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June 01, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-06-01

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Geology, History Departments Grade
More Strictly Than Others,j
Figures Show
Supplementing the report of a pre-
vious committee, stressing new points
in regard to the marking systems
and the conduct of examinations, and
making a complete survey of the situ-
ation at Michigan ,the committee on
marks gave its report before the fac-
ulty of the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts yesterday af-
That the Regents include in each
budget for instruction a sum sufficient
to purchase necessary supplies and to
provided necessary proctoring for ex-
aminations, even if this should re-
quire a slight increase in fees for
tuition, was the first of the sugges-
tion and it followed closely the
recommendation of the committee
headed by Prof. John G. Winter in
Advise Examination Consideration
It was further recommended that
each department consider carefully
whether its examinations justify com-
plaints that they are unfair; and that
particular care in the use pf the so-
called "new type examinations be
exercised. The problem of cheating
outside of examinations, consideration
of which was recomnended by the
previous committee, was placed by
this committee under the responsibili-
ties of the departments and they
recommended that the departments
deal with the problems in their meet-
The report included a comprehen-
sive study of the grading system and
gave a long list of statistics dealing
with different angles of the problems.
The question as to whether or not
the different departments of the col-
lege agreed on the use of the marking
symbols A, B, C, D, and E was con-
sidered of major importance. The
survey concluded with remarks that
the several departnents considered
interpreted the grades differently.
Figures Are Surveyed
The results of'this survey of the
marking systems of the different de-
partments showed that:
(1) The geology and history de-
partments are grading more strictly
than the other departments.
(2) The botany, geography, math-
entatics, rhetoric and zoology depart-
ments have practically the same
standards of marking, and form an
intermediate group.
(3) a. A grades appear frequently
in French and Spanish.
b. Even allowing for the fact that
the German department is attracting
a strong type of student, grading in
that department is still unusually
The comnnittee advocated from these
results that the departments adopt a
uniform system of marking and that
certain departments make changes in
the amount of work required in the,
Concluding the remarks on grades
the conomittee suggested that the use
of class average and the so-called
normal curve in the distribution of
grades was unwise and deprecated
their use.

Thle members of the committee who
made the report are Prof. Philip E.
Bursley, Prof. Harry C. Carver, Prof.
Carroll H. May, Prof. Harold P.
Scott, Prof. Irving D. Scott, Prof.
Preston W. Slosson and Wilbur
Humphreys, assistant dean of the col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the

Commemorating the opening of Can-
ada to, the sale of alcoholic bever-
ages the June number of Gargoyle,
on sale today, takes its theme in the
expression "On to Windsor." The
cover, a futuristic arrangement of
I zebras, giraffes elephants, parrots,
and leopards all in a mad rush with
the caption "On to Windsor," is done
in color by Maurice Lichtenstein, '28,
The usual larger number of car-
toons all with their general theme,
the "Canadian beer rush," are fea-
tured. A page drawing by Elbert
Vyse, '28, gives the music and words
to a song, "I Wonder How I Look
When I'm Asleep" and illustrates the
words with characteristics poses.
Four Cabinet Members Are Included
In Group Appointed By Coolidge
To Plan Reception
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 31.-Sone-
what at sea because it does'not know
exactly how and when Capt. Charles
A. Lindbergh will return to the United
States, a cabinet committee appointed
by President Coolidge today set about
planning a national celebration for the
New York to Paris flier.
The first act of the committee which
includes the four Cabinet members who
are concerned with aviation, Secretary
Davis. of the war department, Wilbur
Hoover, and Postm-aster-general New
-was to cable Lindbergh an offer to
return direct to Washington on the
cruiser Memphis instead of the des-
troyer Breck, which previously had
been placed at his disposal.
The invitation to use the larger and
speedier ship was extended in the
hope that the aviator could reach
Washington before President Coolidge
leaves on June 13 on his summer va-
Should Lindbergh arrive in time he
will be asked by President Coolidge to
be his guest at the temporary White
House here. It was assumed that
his mother, if she elects to come from
Detroit to rn'eet her daredevil son,
also would be invited to share the
hospitality of the Executive mansion.
Meeting soon after its designation
by the President, and after receiving
instructions to prepare a fitting com-
memoration of the record-breaking
non-stop flight, the Cabinet committee
first concerned itself with 'arrange-
ments to get Lindbergh here. The
committee did not go into details of
the celebration beyond the White
House reception, desiring to leave
plans for other functions to the
wishes of Captain- Lindbergh.
LONDON, May 31.-Britain's air
chief and the heroes of flights from
England to various parts of the
world had Captain Lindbergh, Ameri-
ca's flying hero, as their guest to-
It was the mostrdistinguished as-
semblage of aviators that ever sat
at a banquet together in England
and it was Lindbergh's greatest test
of endurance so far as after-dinner
speaking is concerned which he has
experienced since landing at 'Le

Something new in the June GargoyleM[ In three more weeks to the day in the wilderness then. But it was
is a page of drawings by Lichtenstein, S M 1 I I UIUI 011thousandsof Michigan alumni will re- worth it because they would come
Fred Hill '27, and Vyse. Many of the Tr iturn to Ann Arbor for commencement home eventually, that much richer for
members *of the staff are shown here HIexercises; but it will be a different having received an education. Today
in various positions. 4 journey from that of 70 or 80 years ago there is less cause for fear, and more
The seventh installment of 'The! ___when democrat wagons, oxen-drawn for rejoicing when June 20 arrives,
Adventures of Dan Ruff at Barber E E EA A carts, and the good old horse and bug- for those unable to survive in the bat-
Colege" etiled"Da ad MrceleFREShMEN D1;E P I C T ATLANTA Si
College," entitled "Dan and Marcelle TH HER SiT'OiS gies were the chief means of convey- tle with the hardships today are sent
with a Lot of Lather and Weddin ANDF INAL DEEAT ance over cowpaths and roads full of home until theyare ready to success-
Bells," brings the end to this serial (AiFA D E mud holes. But in those days fewer fully meet that ordeal. And when they
that has been running for some time. came or had cause to come-for the have done so successfully, commence-
Dan is graduated and married all in CLASSES FORM BLOCK "t" number of graduates were less by ment day means that much more for
the same installment.--- many hundreds. the thousands of parents who will be
A great deal more humor in the Dance lDraiia Produced For First Time On and during the few days pie- in Ann Arbor for that occasion on,
form poetry is to be found in this By Women Who Are Interested ceding June 20th, gasoline will bring June 20.
number than in past Gargoyles. In Natural Dancing them over the intervening miles with-
The book review section recom- out discomfort or fatigue. Parking
mends "The Drums of Aulone" byl yJaCampbell space will be at a premium. It will
Robert W. Chambers, "William HohenyJebe something like a football Saturday UIII LS IILIULIAi[
zollern" by Emil Ludwig "Audelins Latern Night, to the women of this day. Fraternity and sororityI
zothern" byveriltLudwig CAudeiius is-to
Smith Detective" by R. T. M. Scott. this University what Cap Night is to houses will provide the meals, so that
"The Early Worm" by' Robert IHoch- the men, took blace last night in all they will not be made and packed be-
ley "ins, an "'l Hve Fneth slemit ad eauy hih asforehand as was the custom seven de- O [ 4 I gN I
Funeral" by Pierre La Maziere am so long been associated with this s- cades ago.
others. yrpierone tom. The annual passing of classes t eatof texfte n ohes nExtreme Peril Necessitates Removal
The editorials contain a parting c from the seniors down to the fresh- the hearts of the fathers and, mothers Of American Consulate To Less
from the issue editor and discussion men was a solemn procession, and when leaving their sons and daugh- Dangerous Location
of Cap Night and the opening of O hmarked a forward step in the history ters 'exposed to the hardships and
. of the women of our school.dangers of what seemed merely camp
taxi°. IAs is the custom at this time, the TIENTSIN IS CONSIDERED
freshman pageant was given preced-
ing the ceremony of Lantern Night I IL(Py Associated Press)
and this year the theme of the pag- UWASHINGTON, May 31.--With anx-
cant was Atlanta's Race with her iety over the safety of American cit-
Suitors and the Three Golden Apples, zesnLi4tcIciAfth
games and the tournaments held at Northern Chinese attack south of the
that time. This year the entire cast - Yellow river, the Washington admin-
Plan To Have Students Come To Office of the pageant was costumed in white, Crest Forces Backwaters Far hIland: istration is considering removal of the
And Sign Card For Membership 1 which provided a vivid contrast to the Dikes And Levees Fall Before American legation from Pekin to a
May Be Innovation . . deep green of the foliage which was Rising Flood more easily defended point possibly
the background for the production.
Solemnly the Greek maids and LADispatch' of American marines from
suitors filed before the spectators Shanghai and possibly the Philippines
With the purpose of revising the preceding their performance, and be- (By Associated Press) Thanin psis the Philipp
present charter of the Student Chris- gan their different races, each striv- NEW ORLEANS, May 31.-The great ton Tentsin also is under consider-
tian association, George Likert, '27. iug for superiority in order to win lakes that lie on botsh sides of the tion and there developed little idi-
president of the organization, has an- their laurels which were given to the swollen Atchafalaya diver extended cation that the reported plan to send
nounced a meeting of all members winners by the priests who judged their "sway' over rich farming lands marines under command of Brigadier
which will be held at 4:15 o'clock the contests. Joy of the harvest was g as erim fangl GeneralBgT
today in the auditorium of Lane hall. I first presented and this was followed si Buler at S raga to Te-
All students who filled out a card last by the chariot races, and then the continued their move to the gulf. sin to form an allied brigade for de-
Fall stating their church preference warriors. These were followed by Throughout the area rescue and jfense of that point would be objected
are regarded as members of the asso- the discus throwers, then the hurd- relief forces were ready for emer- to here.
ciation. hers the archers, the wrestlers andth With the Northern Chinese army re-
Alteration of the membership, mak- then came the final whirl -of the genies as protection levees threaten- W ort hr hn a
ing it n ce'ssary to come to Lane Hall IBacchavalia. The maidens intro- ed to break before the pressure of ported in flight from Honan and
and fill 'out a card when registering duced Atlanta and in her sole dance the mighty wave pushed backwaters A
which will insure the interest of she showed herself superior to all of into the additional lowlands. of the Yellow river before the onrush
those who sign up is one of the main her suitors, and in the race which While the waters slowly were re- of the Southern nationalists it is
features of the proposed revision. An- followed she easily won from them all ceding in the north portions, extreme felt by President Coolidge that .the!
other provision will alter the meth- until Hippomenes challenged her to a south central Louisiana prepared for Peking legation, because of its general
od of -electing the president of the race. This time she was defeated an additional foot or so of rise.inge aioyshcuse o eneral
organization providing for a vote of but her defeat did not make her un- Evacuation was slow,, the inajority of inaccessibility, should be moved to
the membership instead of placing the happy. Rather she rejoiced that her ! these who have remained in the re- Tientsin and that remaining Ameri-
candidates names on the campus bal- future husband was so superior. gion having to stick out the worst. cans in North China should be con-
lot as has been done formerly. The Dance Drama Produced With the volume of water pouring centrated there according to prear-
_. ,a . 4 ,.:t _- _..a. __ C_ . _ _ L. rv . - ,, I-nP th n Ph th1 M4rf~a C ~ R a~ dm;, I ranged Dlans.

Attempt To Give Students Fair Share
Of Good Seats Under Future
Allotment System
Plans for the'distribution of football
tickets for the games to be played at
the new stadium next fall were an-
nounced yesterday by Harry Tillotson
business manager, in accordance with
and following the proposal adopted
by the Board in Control of Athletics.
The plan to be used is applicable
to reserved seats within the lipld
only, from goal to goal line. Accom-
modations have been set, as usual, for
students, alumni, bondholders "M"
club members, and regular applica-
tions. Approximately 26,000 seats
have been accounted for in the dis-
Student Seats Good
Starting in the southwest corner of
the field, between the goal and 36
yard line the upper third of the seats
have been planned for students or
alumni, as has the lower third, while
the remaining middle portion) will be
devoted to faculty applications. Each
division will seat approximately 1,200
Following on the south side of the
field, bondholders will occupy the
200 or more seats between the 30 and
45 yard line. From here to the 35
yard line east of the center of the
field, seats will be distributed in three
parts as on the west, the upper third
for complimentary seats, and middle
for a cheering section, and the re-
mainder for single students applica-
tion by women. Each' of these sec-
tions will hold 1,200,
The rest of the southeast portion,
extending from the yard line to the
o mark will be devoted to students,
with accommodations planned for 3,-
600 seats.
On the north side of the field a
similar division has been made. Start-
ing at the -east, the 0 to 25 yard line
seats are to be reserved for alumni,
a total of 3,000 seats the 25 to 35
yard line seats, 1,200 in all, form the
"M" club section, with thise from
the 35 to 50 yard line, totalling 2 000
seats, completing the bondholders
Visitors Have Large Share
From the 50 yard line to, the 0 line,
seats will be open to students of the
visiting schools, and they will be al-
lowed to occupy all that they need,
as far 'as the end of the field, while
Michigan alumni will occupy the rest.
Ohio State for example, which is to
have a group of 15,000 rooters, will
occupy all the seats within the field
from the 50 yard line and will also
need some seats around the turn, be-
hind the field, this being within the
limits of the quota .granted them by
IMichigan officials.
The elasticity of the applications
from other schools has complicated
the problem of distribution, Mr. Tillot-
son said, and for this reason, some
of the sections have been labeled
"student or alumni." This means that
alumni seats will be granted in these
sections when their accommodations
are lessened on the northeast side of
the field by the visiting rooters. When
the visiting group is small, and oc-
cupies less seats, the others are to
be saved for the alumni ,and hence
will leave morethvacancies on the
southeast side of the field for the stu-

Plans for students application or
tickets, differing from those of last
year, will 'lie announced' tomorrow,
Mr. Tillotson said. Distribution with-
in th'e students allptments will follow
a plan much similar to that of last
yearathis to depend on seniority in
the University, and' the number of
tickets desired. However, the man-
ner in which applications are ot be
made, will differ from former plans.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, May 31.-Jack De-
laney, light heavyweight champion
boxer of the world, and Mike Mc-
Tigue. former holder of the title, to-
night were reported to have agreed to
terms with Tex Rickard. nromoter, for

board of trustees will be reduced from!
23 members to 7, two of whom will1
be the president and vice-president of1
the association. The other five willt
be elected at this meeting if the pro-
posed revisions in the charter are ap-,
proved. The reason given for this
change is that a large body is very
unwieldy and is unable to. put the real
interest into the work that a smaller1
board would insure. All those who;
are interested in the S'tudent Chris-I
tian association and its work arej
urged to be present at this meeting.l
(Ihy Associated Press)j
LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 31.-Three'
deaths reported today increased to 131
the known dead in the cloudburst and I
storm in the Kentucky mountains i
Sunday night and Monday. Three each 1

For the first time in the history ofI
the Lantern Night ceremony and the
freshman pageant Orchesus, the group
of women in the University who are
specially interested in natural danc-
ing, produced a dance drama. In
deep contrast to the pageant which
was produced entirely in white, the
costumes of the dance drama varied
in all colors, each one signifying to
a better advantage the meaning of
the dance portrayed. The dances
themselves varied from the Plastic
Poetry, with its slow graceful beauty.
to the dance of Romance carried out
1by the three maidens. Youth, Love
and Riches.
The final part of Lantern Night was
the marching of the classes and the
formigg of the block M by the classes.,
The seniors came first with their
lighted lanterns and as they enteredj
the field followed by the juniors car-
rying the hoops, the symbol of the
class, they gave their final appear-


Physicians of Washtenaw county
and their wives attended the regular
meeting and banquet of the Washte-I
naw County Medical society held lastI
night at the Union.
Dr. Caroline Bartlett Crane, of,
Kalamazoo, addressed the group on
"Medical Problems As Viewed By the
Doctor's Wife." Dr. S. L. La Fever,
spoke on "Abruptia Placenta" during I
the business session of the meeting,

EGYPTIANS REJECT Iin Tennessee and Virginia, made- the ance before their graduation. Four
EG P I N ET total 19. , A number were reported long lines were formed, one for each
BRITISH OFoCERS ,,missing in Kentucky: class, .and slowly the seniors encir-
4cled the field passing through the
LONDON, May 31.-A tense situa- NORTHWESRTERN - Bridge played lines of the juniors. The juniors,
tion exists between Great Britain and in Frenmch was featured by the French! following them passed through the
Egypt owing to the efforts ofthe club at a recent club meeting. line of sophomores.
Zaglouist extremist section of the -
Egyptian government to force the i
inationof the few remaining Brit- Younger Generation Fails To Riot And Fo
ish officers serving in the British army, s,
particularly the Firdar, or comman- As Circus Comes To Town, Bringing T1
der-in-chief. --
The issue has been created by rec- 'By Kernel the part of the student also marks
ommendation of the Egyptian Parlia- tepr ftesuetas ak
mentary' War committee. One of these When a circus can come to town another epoch in the history of Mich-
recommendations was a total removal and last a whole day without a riot it igan as a University, for it is not so
of British representation on the means but one thing-Michigan has many years ago that no such showl
Egyptian army council. This meas- changed. If you don't believe that ask was safe to play within the limits of
are is not acceptable to the British y dat dhe town. Riots were staged that at'
gvrmnand to forestall it, a note any old graduate who attended col- th#o m it eesae hta
governnment, antitimes approached miniature revolu-
was expressed to Egypt, which the lege before Volstead and !Tear-gas tions in significance, and at least one
press generally characterizes as af and ask him what happened to cir- of them ended fatally for a circus
ultimatum, but which the foreign of- cuses in his time when they encroach-- man.
fee imaintains is a nmere waring, con- ed on the dominion of education. Yes- The earliest incident of this kind
taining no threat of any kid, but ex-mn
pressing a desire for co-operation be- terday John Robinson's show, which yitrs moden nmeory occurred many
gov-modstl emlatd Hrvad b ader-years ago when the Van Amburg cir-
tween the British and Egyptian gov- modestly emulated Harvard by adver n cus, travelling still by horse andl
ernments to insure the defense of tising as "The Oldest" instead of "The l wagon from town to town arrived in
Egypt. Greatest," came, performed, and left ; the city. The prudent nanager of1
and there was scarcely a ripple. tIhe show, planning to shrewdily cir-
It is true of course that the deans eumvent the reputed belligerence of

I rougLn e .U ierae crevasse uIn..
ishing, and railway embankments
crumbling before pent-up floods from
Ravenswood, and Red Cross, slight
falls were recorded in upper Pointe
Coupee parish at the extreme north
of the flood on the eastern side of the
Eight-tenths of a foot rise was ex-
perienced at New Roads, but the
I mayor of that town said he believed
that little wore water was coming.
Rosedale. Marilgouin and Gross Tete,
which have beex threatened by the
rising Bayou Gross Tete, will now re-
ceive little or no water, it was be-
lieved. The 22-mile protecting dike
flanking Gross Tete was holding well
as was the Foreouch levee.
Inspectors from Lafayette today re-
corded the burning of a Red ross 're-
lief boat with injury to two white
men and a Negro. Their injuries
1 were not believed to be serious.
AKRON, May 31.-Withonly" four
starters in the national elimination
balloon race reported race reported
down after more than 24 hours in the
air, -another night of flying seemed
in prospect for tije remaining 11 en-
rgets Traditions
Fo Mind Old Conflicts
It was then close to midnight and
the tired circus men began the dull
routine of packing for the journey to
Ypsilanti. The first heavy wagon was
I loaded and started on its way. It had
scarcely moved when there was an
ominous rumble, a dull thud, and the
wagon and its contents lay strewn on
the ground. The students had not
been idle; they had removed the burrsE
from every wheel on -the wagon, and
from every wagon in the show. To
make their work complete they had
torn up every bridge on the road be-
tween here and Ypsilanti.
From the exultation of the stu-
dents that night, and the consterna-
I tion of the circus men, there burst

* autc,,, Ntci.-
No official confirmation was obtain-
able in Washington today of the con-
clusion reported to have been reached
by Allied commanders at Shanghai
that troops of foreign countries would
be assembled at Tientsin or possibly
Peking, but it has been reiterated that
Admiral Williams commanding Amer-
ican naval forces in Chinese waters,
and General Butler are impowered to
use their own discretion in the move-
ment of troops at their disposal. The
suggested augmentation by 2,000 pick-
ed troops of the Peking legation guard
was looked upon here as a logical de-
The state department is without au-
thentic official dispatches concerning
the military situation along the Yel-!
low river. Some apprehension was
felt that Gen. Chang Tso-lin com-
mand the Northern armies, might soon
find himself hemmed in by the ad-
vancing Southern troops and for the1
sake of protecting himself might aban-
don his position and retreat to Man-
churia, his own province.
LONDON,-May 31.-Irregular recep-
tion of dispatches from Peking today
indicates that the censorship is active,
but dispatches to the Associated Press
state that the Ankuochun, or Northern
Alliance, now admits the withdrawal
of the Northerners on the whole front
owing to reverses at the hands of the
Southern (Nationalist) armies in Ho-
OHIO STATE-Women have been
admitted to the band.for the first
Anyone who is interested in
working on The Summer Michi-
gan Daily, either on the editorial
or business side, is requested to
see Philip C. Brooks, Managing
Editor, or Lawrence C. Vantuyl,
business manager, as soon as
possible, Experience is unneces-
sary, and interesting work in

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