and Mrs. Collins Carter,
of Albion, all five of whom attended
the University in recent years.
She was a member of Saint An-
drew's Episcopal Church and Col-
legiate Sorosis, one of the founders
and for many years an active worker
in the Ann Arbor Garden Club and
a member of the earliest founded
Monday Club and of the Needlework
Guild. Her generous interest in the
community life was manifested by
membership and work in numerous
civic and University organizations.
Perhaps above all was her unaffected
and helpful interest in people.
To know Mrs. Bursley was to love
her infinite kindliness, her gentle
spirit and the charm of her person-
ality. Her friends realized in her a
carrying on of the kindly humor, the
gracious qualities of mind and spirit
which had endeared her father and
mother to the Ann Arbor of a gen-
eration ago.
Funeral services will be held to-
morrow afternoon, but final arrange-
ments have not as yet been complet-
C omOps To Give
L..ast Interviews
Newly Formed Residence
Final interviews of prospective
residents of men's cooperative living
cuarters will be held at the Bran-
deis House, 841 East- University Ave.
at 1:00 p.m. today, Harold Osterweil,
'41. chairman of the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council personnel committee annucdysea.
nediysrteday. esfdeth
uaTis i the las cacte fortho

interested to apply, Osterweil stress-
ed, as final personnel for the house.
will be selected.
These interviews will only be foi
the already established houses. In
terviews for new houses will be mad(
All male students interested ii
applying for a new cooperative hous+
for next semester, were urged b.
Kenneth Dehaney, '41, to telephon
him at 7350 as soon as possible.
The new house, which will be ru
along the Rochdale principles o
cooperation, embracing all races
creeds and colors, is expected to b,
a low cost house, according to De
Prospective members of the hous
will meet at Room 304 of the Unioj
, at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

Approval Of


till Pending On Measure;
Include Ocean Cruise

- -

Course Will Probably

Naval ROTC will be open to stu-r
dents as a part of the Universityv
curriculum in September, according 9
to word received by President Ruth-t
ven from the Navy Department yes-c
Pending is congressional approval
of the plan which will establish at
regular senior-course unit here, I
President Ruthven said. Housing for
the new unit has been provided int
the South Department, a building off
North University Ave., next to thei
old Health Service.9
Staff Not Named
Staff of the naval course is as yett
unnamed, both to the numbers and
individuals, he added, pointing out,c
however, that the curriculum will
probably include at least one ocean
cruise similar to those held for stu-
dents at the University of California
and other institutions.
The current war in Europe, Pres-
ident Ruthven commented, probablyr
has had little or nothing to do with1
the Naval ROTC unit's establish-
ment. It has come, he explained, as
the result of two years of steady work
and planning on the part of Univer-
sity and Navy Department officials.
Situation Grave
At the same time, the President
said, "I do not wish to underestimate
the gravity of the situation." While
even more trying times seem to be
in prospect, he pointed out, we must
not lose our heads and indulge in
indiscriminate "witch-burning."
No enlargement of the present
ROTC units of the University is
contemplated at present, according
to all indications, President Ruthven
2 500 Copies
Of '40 'Ensian
Purchasers of this year's 'Ensian
are urged to call for their copies be-.
tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. today (Sat.),
Monday and Tuesday on the first
floor of the Student Publications
Building, Richard T. Waterman, '40,
'Ensian business manager announc-
The record number of 2500 copies
of the review of campus activities
in art work, photography and special
features will be issued to students
who present their receipts or stu-
dent identification cards.
A surprise section, natural color'
photographs, and "Michigan" cover,
are the special features of the cur-
rent issue of the publication. Photo-
graphs of student activties, organ-
izations, honor societies, sororities,
fraternities, dormitories, and mem-
bers of the senior classes of the
various schools and colleges are oth-
er notable parts of the yearbook.

pointed out. In fact, he added, Uni-
versity officials recently advised
government inspectors that limita-
tion of enrollment is threatened be-
cause of shortage of housing facil-
President Ruthven also announced
that final plans for the new Horace
H. Rackham Educational Memorial
will probably be in the hands of
the University next week.
The new building, to be erected
in Detroit jointly by the Detroit En-
gineering Society and the Rackham,
Fund, at an estimated cost of more
than $1,500,000, is planned 'to house
the Society's facilities and classroomsr
of the Detroit branch of the Uni-
versity Extension Service, including
part of the Public and Social Admin-f
The Society, which cooperates
with the Extension Service, will own
and occupy part of the building, thef
rest' being planned as University
property. The auditorium and lunchl
room, owned by the University, will
be open to both groups.
Flight Course
May, Be Held
This Sunner
If Invitation Is Accepted
Training Will Be Given
To 75 College Students
An invitation to hold a flight
training course in Ann Arbor during
the summer has been received by
the University from the Civil Aero-
nautics Authority, Prof. E. W. Con-
lon of the aeronautical engineering
department announced yesterday.
If the invitation is accepted train-
ing will be given to 75 college stu-
dents, 25 more than took a similar
course this spring, from June 15 to
September 15.
All students between the ages of
18 and 25 residing locally who are
able to pass a physical examination
equivalent to the one taken by com-
mercial pilots are eligible.,
Fees for the flight training will
be $40 which includes the medical
examination, room and board, in-
surance and medical care in case
of accident.
The training, which enables stu-
dents to receive a pilot's license, will
he given by members of the faculty,
student assistants and pilots at the
Ann Arbor airport.Applications are
available at the aeronautical engin-
eering offices.
Plans are also being considered to
hold an advanced flight training
course here this summer for students
who have completed the basic curri-

Speedy Action
Is Predicted
NEW YORK, June 1. (Received
at 12:57 a.m.).-(IP)-The official
British wireless, in a broadcast
picked up by CBS, declared this
morning that French authorities
had found German documents
"confirming" Nazi losses of half a
million men on the Western Front
since April 10.
(By The Associated Press)
A second British expeditionary
force, following up the one whose
remnants still are fleeing Flanders,
was being organized in France last
(Friday) night behind the Somme
front where French tanks battered
away at the southern end of the
German salient.
Allied pressure on the Somme
frdnt, the French said, had "cleaned
up" the Abbeville sector, though
capture of Abbeville itself was not
claimed. *
Where Next?
This new action on the Somme
may answer the question: Where
will the next move come in the war?
It might mean the Allies were
making a move to head off a Ger-
man drive on Paris. Such a thrust,
with the French capital the goal
and possibly Italy blasting at France
from the south, was forecast in
German army circles on the West-
ern Front.
The French kept secret the
strength and location of the second
The British Air Ministry, mean-
time, reported broad activity of the
fleet air arm in harrying German
forces'driving in to deal a death
blow to Allied units withdrawing
from the Channel pocket around
Italy's position seemed to have
simmered down to the point where
diplomats wonderednno longer whe-
ther she would enter the war but
rather when.
Italians Told To Return
It was reported that Italians long
resident in .Switzerland had been or-
dered by their government to return
Statements of the Hungarian pre-
mier and foreign minister made it
clear that Hungary's policy was co-
ordinated with the Rome-Berlin
Axis This would give German ar-
mies a clean sweep through Hun-
gary in any drive into Southeastern
The French said Allied northern
armies were being rescued "on a
large scale" through Dunkerque.
A War Ministry spokesman in
Paris said "important" withdrawals
which got under way Thursday night
still were progressing undiminished,
with British, French and Belgian
troops pouring across the English
Channel in an unending stream.
It was acknowledged, however,
that the French rearguard protect-
ing the Allied retreat was "in diffi-
Meanwhile, Italy's long-awaited
plunge was reported imminent in
dispatches from Adolf Hitler's head-
quarters on the Western Front.

New Expeditionary Army
Is Organized In France;
Italian Entry In War Seen

Navy Depart n t To Inaugurate
Naval ROTC Unit Here In Fall,

Successes Reported
In Abbeville Sector
By French Troops

Ame rican Architects' Instit te
Organizes Junior Branch Here

Student Opinion Here Differs
From Michigan State On ROTC

The first Junior branch of the
American Institute of Architects to
be established at an American uni-
versity was officially inaugurated
here yesterday by Detroit architects
at a dinner in the Union.
Wesley Lane, '40A, was installed
as president of the new Junior or-
ganization which, if it proves success-
ful here, will be founded at colleges
throughout the country. Other offi-
cers are James Roberts, '41A, vice-
president; Linn Smith, '41A, secre-
tary; and George Gaunt, '41A, treas-
urer. They replace Lane and Albert
Metter, who headed the founding

by the A.I.A. for outstanding schol-
arship were given at the banquet to
Stanley R.ichardson, '40, and Arthur
Held, '40. Alpha Rho Chi, national
architecture fraternity, awarded its
annual medal to John Farrons, '40.
Featured speaker of the evening was
Alvar Aalto, noted Finnish architect.
Privileges accruing to membership
in the Junior A.I.A. will be the right
to attend meetings of the Institute
anywhere in the United States, and
the right to represenation at the
annual national convention. After
graduation junior members will be
placed under the mentorship of senior
Institute members who will see that

Opinions of sophomores in the
basic course of the ROTC here and at
Michigan State College differ wide-
ly on the advisability of entering the
advanced course and receiving a
commission in the army in light of
present war conditions, recent re-
ports from both schools reveal.
The report from State indicates
that applications for the advanced'
course there have decreased approxi-
mately 50 per cent since last year,
At the University, however, accord-
ing to a statement made by a member
of the military science faculty, the
number of students who are apply-
ing for the advanced course is as
great if not greater than it was in
In an attempt to discover the rea-

they had joined the ROTC for patri-
otic reasons asserting that the main
reasons were hope of a safer position
in war time and the money which all
students in the advanced course were
In this survey, however, most of
the students stated that the events
of the present European conflict have
made them more desirous than ever
of obtaining commissions. A number
of those interviewed still desired com-
missions mainly because of the hope
of greater personal safety in war but
the majority expressed the same
opinion as William Hurley, '42, who
"I have always had the idea of
taking the advanced course in the
ROTC and getting a commission and
nnurT'mQva moe dsrous ofbe-

FDIR Asks Additional
Billion For Defense
WASHINGTON, May 31.-(lP)-To
a Congress that gave every sign of
responding swiftly, President Roose-
velt today sent a request for the
"speedy" addition of more than a
billion dollars to the National De-
fense Fund in view of the "almost
incredible events" in Europe.
While no one could forecast the
future, he said, America's defenses
must be made "more certain" as long
as a possibility exists "that not one
continent or two continents but all
continents may become involved in
a world-wide war."
The President's recommendations
wouldin reae the current arms prn-

Life Membership Pins
Are Available At Union
You'll wish you had that gold
TUnion life-membershin nin some day


Want A Ride Hone?
See The Travel Board
"East Side, West Side, all around

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