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April 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN :DAILY. ILADE fl L ad OX ORD ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE Flave You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? ~SUHMI T MICHIGAN CENTRALI The Niagara Falls Route." 4 ents~cbtv the flhotographer. Alarm ClocksSI CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. LYS1 Taking Effet November 19,1899. U .. of 1I. Pins 50c to $1W.00. Fine ..e.......t Nightes A DatcillRepiig S p eciaty. Grand Rapids Ripes. ...- ....t1IQ A iSWLLLIMEOIMiNadIxrs.2 7'%x.J L 7AP1 EWLR ............…

April 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…TT- TsseTIsuRQlmcV nl usM rO.TTT(I A N TIsA TI 4 hIIlls UCSVJA.LOCS[J.. L !' 11 POPUTLARST _ f~ iT (~1 rememberthtie anso 113 U ~FountaiiilPen, the Laugh] wfully garan tee. Whitr BOO~s 1 . W1?12JN S li.C:1117i'lil I 17131E 1. I .. ~ ~ D. R1 TINKERU & SON IIATTERS AND) iURNISHES Headquarters for Crescent A ACUT PRICE s Sterling A -4-, -u.:1 A A114"ir,4iA t-4 M. STAEiBLER'S Tos Have and to Hold, .,x$1.00 CVCLE EniPORIUP Dai Hdarum,.. 100 D® ...…

April 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…She Ut oo9 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, M~ICH., MONDAY, APRIL , 1900. No. 146. ATHLETIC ELECTION. Indiana University is met. The fair Chicago Engineers to Banquet Springgrounds are so poor for baseball that The following letter has been sent Spring ~~The Board for Next Year is Chosen little can be expected of the infielderstoalUiesyofMhgn en Announcem ent Te at a TFame Election,n h rosar ay hte annual election of the Athletic the errors will continue af...…

April 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… T2 ESI : 1MLGH.EGAN DAILY Pablielied Daily (Sundas excepted) during the Cotlege year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. o~rn E The Inland Pres,HennngBleock. BthttPlies e147, MANAGING EM1)11705 F. ENG EHARD, '01 L BIUSIN ESS Il aNAGERa. 0 tt. llAN ,'40L. 11DITaR. ATOLOTI 14, 1G. I). 1 cosece, '01 0E. TlE. Wooeno,001L.A. 11. McDoUGALL,.'01 E A. 0G.loRO E,'0".E. J. 0B. 0WOOD, '00, L. J MNMoEooRY,'00,44'. 1). 1ttooEon, '0001, 1R H JoooooeGA, 001. 44...…

April 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN GNDAILY.I JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. H ILDEBR AND THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN CENTIRALI '-The Niagara Falls Route." I CENTRAL STANDiARD) TIME. Taking fert Noemb~aer 19, 1899. DetroiNightExre ........... 5 . .I Atiastic Exprees....,....... 7945 Grand Rapids Express... ii.. ., .10 ( Mail and Expres ...... ......la47',sa. N. Y. BostonSpectial...........4 51 FastEstern ...........-111 .94...…

April 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR BOOK S 4 A GUT PRICE s To Have and to Hmold, $1.00 David Harum, 1.00 Red Pottage,........1.00 Via Crucis..........1.00 No. 5 John Street, 1.00 Janice Meredith, 1.00 Richard Carvel, 1.00 Stalkey & Co.........65 King's Mirror, . 1.00 When Knighthood Was in Flower...........1.00 Easster Cards and Booklets, Large Va- riety. Ciane's ail Hurd's Fine Stationery, New Shapes- -New Shades. 100 Engraved Visiti...…

April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…TheU of Dr9 Ptt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1900. No. 145. Y qCA.Banquet. Spri~g M C H UA WI S.The annual banquet of the Univer- Announcement ing a their head quarters onSte THE WOLVERINES GET A UNANIMOUS DECISION AND street. The first thing on the program was G.H. WILD & CO. WIN IN A WALK FROM THE STRONG GOPHER TEAM a business meeting at whih the of- fices fr the earing year were elect ed, they are aa follows: President. C. ...…

April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…A 2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OJ~ MWHIGAN DAILY Ptsbiheb Daily (Sndays eceptd)dintg the College ya, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Orrie:tTe Iad Pess, Henig Block. Both Phoes 17. HANAGINGd EITOR. F, ENGEaoI,oo'01 L. BUSINESS MSANAGE. V.01. II Ha, '0 L ED'TORS. ATUiLETICS, . G. I. 110000, '01 E T. B. WooEOt, '0 LA.i. MoDoUoo ce0 tE A. G. BotYEett.'t0. 1. . WO, 't, L.J. MoNOOao.0, tO.W. 1- Ileca r.'tM, B H uJEtoc OANst...…

April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN LY. 3 IL~D[~ ~ O~ d~ OXORDSALL NEW AND UP TO DATE3 LADI Sfl E an O~fORD OODSPFEF"D'S i-jove You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? G 119 SOUTH MAIN ST. MICHIGAN CENTPALJ The Niagara Falls Route. l~ents4hier, theIIbotoYrap[)eL. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.TaigEecNoebr1,89.IL hA Dletroit Night Exprs..t........ 5A.MA SW L LI E O Atlantic Express .SW ELL....LINE... 045 Gran ad s Exs s......' .....t10 Matltand Eprcs ............1347...…

April 07, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE IJNRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR STUDENTS D. 41 TINKER & SON~ IIATTERS ANtD FURNISHERS Headquarters for B OOKS 144 Y~ 14 4 _-t ,4ct 14 14 114 14 < I t A 114O11 . CUT PRICE s remember tbat we cauI supply you wtithia $1.0( Fountain Penthe Laughlin or W~aterman, whirl we folly gularanstee. WhaIt note can you asklTr'y us MrARTIN, $cjHALI V ~ HATS, CArS, MENS FUNISINS 11 ~ad Comnplete linofGYAcSIUM Genes ond SWEATERS. E AGENCY FOR LONGLE...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…: v r r> ............. .......-......... Vol-± X. SDring, ANN ARBOR, I11CR., FRIDlAY, AP'fL 6± 0,900. ORATORICAL TROUB3LES. l±±aess, oat in tyre long run it 10 per- oeeieei cO, ind±±try, a11a1torcee 01 011r- ; ioe wjii sceeds. it 10stOUl/P Annoi G. H. F ~ Lits Meet and Appoint Committee to i neement Didft Resolutos to Propose 14 14Probablcj iiot be Coni IL C* 1~Narly a huoiodred literary tmes ii 0±c edesday ftiiieroonn leifair.1 N hair...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…'2 filLk< UNJVELSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY e k111iobcd Dily (Se dys rxptos 'to ,og hs Cleg yar,.att THE UNIERSflY OF MICHIGAN tO torsiThe Ilalnd Yt'ts.,Hennig Bloch. BthtPhones 017. MANAGING EDITO%. 11LJIN 1005 MANAGFlO o. H. Ho3, '00 . ATHLKTICS, . . . D. Hoioooow,rT'Si E. 0. . Wooveoooo b L. A.1. MCoo AL,o,'0 A.. G. BowNs '. . J. . B. Woec. '55l, L. J,.MOoO05 'its, W., . CKotE, '0OM R 1.0500 OO . WA. KNxt1r,'I L. he ii ituIhl 1eletti oii othe...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Heiaigwhen it is a known fact that you can get S Moogbetter styles and quality in hats here-All the new ones-KNOX-STETISON-and othes-$I to $4- I IW TS TO, S G0ODSPEED'B G 117 S°. fvAIN STRET °T -- " - f C__3 - - MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TiME. Takia"g Effect November,11, 1899. GOINGia.N Ei E~paAST Ailanicia.Expre. '' .........7 G. GreanidRapsE xpes..... ... 11 Mail and Expr...…

April 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN IDAILY. "Fled nmuthe sullen uee s the orth 0 A RThe eplet-chidl raineetet eof the Spr ieeepeps flthl.' POPULARIt is with a feeling Ofltreee hichleteee thtitkletaedotaeleethte invite u li ectione of ou tew e ofeSpring,'eandlSummeeeer ei ngseeeejust reeied, "ftresheeandtempit- i aIh e ct lee s of e t re 'eriael 'steory er 00 tptterns from ethe. L Failor made to your measure' 3 0 O K Meat the ieeofthleHandre-dow...…

April 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…be 'of r4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1900. No. 143. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitahle and de- sirahle for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quatity and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Troiiserings. We invite ...…

April 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY O16 MICHIGAN DAILY Pbihed tiaily (Sndysepte)l decug th xCollege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 00 c The buland Peons, Hning Block. Both Phocco 17. M1ANAIIN(' EDI)TR F a. ononU'1L. IUSINET.SS MA NAGER. O. 11. llnc. 00L. ATil 1.011 C'S, . G. ,.1). 1Iteen(.''e'. '01 L. T. F. 1WoanuoWO L. 1A.. lcn rent1,'1 A. 0. Bxoo n '0. . J. B. WOOn. 't, L. J. Mncon'a'0, 00. i1. taen., '005, it . JccscAN,'01.t\'.A.Km'c'01 L The-lcri-C ...…

April 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY (OF MICIGA N DAILY. I 7-ME HILDEBRAF JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYL 14D THE NEW TAI E-NEVER IN PRICE. - LO R 120 WASHINGTON ST. 7d_ C" -di w n lmC \ m f6. " - 7 C _ MICHIGAN CENTRAL[, The Niagara Fals Route." s 1Reuitzcbler, the Ph~otographer. Alarm Clocks SI. CELNTRAL STANDARDTIE itt100 1 Taking EffectNn anbri19 1a891.) % U. of.M. Pins 0cto $1of00. Fitt. il t tNight "pEnc ........ A 56 n IA.Wilt.It R 1t it t Spe ily. Atanti...…

April 05, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…1 POPULAR BOOKS SA CUT PRICE To Have and to Hold, . $1.00 David Harnm, 1.00 Red Pottage.........1.00 Via Crucis..........1.00 No. 5 John Street, 1.00 Janice Meredith, 1.00 Richard Carvel, 1.00 Stalkey & Co.........65 King's Mirror, . . 1.00 When Kighithood Was in Flower...........1.00 Easter Cards ad Bokts, Large 's riety. Ciane's and 11 rds line Statiner, Nra Shapes -New Shades. 100 Engraved Visiting lards with plate, S1.25 Sheehan & Co. PU1L...…

April 04, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

… 'tI>of 94 Path. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1900. i Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO.~ We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality ansi style t) suit the most exacting taste, consisting of lop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf 1ironserin's. We invit...…

April 04, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY Publishedi Daily (Sndays eceped ddrsngte Colleg yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN orrica, The Inlad Pses, Denin sg Block Bth Poces e17. MANAGING EDITORL. F. kEitocecoc, '11 L. B USINSS MANAGE. 0,i. BIt. s'00L. ATHLEIlCS, . IGi1. II Liecce, e01 E T. H.Weo oxDOw, '01. All.MDOosgoAt ,01E A. G, BoWE.'11F.IE. J. . WOIee, '00 LJ. Aoxeomao5~c,'00,W'.It)ii cxsrse'e R lD ooocc, X0...…

April 04, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 ' MICHIIGAN DAILY. NECK WEAR should be new aud lop-to-date-We are constantly receiviug the uew shapes-styles--and weaves as fast as they are brought out in the East-If you wanst the new ones-we have then- 30 cents to $2.00- GO D P EY MICHIGAN CENTRAL, H ES AE 'The NiagaraFails Rote." fTetcbe telihto BEc. iSnT ASii OF~n CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. IMadinsUIIad Deitrit Nght Epros............555 A. m.. _________;4 AtlonticExpress......…

April 04, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…4 THE I7NIVEESJTY OF MICHIIGANS DAILY PO P U LA R "Fled noun thetesetuuttsjfthie northD 'The apleadd traetof the Sprin esaterthi."D.E II[IEUX& tJl is l5 with a feeling IHATTERIS AND FRIHR ~~7j ~~ Of prtde which teethisnktatrdonttatle tthat wo e iite trtearyinsetioto Headquarters for ingattthetuncut teatestfNaturte's eriaestorety. DOer 3t10 attests fromtttteHATS, CAP, MEN'S FU siesso LeaditngTtttlorstoftthe Wortd. Suitts and Overte Iand Comtpet...…

April 03, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…% '*of 4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TrUES.DAY, APRIL 3, 1900. No. 141. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just recevedl our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitale and de- sirale for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of tFop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy 'Vests and Golf Trouseriugs. We invite ...…

April 03, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY Ol MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Publised Daily (Sunaycs ecepted)din g the College year at THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN. Orec -a:The Iland Presso, Henning Block. Both Phones 147. iANA GING 'EDITORO. F. h o ne ,'1L.. voluminous eno ;.;h to create the sus- LOOK TO US piciouo in the mindslOof onyon3 that the ploy 'woo well preoented. FOR -- It woo pr !seo eli ii ttrec arcts and. thte costumes were Historically...…

April 03, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSIT Y OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 111111 FPO +4 141 14+H 1 Fmlm++++++++++++F4 11-1 +,p+++++qm+4m+-P++ H lot++ -I f+FF+l i i i 640* I~ 1D [~ ~B~ udOX OR S ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE O oP E -S hajve You Seen Our New Dorcas Shoes? 11 SOUJTH MAIN S'T. i't'T M . .%r MICHIGAN CENTPALI ,, '~heNigaa als oue. Rentschler, the ilhotographcv. Alarm locks $1, CEtNTRAL STANDARD 11 n0fetNvibe -,19. y ,a. .saac rr re . rcrr ..r ~.Gl. fLPn et 00.Fn tetoit ...…

April 03, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t i l J m U M 5D. 4:1TINKER & SOIL POPULAR QLt ~u ~~zur..ariBATT ES ANDFtURNISHERS ___ Headquarters for ienseiiihei that we eon snpply you with ao $1.00 HATS, CAPS MNs FU oosoooo Fonain Pen, the Laughlin or W~aterman, wh1ich andiComopletelioo xne .of ncxU B O Ov e fuilly guariantee.\Vh it notecan yeiusa inkTiyus Goon oand SWEoAES. BM0K ARTIN $cHA L]4L] R33 othSae t ~A GUT PRICESv Sterling iq lsFolr Co.Bian1...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 'Of 94 Paili VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1900. No. 140. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Tlop Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We in...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 211 (~April Outing. U .60ftU 'p at1Aj* Outing, which has passed into the Publised Daily (Sundays exeepted) durng the hands of a strong company of enthusi- College year, at astic sportsmen, comes to us in April THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. in a hiandlsome new cover. It is a num- ber like the bourgeoning spring, buarst- Ossis: The Ialand Press, Henning Bloch. leadtepoieo Loath Phonse141. lug with new lf n h1 p...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 H ILDEBRA MICHIGAN C0ENTRALJ I 1The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD 'IME. I Taking ]!btIrtNoembear'19, 0899. AtaticttExpes.............. 34ce N Y. Boston peia............. 45', FattEatrn. . . .115 Mail andttExpress... 940 , . Bastw,.t r n I% rs...... . .. 113s' .3 G.11. tatd iKal . prss ,....... 5 4, Chicao g thl l~re.. .9lit.' Pacinic E p t N ............ .15d30 A. it. tnthot con' ii at ill, a G.i...…

April 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF M1CHLGA1~ DAILY. POPULAR BOOKS .4,1 4 44 44...... 4.. tsA CUT PRICES "Fled now the eutlen mumr of the north The splendtet raiment of the Sparing peeps ,forth." It. is with a- feeling Of peide which we think pardonable that we invite year earty tnspetion ot our newtlineof Sprtng and SumnanaOferinge jastrcotsed,"tesh and tempt- iag an the ancu eaofatNatutresetialetney. Gae 3tt00patteensef...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…She U f oV S* VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1900. No. 139. TRUSTS. j Trusts should e brought under the END OF THE COURSE. Sprigy _same regulations as railroads, banks, inurance companies, etc. A\nnouncement The Good Government Club. lg to save wast. This waste should Speaks Tonight. Last evening in University hall, Pro- tion is a step forward. We must learn Hon. Champ Clark is a charming f.~.~. essor Jeremiah W. Jenks, head pro...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY ® pictures are not interesting to all LOOK TO US ~t. t ~ ~Id)43 pupils, some are interesting to some an nt ntretig o thrsand some FOR,,T7 Pabiaes siy issse eeciptcfdaeg hehave a spontaneous ioterest. A num- Coliege yearDiyCleexepe)a igt h er of pictures are adopted, hut not THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tabioo composition. The meaning of OFFICE: The Island Press, Henning Boet...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. OODe5PEFl'- I [lave You Seern Our New Dorcais Sboes? Q 1 SOUTH MAIN ST.y MICHIGAN CENTRAL The NiagaraFalls Route."'lentschlet, the CENTRAL STAANTDARO 'lIME.L T'li'ekIssg ett ' NsraesnT~ ' 19, 1899.7 Detroit NighExpres.......... S lIRT5WAISTS. Btrand Rapids E'xpreso .........1o0 ! H NaladEpes............4r.M Faa~atcr .........9 3 W sire s ft roa i t teiladies a MB ostoFN .tto'nd Cahteasato o...o.........gttt8...…

March 31, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 138) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. POPULAR BOO KS ~A CUT PRICE s To Have and to Hold, David Harnin, Red Pottage, + Via Ornolis...... No. 5 John Street, Janice Meredith, Richard Carvel, Stalkey & Co...... King's Mirror, When Knighthood Was in Flower...... . $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.001 1.00 1.00 1.00 65 1.00 1.00 S U VLP1I5D. f TINKER &SO ___ Headquarters for remnenher that we can supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, MN'SFURNISNS Fountain Pea, the ...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…be 't.of $ 4 Pai1 . VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, RICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1900. No. 137. TO0 BE OUT Changes of tie Demonstrative Ipse, The Lat Number of the S. L. A. SpringClarence Linton eader, University of Course Will be Saturday Night. Sp i.gSoon For Baseball Practice. Michigan; An Inscribed Cylix by Champ Clark is one of the all-around Announcem ent The gradual improvement of tie Drs recently brought to America, men in Congress. He has a...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…2_ Publiehed Daily (Sundays excepted) dureing the College yeoe, at. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orpicia: The Iolanod Press, Henning Block. Both Phone 147. MANAGING EITOIR. F.ENGELHARD,.'01L. BUSINESS MANAGERc~. 0t. It.HANc. '00 L EITORSO'. ATIILEO''CO, . 0. . It. IleDOs , '01 E T. R. Weoooo, '00 L. A.t11. MCttoos ott0 A. G. BRooNEc. '02. tE. J. Bi. WooD, '00, L.5J. MooTG¢E ac, '00, W. D1. HICEYo, '00 M, R H. JEEG'AN,'100 L. W. A. KNIGHT,'101L....…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICIGAN DAILY. . JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE--NEVER IN PRICE. H IL EBR ND TE NW TALOR120 WASHINGTON SI. MICHIGAN CENTRAL f 'The NiagaraFalls Route."lVeutschler, the photograpY herI)~L. LENRAlarmDRDI Clocks SI. lam 1 iaet GE TOING AST.-na- ----19- - 18----9 U. of M. Pins 50c to 10.00. Fine D~etroit Night Expresse.........5 55 A. M.Watlepar Is pcily adAtlanticis EpeT 710, HIT AISTS ReAaEsiOgORpecialt Mai and Ex...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MJCHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE U~4IYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F. Hopkinson Smith's Works C:aleb WNest, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Trhe Other Fellow, Short Stories. STUBI remember that we can Fountain Pen, the Laui wse fully guara ntee. 'Yb, MARTIN'~ Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPOR~IUM Bic D. 9 TINKERF & SOP' H~LIATTERS ANDOUNIHR - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- jHeadquarters for isupply you with a $1.00 uASs, CArS, MoN'...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1900. No. 136. S rn gLIST OF MEMBERS. F. H. Falter, J. T. Fitch, H. G. Fitch,' NE SENC II - redenrce Gates, J. . Grisier, . L. Athletic Association Members and Frank, W. A. Ganshaw, Louis Gram, On Standing oi the Uniersit,- Announcem ent Aprinetol Directors. Geo. Grant, Jr., B. . Greene, W. . Praises ol New York Sun. , , Treasurer Woodrow has made out a iss Lottie Greist, Wilbur Grooss, W. The fol...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 016 MICHIGAN DAILY Pblished Daily (Sundays excepted)dinc~g the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orieici The Inland Peress, Hennig Bock.t Both Phones 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F.ENELIt..'01lL. BOUSINE~SS cMANAGE. t 01111N~. 00L. ATHEIC S, G.1). 1ececceT,'0i E T. R. Wooccese, '0L.A 1.MeDecceac. '01 E A. G. BuccE, 0 . .J.B.OOD, '00t G. J.hlMONTGlOEY, '00,'0iM 1.1H. JREG i'0L.W. A.lKNIHT,'0iL. he slcc rpto ...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 YUseen that new crush or KNOCK-ABOUT HAT? Just the thing for rough usage-and good for many places and all kinds of F weather----It saves time and patience-Colors brand ciew-*. 00 _ GOODSPEE~D'S A MICHIGAN CENTRAL) H ETMKSO "The NiagaraFalls Route''letcbeth"i btxvabr CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. 4 , Mandolins dfl Taking !fleat Novembehr 19, 189)9. Guitdrs ulcN AS.Derict Night Ropr(ton. . . . . __ __ _ Atlantic Exp...…

March 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…4 Hopkinson Smifth's Works Caleb W~est, Master lDriver. 'Tom Grogan. The Other Fellow, Short Stories. AGentleman Vag abond, and Some Other. ADay at Lagnewe's, antI Other Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. AWhite Umbrella in Mexico. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Tesplendittrtisenet of the stisp peeps forth." It is with a feeling Of pritte which wet histkpardsnabte that wt snvite yosr early tnspectios of ourtewtlineof Spring andtSummerO...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… 4f 'ig iaiiu. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1900. No. 135. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. 101We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in qluality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests andI Golf 'Trouserings. We i...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UJNIVERSITY 011 MICHIGAN DAILY U ~ ti1.~hd11. illbe a ~ Prker's Campul osophical society in Tappan ball lee- Published Daily (Ssndaye seepted)lddeing the tore room Wednelday at 4:15 p. m. Dr. Colg(er a au iladrs h oceya hs Cafe, +++ THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. meeting upon the sbjeet, "Scientific FRI~SFR omenc: The Island Prese, fHeecing Black. -E-----B-AD-$-.5.-- Both Phoses 147. REGULAR BOARD S2.75" 11 orders promptly filled. Fresh E...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 _ " " "" i«"". i"..ti1...?i"t...Jifi Lr ..:....?.s -- ----°-".s s s s""""""- - - - ------- I I LflD [~ HOI~ do OXF RDS ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE (~OODQ5PJEILDQ) Hajve You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? ~SUHMI T F4 MICHIGAN (CENTRAL!, "°The Niagara Falls Route." l1nshe,4biht~rpe.~ lrm Cok I CENTRAL STANDARD tor1 J A ar r T ki G i OING AnST.b 9 19. T- - . of AM. P!i c t o $t0 10.0 0. Fine Deroit Nigh...…

March 27, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. F. Hopkinson Sm1ith's Works *511 C;aleb West, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Thse Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Other. <A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexiro. STUBE remember that wve cane Fountain Pen, tile Laugh] we folly goutrantee. Wbit M1ARTIN S Crescent Sterling ol M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE FEMPORIUM I-jiuy DO YOU $S 4 Pit...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…be 12of $-9 P tt) VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1900. No. 134. THE DUAL MEET OURS.I not been namned a anmember of the ANUL DRES SpringANULADES Deleatd NtreDam bga place. Bliss succeeded only in doing Michigan Dfae or aeb 36 fet 7 iscles whicl gave him second Annual S. C. A. Meeting.-Preident An o n e e t Score of 43 1.2 to 20 1.2. place over Pick of Notre Dame. Connor Faunce o Brown Addrese secured te otly oher first place for hi...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY O]1 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 . . rt e sell chosen lpassionate words hede el ~tt J~t1 ared he wa s an expansionist but not an A Gentlemans Feet... * ~~~ P'~~~ ~ t imperalst He explained oat was donthfiobeotde t Pubished Ditt (Sundao*exneptitedotuing inth his op iioni rtc wd s t b en stwnccnedtoc ncoforable shoes in ode to comply Cotg or tfor in tostion and stated ihe stoodwattib on ofhashbcm io lylnin sqarety on the Dcmocraic platform....…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. ILD B A D TENWTIO 120 WASHINGTON ST.I MICHIGAN CENTRALfl .- 'The NiagaraFalls Route." j e ntzchlct, tbe liphotographer. TEBSTAESO CENTIRAL STANDARD TME MandoliosaDdf TaingEfet November 1-9,189)9. GIG -T~~ Detro it NghtiExpressm - -m55 A. 1%, Granads Exprss .... . _, 10 adiirtano' arsa le at tie Mail and Epr u ....-....a.'34711 M GIG VsT11Mail and E e p ......... s...…

March 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH NVRIYO JHGiDIY F. Hopkinson Smrith's Works Co,. Caleb West, Master Driver. Toem Grogan. The Other Fellow, Short Stories. A Gentleman Vagabond, and Some Other. A Day at Lagnewe's, and Other Days. Cotonet Carter of Cartersville. A White Umbrella in Mexico. Well-Worn Roads of Spain, Hot- land, and ttaly, Traveled by a Paister in Search of the Theiend ist raimest sfthe Singpeeps fceih." It is with a fee...…

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