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April 10, 1900 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-10

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TT- TsseTIsuRQlmcV nl usM rO.TTT(I A N TIsA TI

4 hIIlls UCSVJA.LOCS[J.. L !' 11
f~ iT (~1 rememberthtie anso
113 U ~FountaiiilPen, the Laugh]
wfully garan tee. Whitr
BOO~s 1 . W1?12JN S

li.C:1117i'lil I 17131E 1.
.. ~ ~

Headquarters for

A ACUT PRICE s Sterling
A -4-, -u.:1 A A114"ir,4iA t-4 M. STAEiBLER'S
Tos Have and to Hold, .,x$1.00 CVCLE EniPORIUP
Dai Hdarum,.. 100 D® ( "Y'
Red Pottage, . 1.00 A. .
Via Crus, . 100
No. 5 JoshnStreet, . 1.00 4
Jane Meredliit, 6.dl. 1.00i
lihad Caryel, .1. . 100 4 Broznso ici
Stalkey & Co . 65
Kotg'suMirror, . ..00 Old Number:
WhenKihoWain 44 SO.N MAIN S
lower, . .0t--
%AA ~ fliiyts-A Bunch

Bic j
Stog;ies for
icily (migs for
k(io'aii' for
at Kgsay'st the

aipply vasu with a $1.00 H5AS, CAe., MENS FUaRNISINGS
lin ioi.Waterman, wiieliand Copbeiineatof . is .ss
H A L T ,IE R- 334So Statete
Orient rrfii tWnI.r n
c sFowvler I Cr an nuonSrestct
119 Wst FREs. H BESERts Cahier.
Washington street FRTNTOA ANK atf Ass Aros
FIRS NAIONA B rganized 1863
axca oght ansoldi. Fsuiish letrs of
5c V ia .Prtu.
tCS. W. (LARKSSIN Pathies
25c Th AirnJUMor Savings IBank
25c Clapital Stoch. 550,05. Surplut, $1C'00
I Retsuresstx1,500.
Organized undirihetGeneral ianing Law
Co ati s- tiaste.Riseositusat, bays sod toul
)EAN & och it othe principal aitiesofatiho Uiied
s tat DraOs ticshalsauoa proeitificatctio.
Saey dhit s t et
OF ICES hristianuMacsh.Pres.; W.tD.tsOrl'
Calendar. an Vce-Preu.Chas. E. iHiscocb. Cashier;5M.
J. FitzAssisantCushier
us lies v e1iis Aprut 10.-Parit
Sistrs Cncer Co.on Y M. . A.VV.t. BOTHs, PRiES.ST
Shtci (ii ii t M C . WARNOL,1Stlsliclsc pre
Wed esay A ri 1.-M e.S.lC.Wrascs aea Ais lts ~ 1~ 'I
Concet ins CUiversity Hils.ttssu~kiisg tissics
Ns estns'sdav SApoil it.-ScaiourLastw__________
ijsDance t tGrsissers,5at O8:3v i p. idoMkecsof
\VesiiisdiyAprill1It-SeaiorslIsuc f CLEGIATE GAPS.
sit GtOsssu 'cdmWNSansd MOODa,
'rua u 3 .strIss a~CAPS syd GOWNS,
tiiii5i.i ali c3 iw CASS CNES,
ivililIClil atF5 PEis' E '.l aiisi tsiiistar-I i -- \ C OCCECJIECLAS,
,11F 1 , " , I I ~ IG P n H~~

AttisT'hleature.Witthout eaggtra-
Iliter CSard~s ad Booktetsu LsreoVa-ItiotaManasgerGus ioltsussuis pesa
presentsatsuoe atftie bout farcsesiomesty at-
C~s indl I Iursod FineoStatiaoey, NOw tractsis an ttseroad this season.i T
sit1 a 00 815130entier tssieaseuit-is to be casssiieistest fas
lot.) lusin-r cit I sitisg lutirs ith plte tl', lll i. r'ts
lh oot a sll Will 1 listusvery lfe,
tare su it . '11 r ae o oa s oiesl
POOS. S~ 55,5tSOKSSCSIi~S, pi littlisauc ta viotesp'ilfrecia (tsiui
STATIONERS aud ENGRAER~iS, isid aillligis ts dgres, noimadin IsIti
ANN ARBOR- 0- - -- MICIGAN silodlusma iint arssdtsedslandscose-
siots us s-ihe ivyare1nosilts'lines ands
Lu, ca larber IAP t pisustit stla~tims tills sits
The nl sj. "s I sutiiillC, ti t5ti.
Shop and Bath tile atlse-PuiaShs.Altys.zI.5.f
R-{)08fl, os2 S'ATE,R. ~trutoutohi WVigtoniaRobeirs ts, 9,o +xi-
eceislissitSo ti Ameivica Iwi'th Panamiai~
U.NIVE.RSITY SCHOOL OF viit sisiiss'.sComImsiso.Tusd'aiisAprl
PINK OPROS., Instructars s S la t
tffEstasd icadeoy. NickliHal. 334--336 S. hSto
jTheAn i rbori tMisic l'o. si','
' A RECORD BREAKER delut's ass'i.ableaird; atllsooeSuiste
; at raam's.
L 5$300 - hand nameisil toA Ic istlilssivtLiiC tiC
'LAIUtGILIN FOlN FAIN ------ ltes it sinces. isie'>st
P.. FNSl uleGat
A forollIN r ts t sst esi t a i ls !al 5s t sc lilits
3f;lsu il '-t, oil , trtuI Ii e tie0sas wih tttoo; twey chitt
ism asis 'ofbuinssSaturday
t n,-t relm wn bit f helwllre
.I itdoes notuit MADE a t turn0siml no iction iwillbtat kt n sin
Any tau yusigurit PRFIT j00 ie ar
r '
s-usr t t l)issius lsui;'ltZ i
I ;a5lf,'iti ill7 Ii cli Is ' istisisit
' . lll (t~ T( -t 1 1' t itt I II IM N r i t~I. - i- L(} t1-titlre S. is iv i s i etd iss itC
< <i f ofIi'\'-'5 u iita iut

111CC i i., ' p55 ot"rani -at iBetleihem
Apt i tissasis acslltPss conc ertat atz
Memial llUniersty chol o
Sundaily, Apil R~Ilitev. teller-
iss(\ Soil iii NowYorkiWesleyaniussildl
,iv2-- Ftc'iiicoct ItFrileze
k,1i l lit haI ll, U ivs ity Schls ofa


IJ Ili C IFitsiv-S vethsSI.
tgp ( !(ii i "A slice to
C; TE , I.one reason
b acco is so
popular ..
-v-The carved
fi IL Shn fi.. ...- nockel-Skai mother

's 5its tiossl 1ly
PU sillso'sicariPitsit ii stoes .u tt
'eotited r islCbet-made siloissrdetr a
i'II.CsateSt. tsrs.ii. CllC
Pur itaiii splilsis oests.-seethetm. tfC

is sit %Vustitssso isesiui St lei'See mrason. Na nther pipe tobacco has ever
Ibents..SuthMa1nus atreet. made as many frieads in so short a time.
NO~uO Ti ICEit.t i JIt It disappoints no one."
'Ishosnieise of.atticiiseirmisiclt -A trial box wilt be senh 0o any one
c.siof 1511110-ire r -iuseectolt seue anywhere oa receiptof5 ten cents in
thi pht tiittsittit s s itigisAtiitoCiniit amps. Address Old EnglishD e-
its c an ili' steliscery oathelsaclass
slisit.Cisis'sslcssv ~ ~ partm~ent, The Amer'icasn Tobacco
- Co., Ili1Ffths Aves New York City.
. ,} 4. ,-4 44 .4 5,4 _4 - All dealers sell tt.
(inichnil n S'hirts-

529 Giso l uad St, DetroitMich. 4 I t
L St Il a c wrist hrt sl lruisstcuu uis esiu
Aty Bkot ii e sCora The New OJen-I rkalC SfOrtd$
ii - litutta°f'r 1ll thei(ioy Osadolpthe ste laingsuc <
t7' ~~~~~~Fcuust. Slips o)ard off likena Cub fthIouty
-Coot. Di ffec 'usC Lengths of .. iiuc Ii Qi sit t . .
^ KY-~ tu ;rlttsl Ku ® ll~ 9 k. I Sleve. Perfect Filling.MIsue Hal1l 'Ieoal
Tr O T I E ig a ~ elg'Pat Spalding 's Official League Bait
ed Ne lige . Isthe- Officil BallciftutuNationa
V ( AG + R C0, iatin- upalditgs Ost Ball Gaide for 1900, 10o
'I HOS.atowE, rsli. -9't SPRING A N lRa&eCOashe s uu (usouCtlo at
14t03 t~rsocss'us.a t i oil t uuu''ICT C1ruhos s duteisc c A G plin rs

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