. . rt e sell chosen lpassionate words hede
el ~tt J~t1 ared he wa s an expansionist but not an A Gentlemans Feet...
* ~~~ P'~~~ ~ t imperalst He explained oat was donthfiobeotde t
Pubished Ditt (Sundao*exneptitedotuing inth his op iioni rtc wd s t b en stwnccnedtoc ncoforable shoes in ode to comply
Cotg or tfor in tostion and stated ihe stoodwattib on ofhashbcm io lylnin
sqarety on the Dcmocraic platform.laho hsbcwndcddt .rto
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. erhaps not permanently so bt or wn'
Owmaen: The tnlandi Pint, Henning Bc. Htt fan ci d expansion but ony to coiiwryaotteftue t$.8api
BothPhoes 47.tutgousteritoy. %t-.C. '..Bartll f - / wegaanene to farnish an lrafashionable
-.-________ Wisconsiuni was ncisinated by A F aid innr eomfortale shoo thn caii be pr
MA A ~c eDn OTt. Rtsrftherigsgmt ofcstates tht mbitlie an yto s-schased elsesh eat aii euat trice An
MEA N nuv0 0 1 sto u fth isbtoffa ic bi posto n toclassursuaroanieomeasyu ismony bak i
F io n ii t t. iii sn ci hi stic i op=mitin oysoeuiwant it
oUSNoeESintA NA~tit. tpositins tst candidaso shoutd b
Jniisicio alte stoodtciassott of s at son
°. 11 H 5",iii. IaLafortis Iusly aftr twotos nf sitsy GLASS'SHOE STORE
II)ITO) 11. saionat cd fiey stecctsii uing Opn Ensiotel
* - 5Il S ( .In* ii* uiii500in E0 C. s iaken suto ing s folos : tmeinEveunt gsp. 10~9 S. M arra~
T. Nt. Ws Osi,'00 L. A. I. MOItinin 0, 'ft YF Huhelis 177
A. . Boos, '0" . c J.. tWOOD, '00. telMcanso1. ,\ .\ V / I5
]I.. OENonni pUot,. . iO .co LM flaseto O O O O O O O O O(/\/
3.1. Josnac, ot. S.. . joion 'a L t 5cn tt g ivig Mi. t Inglion i oiitjc 1.
1iir \i sinans ccov d o ins-ike ticrlcs
none nacs ninny tiini-unanimouiis plidgingiii sanocf
h -sd n a -imtnnn - Uinon nootinon i o a .E ts ung otc
hascolleicstunear, onw i nt noari-ii usc it}be oe Ie( tolteticr ista i mp i ic tiic
aperfitsitornisoH iat inrI sc um- i t-ct- mu sti-n y- nsybianins
hanen t o tth su)nu i sinfic e ti, nnc or Aft' iaddr sit cmini ng ofcr
Sisni o hee.ito -eores p.m u . otin ay "IsletscT e ncsol heHuhe
cgevs t Statin ich theysiarne esise inno rcke t w onJb arig a rtist
ntyso r sictsn ine -rood, or wiihlIctitics, 6
ma a e s hcie i ofri ao y l i-\ ipr atO ris E- if Gtand-it T tin nsesns -Ijrite l t .
rp ti po pla t ins iaiacn aty - i if5ailXe o I hiud,-ti4- i - enu tnnisintn-s
Ata ctl ymel sin a5It1 itgt ri e Iiti \lho l
tenoueb y4pn nff cla to tnysi i-lthati inys nsntitt ( Iit k nsaw ilt lins uli
onccichis tntatetntsay nis o o x o d W rso . f Mo n c - t v - it wits- lins-neargu ps1 l st.tit nit
tetact ~ ~ - miis In 111s.i--iti ns
autspics tio s it~i icigan tiinte e inns -(a. heevri sre eak o of5~iles
cang oi s tsis c tiDa tnce 5. uha isi e itic
likr as ttfSa tutidaynssttinsght Anul .i. :ll ih,,i~ Ithwgo fl sl
athlete;itwhostit si e e w dmcii is tins clint
tenc ou ha bie. t s annul co nau-s e AG acle o>T.ToOE at.)i ist ffer ll. ii. ii. a. nr
tinioANDOur oponentstoo, wemay L .idi -10
alt. cit iG. yO.snsetztsostan.meof CinicitacnItinc
isn-situtegs ttcssant itheaeeniuhtth et 8 tistnJn O TA L A PEC
snd o ir ponts , ve-i-u c r ni cty e ins attytined wtc-hucl iss555 55 siu iu i 55
Ia, dnided, cand upon t i stin tci si n t ns nuca-nsfntis an tsitsu unutin ," i ssu a tr nj ,. HH ,7 20 E. lt . II G O I
til would notiii gtcu l c n roodse n th tcdid i ttitils-tif
in ta rn dcii m dinttinsbodytito tcclo nso 'w ad fr frt ie eie l
naghtaw eres ttoa s nti ntn oomtenstil. es '11-. wee p t ci
it S I TEs ST --..IO M['-IV Y.
cus. ay s tod w rk lt tdI ,
President cof the tDemocratic Club FoIPatcssecetiANDtc
ill a H-otiv 1 otested Electioni. stnoND
Flio pnit I pt,:eit le aci at e we nt, CO PES od antropt Servic Guarantea
tinc S n tit itstint Dcinsnt a t unmes aysome os-sinus ast, 5 sr00
Snisiestny-afte~0ia- n t s bkcry haiattosu n d s tud s i g ine oalt ute.
eet c es nina te gccatssnugahes- ' ofciniuOasicatny in h tt. t ii. ,/ , "
ing f seots theiUaivest a Q U H jilya, i tr~s were not S.L. A. COURSE
gifer e renur slru s D15twoO- -Q--
tis uiunnna5tiota iorrsi dentcii re d
L., areu adcin aygltin p rch atom 0 IO i
inisd luciusi. ]icIIAtlesnsitftDenvec, - Tuesday, March 27 FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 23. IThe ic naiittion wascmi c ntis
edh nuin a loqniint aus s -)in .
iyctthin JIucslhin I Daisyt THE AL. G. FIELD Contestants
021 L.,i tunea tytiund Spechinpric-Grae isrl
setntd thecisnasmc nf J1-. Hungtis oitFay ratr A& I l ( . .lCHURCH, C. C. SHOVEiR,
ele lo e c iisnnoing buns H h.i i Iler,(
ooL.,i istowcrful spccch seacostdtg J. A. J. HOLLA ND, J. A. MONTGO1MERY,
I. ktughic. a tdc a bitcir 505ersontt- . W AXEY,X. J.'611MER.
lads: ottMir)lcatn stcginig that lecwss ihelagest5coipay no ticWrd
ant iterialist. fHc dc clad tiatnMrPrices, - 25, 50, 75, $1.00.
Meatns ad promchaimesd tisvitews to that ( j is51h ts icgnAntnt etlad seii-sedclas
effcct fuom tthecphitfisoritsof knitesi tt isrIOO :(VraoAlm i d la d eet-ied las
bll btfoethetins enterSociety and WhttyNEti-y, MXARCH 18-OfiS SaFmmmii l) ONOR IFifty dolar.
etcsinc t Ohsliii tntdhsSitre rCTu ir. ontest to lher;gu t oft t t8o'clock, nharp. Aloi lio, 50c
postis n itanint ie w ainubsmlihedlin JOHN F. HASKET. EWITT ALLEN,
Thc Daily ottaiOct . ad ofcrd to ucead 223 S. Igals St. 720 h. 2th
front a copy o1 The Daliyonitht anlate. New stair Pionar 40. 1New Sinat- Phoneo n.
Hereupons lbs wildest ecccissmeititre-___
vailediDeutid dozens siroennafoe recogni-Th , . i
ion a1 ue saitni timein td cries of "re_. I'llP j~ j I o wait until yunuarn cmiplledl to
"resis"Th~'e clainicfinally rle tin r- ,. 1ID'8 IFoot IJl J by rubbers.
in u forder ard was overrued on anit \mptis ruts0irapujers H IETA
ingal ofr M1iller ltsts read the ex- ae fti tine of U. of M. and Ann Aro ~Tl WS A
tract ss.tiiel credited Lieut. Means with Viw. Make a spciaty of stdnt' RoomsBusrbesadhot mrayfr
saying he was an expansionnist. Whteniand Fahight work, at reasonoabe pices. wea rbrand o aston readyrn--or
Mr. Means was called utpon to reply be Viewe en eale nt Carkins', Shledenes Lonel',wa
arose pale with excitemnent. Tn a few :Edwards Bran. and Schaller's Booksto r APRIL'S SHOE STORE has lees to pay the doctor.