I 'X
. _
No. 178
E c
{I s OI IE ENE :i ;T { I l
II p1Student ahetcbooks willI
lii ilsii U. SUD NT Inot admit anyone to the _ofr
j once track m(-et tomorrow. This
statement w as grade by the Atli- JI
# 3ltie association ticket office I
.t y$ T ODCTLau A pit eseday showingl fthtcet UA)
~u~ AN EDT Fiancal ead r l tesn fths thoae cAteh-
#A WOK etic association explains, isIE
t I that the meet is being run by the' VARS[2
JIAW ASSUMES f.my Conference association and not DON~
4G' EPS I~ I the local body. Tickets in the
CUT VEPSIIN reserve section near th~e finish I. etio
l.--*... ine sell fr $.50. Th une iS cto
School of Social Rswh k{{sre seats are $1 each. MemI- S1
Sevieso Frte bers of 'the " '' club will also
ni~ ission. !RIevisior
..r,.n.. ,.. , ,...t ,:c. rair rin .. .".k . * .. . .,. . v;. . . _ .-> .x: .e
For Senior Clase: Is. Re.
ewed In Middle Of
South Stands
I Misrepresentation of facts
S with regard to eligibility, by
Iany candidate for an athletic
team, may be made an offense
pi Pnishable by the University, if
( the reconimendlation passed by
S the eligibility committee of the
Board in Control of athletics is
Ipassed by the University Senate,
it was announced yesterday.
The action taken by the eligi-
1bili-V committee aims directly
'. at the professional athletics
f question and recommends disci-
A line for any athlete who
knowingly makes false state-
ments concerning his eligibl-
1 ity.
Rail Labocr Board
Re-Elects Hooper
r _
n. ofT arrangements. for the
ual comimencement 'exercises
ay officialy. severed his 'conxie-
with. the Agricultural College
;ht.. Tomorrow, following a spe-
meeting of the state3 board of
ulture, Dean R. S. Shaw head of
Agricultural department will be-
acting president.
convocation of students. today
Dr. Friday an~ uproarious fare-
The students were called to-
or to witness the presentation of
s for essay ivork. Following the
monly Dr. Friday gave a bri, f ad-
s along econiomic lines. lie point-
mt the. v~alue of economic study
e advyancement of agriculture. At
conclusion of the speechi the en-
student body arose and stood
on1 .t ueJ i mace necessary vy 'Lute ac-.{
tion of the Board of Regents chang-
ing the location of th~e exercises from '
Hill1 auditorium to Ferry field has
been practically completed by Prof.
L. M. Gram and Prof. *j. 1-. Cissel of
the civil engineering department, act-
ing chief marshal and assistant mar-
shal for the event.
March Starts From Library
"r n Lra LionaiL commencement J___pro-
cession will take place according to B S E B L E T 8
custom, the only essential change bie-,MAY RDRAF'T RLE
ing the line of march. Instead of the ?_______
usual course around the campus to ,Burton to be Princip~le Speaker n'
Hill auditorium, the column will pro- Faculty Diener To-
ceed from the front of library to morrow
A1 m t fd... . ..tv . 1 1..... 1 .i1 4.1.. . . .
Mlin!, Michigan's Conquer
Mleet; Holders of Tit
Tiwree Years
Udundr.!.ls of athletes1
important school in theu
were p~ouring into Ann Ar
yesterday in preparation1
n iual Pig Ten track and fi
be held this afternoon
rows on Ferry field. Preli
the quarter mile, half
jump, broad jump, javelin
vau.lt, shot puat, hammer
discus throw will take
o'*clock this afternoon wh
mainder of the meet, will
2: o'clock, tomorrow afte
lThis year's meet is i
one of the greatest carpi
country and the title at
mean more than any other
be.en captured earlier in
more than 400 men from
schools being entered. Si
greatest indzvidual .athlete
rounded cinder-path comic
the world will struggle for
1pionship of the West an
tercollegiate and world's
excpected to fall in the
points. Michigan andI
boasting squads of champi
ibre will miake a great ati,
Coach G1l's Illini from
at the top of the Confere
door track, a position
have held tightly for the
Steve Farrell's athletes,
of the Conference in ins
are counted upon to
honors gained during
months and to take bac
door title which reste'd
{'Maize and Blue untIl
J. I}. Inn~er
The league of nations has just" namI-!1
ed J. U. Hunger,;a4- 1ollandpr, and
farni ,'.r Ln nn nfP Un tn . in 4*Afllnil
resident It e.. a rfoxi. a aro.lbua il'Alh nan oil eiiliilii'ke Ii) i ad14
r. aF r ta,'ll ea inaanig fils whc ase. us fcoc..F cri~t E aato n own State street to Parry fiel. More" than 40 -athletic directors,
or. Fa y v Ieksbfrei ov aing tofiondseeker .aasee thearesofnorte- Madisoni .The lay's program will open at acuty 'representatives and coaches
vashingvo He willdo r~searh appoinment. 83: o'clock when the . Varsity' band ; f -the ten collereetn h
°____________ will play Te Star 'Spangled Ba- IW etr frnewl riehr
lndl edltgr~l w rl' there in addtition hihigan's Conference c~ampiz o"a ai.ga o tesno lsss"1StrnCneec il riehr
to two letite , a 'Woe-he"will 'de- ! ~Varsty baseball team aded anter toassemble at the designated paces ofcas.mornig. Annof thebiglate
liveor r teto ofoolforcialsa cai nec Cryto iAnareaArbor last '.an
ixer~t'thej~iw siwo fo soialre- ~I ~vicoryto ts lredy ong strng n te canpus. At 8:45 oclock the ;night.and 'tle rest. are xpected to
earch2 at :ew York city.
______IU I Memorial Day whefi the Wolverines :procsson will start moving, the Var- come 'in before 9 o'clock this morn-
Ijournleyed to South Bed and tooki sity and leading the . way followed z:ng when thle first meeting of thej
A5 R IT RFORIyU:A [N I iM1 Notre Danie into camp bay the one by the senior classes of .the Univer-I basktball coaches will be held.
HIIIIIN EIE ii lll ided score of 12-4, making 'the sec- iy h oo etocmoe r hi nAnAbrtemnwl
G NEVA ___I G the faculty, the deans, guests 'of th !blaxetertaied as guests of the tni-'
_____n icoy ovr tht t am ti sa niversity, the regents, can alt es fors verity athletic officials. The pro-
TheIs.tllfpornty forsy anilli~s Jte to ' lglt 'irs; son. h lono ary degrees, and Dr. Harry Emn- g an'is ade up .of meetings, dlin-
ora'I iversttiit m'n regiier.:fr (4aL1 f;a . lrty l'yl i41chian aswed up the gamne linthe rson Foack ;ies eakl e"4f te , nersa d ra e ndaststoa
ttendanee s at the stuident conference .t4Ud opening frame when Coach Fisher'stue and President Marion L. Burtn a t mor~o.
t Lake 'E lev. icni, from i---. briging up the rear, will thien "fall At te meeting this moarnig te1
}l s men scored five runs ater two were , bsktall nln.Al:lmian=omrst-bschedule. for net ear
une 5ltoi 2, officials at',Lane hall TE 111,I ,klt' RlIf BY, },ill AIt wiibe.arAllgadluAnoherndeetin
aid yesterday. TlI ABO1ihveU1tT 'BY CRAINt G IN 1 out. 'Ihe Wolverines added a qua- dents willmeet in front of teUnion wl'b rlne.Aohrmeig
rgistered. Thsfr4 5hve.L____ et of counters n the furth innl~ing and any desiring to maarh in. the pro- oftebktalcoceswlbehd
'Effort is baepin ade to send to the p'. and counted three times later in the cession will follow the honor section at ;0 Gocock this afternoon in con-
all who II b aptvely Petwate, ay 31-(.By A.'.)- udo ihtedrcos tti
amp al a en il.b ayi e iv Hunred mefwmen1chl- gamne.--ithlEer By Aain Gate . tneo ihs ibe chang s. in tharle
onnected wit studelit Christian as- jHndesof ln oeand c 1 Uteritz opend the first inning wEntering Ferryble fieldgs by thelermaen
ocaiation wsorkt here 'next year. i dren late today were fighting to saveI a double but thne next two men failed° gate, the process~n will proceed 'to governing the Conference wi lie 'dis-
Neary' ,Q6I sudens rpreentng teirhoms a forst ire swpt to do anything mre than sacrifice the central entrance of the gridiron. cussed.
iiddle western universities will at- thogihi onr.,huadso!" z" to third. Falvey the Irish Th le band will enter first, marching Tackeveawns :will be mdeatur6ao'-
ed iti.ep te.,dlas w th o da a e hs be pitcher had two strikes on Shackle- to~ the other end of the field wh r alck toenigts w henltb e ardo
doean h btl.aant h ord, the fourth man up, won the they wvill remain for the entire core- ~ccoso h ofrneAhei
,dn n h ate aantteMaize and Blue first sacker came mne. h eno itrr s e tor as oation will etene itlannual
+HOBA T GUrLD ELC S(mtls lasno ieaysuet
ELCT lamues as continuing during the; through with a honerun scoring Ut ? leading the graduocatingcase will tdaig aqetoe irectorsu
--- early day.; ahead'of him. Haggerty walked and thnflEnote ilteclm adcahso.hetasetrdi
At a meeting of the cabinet of Ho- A ,change of thne wind which is now; scored on Mike P'aper's triple, who m cigt h ih and thenhesto the team eeet. i
art guild..at l-Irls hall Wednesday' in turnhecaine home whenvJack l botttleft so as to advan e close to te Tefaut rpeenaies wl
ight' the fllowing officers for* nex tdiigtefiebc bvetebrtknock ed the second four base swatnrhsaduti ecigapit hlda meauly eting stentoclocksaturda
cear were elec'ted: Miriam Schlotter- area, bounght temporary relief early of the inning. ~lein ended thle nrhsadutlrahn on at etn t9ocokStra
Irak e2,) r'sodn ereay oih. lagtrb ligot opposite the western extremity of the' morning at the Barton Hills coun-
arayi Nehss,'2, resurr;Frnk' t Otreasuarkatrer;, to FTeroank-esbuchdhto itosctonefreasneseve frahenra-,trdcubtheeoheharittbsqar
i, H bun'2,drcoofplIcity; Gwithsthee walksaand wo errors inuatng classes in te direct center of j tered during their stay Here. They
Scrlr !llti2F tefuthfrforiue us Pl hira fresorts near here, the flames crept the South stands. The speaker's plat- a will' again convene at noon at te
~cv e lok'5,cara fup to .the edge of the settlements h fourhfreormrern.Fa-fr will be directly opposite the; Union where they will heave luncheon
rainatics. Several farm houses have been burn- ,roy Was relieved on the mound in
Karl Fairbanks,. '24E, will have }this inning by McGenthey, bt he center of this section. Here this class as the guests of the Board of Dire-
,1harge of meetings and of the incom- e ' failed to check the hitting Varsity. wldideittoclunwhhors.af
lu picpa tuetswentefll igh gwt-bitee aasad Coach FI isher started Lefty Gisn iwill proced to a positin infot o I he twQ days of ativties will lse
tn, Epoplstudets henehe all swollen, and almost blindedlby 1ntebafl icia n els-the res red seats. at 6 oclockt Saturday nigt with a
erm opens. I ~the dense smobke that blows overintebxrMchgnadela-
tiiem, the fighters have succeeded in I ed until the third, when the Catho-! The remaining classes will turnj diner given for te faclty members
Wnaner ~ssija egisraton Bgin ~stppig th graterpar ofhe Tirecis forced heis withdrawal by bunch- towards the South stands upon enter- at Barton Hills country club by the
aAll stulets now on the campus, and it Was believed that the mainI ing four hits with two free tickets to in;h lyn il.Te ntr ihgnAhei soito.Pei
ho ar lnigt ttenlte sump-1 ato h own will be savedl. first. Stryker was sent in and stop- will separate into two columns, the dent Marion L. Burton will bae the
noa re sessin o tt e Bae offLterhepd e riheftivl ildn nynurses, medical students, School of ! principal speaker at this bnuet.
tiresiseniorsoleg o itr-! thedfleIrshe'ttiel yeanndol
Lture, Scieace,'and--the Arts, includ-' Port Arthur, May 31-(By A.P.)- w~lsfttermiigsxinns dato eirtl rhtcs n
}u nCh etegtdys eitrjRprsfomWiervrtia aoachi Fisher and his squad left the engineers marching so as to as- I Iliriy Books l)uiw Monday
il li h e t eg t d y .Inoon,' which was said to be in I ig t fo E a st n, w er t e su me a position in front of the r e- Al st d ns h v g ii. her p -
- -- ent danger of "frest fires told, of af play the tenth ig Ten game of the :served section just east of the speak- ssinbosdanfo h nvr
' *rm 'cy3Stideints Met Today 'chan ,e rin" the ind V~hich as fore- f season today against Northwestern. ing platform, and the members of the ! sity library are ased to have them
1 hapiaey 1? ©fngto te tct tat-finl exmin_ g returned by Monday, due to the loe
All students of the College of ,Ing every able hoked man to fightOwntohefctatialxan- Graduate school, te dental colle, Iof the school year.
Pharmacy will meet at 12 oclock to-k back the flanmes. Residents however tions are starting this week-end the! the College of Pharmacy, and the Law
lay ina the scuth side of the chemnis-I are prepared to get aboard a waitingt Varsity mentor has been forcedl to school forming a column at the east-
ry build ing so that a group picture train if the situation develops iifav, change his line-up. Gibson will not en extremity of the reserved section.I 17.
an 'be takten. oDrably. make thoe trip at all noar will Ash tle "Ampifier 'o Be err", VY.aggq 'g ©_
__________________________________________________bard hlitting left fielder. ? The honor section brining up the ! ,.,A
Coachi Fisher has dleided to use rear will proceed down te center of ;iln a
,+ st O f Tia] Isue s O f "Moony" Noonan on the mound for Ithe field to the east goal line where GL4I~ri
the game against the I tim pe this at- they will wait wile the guard ofj
I (44- %;, .t i'v,,c I r2venzn" trnoo. Th tin hurer xent ikehonor divides into four couns, fo- I Soft glow of lanterns against the
' t "V~ h '2a hose-a-fire Against Western State lows the line of march of thle fou th line o aps and gowns moving
Normal last Saturday yielding only divisions of the seniors to a point' through the dusk, songs of the classes
The llc iga ca pus ill be rea - a resu t t at s a most pro ess ona~in six scattered hits and Fisher believes' e e ih t e g al ln . T e h
. phe ,lil~igu'Camuhwlb b tthat a heulwillht bealable tofeshonldnthen w hhbdy goil linoe.ed on te "P ih- isfn .Asnl rt s a a ht;ewl.b bet edte'echoing and being answered, "Te
d with another issue of bTe.Mi ' is insh s inigleciiimmyeNorthwesterners as well as any ofI oed wnltheoreddivsonofthe feVarsity and eBce losngtedprograme
gin Optc" this morning when the offered ini tIme arrangement of the cap-fte staff of itchers. lott of coursefel. hntefordvsnsfte
last of.the trial numbers of that pub- tions that are 'beneath the .pictures. w ill cin'du honor guard reach a position so that Vit badcoighepgrmI
icatlon is sold. The issue contains 1Too often they ai'e so far ,separated Ir tke creeoytherecevilgdu-kithi wahtheferemnycwichmdde
ties. atheyearyearankingratheifourocolumns
nore pictures, "is better arnefrom their poorpsthat teyaretecncuinIfte aeof seniors, the classes will commence anteyarotadinto"ntn
aragd poorph hy~th toifie intothesstndsffllinggpatheNight in which the women of the
nd is finer in the technique of the difficult to comprehend. this afternoon the Wolverines will rofeseredstion start, ing it the is University took part last eening at
rocess of rotogravure, then was the The cover _of the number is a wellI leave tonight for Madison where they Teiv . . Palmerin wthth firsld.
areviou~s number, and contains the taken photograph, one o the best that Ipa the finlwigTescntstoftherro. The honor pafr fosection will enter tePamrfed
welcome review of news as well, has appeared in a campus publica- fternon. Mihgan already has oneIsekrs lto m o the rear en- Just before the lantern proession
There Is one feature of this nuns- tion. Its composition shows a truly season against Wisconsin tomorrtow trance at the north. The precession a May pole dance and a dancing pg-
bpr that stands out far above thatf artistic result with a proper arrange- vcoy oe h adnlt e will be so timed that the President eant were given on the hillside. 'The
)f te pecedingisse, nd tat )svmnt tf detail and background. It is1 credit, a game which was won by and Dr. Fosdick will reach the plat- pageant, The Cycle of the Hours"
he make-up of the pages of pictures. not, however, the "good-selling" co- qute a one sided score and the squad form at the same time that the last I pictured the passing of te hours from
T'he numerous photographs are ar- r that the front age of the last is-dosntepcgra difulyn seniors ar seated. the awakening of dawn to the good
anged'in a mnanner that shows a bet-I sue was.. defeating the Badgers once more. The sound of the trumpets blown and evil dreams which came to the
er und rstand n; andi knowledge with More words of praise can be scat- Liverance will take the mound forI from the platform will open the exer- spirit of night.
_____tered upon the actual photographs Michigan against a Big Ten team for cises. At the conclusion of the com-I Following the picnic supper of the
-- ' _m__ F,,,,..,.: I..,. tl,,.. .. ..,-., ,th. u n.,t. -ternInnnisnan+ urn ,"annu acia *1vi, i anrannf't'arazQ tha dAIrAthwailhiwlen n th hil. H len.briridg .e,
Benl 11. :looper
Ben W.* Hooper, former ,overnor of
Tennessee, has' been. re-elected chair-
man of the: United States' Railroad
Labor board for. the comling year.. The
election was held in Chicago.
Federal Council of Or-anlization,
Yoices Appr'oval of
World Court .
IWacshingtona, Ma 31, (B~y A. P. spr ng oft1920 wnen, cripl
A call to 125,000 congregations in juisan ielgbita
of all that the great Ca
America to rally to the support of ;Johnson could do, the V P ei e t H ri gsip o o a iltt e d w a e h el f
United States enter the permanent ful Orange and Blue sq
cout; f ntenatonl jstie as s-year Michigan boasts of
cout o inerat~nalJusic wa is Igreatest and best baleani
sued today by the 'federal council of gationzs that she has eve.
thei churches of Christ In Anmerica. although the lhlini tramnpli
"A day of great . decision for our derfoot in a, dual mee ct a
back, things are liltely to
country and the world has now ar- frn trwh, h
rived" said the call. mio"e evenly split up.
"Today around the earth," the me::- The dual mneet whichi
sage continued "the people know that Micia'deatc e r
if nations are' to survive they must chiefly because of the gre
subject their individual wvill to estab- of slams and one-twos the
lished law,;'their individual welfare nrois squadgl managed tos
to the welfare of all mankind, dash events which went to
I"For war in the future aided byI ners almost entirely will
the -powers of science simply meansl likcely be forcefully enter,
destruction. This appeal to the source Iowa and the Orang and
can be by only one means, the means have to be contented wi
already founid et'fec~ive by building' points less than she took
up an appeal to 1 tmw instead. 1 affair. The same thing
#"There will be strong forces atj happen in the mile run ant
work opposing the action recoin-I ter mile r aco2, two event;
mended by the governor., Some will! the Indians scor'ed most
jconjure up dangers to bewilder doubt-;I their last appearance on
ful minds. . M11ichigan's points which
"The Court is not the 'private court' the dual meet will, on the
of the league: of nations, By a deci-j be almost as good when
Sion 'of the council of the league it.other Conference schools t
has been opened to all the world." 1 n the fray, T he pole v
tit z
d P
ecome Alunae
intern ceremonly
r pins for 60honor points, and Aim
bands for 300 ipoints. Sw eaters were
a'awarded' to Norma Bowbur, '24, Doro-
jump, shot put, half mile, t
and maybe the high hurdles
most be counted upon byv the
ines if everyone lives u to
v o r pe f r a c wh nfptiion is at hand. Seve rai
places should be Michigan';
same ev-ents and others, and
fast stepping will be the of
that can bring th-e MAlize<
runners to quarters.
', (Continued on Page
Events Of TI1
, thy Brown, '23, Marion Brown, x'23,
Georgia Church, '23, WinIfred Craigie,
'24, Dorothy Davis, '25, Mlartha Dodd,
' 23, Mary Hays, '24, Helen M_1iller, '23'I
ILois Miller '24, Kathryn Potter, '2l,,
jMarianna Smalley, '25, Joyce V anAl- I
styne, '23, Ruth Waldron, '23, and Mlar-
tian,,Willis, '24. Pins wvere given to
Dorothy Bog-,an, '24, Luc'retia Br Ner, 1
t'24,_ Elizabeth Cain, '24, Mary Early,
-1'24, Esthar Heideman, '24, Dorothy
eKlooz, '23, Elizabeth Lauver, '24, and
Dorothy Uippold, '23. Those wvho e
re-ceived arm bands were Ingrid Alving,
'26, Frances Ames, '23, Marion B-ige-
low, '26. Muriel Birmingham, '24, Ruth
ICarson, '26, MTarguer'ite Cummings, '6
e Virginia Cronin, '25, Lydia Felske, '24,I
I Pauline Ga~lli~hr. '24 M91ia(il_
i Tenl.ield
Third round in inter,
Tennis tounaumnjt.
1,.w i-