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March 27, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-27

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U ~ ti1.~hd11. illbe a ~ Prker's Campul
osophical society in Tappan ball lee-
Published Daily (Ssndaye seepted)lddeing the tore room Wednelday at 4:15 p. m. Dr. Colg(er a au iladrs h oceya hs Cafe, +++
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. meeting upon the sbjeet, "Scientific FRI~SFR
omenc: The Island Prese, fHeecing Black. -E-----B-AD-$-.5.--
Both Phoses 147. REGULAR BOARD S2.75" 11
orders promptly filled. Fresh E
MAAIO DTe.Arthur 0. Taulor. with the famous Sponge Caramel
MAAIGEI . A very large cirele of friends wilt be ensatdpnusowrdy
F. B eseana. ott L. shocksed to hoe of the death of Arthur ansltdpnusowrdy
BUSINESS MANAGER. 0 . Taylor at his home an Wilmot at.,
0. H. Htsse. '00 L. yesterday, at elevensoclock. He has
FDIeTctxSe been attending _iee University for sev-
ATULO TtCS,. . . . tssese . at a1 . eral years bitt was not a candidate tar
T.B cD ow, 00. A. t1. Mt~etrArsL.,01, a degree. He leaves a mother and two
T. It Bes onsi,;ters one of hwomn teaches in the
d.tJ. Masesst e, '55 0,. i.D.ten.HICK tSchoot of Music. 4.++++++++++++:ele +++ 444
t. 1. -RN -sAs, 105 L. B. A. KNIessT, 101 L. He was taken sick last Tuesday
_____________________ night with what seemed to be appendi-
citis. Alt that meodicat scienece coutd 7
rioeras dinse by De-s. Fitzgerald antI
Kinyone lit lie finally seecaeJ tsvhel F°11)1
S --- ___ aceute lrightsdisease. The sdeceaed~i-
The bsascrepiess pieIfatthe DAILeei8e$250tOfoer
he courseg yeas, sets a re--a etlirlsy betere stuadentivolcitteer itbetd and the Poti j a
nonease hday.s'stises cwinsethesr eead versety Y.1M1 C. A cisoIheBaptist
ehond natethe DALY trficeeoe 8 . Ieater 0churihetnd the B. Y.P. U.IsTiriknow _
etaileltolbsh eeitre heftoesr e p i.ot ileslay lien s to s etO itsee f riesd. It s o-i
preveiosetoisthat oeethishtey re epec.eted ietott ys ecngeeil stnd hapupy, tindand creel
appar.r-fcthoeste. Iheruegt it tois eeially , i#555
- Itsc-rrptiosi ete eef tthe cic ie DAIesoffice, a saed btittshiatt see js et enterineg ecm tsn
Beyese rSicfete eec-iitand orc atittBusttin eecelo sesoleett t a enir ofott lieiso ily s
utties ieee plrompiN t te is aolcs ecntfilutereosic an fiterinutee cl ro t ttte in teefelds {
crr 5tsee~ i stlit et losesr.It t renssha~e th etir oltei 00 r
All chneOa.avris mt ter inettrteebetcl nsti cerely -wsto tilittle lctLi11f
the oficbylhtp.it e seethe.tay lreseseettha et 5The funceeal ciiw itk eplae W /eines ! % ,i1
on wehich theev ate tee astteas' ciy -ci 3 it m.fromesthe homs at 1,td
In ctshartge of toda,isse, r ye, A welcome offerig wben making a!
WSILLAreD A. KNIGHT. call to a box of It ngslerfer's neost ex-
- - -_ - iTe- juncior1-cots eare tee have cc el-eeocsetient chocolates. They are the finest

French Cook in Charge
'EAL TICKETS $3.00. Short
tome Made Candy now on hand
I1 a specialty. Pop corn halls
Come in and try them.
709 N. University Avenue
Monday, March 19.
Imeralsetsie eguaretrie ttr.tO, durieg
Rtoyalie, eutt r rie ser$I3.0, ldeinggsale
Poi szReguapie te 1. i25, during sale
v Etcigale ie,35ens
Oho ecee re se lar -et ice se 5.00, duering
Ptoie e..-ietse tsiz1ti14leguelarspice 0e,

"cPicturesque Public Men."-rThehub - iie-cp ttGemg r idese Vred-.!- caciand prtces are -o rcasottatie that i -td~t( Sl e t la rc 5,dr
mnesda-y sevcts-' kApi-t T hte e ctsn- you can atiord to gvea treat ote.eng dtt 5 rsts.
jectifor H-In. Champ Clark. igivee ze22t 8,R ofa rie7cdr
mitse reputig; eer efot o nae ooE.Wahigtn. 31 S Sat.! isne=s-,tie5 els.csBge cisis is
Tdie aboeohitas be-st en ecired ec itte5 uponeie4c-ti--ct n te tcks 20HaVisiueoa tf .S Ate l ,s-tea s r adFrmdpcursdrn
t1ttAe <ce ette aecteric5 etitandtitiiieeesee deeris
tsh c su etfo he address h yitt-hitson-titit, tei 0one-tetetCprice
gressmane teseefront cii IaeiMisosoeeuritccees t Saiturdaoyitetsed.I .tttitiee. ttesee.
nigetit s etsid oees ccii f ": ST-ABLED S ART STORE
setters o b heiertt M. settiso iteed o 127S.IFteeth Avea. New tate Phase Na. 173.
the oeiiel eose to eaiircilte ei-ie-rtiesei cofeeeiee-ceciteofccithe -- - ---- ----wt i ocltci 1 et r ci ihv stwl v ie cll e1
notec isc octitli se sete s 11i1cs 1- 1 ccit r eteeet es-t-tst iee e DI-ess OA liAND E Lb [6I5S'P ,HA E
dor le he i - l-ftnies st t ees.eis ctiCo re. c c un it.t- e i eetriwiitchet1e 'P)'' I. 4VIPS E C.
abrezsle ,t c e f ie omiicei t t..t gess ti i fsc ose ti es iccesoits t e h.it thiAe1t :0B L c, ctet.e.cciee AoMeciiPtttttt
torte ci t, eel tytities, ot sc o' eeJ. eete Ft.e , -HU.,H, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST.
teir pivte e a oiii caltts ltitf e wih0 Jmm "Otl te uFdao h
ccnnett Is obtaiedsfioit eeteese cieiey bothty s ts tloak-ro tmcin tie-gs-e-r-leibtraery-
pallsers. Aie. .ee 1 es a close- otserere eelce eeeeeesette tee~ hs i t
oef Ils leil i ncue c.t i t le ie i eee-l i5c ites eet e a ck fip eycent a
their distinguhelcd chiaeeaeteerishics _ E nd, i t
wvith i ne f etie e gia.ccusc y.es l}I ices e ice j °" . ,... i 'rpa. +op aesa ea~a' . sscos
toul th tc etries ihumorebet so ghitee- , I i+ iti(ie- T itept
iraiiy thi tit ies tsllingec0 ecsr fai-cito
C5iealINE COACHES1;a For Parties, Receptions Etc.
bring dttowncthet ouie.eIsO l s ms anyecoj
stories of i lcesonerig as. Th i1ce! ci t ie I c csttc rcts +1 t AND
Saturayce in 1ot is reso ueeeet e- Orietiee(t - ec sttes, etof +
foe- tehelloing.e "A tt'ikoe ounty mcatel I p + tino titiet -ci t + NC'A.V t'L.Good seed Prompt Service Guaaeed
rassftrrthereislatueeere-inae arlyitit aes 4 t ci e ecties - to(,____________--__
onti t etlttformethithie owoeuid I-ecav eciffmanccHouesi ttle + '." / "Lr"wwJ"
+at seeishdrsdsek-ic- s-otic-it i+
the Mitsshisipitee ccii tor tieanthees$+ ge
west halftisoetth see ties peotple ecoeuil . . sTABER&C . S. L1. ./. COUR~SE
hasvec llattsb teea Ieti et eas sties year + 4.tee - -i-5,---
Hes piro es citeIcs osoitieisfaesctncti 1_FINEIL NUMABER. SEcISON 1899-1900
thst the sconty tisted ofiaivi tt itee A < i- ,yi
cosunty judges re-tlle ad oe use red . c
Here is hisnmoduls operandi:le Juige A lI
is otn e-e Idge 1 ieand C ares tto ,c ~
noogieta ooe coil twoenaucghts smakce uesdaay, JAarcht 27
I00. 1.__E.__D,_,.. HON...
threws e slnt rcotest THE AL. G. FIELD i H M . . - N
day evening to decide aupon tepresenta- Greater Minstrels
tosfrtedebate withh the Soerska Cnrsmnfo isui
University owhich takes ptacetinbMay. ________________Cnrsmnfo isui
Intense rivalry exiotedi betweeni the vie ta ree t it nin thr World. _
different classos over the pretisittary
contest and while the judges wore out Prcs - 2509,r50, 75, $1.00. Subject: "'PICTURESQUE PUBLIC MEN."
the law studenlts and acaedemic classes
came together in frost of the rostrum WED)NESDAy, MARICH J8-Otis
and a rush ensued. Furniture was Skinneir itt "Thte Liars." SATURDAY, MARCH 3!i.
smashed and several students had - -- ----
their clothes torn ts ribbos bitt none JOHN F. R5IKEEt. DEWIT ALLEN,
223 Se. Ingalls It. 720S. 12th 1,. r /' rr, ^r. \,e"
were seriously injured. (INs Stat eeonea436. New State Phoe 1903-cr ____ ______ __ - --______

The receipts frotm the Nstre Dame
indoor meeot last Saturdsy night were
$281.21. which is the largest amount
ever received at either an indoor or a
field meet in Ann Arbsr. This shows a
greatly increased interest in track
athletics this year and augurs -well toe
a sucessfuatl sesona out-of-doors ti

Campus .Pr oro~rap~rs
Haeeafulltine of U.oaIM. and Ann Altar
Vies. Make a atpeialty of Studeets' Rooss
end Flashligtht W~ork, tatasnablepritee.

Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
levery Dtescription. TRUNK ANT) VALISE REPAIRING at Lowest Prices.


Edwards Bess. and Shelter'sBoostore. 307 SouthMai1Ste .A


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