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June 01, 1899 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1899-06-01

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94 PaiL 4


Will announce that we have now
received our Spring and Summer
Woolens. Our stock for the incom-
ing season is the largest we have ever
shown, is exclusive and confined, in
both foreign and domestic goods, and
is composed of the best fabrics in
every line that can be obtained. We
carry the largest line of Woolens in
the city. We invite you to call and
inspect the same.
108 E. Washington St,
We have recently fitted up
a commodious photographic
dark room, complete with
trays, light, etc., and offer
its use tothe public tree of
charge. Anything needed
in the line of smnnli. or
chemicals we would be
pleased to furnish.
For ten Days from June 1
PIPE SALE-All Pipes Sell-
lug Below Cost. Lunches, Soda
Water, Flops and Soft Drinks.
R. E. JOLLY & O.,
308 So. State Street.
Green Slides...........40c gross
White "... . 60c "
% No.1 covers.........83c oz.
I No. 2, sq. covers......55c oz
Boxes for 100 slides....30c
We will Meet Any Price.
Calkins' Pharmacy
You can't-do it without a
Neither can you play a winning
game of TENNIS without a
Our Stock is complete and
or prices are right.

The Masonic Club will hold its
Will be a Treat Well Worth a Year's annual election of officers tomorrow G
Practice. evening in their parlors. After the
The trip which the baseball team election of officers a banquet will e
will start on this evening, is one of held.-Te committee on arrange- G
the finest which any Michigan team ments has made extensive prepara- t
he ietwhcsn cia tions with the hope of mnaking this
has ever taken. It is possible tomtin sfwithTtheeek tos e
give a brief itineray of their route neetig successsfuL The reception f
so that their friends can keep track and entertament committees have S
of them until they returii. spared no labor to make the evening s
Lv. Ann Arbor Thursday, June 1. 9:43 p. . very pleasant for thosewho have sogni-
Ar. Niagara Falls Friday, 2.. 7: a.m- fled their intention of attending. All
Breakfast at imperial Ilotii tings taken into consideration this
Lv. Niagara Falls Friday, Jine i..... 9:00 a . . - Ii
Ar. Ithaa. . 2.....12:10 noon meeting has every promise of beig
Corneligame, Saturday. June3,iati3 p.m..t
Lv. Ithaca sunday, June 4.....10:30 a. i. a marked success. It is earnestly
Ar. Eiotyt. , ......t0,p.vi.m desired every member will be present. ti
evvtegame, Mn vday. Jne 5, at 4 p everyay
Lv. Easton Monday, June5 .... 7:15 p. m. _ _
Ar. Philadelphia " 5.... 9:16 p.m.
Pennsylvania game, Tuesday, June 6. JUNIR CLIIL
Lv. Philadelphia Tuesday, June 6,... :45 p. m.t
Ar. Niagara Fals Wedesdavy, Juo7. 7:55 a. m.
Lv. hiegrv vi s i.ril7 3:50 p. Dr. Dock Will Gie One Next Year. .
Ar. Ann Arbor Thursday, June ,.12:30 av m.
The scenery along this route i. Next year the junior class will u
sone of tie greatest ins America. have a clinical course in Theory and
srom IthathetestmilAmgoeraPractice. The work will be under C
From Ithaca tire team will go over the direct supervision of Dr. Dock
the Lehigh Valley road which runs and ile e onf or.aDwek
through the mountains of Penusyl- and will meet.one afternoon a week.
through.theomEontnsofPenusyelThe clinical work will follow closely F
vaula. From Eastoii to Philadel- J
phia they take the Philadelphia and that which is gone over i the quiz
Reading through the populous mnu course in Theory and Practice, and c
The will deal especially with the diag- P
will gdo fstrict of the state. e nosticside of the various diseases. P
Niagara Falls where the day will e It has been Dr. Dock's chief aim forB
.i .igh se.eing a number of years to so arrange the g
spent in sight seeg. work, that a clinical course could be
provided for the junior class, but up
Council Pledges Site, to this time he has been unsuccesful.
The Common Council has passed a The plan meets with the approval of
r-ntin p-edin-a a nte for a hom- the -tidents rf the medieai depart.
eopathic hospital. This site is to ment, and they feel a long needed
meet the approval of the Board of course has finally been secured.
Regents. The new Felch Park willL
be given if it is satisfactory. In case GAME UNCERTAIN.
it is not, either the Winchell prop- s
erty on North University avenue, or Cornell Contracts are Not Yet Fuhi8
the ground running east from the Ratified.7
corner of North University and R
Washtenaw avenues will be be select- It was announced by ManagerI
ed. The city has an option on both Baird last evening that the Cornelly
of the latter, game was still in an uncertain state'
The following are the resolutions and that he was going East espec-
passed: ially to make certain of these games.
"WHEREAs, We note with pleas- The contracts have been signed by
ure the generosity of the legislature the Cornell manager and it was
in increasing the income of the uni- thought that the two games in the
versity from one-sixth to one-quarter west were soon to come off. The
of a mill tax, and it having been Cornell manager has delayed in hav-
brought to our 'notice that a new ing the contracts ratified by the Ath-
homeopathic hospital is about to be letic Council of the University. His
erected in connection with univer- reason for doing this has been that he
sity, therefore be it did not wish to be under obligations1
Resolved, That we, the common to play us, as le would be if the con-
council of the city of Ann Arbor, do tract was ratified. Under this ar.-
hereby pledge to the Board of rangement if it was not convenient to
Regents of said university a suitable play us when the time came, he could
site for said proposed hospital, the break the contract regardless of how
same to be acceptable in every way much it cost us. He was satisfied
to the said board of regents.' with the contract until the plan of
playing one of the games in Detroit
Some remarkably good records or Grand Rapids was suggested.
were made in the Wisconsin inter. Either of these games was to be un
scholastic meet at Madison. Twenty- der the auspices of our local alumni
four schools were represented. Some associations in those cities. The
of the best performances follow: terms which they offered were not en-
100-yard dash, 10 1-5: 220-yard tirely satisfactory to him, and he has
dash, 22 4-5; high jump, 5 feet, 7 refused to play unless the terms were
in.; broad jump, 21 feet 8 in. changed. Director Baird will leave
for Ithaca today, and expects to in-
College verse and short stories in duce the Cornell people to look at the
the Michiganensian by Bush, Bow- matter fairly.
man, Marshall, Wherry, Gauss and
others.June 3d. Special Daily, 7:15
p. m. Telegraphic accounts of
(Give the team a send off when Cornell game and Western Inter-
they go East tonight at 9:43. collegiate Meet. Get it.

ood Government Club so Decided
At the annual meeting of the Good
overnment Club held yesterday af-
ernoon, the following officers were
lected: President, F. D. Erman, '00,
f Detroit; vice.president, B. W.
Ierwood, '011 , of Kankakee, Ill.;
ecretary, W. L. Kinney, of Owosso;
reasurer, C. F. McKenzie, of Ban.
eld; for director, law, J. W. Meyres;
t., I. J. Koiler, of Lapeer. A me-
ion was passed directing the execu-
ye conrittee to incrporate the club
icer tire irectioir of Deanru Irtch-
ns, and subject to the approval of
he association.
The following coridensed financial
tatement was given out by the treas-
ash from sale of tickets and
membershlp tickets...............$860 51
ent toS.C.A ...............2500
anitor's fees............................. 4 50
3ill spreading.......................... 3 70
harts of University Hall.......... 5 00
rintiu g................................... 40 t3
ostage, etc ......................23 30
ryan-Good Government Club,
Essay Fund............................. 500 00
peakers ..................................224 86
Total expenditures .............$847 01
Balance on hand................... 22 50
869 51
Last Concert of the Year Tonight.
The last faculty concert of this
eason will be given this evening at
3 o'clock in Frieze Memorial Hall.
This concert will be equally as good,
f not better than any given this
year. The following program will
be given:
(a) Romance with Variations Op....
............ Edward Grieg
For two pianos.
() Marche Heroique........Saint-Saens
For two pianos.
Three Sacred Songs.....C. N. Chadwick
(a) Faith (Arthur Macy)
(b) The Good Samaritan (Jas. Mss.
(c) He Maketh Wars to Cease.
Fantasia Appassionata......Viextemps
Irish Folks Songs............Foote
Spanish Rhapsody............Chabrier
Arranged for two pianos by the author,
Athletic Association Buttons for
There are about thirty Athletic
Association buttons for the season
'98-'99 left and the Athletic Board
has decided to place these on sale, as
numerous requests have been made
by students who wished to purchase
one or more. They will be sold at
fifty cents each and in case the sup.
ply does not meet the demand, pre-
ference will be given to buyers who
are members of the Athletic Associa.
tion. These buttons may be pur.
chased at any time from either Presi.
dent Day or Treasurer Woodrow,

Up rown
state St.

Dews Town
Opp.nCostn ouse

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