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April 07, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-07

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Ptsbiheb Daily (Sndays eceptd)dintg the
College ya, at
Orrie:tTe Iad Pess, Henig Block.
Both Phoes 17.
F, ENGEaoI,oo'01 L.
V.01. II Ha, '0 L
ATUiLETICS, . G. I. 110000, '01 E
T. B. WooEOt, '0 LA.i. MoDoUoo ce0 tE
A. G. BotYEett.'t0. 1. . WO, 't,
L.J. MoNOOao.0, tO.W. 1- Ileca r.'tM,
B H uJEtoc OANst0L. 1.AKNIGT '0OL.
The oahscepttonce o1 the DALie to$2.50 oe
tho Collet. yeat, with a reglae delivey boroe
noscoeach day totcro comttunicatos, cd
other omatter endottOtl"cc olication must e
hadd i t 1t et , h'ctt hefoee 0p 0r
taled to he tei htoeoe 3 p. ia. of the cay
lreeccoho to tht ot thch teyc ae cpettd to
Subhrtoensle '.ttty he lft at th DAttYoffice,
Aeeet oe totleto tcetotttd, oe wita Baioee
JtAlao Sbetterswillooonafaoroeby
repotng promptlyilat tiesofie ay failre 01
carerseto tdelerperIc
the ofico y 4tt.ttt otttho day pevousoltto that
on wicttteyaeo to aoeea.
Itt charge of today's isasue:
The actin of te atlteti bare at
itotmoeting Thurday evning in vot-
ing every menber four Athetic Aso-
loation bettons, io utprcedented and
not ttt It commended. 'they have, by
their action, ttuo muht cheapened the
emblem very taiember of the Athletic
Association hao been proud to wer.
It had heen tatlenotgh to have oted
thetmselves the ame amout in any
manner. To thtus spend the money
subscribed by te loyal otttlrtero of
athletico io certainly tnpraieworthy.
Many a ubcriber has paid what he
cotld mot readily pare for the sinle
ptiripose of tiding atheetlea to that ex-
tent. Athletics did not pay and was
not expected to pay. The money woo
given to show te devotion of the
giver to athletics, and to' ad in so far
as he might, to supply the meano
whterety Micigan's athletes might
win hontors for the University. If
theoecbuttttns are now' all taken by
the btardl a 100' oupply woill be teeded
for those whtt buey memberhip tickets
dtrittg thte baeall eaon. The
treasurer reports tat tnearly fifty
btottght ticeto during the lot base-
ball season. And there eems no ea-
sont why that hould not be duplicated
withl the excellent ome shedule thio
Btt it not s55mucth ie amtotnt voted
as the sentitent outraged. Those ht-
tonts have a meaning sd that mean-
ing is destroyed by the recent action
of the board.
The wearer of one ofthtese btttons
poinbtstt it as toatge oth ie iyal. It
sigtnifies to hitia and to all others that
he is a nmetber of the association that
stupports Michigan's atletis atd is
loyal te it. Small satisfactiots is it
to himto t see it tmade an otject of
pltuder. It is for tose who tave been
loyal enottgh to aid athletics to that
extent. AntI is not Isole taetn for
other reasons. Ntt that ter' are not
many loytal ad entssiastic stupplort-
ers of athletics outside of the associa-
tion wh ant afford to leomn'.
members. Btnt tttse wthlo htave done
so deserve tie rcognition.ndth iey
deserve to be assured that the bttton
will nttt takttets It'tmenbers tf thej
board who may con pass it arotnd
as they will to the undeserving.
But it is a, matter of gratifirtion t
be able to record that sote ofth
mmtbersoftfle batd ere tnlterab-
ly oppotsedtoetit. Ott o tr t twow re
absent and hence hadttIno oshae in the

Hospital Safe Cracked. LOOK TO US
At 1:10 Friday evening, the otderly-
at the University hospital hoard an FOR'
explosion, but thought, from where he
was, thsat something had fallen. He
first ran to the operating room, bitt
found nothing; then he searched for
a gas ntetr, and, lastly, thoulght of lOst first offering consists of the
the office. An electric light is always the It'neds of the foremost Fash
kept burning there, and when he saw BLOCHI CO. Erery Fabric that
that it was extinguished he awokte the tar is represented in this esliecti(
interne and together they wont to sore. Nfsoterchant tailor aill gi
his office, whore everything was con- patterns att 5t per cent. more mor
A large safe has occupied a positionl
against the east wall of the btuiding. H
'The dosr sf the safe ass blsown offTI Tj + S ~ii I T
and the explosion had cartied it about)_1 D1
1feet, crashing through ft'edose be- & A F
tween the twos rooms and landing it on PFELj j j
the fistic in the front office.
'This safe utsually contains a large
tnumber of valtiable articles belongtng C
to patients, but fortitnately the only Pairhkr's rtiniis
thting ttf this character it contained a adamndsic pn 'hs wt
i25f a isn.Te aei on apFele wreck, and has been taken to C\J flrti f
the University shtops. 'Ther e ts no clit
to the thieves.

Fine Clothing Ht
e tadvanee style, fresh frsom
lion Makers, THlE STEIN
has strength and Chsrso-
on; every style in vogue is
ice you the satue style and
toy..... .. .. .. ..
209 S. Main

French Cook in Charge

Sundai Ee ning Servie e FURNISI'ESoFIRST-CLAlSS BOARD.
'Ie ftiliowsing is theoram lltfor
tile sotng service at thcetUnitarianl REGIULAR BOARD $2.75. 1IEAL TICKETS $3.00. Short
chrttittexrt Suntdav evening:orders ptromptly filletd. Freshs Honie Made Candy nose on hand
.Miss Mtarlilonithmeisic director. with thc famotis Sponge Caramel a specialty. -Pop corn balls
Atem-T IhrStiieis tO'etr.t.....ipent oo'ray.Cta i tdtr hm
Mcndelssohn ansatdpausnwray Coeiantythm
Anitheom-StubPraibes Unto the
Lord ..... ... Marchanlt W S. PARKER
Solo- Ineire ... ..Maseagni
MisSYounig. 709 N. University Avenue
Violiti otblitato ..e ... .Mr.Long
l-Rspontst'e-stof te Sabbeath
..coeler -- - -- -- - ____
Altitl- ~ leIi H .rt 1: I 5 'teet
Mrs.Kemp andquatettc.
tilinothigatee .Mir.eong GASPORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,
Tr etClef Clett...vitoltnist,
Miss French; cellist, Me. PetersontaJ. F. SCHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST.
t(tiartetto-Alleluia.. ..Mis. each__________________ _______
Trio-Spring song .... el Lynes--
Sits Hill, Miss Yoeing, MisWilseyu ~ A
Mrs. Mac Artheor, Mtrs.Ahe
..........................Ke..iS ioto 0 I L ~ I E Y .
l;t baooe.Sr....KetM.Scotzl eV R Y .
Offrrttry- -.oe le las -....., 11100s
Flute, violin and oigan.
Mr. Schiottzel, Mr. Long, Miss Stetth. A E
H o wbiidge FNE CO h S For Parties, RcptosEtc.
Flitre atidtiolitn teligatoes. AND
iVrScoteiVrLog C UPSPostlude-Triuimphant March CO...EGDed and Prompt Service Guaranteed
. . . .......... Mendelssohn.
Track Men Take Notice. 100 asff DEITAE, S AB R'
The mn inasted beelow' wtll bto ex- 223 So. Ingalls 51. 720 S. 12th
pected to remain here during the New SttPatehne 436. New Statew Photn e ART3-
spring vacation fer practice in track A TAm
work.There arc' probably sevetol D / JR
ommiosions froni the list and anyT eS OR
othters who will remain are requestedPITR SAE
to do s.' PICTUtot~ap~ sF RTENDAYS,
'f'eet-eel, Wesfall, Hartsbuirf, NiseiQ3TPI h t~rpesFRTNDY
tardnler, Hreitenbaoh, Letwlee, DBoyer.BEING..
Koone, Rotach, McLean, Bjork, Roinit- Ilavo a fulilin seef U. of A1, and Asn Arbor EINN
son, Yoeing. Haslam, Dvorak, Fish- Views. Mabe a speialty of stsdens' Iloots
Leigh. 'Udell, Tryon, Floutrnoy, Ama- and Flashlight Work, ateaooable prices. Mo rd ay, March 19.
strong, Hollister, Bliss, Seigmttnd, Viewe oe sale at Calkias', Sebledee's, Loocele, 444
Avcery, Friance, Kelly, Diete, Miller.,lEdwardsBroot. snd Sohlsler'st Boobstore., IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND MOD.
Levis, Wood, Perrey, Uninet son, ERN MASTERS
Knoitx,0-layes,.HBotch, _neHcetkley,
Kinight.t c t tiotin. Bryaint. Uy tI Impaterillalee, Reguars Price $4.00, daring
Citimpacket Brookfield, Dow, Stan ,/% seAIILl.~ oae$3.00.
~ Royalasize, Regtilar price 5.00. durisg sale
dishl LsweeThotnson, Ferrand, Blishs, $2.00.
Bile, '0 L. loetnoyFolio ioe, Regulatpice s 1.25, durinag sale
Wiltot, 're,0 LSluny 0entsa~.
iLloid, Halbtook, Yount. Conwall, Etehiags, all size, 353cesa.
Aulig, Halci, Ditranct, l-ernstein, Stras - A MOST EXQUISITE TOOTH PASTE Photogravsoces, R~egular 1ri001$5.00, duriag
iterg White, Brown, Basim, Sweeloy. gale $3.00.phs
-Pttotographs, tics 22 xO28BRgaroPrile$1.50
JO F. McLEAN, 'TracklC.apt. darlag eale- 75 centt.
t---iens, a1eitPtttlgeohannspreserves1tueegular nri'e'5-e


Whites, bolltiles, nd prservs the rniagettlelnie aexis.ettrprc
+eoun. Ploioeale 115 ,cetoIe io tr

'The liair-cittinig lprelmnlary to the
freshmen banquet hoas begeun again.
Joseph H. Ferguson, Chi Psi, toast-
master for the banequet,.'was caught
Thuirsday evening ated had his hair
Prof. E. F. Johnson of the law de-
psrtment went to Marshall, Mich.. yes-
terday to serve ast night as a judge
on the district otatottical contest.

L.Z.Z.++j.+ .Z....1.Z..+++Z.++ +++ ++ +i lig nale 45 cent.
+1 ANTISEPTIC AND VERY PLEASING TO TOE Artotypes, sire 2-2 x28,Regutlar prie75c, dure.
.1. 0(1 lit) TATE.ing sale 35cenats.
051100 ~t~1All Statuaryad Foated pticturoes dursag
+ Ciaete, - 2;cpg- 1 rugss25 centsorecbyminlupo1n5 ole at oe-haalf price.
+ i~relcs 2d lop .. Al drtggstoMedollions 19 centse.
Abdallab Cigarettes, toe + receipt of prie. I STABLER'S ART STORE
Perfection C'igarettes, 000 1" C. S DENT & CO.. Detroit, Mich. 217 S. Fsurth Aae. New Slate Phone Na. 173,
RichmondriStraight ± - -- - - - - - ___
Cut Cigarettes, - roc " ± iEAEQUfBRTBR FOR
Hoffman House Little + Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
Cigars, - - - ' -
+ STAEBLER & Col. + EvOery Dotscriptiont. TRUNK AND VALISE REPAIRING at Loet Prites.
301S. snSt., csor. aibesaty.
2.+++++++++++4+++++++++307 SoutliMR4aS iStreet. ANTrO3CTEUIFEL.

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