NECK WEAR should be new aud lop-to-date-We are constantly
receiviug the uew shapes-styles--and weaves as fast as they are
brought out in the East-If you wanst the new ones-we have then-
30 cents to $2.00- GO D P EY
'The NiagaraFails Rote." fTetcbe telihto BEc. iSnT ASii OF~n
Deitrit Nght Epros............555 A. m.. _________;4
AtlonticExpress... ..745 I ~ I.4 Schas osph Holinsss,, Wasliburn's
I+ :prs ...... ..... dI;ii s are onasalas st the
GasSan Epe se ....... . ......... 3 471-,U
N,.Y.oestontSpeial ..........a4s-- ( Ep C(
Mail and Ex pee... . .i40 A.eA. . LibertyaolydorsfmMcksorde
as W eternEpess. ........ . 51 ass1. as. j- _
G.R. and Kal.Expess .........5.45"
Pacific Expres..............12 30 A.. Th e Fie ailo01ring 1-ave You
teaship 'piaketa, all Catses, to and f «Erpa onsa oetrts 1infr-a
mationapO atpiation, ionr 0AI~O Fis
O. W. RUGLES 11.WTradeTof the oti iine
WHO WILL__GRADUATE 1Peltaaa, Walter Scott PnfieldWalter [j() 3IUIdI S di
Raaba. iReaa Bawaa Raymonatd, Charis- 112 W. Huron SI. N. S. Phone 119
illMs Sllsat.IaSM ~ZJ !LSeniors oif the Literarg Anal hngi- alias trare lRolaertasoa, Harry Milteson _______________
TIME TABLE neerinq Department. ltsRoiats, Vera Naoa Sciatrl. Iarrisosa t,0 A.4,A AA AA A4 s
Tiaking Eff~et, Sundslay, Misy 1 , 1899I. Stanidishi Smialley , LilliansiAnsna Steele,1
Testes lease Asia Arter laytCeatral Stand- . list ofthtias prospecrtive gradutates; Elizabeth Blanche Swift, Grace Isabel A~ent for
aniTin. ftsese two adepaarments hats been Swindaler, P'arthenia Syikes, Jiahn Raen-I Trihune, Stearns and Barnes Bicy.-
S0UTH -NOR IITIs h ter i utsdatr srt ri ail ata Itne es.Renting and repairing of all
--alofices. 'Taere nmay blascainsfew 1 Virtaar Claresnre Vauehan, Jr., Evtlyns ind.
s~c 5.(57as N .s . C. Vyni; thasrlotte Htall Walker, Flor- "s kind. LEON SIHAW, .
No. 2.-11la0 a.;Is. S"N. 5.-t2, oss. . statemnaats or omissions, the latter ec t athieryn Wetmare, Winfred ;11 ~o 5
Ne.o. 4- 8:5715'. i. 3. .5isi. A. shloaulad le correted at ieee by report-Fiaster Whiteomsba.Levi Philipa hay XWiI
beien.lg taa alas Registrari, Prof. P. it. de ilalas , Jestle SliargaiaWoaaoas. Ser-
Runssst as Ann tror aToedolsoa i-le Paont. csnaoIBurtons Clarik. Bceo fPiooh.
ES.GLOEAgn. It smay beiniiteresating to calrculate Ty e rtrjo yn
a.BNET.1..Aaccorrding rto the' tentative list the stem- .RmRaaCasla0rss1AykreaassRaera100 Worts.
Detrot, Ysilati an AnnAr- er of graduoastes far the ditferent ale-; Hopeia-tarr, Ristier Nelson Bleebe. Grace Oay s5B
green isn ihe two departments this Griffith Boe~, sslia Pest Benson, Nass-I SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND
bor Malassa Bentley, Annie Bock, Eliza.
b1r ev or DeriwanY. silantiear. Ifth tere is any change the nom- Belithaaoulsoam, AnnsatElaoiseeBristel,.1 707N. eIae t.ITYAVEI.
every saletur, osgitneing sit 7:15 a. m. her will besmsnasler than here given. tsKoih Haywardt Burington, Vernen Elij-- - -- - -
until 7:45 p. ina After ttaot to Dletroit Blaceloetref Arts- - - --.....65 1Basb, Edtwardt Iinceln Carpenter, Eli- j
at 8:45 p. in., 9:45 p. m.sald 11:15 p. ma. Bacheler et Philosophy-....77 slia Warnier Cas, Versa Chsamterlaine. an e Ac de y
Waiting rom, ceoeeer Ann satd Main Bacheter ot Science- --.....47 Edaward Sasmuael Corwin, Harvey Lie-
eta.: Detroit, Ill1(Griswold st. tBachteor atftLetters.......56 jcole Curtis, Ltucy Corbett, DavisFrants
__________________________________________ Diehal, Marian Ida IDuranal EietttaGass Classo' esitl contintue tao seet alar-
Tetl-t-Literary dlepartmesnt..245 j truide Fales, Victoria M. Foeye Philip ing toeatison--Messiherstisp to May
UPT ECivil Rsngineerinsg........109 E. Graabes, Buartosn Otto Gre ening, Mar- e1t pl. Assemnhly everySatureday
Mchasnicat Engineering..... sa th reiner, Juliet Grace Hosten, Hiar- sight 511 cessts per coup~le.
Eetricall -sgiias-eisg. n.. 9 ret Hltt, Henry h'raancis Jacob. Masrian!eEN ES EEClra-rsWad maue
Esgiaersa tsaaressa.~ as.Lot Wad eee, ataris
I oa-B'ngnigdpasa]n.47 mn LusWrdKee, -ahrne iti ) THE I)AIILY.
Mlargasret Kellas, Edward Bassett Kil- __.
WBS1,1CODtSt.orElnLrLl VeoiaLubA isa Spring Vscsliest Teaf viat LITERARY DEPARTMENT. liars, Ida Elizabeth Kittredge, Myrtle DentaI Gold
Misnissippit RitelbybotoCaCiro, thence Bachelor of Arts. Ma{ shs yaas oa esss
Ohioe Rive l as'aducaht, iteteTennsseeeMatyasras IlJohn Semourth i
Siv etoF? oee -Ana itealarigtrai5aip Car Iliaet arclasy, Lousi.s Ritz- -SteElligathI.loare-ceaa rgtat-are t Ste j aitdISolders for
t ao- ,t-elsgle pot- abetha Barkser. Winifredalte, Johnse Hugh.,IRobert Cutter. Mehieigisass,Eliz- OdSalCshafor
nities Ifo -:arch-G oaod comantay- Wailliamas lraaastaas Fredesrick Josephli b sathatl StepertijNshlis IDassstan haingaty , Srvr(:l5 n
forpind- . - . Wrtwaefciruladpetr Srogen, Evelysn 11ope- Bryanst, Edtmundet;Mabel Agsnes Mitts, Leslte JohnlsoSheet
Stan :.!-t t. tet: Ste-le llse Cthaney. Franscis LeGrastd Chaurchs, gaslaery, RElise Mortoss, Ev-a ol adn
it, c", reruI, , 1P', F-dericka S. Colhsrss, Alice Helena Niles. Jessie Mabhel Palmer, Sadis-t, * Jeweler
WaashsIt. B, CasekClara Attell tCurtiss Winifred !Ausgusta Platt, Waillianm Prakksess.Anniat'
,r; Adaatt., ahicags, fill, CamptbellOataoll, Asnna Agntes DaisY,,Louitse EtRhoes. Rasby IElla Richsartdsosn, ThesMit Comtplete Line sif
aZ- Dimhubrt Pttr leIsyFaeeMa leseMyIortoaThnsL ieteL W E
iieClara Dhi. rt~anss, lcenjan Rotaissson, yRalph io velaed Moys, uy HO OL TE
steoge Nald, Stable Wilson Fitkins, ;ltsrtoni )(ilsl~e, Margare-t1;C O LA E
H C IGVALLEY RY. Bele S FogE miner :Leslie Freeman. cwrEiaet oetSemn IsnSteCity sansse5is Sasa
tess,,atestaits Alexis Heseborg. Fretd- Henry Sloter, Genevieve Sloan, Mary; T IlLB1
4-TRIAINS DIAIL~Y 4 ec)Aisam Hillyer. Artbhsr Josephs SlMioaiy Smaith,. Hermatn LeRoy Stev-j
SewesaTtelsaisl sa~iase tess saeH oat-c, Lemuael hGsy-Httlbrook, Abram ; eas, Clara iDorothy Stolsebesaker. tOeno' 338 S. Siate St.
Btpo asbothTledsosandCoubuusng-ninJames Hollandi, Robert Mbitton lHou- Dole Strong, Mausd Faith 'tfabor, Eal
Theiak leeerI:Wo~sltgs~nstoeiaa in is, XWalterEtdwvard Kapp, Mildred wasrdtAvesepTholupson, Adta Maude I~ 1M RI
Thouh lepe t Wshngonan Bltmoe.HanstaihKeith, Zacharials Kinne, J.,Vic-kes, r, SlislatSanders Videttie, Flr-.,T
GREAT RMILROAD Kaith Fransz Predterick Ksurth, Margaret esace Walker, Msax Walthser, Masutt Ap- FUNERAL
Itachel Layton, Carolyn Biotunt Lynd, 1 ollosa Wellnman, Ethel Mtep Willsams,
THlE HOCK~ING V(ILLEY( Elias Parke Lyonts, Beatty Zentz Mc-' Andrea- Bolister W~ood, Junsiius Boyd DIRECTOR
Write Cologh, Sara Louise Mc~enzie, Roger' Wood, Rizeaath 'aylie, Lafayette Embalming a specialty. No. 209h S. 4th
Sylvester Metrs;s Casrie Bliss Moweya asausg Js.,Assna REmeline Carpaeter. Ave. Amhnlonce sight anal day.Iles-
1,. W. LANDMAN, Coras Josephine Parkhust, Carl Homer, asi ti tii 5 Be- 02FfhAve. 1
11sw. FeoS,Detroit. (ntnP torw) dee0 VFih
For SPRING Arriving Daily.
Don't Fail to See the
You will Want a Pair. HuroaSte
(E O H OEE L Emhalmer and I613 East Willaaa St-rt
TeFuneral Directre ni ve siy jst one-healbock west in
VVfR [P i NMrs. EnUniversitydyAsisan. f aw pbuiig. l id
BRR LER No.5155. Liberty Street.ORsideace bs hoe Shonpk eohtilee ayAaot f repirin eta l ydo lafnae ~ ~ V U* Fn
OUOIROIN fEB S R OTISPOIGTION- -Fourth Ave, BotPhone ls. . Lambert. R n a lPoo