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June 01, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-06-01

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, ,,-

Ball Game With Eastern Champions
E ndorsed By Prominent Campus J'en

- I





to an
ig of

y Associated Press)
ton, May 31.-Armed inter-
n Mexico, Should the new
control There show an ina-
unwillingness to set up a
rernment more friendly to-
tericans, was recommended
ate today by the foreign re-
b-committee which has been
ng Mexican affairs.
a stable government be es-
he committee recommended
nition be accorded it. The
said however that full rec-
ould not be given until a
been entered into predicat-
Ldvises Concession
ovisions in the constitution
ommonly regarded by for-
s confiscatory shall not be

Sending Michigan's baseball team
east to play, the champions of the
Eastern conference was strongly en-
dorsed yesterday by several prominent
men on the campus,. all of whom ex-
pressed the hope that it would be pos-
sible. Some thought, however, it rath-
er late in the season to carry out the
William G. Bade; '20, manager of the
team favors such a' -prgposition. He
"Of the things which we can do
to make Michigan known and respect-
ed, sending a first class athletic team
to the Eastern conference is one of
the best, and I sincerely hope it can,
be effected this year. Of all years
this is the time when we should try
all possible means to do so, because
we have a team which would .stand
a good chance of beating the best,the
east can produce.
Obstacles to Plan
"There are difficulties in the way,
however, in that he Eastern schools
are closing from one to three weeks
sooner than we will and it would be
difficult to hold the teams in school
as long as would be necessary for a
game with Michigan. If it can be
done, I would surely favor it. Even if
it cannot be arranged this year, I
hope that Michigan athletic. contests
with the east will be annual events
before long,"

tutional clause pro-
but a Mexican citi-
ster of any religious
nd that no periodic-
character shall com-
-litical affairs of the
:able to America.
.on that no minister
.ration' may conduct
y instruction shall
the case of Ameri-
o Confer
s under which un-
rs may be expelled
to give Americans
with the represent-



the Mexican officials fail to
such a plan the committee
"that we send a police force
of the' naval and military
our government into the re-
Mexico to open and maintain
y line of communication be-
e city of Mexico and every
nd every border port of Mex-

cki, writer anu
at 4:15 glclgpl
e Natural cI.
Litterature de

wr Mr. Wier'bicki was
with 'the British army,
Icila lecturer of the 41-
ich services in the tni-
rmerly of the French
sion. The lecture is

Containing pictures of the most
prominent athletes who will compete
in the Conference meet here Friday'
and Saturday, a. special rotogravure
section of The Daily will be published
for sale Friday afternoon. The edi-
tion, which will be of eight pages and
on special paper, will sell for 10 cents.
The Alumni association of Detroit
has placed an order for 750 copies,
which are to be distributed in high
schools throughout the country. Only
2,000 will be run off for lge§4 sale,
despite the fact tlat larg@ crqwds ar
expected in the pity foy the big West-
ern classic..
Pictures From 12 Slihcls
Pictures frorm 12 of th schools,
which are most likely to win points
in the meet, have been secured, laf d
the most probable point wiNers kill
be shown either in ction or in A
standing pgs.
Photograpli of Winning Loop
Captain Carl Johnson of higan
will be shown making the leap that
won him a first in the Eastern inter-
collegiates last year. America's pre-"
mier 100-yard dash man, Jack Scholz
of Missouri will be shown, along with
Colby of Iowa, Cook of Michigan, Kel-
ly of Minnesota, Morehead of Ohio
and many other excellent sprinters.
Higgins, Chicago's great weight man,
Speer, half miler, Ferguson of Ohio,
Spink, emery, and many 'other men
of Illinois, and many other notables
who are coming to Ann Arbor for the
meet, will be shown in action in the
rotogravure edition.
Seven appointments to the business
department of The Michigan Chimes
for next year were announced yester-
day by G.'A. Cadwell, Jr., '21L, and
R. E. McKean, '21, business manager
and assistant business man ger, re-

Kenneth S. Knode, '26H, Varsity
baseball captain, says of the trip: "I
surely think the team should go east
if it could be arranged. I believe that
the men deserve it this year and that
the trip would be the finest thing pos-
sible to insure Michigan the recogni-
tion it deserves.1
"The whole' thing is dependent on
whether games could be arranged this
late in the year, however, and it seems
now as if that will a difficult thing. IfE
it can be done, the trip could be made
over a week-end as easily as the trip
to Iowa and perhaps with better fac-
ilities. I am in favor of sending ath-t
letic teams every year,' but above all
thlis year, when we have a team of the
calibre this one is."
Petty Approves ,
Fred J Petty, '21, expressed strongI
appioval of the idea and emphasizedI
the act that this year is the time to
send the team to play the champions
of the east. He said also:'
"With the possiblilty of the cham-
pionship of the United States in pros-
pect, and no serious obstacle to the
eastern game I think that we should
not fail to take advantage of the op-
portunity we have for making Mich--
igan supreme in the college baseball
world.' It would 'be the finest thing1
that could happen to 'put the Univer-
sity on the map.' The objection that
the eastern school which finally wont
the championship and which we would
wish to play would be through schoool1
two weeks before us and would findI
it hard to hold its team together is not
to be considered, I think, as the pros-
pect of the championship of the United
States would be enough to hold any
team for any length of time necess-
ary. Surely this should not offer anyf
"I think that the campus as a whole
is solidly behind the proposition andc
that every student desires it. It
seems that the demands of the camp-
us at large should be acceded to in
case it is at all possilile."t
Darbarker Favors Plan
James M. Darbarker, '20E, when
asked his opinion said that in his es-
timation it is the best thing that
could be done for Michigan. He said:
"We have .not had much eastern
competition and I think that we ought
to show them what we can do in base-;
ball. From my knowledge of the teams
in the east I think that we can beatf
anything that they have. As to the
objection that it is late in the year, I
think that there would be 9 ifficulty
in getting them to hol their taign tQ,-
gether after the en of the scliagtic
year, particularly with the chmnpin-
ship of the IJpited gtte at stake. If,
the Athltipi asspatn gh4l( refuse
to finance the projept, I believe that
the student bdy at large would sub{
scribe the necessary funds. I think1
that they are strongly behind scli a
trip and would bak it substantially in
ease the association should nOt."
(By Assoelated Press)
Indianapolis, Ind.. May .31.-In the
most spectacular finish ever witnessed
at the Indianapolis speedway, Gaston
Chevrolet driving a car of American
design rode to victory in the eighth
renewal of the 500-mile automobile
race today before a record-breaking
crowd of 125,000 persons. Chevrolet's
time was 5 hours.40 minutes 16 and
14-100 seconds, an average of 88.16
miles an hour, the second best time
in the history of the event.
In addition to winning the $20,000
first prize, Chevrolet also won ap-

proximately $5,500 in lap prize com-
petition in cash prizes offered by' ac-
cegsory firms. Rene Thomas tg- n.
dered across the finish ij seN4u p @2e
having covered the distanc§ im} .
his average being 87,.4§ lilen ghgu
Tommy Milton pulled iup in third place
and Jimmy 1 rphy fttl hed touth ,
All of th@ thr1iJs Came in the last
thirty miles of the rage when Ralph
De Palma, the favorite with a lead of
10 miles to his credit, seemed certain
of winning but' with victory within
grasp De Palma's car burst into
flames and a few minutes later the
car driven by Joe Boyer of Detroit
who led during the first 250 miles,
skidded, overturned, and crashed into
a brick retaining wall within a few
feet of the. spot where -De Palma's
I car caught fire.

S. C. A. Co-Operates With Y. M. C. A.,
Y. W. C. A., and Churche
With the purpose of arousing great-
er interest among university studentsE
in the courses offered in religious ed-I
ucation, the newly-elected officers of1
the Students' Christian association, co-1
operating with the Y. M. C. A., Y. W.
C. A., and representatives of the vari-
ous churches in Ann Arbor Sunday
launched an intensive campaign for
larger enrollment in these churches.
The campaign will last until Satur-
day, June 5.
The first active step in this drive
was begun Sunday, when pamphlets
were distributed in the churches dur-
ing morning and afternoon meetings.
These leaflets give in detail full infor-
mation concerning the courses, their
aims, the hours at which classes are
held, and the corresponding university
credit towards graduation require-
ments. They will be given out during
the week in places of easy access to
students, such as Lane hall, Newberry
hall, and the Ann Arbor Bible Chair
building on the corner of Jefferson
and State streets.'
Lectures and Discussions
Besides these regular courses, other
opportunities of hearing lectures and
discussions on religious subjects are
offered to students interested in the
campaign. Frequently sjeakers ofl
note deliver addresses in Lane hall
or the Y. W. C. A., and it is the espe-
cial desire of those conducting the
drive 'to have students realize the ad-
vantages to be gained by attending
these assemblies.
May Select Topfhs
1 Arrangements have also been made
so that men or women desiring to
form groups for discussion of the
various phases of present-day reli-
gious or social conditions may secure
speakers of their own choice. It is;
only necessary that they fill out the
applic.tionsa printed on these pamph-
lots siifyng the subjects to be dis-
cussed, Phe names of the speakers de-
sired to lead the meetings, and the
special branch of religion or sociology
they want emphasized.
In a recent statement to college men
and women on "Thrift," which is be-
ing mailed by 'the treasury depart-
ment to very college and university
throughout the country, Dr. M. L. Bur-
ton, Michigan's future executive, says
that any student who realizes the re-
sponsibility of education and future
leadership in thought and action
should prepare himself to be an ard-
ent advocate of the necessity of thrift.
"Why should the student of today
be prepared to become a leader in his
community in spreading the gospel of

thrift?" asks Dr. Burton. "Unless oth-
er persons had not been both product-
ive and thrifty-no adequate education-
al facilities would now b4 available
for the present tden generatio,
StjOnt la NoiPrduer
"Moreover, e average student is
at the present moment a non-produc-
tive nenber of society. Society in ef-
fect says to bim, 'We value education
so highly that we are willing to re-
lease you from the normal obligations
of being self-supporting and agree to
care 'for your needs.' This offer can
only be made because others have not
believed in but practiced economy.
Should Be Deader
"It goes without saying that a uni-
versity trained man should be a leader
in all movements calculated to benefit
the people as a whole., American col-
leges and universities owe a duty to.
themselves to keep the problem of
thrift constantly before the students."

Senior Sing To
Be Held Tonight
The first Senior Sing of the year
will be held at 7 o'clock this evening
at the band stand on the campus. The
Varsity band will also give a short
concert before the sing.
The attitude of the student body to-,
wards this first sing will determine
whether or not they will be continued
for the remainder of this year. If
the student body turns out in large
numbers for this sing, another will
be given later in the week, or the
early part of the next. The commit-
tee in charge urges everyone to be
present Tuesday night, that the old
tradition may be revived..
Board in Control of Student Publica-1
tions Will Supply Necessary
. Funds
Graduate fellowships in journalism
have been approved ly the' Regents
at the recommendation of the Board
in Control' of Student Publications,
which is to provide the funds.
Under the provisions as stated in
the recommendation 'by the Board, the
fellowships will be of $600 each,
awarded to two students who enter1
the graduate school for the study of
journalism. They are for the pur-
pose of encouraging and stimulating
work in matters relating to newspa-
pers, their character and history, and
other forms of publiity
Nominations and Appointments
Nominations to the fellowships will
be open to anyone in this University,
or any other who is prepared to enter
the Graduate school. The two appli-
cants chosen by the staff of the jour-
nalism department and approved by
the Executive board of the Graduate
school are then to be approved by the
Board of Regents before the final
Professor Scott's Statement
Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de-
partment, said regarding the action
for journalism fell'owships:
"It is the principle of the journalism-
department here that the advance in
newspaper practice and ethics depends
largely on encouraging research work
in schools of journalism and that a
small body of graduate students stud-
ying and working on the problems of
the profession will in a short time
make for increased efficiency in news-
paper work."
The French government last week
signed the official decree granting a
valuable collection of war trophies to
the University of Michigan.
The offer was made some time ago
by the French commission at New
York and was recently accepted by
the Board of Regents. Dean Effinger
had hoped that part might arrive by
graduation week in order that the
seniors and old graduates could in-
spect a few of the more important
specimens. Four or five months ago
the Commission was asked if some

of the .collection might not be shipped
immnediately by express. It is im-
.probable, however, that any pieces
will arrive within the next few weeks.
The trophies will consist of 'one can-
non 75 millimeters, one St. Etienne
machine gun, one Hotchkiss machine
gun, one automatic rifle, several'
trench mortars, and various types of
shells. These machine guns were the
two most extensively' used on the
French front. "
Druids, senior literary honorary so-
ciety, will initiate ten men at 4:30
o'clock this afternoon. Following cer-
emonies in the Druid sacred grove,
the members and neophytes will at-
tend a banquet at the Union, after,
which, the secrets of the society will
be explained to the new men.

... oal ..
"Hust Safeguard World From Recu
rence of Frightful Conflict,"
Says Speaker
Students and faculty men who ser
ed in the recent war, either on th
side or, overseas, took an active pa
yesterday in the 'Memorial execis
held on Ferry field and in Hill and
torium in commemoration of ith
gan's dead.
Proceeding down North Universi
avenue and State street promptly
9:15 o'clock the parade to the Fer:
field exercises was headed by a cc
umn of ex-service men under Ca
Robert Arthur as marshal of the da
with the Varsity 'band next In liz
President Harry Burns Hutchiz
speaker of the day, and members
the 'local G. A. R. followed In ant
mobiles, while Spanish war vetera
marines, navy and army mhen marchi
in order.
Opening of Exercises
On entering Ferry field, the form
tion drew up in platoon front facli
the memorial flag pole. The execis
were opened with a prayer by the R
S. S. Robins, chaplain of the loc
American legion post.
While colors were sounded by- t]
band, Theodore B. McKinney, '22, fc
mer battalion sergeant major of t
32nd division, hoisted the national c
ors to the top of the mast. After
interval of silence, the flag was los
ered to.half-mast and a picked squ
of marines fired a salute In memo
of Michigan's dead. Taps were blos
from the top of the south stand.
Services in Auditorium
Memorial services in Hill audit
rium began immediately after the r
turn march, with the singing off"
merica" and the offering of a pray
by the Rev. Mr. Robins. After a slic
introductory speech, President Hute
ins presented the Rev. Lloyd C. Don
las of the Congreg'tional chur-ch
orator of the day.
Continuance of Work Urged
The Rev. Mr. Douglas spoke of t
great sacrifice that the men of t
University had made in giving th
lives for, the sake of freedom and ei
phasized the fact that those who
main must not fail to carry on t
good work so bravely undertaken
their fallen comrades.
"The only right and just way
commemorate our dead service mi
is to see that the treaty of Versaii
is carried out to the letter," said l1
Douglas. . "We must' safeguard, t
world from a recurrence of the frig]
ful conflict through which we ha
lately passed."
The Memorial day exercises we
concluded by the singing of "The S
Spangled Banner."
The University of Idaho is assur
of a large men's dormitory to be co

pleted and ready for occupancy by I
beginning of the fall term in Septe
ber. The entire amount of mor
needed' for the construction of t
new building has been subscribed
the business men of the city of Mc
cow, and work on the actual cc
struction of the building will cc
mence within a few weeks.
All track men who are not
participating in the intercolleg-
iates must remove their clothes
from their lockers by Tuesday
night. The Athletic association
will not be responsible for any
apparel left in the lockers aft-
this date. The lockers are to
be used for visiting athletes.


0-yard dash, which
o be left over from
eet held Saturday
lay afternoon. The
Burns, '23; second,
rd Williams, '23.'
te race in the fast
nds, also ran awayI


g of the year
at the Union.
.on of officers
iety will hol4
'riday evening
gets are uqw


spectively of that publication.
J. F. Green '22, was selected as pub-
lication manager, and E. T. Ives Jr.,
'22, and C. M. Atkinson, '22, will head
the advertising staff. The circulation
managership was given to T. C. Truss,
'22. A. C. Lindbloom, '22, will be man-
ager of foreign advertising, with J.
Steadman, '22, as assistant. H. S. Kil-
patrick, '22E, received the appointment



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