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April 10, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-10

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Flave You Seem Our New Dorcas Sboes? ~SUHMI T
The Niagara Falls Route." 4 ents~cbtv the flhotographer. Alarm ClocksSI
Taking Effet November 19,1899. U .. of 1I. Pins 50c to $1W.00. Fine
..e.......t Nightes A DatcillRepiig S p eciaty.
Grand Rapids Ripes. ...- ....t1IQ A iSWLLLIMEOIMiNadIxrs.2 7'%x.J L 7AP1 EWLR
.......... N. Y. Bost Special...... J..LCHAPMANJEWELER
Fat Eastern ....43 B T I
Boesto , N. Y.and Chico ........8I "ti

P'as' Westrn L+ prss. . 1 R3, .
G.ER. and Rat. Express ... 45"
Chicago NightLEsxprsss...... 0 H ave Y ou
Pacic Expsess.. . .. ..t! 10 A. M
Steamaahip Tiscsets all Cla, sses o d fDoniIss
Euroens points it lIwstircteso. Poll in-I These on the original Barothea Silks! and cot inI
nmation O ppliation. prpe saps.Se neourIe-(En AlNS,?Fine
0. W. RUGGLES. It. W. Hasp popesape. b0 osout -Ionl -laeis theacsoy
G. P &T.AgtCicg. AgiAns tatos .1 SLE 01111 ItFA(ULAIP $.1i50) 11) GI V1S FR . < ( heesou can ssgs tine
_T Mr)I5Drru n uStudio
"First Duchtingof ithe Seasn.t.Our Voldltl Co-Ed.
as spring is gradulally appilroachlingli' -le wos ofi the iwoisld sre Ieiioita 112 W. Huron St. N. S. Phone 119
TIMER 2C.~TABLE Z wmsindsolthe lays darelbecomoiig 5~tlr e s-i ,ep ord.A ms
TIME-TABEvlrg intance- came- ots!eeentln before j . ..0'
Taking Effets,Sunaday, May ?1, 1a99. tbtili othe tHuron rineis cotmitig I
Trainasleive Asso Aibtsrliy CeniiSol no- ito ei fa1vor101 111ndimny, sduoiing tie tse appinitmeoh committee. 0. elderly I' Ocent for
and Tine, warns lays last swesek.aaeid thienm- setnior handeu inllhot- ttate as being i Trihune, Searos aod Baroes Bicy.
SOD-TL NORITH slves sit thleoppsortiunity ad nttookidesirosisi fsites-entering the teaching cls Renting and repairing of alt
'Na S. t~t . a Na 1.Sie ~ tisielist peig fipup lise ei-d. Later, ipnnequsest, otto senot kinds. LEON SHOAW, .
Na. 2,-11s3J A. n. 'No. 5 3I. .AdO .Among tthiooesewho wentI op thserive!lieepbotogeapht. ItIwas5gentuine lint 14hE ~f t
Na. 4. d8t35 P. No. 3-456 5155 0m.last Saturdaiyowese I. R. Hill, 0 ., ut ifrn rmtepeeta2 1 02 C
'Ran hetwer sun Arboreand Toledisony ad ll1'. C. Ness-sinr, 12. Whtesithey Teropeeitrheperon icipvytinia
All trsins dolly seept Sitnday. seeivedl betweenlthae railroad bridlge ~ hm tn htgaho yew ie oO~l
E. S. GILMOIIE, Agean. and the oid dani their boat was cap- hee in youtthful days same twonty
N t3. lIENS ETI. ii. P. A sized andtii eiosswift current carried yeairs ago. Tuhe phiotograph showed Only t' 1)'0. 100 Wsudts.
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- it aiway leaving the bioys in a ratlhet none of the marks of the highly dehvel- nf'OcaaL OF SH-ORTH N
uncoomfortable psisition. Hilt coulid oped intellet wich all senior phoatos r~) H N
bor Railway. ! tnot swim attd swas nearly drowened tel s re supposed to display. Did ahe sup- ! 0 .UI~IJYIE
Car8 lease for tDetroit ansi Ypsilanti fore he seas reached lieanother boat pose betiuty swould be prefered to win- - -
every hlsf our, Deginning at 7:15 a. mn. ohichb0-as ill the vicinity and seeing idam? If the supposition was -orrect T
until 7:45 p. m t After thiat to Detroit his struiggles eamie to his resue. New- sod a ochsossl was secitred, hoss-Bhag-
at 8:45 p. ni, 9:45 p. m. acidt1:15 p. im.eomer couldtsiandu managed'tsi get rinted the directors woul~d he when G a g ra A a e y
Wtn om onrAnadMi u fi wt hruhdcig tte a htte eetet er .: Detroit.,111I(Griswold st. is thoutgh that had !it ttot been for the late anid that they had merely In rn iAn
secondi boat Hilt wousld have bgone tettigenatteac-her. inlasstilon Mtinu o metdr n s,2aAse brlsi to May
UPT Edown for te last time for hits stretngth evrtgStuda
wasabiosit gone n-hentoe seas reached Al 1otLAW NOTICE. nigt 5 0enAsebulyevey.tra
be his tescuaers.Al candidates for '01 law tasetiall ogt5 etnprcuie
ITfstEslNosaea arooil SULl IVAN, Cataino. RE AD THE l)AILY.
T E N E StEoisa ist il siP $1,000,000, tis com
a mn Vnim su ma10 teinIl1t901. the'undittsredthli Lost-Dur ing os in frottf Iw miras In
An ii! usl lie gVcationtlilitiinoea ofraD blidinggoldl watchi, No. 44191. , 5t
WA1 . I r tyaatto CiS t assofo Hel sts'IPlease lrare at Daity office.G.. o
Ohlii., .i ustoPaduaih,theicse Tensseclsos r~ . glo
Rlixl os FlorecessAn iel spring Itrip______Sale. Cast foi
Sto famnous antefleIds-oldesnopptiuli- RACKMEN001'. Old Goldsind
nialies foIseI1arc h-Good comanyai- Altakcnitte laerpr Itritan Shoes. -Up-to-date shapen.1 ilveI. ,
Si plendid sis Iry-twswee-kslofpleasure l rc addtspes eot
fo litle5 assay. Write for circuar-- at thegy-sonasisknt daily drefrom dnwrcinoan 00 Howardi lits at Widhams. Ityacs. et u A nod Ledn
Ap . reui . oroitduiinorbliPdr.hewirctonItessle. Hesthilt (oilthe market aof *Jeweler-
St.rtS. G 16ssiI.5. wbP . IA.5 fof ReeneFitzpatrick. !$.0 I 022S.Mi t
5Asdams St., Chiicsgo, Ill. J. F. McCLEAN, Capt. -$300 - -USS.HatiTholsst Com11plete Line sit
. C eorgs M. Whiairtoinlids dionatedl thin All entries Por the sinss baseball LO W NEY
newla51 sehtool bilinig tol th~e tilr series iand lists of playeruto belinhsia CHOCOLATES
HOCKING VALLEY R Y. vleit o irennslvaia.thtOb My1 ins teesty n1b0111n
A.. rcoDEKA s s't MelI. li ~OCl ns sll
4 TRAIlNS DAI LY 4 hLict ourls 5sllitres oflen uilts, over- Si ery nic-e datucisngtiarty- will be T L 8
coas, en's furnlishinigSsiiidlusts. giveni hy the Lighit Inifantty at thatis 338 S. Seate St.
Between Toledo ansd Cotlmbusli, ulli sain a 51 IshWalslla, IRyani-Iteiule, S. IMaisSt. larniory nost Moniday ovesnings . Abanid I
depot in both cities. silfins h ui o h w
Trsogh Slerper Ill Washingtonsanod Baltimor~e. 'tEll) CLUD L.ECTUEOE. stelis antltanmorchi-stra Pot the waltzes .M MATN,
GREAT RAILROAD Mr. (solo J. Cole will hire a talk Itmwihhl beiifsirmal anud an entjoyabler
ettn "A Susmer itt Alaiska,, on Tuesdsay titme is in store for those attendtng. F NE A
THE HOCKING VOLLEY afteriiooni, Aprih 10. atI4oclock it tIhe Stluenlts isP tte University remaining D[IRECTO1'+R
rite mausesim lecture room ln.lutrated Ity itt this city-duiring vasation can pro. Embalming a specialty. No. gout S. 4th
l.LNEN anterntslisdes. Ev-eryone interested is e ue- invitatiosb15-calinog a1tiGrans Ave. Ambulanme nighlt and slim. Reo-
11W.ort St, Detroia. dn-td glsseisem.sense 302 Fifthi Ave.
umitern oe for Wmn3*501
SPRING SHOGES (fIND W th orW n o s..10H U O
OXFORDS Now INWac ou Wid w .. .10 .HU O ST R
ENOCH OIrslll~LIER1 Fueramboh eor51 University jstl-aw fblcI wetFine
B R Ers EnochI lisets eLady Assisa t sflaw.i1n .All crd
G~A~lNE~vSAISRTIN.No 16E.LietyStee Rsiene r3, .1Shoe S op ELambert. Photos

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