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April 03, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-03

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Publised Daily (Sunaycs ecepted)din g the
College year at
Orec -a:The Iland Presso, Henning Block.
Both Phones 147.
F. h o ne ,'1L..

voluminous eno ;.;h to create the sus- LOOK TO US
piciouo in the mindslOof onyon3 that
the ploy 'woo well preoented. FOR --
It woo pr !seo eli ii ttrec arcts and.
thte costumes were Historically occur-
ate. The exellent musical llr'tgl'lo
swhich teas Ifte w )N,,, a 1105 dI sinttai
Itart int the evening's success.
Our first sit,
Bnftfor Hospital Guild. thte honda

Fine Clothing, flats
and Furnishings
'ering consists of the advance style, fresh frotlt
of the foremost Fashion Makers, THE STEIN
Er~ery Fabhric that has strength and Charac-

1OUSONESS 11ANA GEIR. Bct IC CC omict ('iCOMPAtt.NY. tsr is represented in this collection; every style in rogue io
I.I.Ho,-C.An event olf the mttsical seasont may tere. No mcerchat tailor a-ill give youi the same style and
r i3IORS.be set down as the appearance 'here of
ATIICClts, . ). 0. IIcoaca, '01 . Mine. Softa Scalchi and associate lrt.( Patterns a~t 511 per cent. more money. ..
T. B. Weossiw'00 L. A. 11. MceotesOL, 'at ' ists in thte opetrstir performsance thtey
A. G. BtoaN'so .'. t. J 3. 0. Sea, '00, wtll glve at University halt ott April 11.
L. J. MOs oe O tt'0,, ). H.ICKY oom, S c.Salchbti15without dosbt otte of the
B 1H. JttNcGAs,1. t. NC. A. KIGHT, '01 L. test tand most celebrtatetd contralto L I ND ENS.C nIT lc
- -- -_ - _-__ - singets tn the entire world. She wrill
yunot he heatd again in Atmerica after & A P FEIL 209 5. Main
thts 'seasonlhavine matde contracrts totStreet
_____ -jocite Royti Opera Comttany of SI.
The eusecriptton price ofthetILe i $2.50safor Petet'sbttig, whtch is to) make a tour of_
the college yearewits a regua eierIety bettrecso trp.Sei
0000 ecst'day. Notices, Clomm the prcncipalcsodesite Etrtperipahertt
other msatter enlded fIce sltitatiltllmust h addi tth AL tie eoe8p . irronlttatled by sttchsan ensemble of
matted to tteseditoribcftrct3epaip. of tlhe day tttd oeratttc stars as Itas ntot oftetnc ' C m u
haedioustoa t ot hity ar le ex5pset
apeiatt otbto hc l~yseelee olettened Itere-so brilliaint t so- j~
5sleitsc.cyieo h iirana5Mine. de Pasquali: entinent~ U .. * French Cook in Charge
Meye'.+seortotltscsand, or wittsBts inesc s t totr.ts Stg. OePasquali; so gret
Manasger. Subscribesawilt oersafotrehy
repotinttg lprompltly at tthis sfince sny tailueofatbahrittone as Sitg. Francescltetti, and
carrestoIsdettivespape.so ablle a ii anist ad ott tntt tr tas Sig.
Alchanges in adtvetisignotrcematteut ibe is oVri UNSESFRTCASBAD
the stfices by 4p. .n..o.tlhe day previosetollthattn eri.IFRl-1 slSTC s BAD
an whicth theve ctoe aro. 'Ie.c cottcert will be given cinder thte
: - - __aitspiices of the U. of Ml. Hospital Guil REGULAR BOARD $2.7S. fIEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short
In charge of today's issue: I and ttteotosic hiving pablic will un- orders promptly filled. F'rcsht Home Made Candy nosyoct hand
\VI~.510 AKNIHT. qttetittlbty esptst enltisiaticliy. witlh the famotts Sponge Ca ramel a specialty. Pop crtt balls
Concert of South African Boiy Choir The First Number of the NetvOutinq and salted peanuts nosy ready. Come in and try thett.
Uuder Auspices Unicersittl The first ittlmber cof the new Outing
Y. M. .C A. ttnder tite mtantagemenot of Caspar W S. PARKER
A gCoup of ive South Africans-two Whitney was received yesterda y. It I 709 N. University Avenue
Bdasutos, one Kaffir, one Zulu, and one htas thte utullnumlober of stories and
Bushman--gave a concert last evenaing longer articles entahie various sports___
in the Methoodist church unader the aus- anod amusemnents. Blesides these the
pices of the University Y. M. C. A. important featore of the magazine is GlAS AND ELEClTRIC LIGHlTINGISUPI ESlfh SHADES1nr
The program consisted of both Eng- te months review, condiuc~ted hy to ~ LLUIIIULIDII) [rLE (Il iE~
lish and Africaia songs. aid wa s well IlaC Whitney. Tis idepartmtent hasU PORTABLE LAMVPS, ETC.,
received by thte audlience. The little been greatly enlsargedl and extended A liist z:rvy SANITARY P1LCUMB1NG, 'TEAM ANDt) HOT WATERI soAviN(o.
darkies -are undler the control of Mr. by thae present editor andi will no doubt Ji F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST,
J. l. IBalmer and Miss El.sie Clark, becomes the feature of tttetuagazsine
who have had charge of them for sev- untder his able direction. It gives a
eal years. They range in age from resilme o1 thte month's. doiings in I-very
seven to faurteen years. All appear title of sport, aqitatic bhuntitng. base-
beight and intelligent. ( ball, golfracitg, etc. It incluodes a @s0e II
Mr. Palmer and Misa Clark inter- genierotlrevtew and triticicism vith
spersed remarks on South Africa, tell- contments atnd etditorial discussion.
lug of the life of the people and some Besides the general sports treated. CO C E
oftheir peculiar habits. Hiss Clark college athlletits receive considerable FN O ~ E For Parties, Receptions Etc.
took sccasion to tdiscuss the Boer- attention. Ih track prospects of AND
Britisht elestilon antI scored the Boors the Iteaiing colleges. East. Middle
heavily. She said that Socitha Africa West and Vs t ire taken itp in the COUPES Geed and Prompt Service GaarantetA
could itot be tinder a btetter goven- crrnent issue.
me nt than that which would be given _- ______
by the British. Hiss- Clark's opinions T +++ ++++ JOHN F. HASKETT. DEWITT ALLEN, STABLER'S
are the more worthy or considerationn 223 S. Ingalls St. 720 So. 12th
because she was born in South Africa Casino ((.olti IIp) 1New State Phon e 431. New Siaene ' 03-ra ARDT 4 J
antd htas ired there a great share otf Cigarettes, -25 pkg 1
hrr life. Abdiallah Cigatetteis, o InCS RE
"Pennsy" Struden t Gice a French Pefection itgarettes, 101 Dhpt~ Poto~raphers PICTURE SALE,
Last Meayaitinmber of itae tnder- Cit Ctigarettes, - tot," av-'flllieofL? f 3 ndFORArbrENIDAYS
graduates of last Mayv a nunmher of Hoffnian HlouLiItttle Vtews. Make a specalty of Studentso'osseo
this untdergradusates of the Unsverssty Cigoes, t- ot ad Floastlight Worsk, aesaeis e. Mornday, March 19.
of Pennsylvania formeit what to known 't'wIC iews ocs sale at Colies', Slkledier's. toseilla,' ++
as the Cercle b'rancais, s it es dcra T E LE & C . + tEwadscBrs.antd Sctalc 's Booksetoe.0 'IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND MOD-.
matic eirle..It svas malsrked because :tl S. Tnt, x".L i clbet. ERN MASTERS
it woo tile beginnintg of a nesw epochin+to ++++++++++++++++++,,Impede l siz.,liegulaIrce$4.00, daeing
the scolastic life tifftseUnivsr',e __ _R~f~PfIoat siz,$la 5.0 drngsl
Some years ago a Prestrelgetlt was Ie-J -I . Us ftI $2.00.gtle et .0. elgoi
-- 41E-41 Timi n flTimFA Tnc~- +" __ _,Foiosite, eguarspriece ' 155du ele

attempt made to reproidite thit det
nmatic masterpieces of foreign lain-
guages. and notthin~g in Frencsit has WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4.
ever beeta attemcpted. Encoltraged by
the s ucceeses itf like bodies ilYale. Rioi,l up quick!The itg New 5oktCslt
Harvard, andc Princeton,. the Cercle Sucess-
dronrais a shortt tinte ago decitded to T E T L P O E G R
give a play. At first, it u-as aIhatltT E T L P O E GR
motter ft daci wichfewtsthe Ies
mlay fttiresent. Fittall' Molest sLoey omn
famoiss comedy."Medecin Mbagre hut" .vtyWsm ,
("A Phsysicians in Spite of Himself") Witty Dilog ue,
was agreed stp:'ts. Its preseation I+ usoas ty Scens,
was a m. guifisat success, and thtougth Lots of Giniger.
not every onto irsftse audienc wato litle
to follow the cloy withots-,Site ait of An Botirely FeotineChoruets.
the printed argiem(cnf stilt the op-'tltan Prices, - 25 , 50, 75, $1.00.
eons laughter °nsd applause 'wiich Se ttes oste Honday.
greeted the ltiniitosituafto3s wsa


Wh~itens,. beatiies, ansd treserves diteteh
AbsjEra;'ic: sndt e ery pleassintg to tse'
All dlruggists 25 cents, or by m~tail tspon
receipt of priece.

Etchings, allaizes, 110 cents.
Photo~gravuaeso,RBgalae Iteice $3.00, dttring
Phtograps, sie, x 208IRegults Peice $i.50
daringesale 75 ents.
Photographc, cizett x 14 Regtslar price 500,
during sle 35 ces.
Platinoc, ite 11 x 14, Regttar price 7tc, duce.
Artotyps, sie2ets2,lRegularprice c dtmr-
iag sale 35cencs.
Alt Statuary sod Framed Ipicetesl dueiag
sale at one-hsalf twice.

217 S. Fourth Ace. New Stale Phase No. 173.
Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
Eveey Descertpttion. TRUNKI AND) VALISE REIPAIRING atl tovect Prsees.

307 Southc Mains Street.




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