Headquarters for
144 Y~ 14 4 _-t ,4ct 14 14 114 14 < I t A 114O11
remember tbat we cauI supply you wtithia $1.0(
Fountain Penthe Laughlin or W~aterman, whirl
we folly gularanstee. WhaIt note can you asklTr'y us
11 ~ad Comnplete linofGYAcSIUM
Genes ond SWEATERS.
- 334 South State Stres
Orient n . I~nr t
Fowler Capital, $5,0.Srhs $000 rnat
R, KsxP, Pros. C. E.tGREsENE, Vice-Pree
009 West FRsE. H BEI.ER.Cashie~r.
=4''4S S-4A Ao - 1M. STAEBLER'S
To Have snd to Hold, $1.00
:David Harum, .. 1.00
Red Pottage, 1.00
Via Crucis,.........1.00
No. 5 John Street,. 1.00
Jauice Meredith, . 1.00
Richard Carvel,.. 1.00
Stalkey & Co.,65
Kin~g's Mirror, ... 1.00
Whiens Knighthood Was iti
CYCLE EniPORIUM Washington Street BIS NTONLDAKof Ass n Arbor
D O -Y ?OU $1M1 K 1I(I Capital, $100ree. Sorplus sod Profits, 840,000
* Tanscisoageneral bankinegbosins so.Foreign
exchanesbought ansd sold. Fornishlelttsereso
++++++++++ + cedsit.
5cPittsburtg Stoiesfor Vce-Pres
6 Bill Anthotty(Cigarssfor - 25C 'c fj 1 Th Iib0or aviU11 SBank
4Brunswick (Cigar s folr 25c Capital Sleek. ,(00t. Surplos, $50,0.
Old Number: 0rganized suoder theGonoral Banking Laws
44 SOMAIN ST., D AN 0of this State.RNcesives steposits, S of ussdndrells
L C *Ieechangeonte pinciplciis otheoUnie
ANN ARBOR, MICH.U ~ Sissies. IDraftscatsed uponopeoidenstfction.
Safty deposit boxesoentco.
FLAG SHOT DOWN. A NenVieMussnacreOna
J.Fitz, Assistant Cashier
o~ater Cards and Booklets, Largel ssiocod W.s.pil.I lilsa sci o PREiSeye
riety. riiititi utmpleitnto the 1law biul leeclaerd i iand somce improi vemniit as 5w.ARNaOLD, 1st Vics-pree T
(t ia e''sand litedo tine Stationler,New cding. I cetre tile Ipennant 1111 roec tticeab I, lverlice scene o1 the cday . . KSHEIItAN2d Vice-pres 8~V
Shapes- New Shadeo. attarcoed to it 'wrere t into smcill bietere. Niel Snowce tmatie his firt a ip
100 Engravedl Visiting (tirds with p1litoe liiecesand.i vi de d iamneg the U il'il at iran 1cre isince uethee atv teteenlN
1.2 .Atter sapper the lawscebegati assest-lists ie ndlayie11. oncii t awas talledti Transacts a general
ilitng at the his huiltinegwithlnghtthecVar itBesitdes these wcihe te SaklgIles
shtitosodertheir coats.BOrbIf ItPast heenl thliithe squa i gh Iiltalon, a .
eigut ov er t iirsed irid gi> ecrl aittd tewnmticcn ltthe persoil of Thas.SskF.s
he lat he night-shirts tore pitt oeovsrthe Tout c--55 1'0 L.,w0sout. H15 woitn CLLaeCAPS.
Sheelian C~~O r oats . Aline seas orner t tailthe i e fheld iwas ofi atbetter graderGlean CLEIT AS
night tsh cirt arateswunig cliitowarids wGliOWil t c u thleitt NS and 110005,
PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS, seta 1eaiofiIhelv th tt eir eelcktftainoicngwas Rstngs
Main toi Hill , o'Sat iiilice Yis t teal tahts t u CAPS ned GOWNS,
shw.CahWtisae u aSATIONERS and ENGRAVERS, (lasshutiding.At tnearlyev toricross-e ac os es tAn t .e5SPECIA1LTY.
ANN ARBOR- - - - rICHIGAN ing the Tits fIlls inglO the pt lliiizorietofS lli itte itcCLASS CANES,
the lawcs. Bile(,,!(eli tin' h 1 o vi i ii iteiley el hattineg 1t tles tas - ifCOLLEGE FtAGS,
lockd ams n .lrused C r, inol-.CGLASS PIPES,
VAPORilaetiBoiTHSltd r,1 , Ipieched itithlie rcllege nine fCrot neeCLASS STATIONERY.
U. ofl M Barber TARe5TRS eompatody he lie ,h<si,(innc n dddwl.Mtio a u
TeOnnes alihni epieiitit odddiei tcsoi(a itCOLLEGE PINS,
Shpand BathEthe cityn. Rea- stalkalte:,ydsietea set eofhbusiness toe a few minutrs, he"COLLEGE
Sh psoal a esr. tempts oil the lits to Irive heciltclin igstruk en thte hrad hi t iiirhed SPECIALTIES
ROOMuS) 322 STATE. J. R.Tronasess h tlentthey lital rarhediitli 'I, ic l i baii Hecame trouind aligt iLthougieit CKERN &gO. W
luYVST S H O F ig again. the lacssantic ,tvc eI- ttlha gai nttelzit
UNVRIYSCOLO Class yells, toilseveral 5 h -,,, spi hat hehid a lre ps tistta111E Filly-Seventh St. al e.rodfyoae ~(AO 11.
lilly erir ilil ii ccLi1vrl ylice mitacgoeoil sired e ced , 11AIIl
" ace h rciessc wl rb 'ucnn4cIleailnit' 'i L w tiabcontitinute ticbheldnitat thfitet tt. "'A slice to
(,hr ycl5usicl Ip~tll ..ti giounts ull alter e tetun rome pipefu
ESO. ntu tr ient. ) 1C4hiltCI( ttiitl reltuui so Icflt
lI3e n(e os ss, luri all.3 .3Mi 3',St 0 . Sas iiitelc u i lli"i il.tthe tpintri p eu ai 111Rgeth e . pipS ful rao
-ais beginingclas,______ o 1 l)___________. otrtl.cihe he is's herioc ll rt>pcec "It i
A ltelWlsinue atManhtattan ShirtslJut Tsbcc ' wyOlEn
elfin Va dumyiJiitt k ? lol in to acdtions, 1ycn & teule. See A CTAGQrU
l/p A RECORD BREAKER 1 A lispIsedll ;Tci let Ietem. Sothih Mtestreet.a t -t05 gu'b ~ lsh Curve
( ied andlfit cc ilt Ti s cc 'P _!Ie-_-__- -S
(Ott l htcoo ions1101 . . ro ehe niS C Ill Exta finte miSt sill lie furnisedl Ii
$3.0ethetattieot' 'letas 'it Or 01,al"bacco is so
10 stu i' 'ite tl 51ocrfoecu tdhiletnCgttonite atGrnger's hiad-
0LAUGHLIN FOUNTFAIN steel Mr.iand1M's.1Ross1ccans-e liuntillsnieeo'illerttotttcalitietforth popular .
__________par____ay vthe s itteroottto the I :tilsil Ii The curved
n3 r w psai d, 10 oni 1a01 IllePk't trialorh 2 nuhut class 01111 thei Un""."set
( a1atl C iates cro r t Ia lcs ecer ults O hicendus. lime usualthassr ellyiwill Itcle tn box that fits any pocket is another
curEidim sihiichese eet la1c hths cultnitg t 1tu0o cck. il
1itfi doerchiot liii . 1 1111 U Y wtitleJI (I.I'mersoncte ctthee gytuuncuslumun N I( reason. No other pipe tobacco has ever
hre members of thehceniormedicaliheyneiiu. JecF. oh tice uniontaneediest made as many friends in so short a time.
________________ cclas eC100aure hequcesled to secture
i ddesee tuj l anE a i "i'k a ccuc riii ite liune ouPAllen inue terpoostig uigA rl oi- It dsponsno one."
RBISAy wany youeiure it PI1i oe 0.shre son ecliyrdelier y oC thue classdiap nt
1 it4 ciii t hlcuto Den't udelacy. 4i-52
elImcmu i lce_________ SANAltS 00TOSTDI A trial box will be senlt Eo any one
u"I5cc- cIc i te Astderad HeeOldNDLLEnPOTOSishO
Te Acnn rrtMusic Co. bane anywhere on receipt oC ten cents its
ItI i. p' once inlu eltenuits to oferr stir- uudltgcghlairs to rent,.eiiveredlantI! Sta mps. A desO dE gihDe-
1 lte u cltrllla cleo n tuablths e ord: alaone00suite callhea foi at tiwenty-fbce cents 0 doen t rartment, The American Tobacco
4si esnancutcou-lit CcavnCO -Co., Ill Fifth Ave., New York City.
manIc Iof t he ccvl i esuerQiAll d aessell it.
129 triswold S. eiroi, Mc. f P Ln N S Ofca
.jAn an o xi-rtF~r.pnyinThe New CGoer)Frott Shirt. J~~tc~ oa
Du' Su ism r A Co. ms BI uttol s all the Woa Dow r)tbe Off iily copted b te eI ading
_ =.t'tr ' ollegese hoels nd Athleic
-Front. Sips o n od off likeoa Club oftoiheCounry.
____ - ~Coot. Differeot Lengths of .SoeRuooo s
CV S--.S Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Bae.lli Tennis
I'l ,..Feet H]fal Athleiics
SIDTiE.. Neglige -Semi NegligePloit- GI Gy>nanaslssne
NORTH SIE ? a dNelge Spaldings Official League Bal
ed egig e.Istho Official Hull oftihe National >
LAUNDRY t League eam all leading collegeraso
WAGNER CO , olaionetSpaidings Baso Bali Guide or 1900,u.10c
THONS. IOWE. PPrp. .1 '
10(03 Ileesnlny. «>7 Bll iPhone SPRING FHATS iferdashers a nds CeLisad e A .Sadi rs
eg f AthletcS r re A i pldn rs