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June 01, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-06-01

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VOL. VII. No. 183.



Chicao-o's Colors Lowered on
Received a fall line of Novel- Field, "l'ra.ck~and Diamond.
ties for Spring Suits
and. Trousorings Tle second annual -track and field
c--oct betueeso.-ichiga andsoi (1'o-


id the thirdt gane of the year°s hasn
5 all series are things of the past aod

NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. MI-isan has returned the winner.
Cil-ego's track team, said to heeflee
$ C IARS 1 DURN..~P' behot that ever retpresented the tusti-
CIGAS TO 'tin, Avas given ass overwlselnsiog
0 and good ones tns. We i-tlchstcoetadn93o
carry all the leading popn- 1,inleiga'fvrndtirbl
tar hrands and cson suit i iMttaotssrastterhl
S your taste. Cigarettes and iiii srwss humsiiated hy a score sf 5
Tsshaccos, too.istoS. The victories wese comnplete andl
- - -- ! c ssie when Michigan has hast
PALM ER'S PHA-RMA.CY. cirtes ini oce day is so remote thact
0 46 S. STATE ST. "thse indictostsan runneth not to tthe
4f (!coitrar.'
Iso-ivehe was all that couslsdhe
Bicycile floes deisced anduteecrowdthast acm
All tse goi styles. Wheel- ianiest the teamiss to Detroit was isi-
moen wsill fnho rlteojustthle wc-n-c. AWibntlie first train -arrived
right prcesO. Comtparo thseoast Detrsuit a Irocession was formess
to anytinsg you ktnsowto",ny- assd iseasded tsy the U'. of -l. hansd, iu
wchereo citt 11-sv suniformss of whiite siseol
AT'$250 scot-ce-cs, dacrk coasisansi hlue cap~s
BICYCLE L EaaINGS. e1 ice yellow "_M." msarecesd upsJef-
cc,sisstass' to Woiossvardl'ace., Ihenese
* ~ ~ is isesidlutis ast the lisissell Itouse.
J. A ( KI LL..,tise ptsh.yincsi ,fthue bhdswnsl as s r
13 WASHINGTON ST., ANN ARBOR. o hse whcoshad 1sit heard i
_____________ __________ hefore__ and ce ice for nunierous coin-
waaaw~~wama ~ 0 1 scilnesnls all closeg ttheheie of macchsl.
4X5 15 seNas smuite a featuere of the dasy nd
m 0 sc prasise is Idee Mr. Lee Warren,
a 0
a L.LI 11T iso 1rack lid field evenssh wsere
0 0sc hitslIdIsohegins at 1:30 o'clock, lint
p 0 A D Z I i s 2 o'5clocskswhen thse first, lice
0 ncs osof2: zn 005,5)aids dash, svas called. At least
ItsCa 1los5o021tiOpeopl~le ssere on the grosundis at
-40 cents a dozena. A thids uine. ansi hy the tie1thesase-
0 g~areait nmany of tise aat- lslesscIsa aldIleausl a
o tesirs are Issing tisemue andl slidoubl. Just erecesdisngthe-I l s
are satisftiesd with th ets. se'icon of hiecschrs cllasesd, hat
0 0 tes~lckilyv 15110 sho leastseaets there swere
0 0~seriouesly injusredl. Thse 100 yasrsshe
:; PHARMACY, visseun ice one heeat, and wise won hy
f burrsoull-to of Chicagbo, in 11-5 see.
___________________________ ilkc Thonseas, Miclsigan, second. The
--AT-- esmseesere setssofisn this ,,cwi o

as -he was still suffering from the in- coered 21 -feet and won. Ternor
juries received a sweek ago. 'Had he seas second wyish 20 ft. t10/2 in.
heelspshnled lee doubtless could heaveoInthlrosving -the hamm-er Msichigaes
usade hetter timce. txcelled, getting seth first and secosnd.
Healid's iseuries conmpelled hime to Bennett oust Oliver svere Ie winsners.
give np the 140 yards run at the end IDistance 104 it. 01s2 in.
at half a lap and skis enablced While. As uwas exisected, Hee-seleberger svon
of Chicago, to win easily. Battermnutle lile vault. tis heighetu-as only
ssas second. Time, 5223-5 seconds. 9 ft. 9 in., hnt lie uas almuost lirest
Alshenmile hicycle race canee next out as t1cc reseelt of conctesting in six
grid u-as regarded hy thse'Chicagoans ssr seven other evens. Tryons and
as an eaesy wvill for thsen. But the adonms tied for secondl ilace.
longspinet of Tuerner wse too nmsecle Thlalst es-elltetc the card n-as ts'
fortirs ancud lbe ss-enin 2:31 witherelaey race, Ethel rane against I lyisan
-Prossv, of Chic--aga, second. Fork, of in th'e first relay seiect won by- sbosut
Miclsig sn, was a close Itird. tswo vcsids. Thompeisoen ieeav-d tce
The esile ruen ssas laesosier es-ent lead to aboset 20 vsarsitn his relaey,
c-sri lt suin tby Cicis-go,seed sagain losaiig LasSen sloppoent Ahercoasley.
thceyswcre seseprise s eoWoasd sons teethe thirsd, Patterton closest sss tie
fraces feeiti by- at least fis-e yards. bgaeconisiderabsly, rusnening againsst BEct-
lice timeemsade lou-esstIeMiohigase tessesan. With a lead of about S or 10
recorsd sec Is 4:31-,. yaerds Thonmas took tingtsg easy and
Tlse ses-enthevsent seas the 2211y-aidoss-osslloosing hback -isletisaicasdof Os-c
idashs sed Thomnas sleoss-istwhtsarli' or six y-ars. Buerroughes ran te 'lastl
isould eta 1by defeatinig tBurroueghs, tie relay for Chicago.
stinnser of she sheort dshsl, by aousst In all of slee es-ents exepting the
itV yars inse the good tisse of 22 25Ihurdle races, first, scondst andl third
scoacds. Al'esmen craneiabostessi eac stelass coued5t, 3 cont 1 poieltcscr-
fir halef theditstasnce sw-en-i 'tie1oecss ole--lively, to the hlceloraces sonly-
Sp-urtedh seedgot ii Leadil- isi li e kepttftest asess conedislaces counstedl Thi
silltshe sdistansce wss o sverest. relcey rceccouented fie s-for ctsc sinner.
Mtichiganesgist kothepsces iteethc 221 Ol thits heass licigcsn iha5 s atotaltof

yarsds husdles. Chunbbk sed McLeain
fineishe~igtee thee ordecr nsediei. Chusbbs
odst lest hease to exert hetecsell 'ust
finished in 27 2-5 seconds.
Thc quaerter--mile bicycle broisghetot
she grecatst enthosiasni of cssy event,
seed it wIs-isoyialt odds this'trsettiest
lace of thee day. Three men u-crc
eered os ecache side. At thee csack of
the istol they~ got silliy-together anid
staedsIbunscheds till thee lost tusrne,
svhene all of the Michigasn ridslr, by~
uerieior slirioting powsers aolsthe-su
wotrk, got tee the least andd Ion smit
else wsildstchteeoring. Turner lli55
fiest,Tisrklsecondt, inistbushi thiid.
TisowIs-ioanother ee-ct tin iChte i'e-
cago ciintedl theepiti's iaheers.
The haclf-sssile ros en-ct to White, of
Chicago, in 2:07. Bartone, of Chehcago,
was second.
V'ernorswonsflee higuhi jusmepitl
Ilourneoy second. tHeighet 5 ft. 9Y2 i.
therseheherger u-cnefouttat 5 ft. 4 2 eu.
to the shot punt Olhver, for soase rea-
son less not at hits best eait could
testy tie Hineheberger at 35 ft. for
seconed tiface. to the extra trial
tHerocheerger defeated- hism. Lehr
sean first for Mihigan with a put of
36' ft. 2 ,ie. As soon as the event
was finished Oliver put thee sheotahoist
38 feet, ho-f'it was too late.
Itunnels, of -Michigan, who lead
never done better thlan 19 ft. here in
the runsniseg broad jumnp suit who only
tutoered the event at thee last inolzent,

J:l pitoslend Chieeso 4.
TAhe score tbytioints follosws:
100 ys sioh... - -a.....
:tile svssk - - --........S
120 yits. hurdsles--------
-u40 yds. rien-------------..
sutite bicycle- - - -
Stile ruse----------------..
220 yds. dash .......
220 yds hsurdles-----------.S
Osseester-e-eile bicyscle -....9
880 yds. run-------------1..
hig-h jsumt...........
Shost pues- - - -
lliiiiilis'r throes---....
t'ole vaulst- - 4
Ilelaey trace .. .. .. .. ...-


Just receive)I another list of
thaet fine U. of Al. Monogram
Paper, tho popular shades
Blue and White; also a New
Stock of the Various High
Grade Correspondence Paper.
Visiting Cards Engraved, and
Plate Printing.j

fosre 'Theomseehaled become fully set and
Bdurroughss got a lead of lu-s yards,
si-Iletss-sa smaisntaiseed.
teethie next escot, flee site svalk,
Tryoun has htinisgs all lets owon way.
ie let flee others set the pace till on
lise lsast lap, when hee dresv asway asnd
u-on easily. The tisne-Was 8:04.4-5.
Woodruff, of Michgan, was second.
haul, is-higeen and Ickes, Clhcago.
were disquaslified, for rosining.

Totasl-----------93 45
100 yards dooh -ilrrscsgies, C., firsh;
Thomaecs, At., second;i' attuarsme1, C.,
thirsd; tine, 10 1-3 sees. khhseh aid
Thiomihpson, , also rau.
220 yards daesh-Tteouea,is _., first;
Buerroughes, C., seendes; TheIhu apss, Au.,
third; tieme, 22 2-5 secs. Elbel, "A., saet
Itllyman ased Patteron, C., slso till.
440 yards dasls-Whhfc, C., hlr-cs;
IBatterosan, AI., se-onslu Esir, C., third;
hosme, 22 3-52,sees. Iteald soil Coteb,
M., also ran.
hiatt-mile ;run-WZhits- C., first; Beer-
ton, C., second; Ktng, ]N1., third;: tinme,
2:07. Anderson, ll., also ran.
(Continued on second Page.)
Michigan vs. Wisconsin, to-
morrow, at 4 :15 o'clock.

WIV AH ' BOOK4STORE The 120 yards hurdles was wson
easily by SteLean in 16 3-5 seconds.
Up TownDoneTown ClhuoChcgws e-n.I-
S. Sale st. Opposite Court House ahuo hcgwsscn.Se
Ann Arbor Main at. I Lean's rusnhing was most cedsitaibe,


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