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March 27, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-27

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'ig iaiiu.

VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1900. No. 135.

G. H. WILD & CO.
101We have just received our line
of spring woolens for men's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in qluality and style to
suit the most exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests andI Golf
'Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our bine at
108 E. Wcisbiogtor) St.
Artist thstcofAit
Maer als iasfrn Wt
sttsamesunoil it
Oi ns, Chin
Wilder's Pharmacy
HE OLD Forseeralsees wte : ae
tI I-'FS ,A 0S'tGtIZ rcY.

SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB trs, with Notes on Art sd Literattre, Freshman Banquet Committees.
Professor H-arold North Fowler, West- Aragmnsaebig adfo
ern Reserve Untiversity; The Sound of
Meets in Ann Arbor This Week---The at before satd / in Latin, Professor the freshmen banquet whiehoill eome
Programme. George Hemp; Thle Sources of the off soon, but tie date has not been
Myth of Tarpeia, Dr. Hetry A. Satders, definitely decided upon fr there ia
GENERAL. SESSIONS. Utniversity of Michigan. some uncertainty as to when the hal
, itr ofrn nvriytittlrty-fourth meeting of the Mich- HauyCseete can be secured. Every indication now
gnu Schoolmasters' Clutb will hceIheld in Friday afterntoon, Rootm 24, University pit to a very successu aqe
M all, Prtofessor Richard lludsonUn- pit a aqe
Attn Arbor, Thursday, Friday and Sat- versify of Mihigas, chairmnat. The committees are as follows:
srrdsy, Mci 9 0an 1 h r- Toiic: How far toy original and ils- General chaiman, F. L. Lee,, Phi
grassssa for the meeting includes four trattve tmaterial be used its the teaching Kappa Psi. Committee on arrage-
g gof History ithie Scotdary Schools? ments, Carl Adans, Psi Upsilon, chair-
general sessions and five special confer- The disctssion of the topic will e led man; L. Hawkins, Beta T eta P; J.
ettees. Thte general sessions will be held by Professor Earle D. Dow, Utiversity V. Nelon, Cal Psi; S. C. Maon, The
Friday and Saturday forenoon and after- of Micheligatn, and Priscipl Webster to Delta Ci.
'totsit Nseery Hil TsedeaiedCook, Sagtnaw, E. S., High Shool. Reception-K. D. Thumas, Sigma
noo i Nwbrr Hll Te etild ftettatics Catteretce Pi (lairman); J. S. Shepard, Sigma
progratttte is as folloss: Fia fenon etr.bon a-Ci; J. Griswold, Delta Kaipa Epsi-
Friday Forenoot. Fia ttrtos etr ott s-lou,
Tis Tselitg o EoglshLitraure ian Hlal, tProfessor Wooster W. Betusi, Invitatont- Hery Hecer, Alph
Th ecigo ngihLtrtrUtiersity of -Michigan, citairitan. AAlDlaPifaims)Kr .prat
Professor 'sartint W. Sampoison, Utiver- Mathoemtatics Teacher o Teacit Mathe- Phi lPl Kappa (imn;Psi Roy W asster, Sigatt
pty of Initsansa;Discussion, lest ho Pr tti to J osphtL atkChist Mitss Flotencue laen, Sorosis.
fesssr Issac N. Lcmen ootUtiversity of tisostof'lcsatPiesFssu Decoatotn Bse Boad Zeta Psi,
asoeorF .Gtlon soaar'sit IllM of Teachissg"Elementstary tetcharman; I3i ason, MciaPoesrF A abu, Drn},AsT eii TopoSae(Alpha Delta
Slte ttNotrttal Lollege. \tormastiColicge fle Logic.o01Ageba h;JA .M e,,SgaPh;Ms
I is.Lo ofi cirisi rtitstie sad \sWilttts H. ButtsL sirsit o(01Md Agneos E.sWells GansttoaPhi Beta.
The se o Picoril Ar in he "eac- f illimue ots aeas follows:
ing of EnltshltComtpiositions (iltstatedcl I Tastmastet, J.H Fergson, Chi
Biosg sofrne s;CayB atn etith trop~toitto viewsr), Professor Fte]dioyCsfsrsc lyBMtfnDlaKappa Ep-
L co ttnvtrsity of Michigat. P Io- Fiayftroon.t Profeosor FIeer-sit lon he Coeds;" VL'olhsurn Stn
Stal ik.NcombettUCivsersty otIMicht-isho Pot pilo.n Athetis; .'Mis
lessot Scot's lectutre stil e gveln ittegstt chiras.st ithits mttettng at the CLtots Crozer, Alihaso Pi, "'ie Boys
ttttuststt Itttust toom.o Discusssion, ltdbisoogca tottfetenctsit itettndd to oat'03;"I. C.Lne, PitDelta iheta,
by issHalist LTt a ylorlBty City gve sootsntncttto st threinsofotrk Presdent Atoell " Jarvis Jennings,
IhightSchtoo.i itoosoitcseit s >itht ope usay tttecrssill etas Iheta 't 'tie o~lt V V
cos to stepad to toe att:) IThtrteSaw Signas Alha Esona, Thits -
I risdty hEvenintgsoiwitbeantxhibtitosoo l aditscussosiofdepedsent :"F'.C. Crsttttcier, The-
hAdidt iesTI TeatherSupeitendtot pups bils'itwonk. acit teahisrtequstedcOtatDeltat Chi, 'iMiteaigtn C. F.
C _.l.Jotrsan,1'inneuatoisMistn ooo toig teot-hoot> anttsiasitngsttss at Stttrtltsssite, Istoitotests, 'Fraterni-
'saisesfsy 1Foenoon. 10111101 10001abit Iter0i11atd deis tlot
TteIDownwtssatsiixtsotothlti ltiltlusstrtng plsooanto ml f115 uncttonsoto, ev o11oiae~nia
Schiool toisntludt ttheSethis an d aeOttsgcO ooto eetothesits o atth uirLso oNliseCnise
Eiht t tilt tssisEdssis CGoddard Usi-itmttig Ihitfa1iltie~s oftt hotottical Fo Oratorical Election,.
Ottsl~ so 'sot-to'oi 5,~ooroo' lootsooty 5wil lite t tdiposl 1odthtilt As te time issdrawigtnear for th
laughtBrowt, Ponottcticts toVou ts\1 ttttt n5vrsfy)ofannualssoratorical electioss the aspiring
I lt i Gooti I t~lias It001X ostt'sisoolstotCit tiottocalsditates .010 slooly ppeaing in
TiltReltitonofotColgIEdottation o hi tit10000011condtoaistro000003d-stabre tor theasea.Thls le eletonoccuetrs ass the
a Gusneoo ssotteeI;IPofessor IHenrsy C oootstotdo OtO >0ilootfooist i Tuesday in Apslsswhic als upon
Albootiml00110 om [ieJrdntilthsists
Atiiso Clovr otyof\i tisgao lotsot ol(olt iaelo Tit 'he junios awsswilt tase os seeting
Buine~oss meesottnsglt itof01fUicers lantter iew000') 1 cittoB3 insot"S 'toawtoday at epi.toll nsominsate te
etctlt. ta I to fts IttssS I,, S1; ofnius uttovrtoty tHall: nG fic~essthilss s cto etlo, slime-
lli~ea taus f heTeahe; Po-WayofP sntng t isPritples of r is' tiesmsolo treaosurer andol elegte
f icsor loyd R.'sittimtsUCivsitoytt>of sgamitc I' olntot 001tot tithe it Sholtu-tt 'sto Otte sortot Oatorialsts a sociation
'sictiga"n.1'etolDr.Leit siu lo o ti roti tot'Iittw itlmeets t M'si othis string.
SudAts0101lernon0001 lgit Sttosol oreil Ol ,Dr hs tttietcatditdltes havoe Bees
totuto Iigtjsd Ait (ositt xurSatouts Ji I IotolisAtnotAsrotRePsiItons atheitIretceet asd ttis tsact fore-
teetsrPrtotsstoeeorg \VoPSteroosonottot os\ as01ts a tame eletions. GBt it is
tootS)uI tooftloooratet'C C.tLXXoI,'stt
soot to oty ot 'scigatn.otAhmisosionoito, Sotoy 00 otot t~thoogts itoter cndislate ssay-sppjet
ito tttoo 0 oi lt ty ti t tol tito t T ot 1the A outotoot t eot rIti,ont tof 0001 nominalltiol at tasy's sme eting.
crsoo oe Citlb05wilte aluittdtttt ett toeoolot eXs ort. l t It Fotr101present , lbwelyit Cole is
itot t ettroot artgt.s TolotetrsItt ad i G nvPat atdtttbO otto tttio tt 0t.00Ma thsonltIy esttloislte Ibtredoandissdnohe
tl~oot tot t mlll ihe tharIt, htaooIloooott ( s~s0bos beci oitegenerally ircuated,
to it to;ot undtitt Itablt, ondutetdtsbtytei.isoottch lubt toit Iis n issna-
1000 Otto OtoS.s' hi ss'or V ohu .I pligt' Fooooto tas
Tetot tseci totoftoens w~o ilte s0 O'ltayo iogig ob.>ltrecemoS. Piggtt is te asy'ca-
the sicaot1loitoory, 01 m a o th t ioi-ltoil o fesn dd te fo tati'ttsrer.
logytndthoic confetrtotte Iitces. t tThe psoot s soothid ttly a 000> a toonilt loe nomliastiont for deegte scous
soon5 t a, f000000:otosical labtortor 00y othe Uios. itC .t 'obscasing teonly0515strie. Jastmes
"Tootrtday toretnoonlatiNetooberoryIIalliictirmtan; 01Ptofesor1.5A.Olsboeoibtotecbi'stoatbobHH'lke. S ar
Subjt oftoteo >ssoo o ot lt cd ; fs ot 0go scretry. ther1celeemous a bttle the bltter fat-
Lin TOeXse.'blc The t num tes o the'ptor om'ioooec wiIHene.c
tilt StutuefLtinVrePoesleo t n hl od o a s oossoole ile liresthtent srtcitledl too the
solr JoolooC sols Conivest ooty01 hi-ib oto hoitetosiotobtonveno iltsnteoo ofeptosidoetb anob scretarystip.
OGckM s.iod Grck ~b.Vto solots tohe inketr, bmat necessit ta tslt e ddtst 11000' ewtcoiting
10i000 lbroetortitlbertIA. So iooito Umc 1 10000000"ic fr unig (too teitfstit 01101it is exectdl this year
Oct ofto ici~ i'l t~higan oTotteodc I 0 t LettluWi Ti000 . 'to Abor tat,'ie bi os' t'tll ttb wb ill put 05p a
m00t t~ i il te t otiog otintllVserso 01}Il'Ts'stoos ble lulls.y t-' l butofsritctadoewissill give
fts >00 1 ortoot sWXVeseIy Cot ott ty ot {Color00001 lt11000ry lyscItrofesor teot 1110'1 elos'- '' ti ltioig
ihiganotti uit I llutostato sons s I' oA Sito 's\1>00 0010t t y I3is Elementr yTlisdal yselctiton,
Alic ( ilc Lootvesi ty Schsool of Eletica lt i 's hotC F.Adasot>
'sict Dr.hhotisisI.(altCototversttyDeroit; (4) CIII oiti I oe hWorokt toithote March Inlnder Out loedsdtj.
of Misoo '"iso 'Doiscso1itProfesor InottootoedotIStoe CbCo, erot; (5)
G~eoroge HcIl, nivosrrsty' ot 'scitoogasn, Apprat000 or0100' 01100 1 linsi Te SIairths oossboeoob tteIlasnoder
Prsor>00I Bejain000011B~oots , n- f ~dIM Pro Saginaw, soc15tabeFitiotntNmhr.' 'Tle di-
ceIt of loM'ichriogantmPicoat hh B.I,"1'&; (.) _h.M'siitolb.sionof 0 toGrae- ots hlvoie srpeisal eforts to0snake
Ao to soog psilntl010iI ihSchool uesrt Aptahotos.00'N1B.'Son, Hotle this isuute alt itersting oelill,15anis
ITusdstay aftrntoto Stsooioai Csces;(7) Somle11Harmbonic 'siotion tnimoncetilbe followsig caitens:
Chuaongesoof ibis.DtesonsstratseIs , lOes' ntary Phyics Do. XV I' Ewards, The Sceptre Kig (atoem)cisby
Clotenc.t.nonMea'sitrilts niosersitIy o01OrhatrdooLks.(8) 'sirlsts TIeegraphy 'ioThoms. Mharsasl, "A Strnge In-
ihiogamoo 'AnoInscribedotCyx tby Dossis, ( :;o ).i,.1 say ),Dor."ugstsus toerittne" ty X. M~.Wherry, '98,
recently brouht 0mito omemcIroftssor TrowoboorigehootsnXirlot; ()'fle ois- "Chanson" by C. F. Gauss, "A Cieerful
I. GB I sorbetsUListstiyof Chicago,oboist VolumesAir.hot eissmomeoter, oh u.Tragedly"' EssleietbGt. Maden, Apaper
tAi CUnpubllssedStatute ros. n011tie As-XXWitinsontrot; tt(o) A 'sethsodstfor on Veasqtuez by . P. Boorin, "The
give iHermoon, Herbert FI DeCou, Uni- Dettermina tool of slot Cooslfiost t of Ex- Aitigase" by . M. Bowmuan, "A Pine-
verty ofotMshigan;s 'Caesar r shot latsoooof hir N ill~iaomsil.Dtetrot; Xoods Comedy C. B. Morril, "lTe
tilts for Caesr? lr.sF1 0.Btes, e(i) OA Siple Devicoe foarime's Mset- Mystery of the Missing Asdobon,"
Isrot high atisoot Distcusson Pincitpal oot for Densiotes of Liuids e lForres Henry N. Roiss, "Cross Purposes"
John W.XWelch Adsran High School, Io s,'sltmits(s) Apos ras for Loin . icinson. 'The usual editrial
Principstal Ralph S(Gaswood Xashallii Paralel Cisirenso>HN Chute Ants Ar- and exchange matter will also be nr
Highs Schsoo.tr; (13) 1Evolutioon of a Physal Labo- seted. A new department entite
'Tursday evening Addreso, The ratry its a Vllagt Soo, B. Nies, "Matters of Opinion" is to be begn in
Study of te Casscs its Gersuassy Dr Vcsmoslvollte (14) Apparatus for Par- this number, This will consist of on-
lout Carus Chicago alel Forces C S Cook Deroit (1) tributions at opinions on University
Friday afternoon 'The e Cissco Simple Apparatus for Pneumatics, F. R matters of general Interest and ug
Colectioss of Latins Inscriptions ProfestGortons pslanti; (o Liquid Air (a gestions for changes and progress,
sor Wallet Densoon Oberlin College; ustn Saturday Newberry al), Proes- The Inlander will be on sale Wed-
A New Papyrus-a List of Oyspit Vie- sor George W Patterson Ann Arbor, nesusy.

tors o mosisog iso, Xe
tanollitote ligger dis-
cotlts itn ever
before. Coonoc andc see
themooandoistie slewe
trtces.. .

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