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April 03, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-04-03

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m U M 5D. 4:1TINKER & SOIL
___ Headquarters for
ienseiiihei that we eon snpply you with ao $1.00 HATS, CAPS MNs FU oosoooo
Fonain Pen, the Laughlin or W~aterman, wh1ich andiComopletelioo xne .of ncxU
B O Ov e fuilly guariantee.\Vh it notecan yeiusa inkTiyus Goon oand SWEoAES.
BM0K ARTIN $cHA L]4L] R33 othSae t
~A GUT PRICESv Sterling iq lsFolr Co.Bian1uo Set.
l 3i u" " Capitol, $550,00. Sorpins, $00,0.Trnat
gnral banking busineso.
'4 n 1 4.1 4M. STAEB3LER'S sii W RtK'xPPrs. .E.a GRENEi e-r es
To Have and to Holdl $1.00 CYCLE EI'IPORIUM Washington Street FRTNTOA BANK ot AnnArbor
Organized 1863
D)avid RacisT, . 100 aia,$0,0.SrlsadPois 4,0
Red Pottge, 1.00 " Tranacts 00gne0alSbnknbuiness. Foreign
Via Crucis, . . . 1.00 credit.Foohletr
1 Q0 . 0. KINNE, Prns. HARI SOaN POOLE,
No. J Jolan Street, .".0 Ptsai'o toe o c0.W LESNCoioVine-Pes.
,Janice Meredith. 1.00 4_____________t__i__fr_______5CS._________ Cahie
Richard Carvel, ...1.00 0Bill Atithony Cigar's fast _ 2C De T1o an 'r0or SaV inuS ank
Stalkey & Co.................(35igar for.'coCpial Stock. $50,00.Surpius, $ine,0.
Kings Mirror, . . . 1.00 Old Number: O(Inizediondersthe s.Goora nsing k a Lwn
442L~ 0 of thi tate. Roneinos daponis, ibuyo and seiln
44S.MAIN ST..,J ~ ~ nno~ nioseplnmsoi ~an
Whetn Knsighthood WasiiANABR MC.U ioiaexhngeon thennocipo pnal ioch nitaedo
Floawer........... .00C Softy adepositlboxs ont. h uitru gi



T eA dtru Agi. ICatendar.soon, Vice-Poos.; Chas. E. Hascok, Cashior; M.
/(Contisnufom pageo1)J.-FritzAnsistnt nCashier
ster Coads and Baoklets, Jorge a- theienietinentsa icaonisictednit ri trial elncmstion thi-.ins esday . Pao
tvnn :01.I.i e ber OTPE.^it"Uivrncisits snouldsibe helal in it, I be- isali.JW. AssNOanEH, s~ ci -pVice-re
tens ans irdaa's Flie Stationery, Neow iieve a solustionofcartheniroblemonill XWednsa y Apilii 4-Junsioi law J SHN on i ,z Ast2 a hierAV NG
yhanpes--New Shaodes. H ae been fioud.Unasevor. is coitri-ildincesiatoranieo'saodem.
i ngraa-ea isitinigCasrds waitha plastebiting matinria to tine possiblisty of r iday, Ai pr ia 6Iini tesrcolleniate be B iN
,bats. Micigan viis. Minnsaot,at Clii
I .5 stesresinsgcspitalists in the msattersag'IIrons'acts a general
W W Iwousilssgea thtiat Cith e swbuilding an sc 00- ina -oitairlillo tatki usns
isoulda beli t iimsiriely a sal torsur" i neanM nata :s iii at Wodlias Ryan &do Iea.in
uut n ae~ic rion nd heaer cal-geethem S.Mai stMokers of
anlnansWia ss sn h t Th n e tNew S ois t sml t' rC LLEGIATE CAPS,
heltSian&CBOKSLLRS. holUnon:n My sivae pn s ta sei'ssofsol weili n 1I i r G o
SI ONR sdEGRVR, is tine entesr'aisnents. niltlisaStuiw aasnoy or ire their at1N: 1e it P~tLY
_______________________a___ndalthe secry best pstys bein' heldinm ilts a pnsaltyall tie, ayvoinstinnss COLLEGE FLAGS.
o M ab r it, te snwi linalg w onuldal sa inn t- /sPt ~ alilni nnn.. i' C5EPO
TheOn Barsbenilrso a horhtreei''toaI bwelve e s a a nthsli onrtioth. CLASS aTATIONERY,
fienyle in Slfin__sor tieanbeomaCOLLEGE PINE.
to an5Bth th ion a-_COLLEGE
p onblenraoso firstial ass inirestmnst. C.of Mt atbnners lorge'asnd smaoll can O , 2 TT. J .Toaosi-b bando ilb aet re tsSPECIALTIES
Folding chairsToOTEnt,.-eiiveednandk32beS.btats.nlo rs. Fngele.soorerasW.C. KERN & CO.
UNhIVERSITY SCHOOL OF calleod55or t twenty-ive cants a sdooen. t11E Fifty-Ssenth St.
iIACi's.e CO. ' 1 C1. 5.' F R ~ I' PHiON;I'CI(Otat ILL.
a-'-' si:'titais ansiosilts rnisinls astaI eit, iz liiiline repultatin of larer 1 - --"A slice to 5)1:}''~~r ei !sis +tI sm~ fooliiyta a vr c!t
a.ani a s aa ainnsnato 1o0o. ay l gsiipiipietfull,5
Lde'1eiul isW ~.£ ~ 0 p '1'I11a ia -tiEtl .\~is n lan' sean analC asissi. line ielepsosne?
PN K BRaOtSa.,lalInstructorsa . mm'u -I\\ -- G oil" naonin's tomosarrow 'withi a goodl ,j.V10E i,. ' i one reason
ieadAcdmiklal 34-3'S tae o Andal TIan i arap oi' 1 r ine sCwithC a 1 slndi ioP cnn
teiill nan innsan..a anmans ml a, isoralafalawnsl is-nail' 'inbac ' a why Old En-
lean had ina e _a ane ninsnplanis n t tnits nith lly m n iIa
$3.00RD'BREAK10R110 902 l. M an apai.st. s~ e ainlitmets ranndiha ll ! "sinnass ~ t
I A G LNF U A N_ _ _ _ tio ansntnntist.Ilii onletortin hanscist gu~~'bcc sh so
hatsat 'at-dninnatslinl}'ai taasrsa a ilaCunt Cppar .
na t s.- nanl Ct pI n"nnt 5illese An I nsnnan t 'htisni n t atn otrdnlr~n he cre
$1 00tn snitia ol 'hil oelitatstes Inhnataolaltnononet 'thet oxthtfisanapcetisaote
$3o., no la 0 0 lsa IF s1sn4. Is$.0al022S.M i S.cst esnO'ndtheF ecreasonow . N ohe ppet bacco has eve
~Xi~~ ~u ~ n ra- pinresentnentan stI - a, Yt21' "itdiapoiisnoon.
fo a..l any haySoltdoetSeocIn yspic nt 01 p iinnatlo hassC lss 452 & ftul.Se
naa.$ 1vs'.00aannaa'H st no A Il, u Atia box h w islabepoSet to anyo nhe
limisntaais niversibyhall Cnneinct nnh ie In a5itsg ae n w eeo eep ftn cnsi
'"a-s si n usil l ai n s t eae t Yh247i in' ntStatvot, ps. A ddress Old Englishr , rea ti D .ec rd- V -
I ATv .as sA aeness-sanl$1ta'annt ___ Co.,ar, f Illci scFifth furAheemeNew oftYork City.medca
af s-n sut Y0asVith irp'to-nilng d riineri, ti-_
''t't't' " t'tD't dAeldea.er1-ll2.
Tiaal he'bans'stinensa'III ' aly' 1 -A t ia b x wil eet _ony n
isyu n c oet.iaa ana inos I f ('hnaxrpahia.0 hlen. llpesos '''."P_ _ayw er _orceptofte cnt i



LAIJ GHL N MNFG, 1"0 mI~IULi ili~. SPALDINGS Official
129Grisswold 05St. etrot', Mich rAt 14 t '0t f
ga.AyBak . tre CrpagnT eN w O e -rO tS i. l ei ysD root Buttoa)s all tbe Way Dowiy the lasi ilyoapid 5sy theain .lsg/
- ('olleges. Scholnn i n dmA thlea1tie
FO t,. Slips Oadodaff hlikea Clubs nt tins Cnsantmy.
Coat. Difereost Lengtbso fat Ev''ERY sa(,usi 'n..
~El~lt7~lE.4-~~iSR5R - " ---S Sleeve. Perfect Fitting. Base Malol Tenoi5n
~ Ty he.. i ~Neglige--Semi Neglige--Plait- Foot f GymN'onsiumsjn
NO*RTH D E # : 'I ' ed Negligee. Spaldiug's Official League Ball a
NORH AUNRYIthe Off~iilRoll othe rNational -
LA N R Leaguerandaloileirnsg college osso-
WAGNER & CO., cioiont. Spaldings Base Bull Guoide foe 1900. 10c
Br oadway .lPhapr. -SP.ING' -ATS Haberdashers man'odsooe Catl b
ne S Broos-a] y '57 ,,t"hoef',PRINGof Atdi OieSSot es A. G. Spalding & Bros.
' "2 51 ' "+ t 'tote c. 't 'tot ov : 't o t ,c g t g to anyaddreon. Nt ORK HCG EVR

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