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March 31, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-03-31

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® pictures are not interesting to all LOOK TO US
~t. t ~ ~Id)43 pupils, some are interesting to some
an nt ntretig o thrsand some FOR,,T7
Pabiaes siy issse eeciptcfdaeg hehave a spontaneous ioterest. A num-
Coliege yearDiyCleexepe)a igt h er of pictures are adopted, hut not
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tabioo composition. The meaning of
OFFICE: The Island Press, Henning Boet, the picture should he grouped by the
Beth chenese t4t. pupil, ad the work of tise teacher is
___to present the picture to the pupil so Orfrt fe0gcnssso i
that it will have souse seaning', the thalnts alte fonsist Fati
lecture method may be resortedl to tebnso h eens a
but it leads hack to passiveness on titc BLOCH CO.- Every Fabric lbsi
p-ert ,if Skhe pupit sXie ;following ter is representedrini this cuolect
classes may be used to very goad ad- here. No mterchanst tailor trillt
N Yri1CU vantage: Pictures witha simcple prob-
tlaauieIaiestloiflt .lem inivolved its them, pictures with patterns ia tt0 sr ceht. more mo
.hhc Linrt« elcti~ of he secat hidden from vier, the pupil being
of Al. Daily Assue-it alas will l1)e requtiredi to fill in these thus exercising
held on Sat i vlAaril 7111i,t iis awn imagination, pictures with the
10a. ii. in 1lf(ri c, Uaivecisil tdramsatic eleenit in them. The taste - - -
13x1.AllImd 11,sib~gie tafr fine art sbould also tue cultivated[j j j
I-ja~. Al pai tt~tet~b5lil to a scossiderable extent.
untitledt to ai vote. The disctussion at the rioser of the& AP'It
-- - ece e s led by s1-Harriet 1,. i
ENYGL IH COINFRENCH. 'Tayl5oro the iBay City high school.i
Sh blive tatth ue fpictorial-
art is the arthest ream would remoesve
A~ tbryHl.OhrCr- wr Pa h rLrge Crowd ini Attendance at mtost. -ot the dislike tar ceimpoasitionjeespu
lereitee. Thlic -s e iadissiilt tue ijusiar
'helive tglis: -co ifereneti wtas tie ts ss at itis to bits ldunit It ttc tl i
openingese reart it th le Schioolmiai-sters' gyns tate inton tighst is twenety-Evtet jlC
Clu es rstvrdste esso5 sting. It seas haiieldicvstecme *44
in Nesswbieryi htl indIxeas ted be Peat. AlCii estse f, ithUs . atfM. blni
M, w. Suamp-sotn ofiuse Uiversity of«ll(i i no t vaiesoo. NV. hoin's!FU RNISI-JES-FIRST-
Indiana, Itiesstibtjet wsetiele iIachset il iv a . Tayrt., teSisday,. tied
at- o n ls litris is itTile ubse . t220Iil.arp.Tlissis fos REGILAR IBOARD $2.75, tIE
sta ce f hs p p(1' as s fllo s: < .triii l~ is s eettli, Ini lit-l
ofIssilsii re i 8ctiI-tl iitrs i i eii t1 ii fi. Iresh Ho
sT he ii a hci in l l i t iir c 11o ,towil- e u t ii t cani d t iI i i > itIciiiv
steud e c iiii ad itheittci t sotl t o to'w iii tiftheo^iciti ciii ith- et~wfiis it loiiiaanc
-se Oca fld:. 1I.li rtleis a i1 ha<. lc srINo 111 at11ff, }
Th tiwlt idno x tlt tit b t .s tt i Si)iNt.
is tiay;sdeaontamtee.
of I.Th
hriC t al ( (( (i T ;1) a _

Fine Clothing, flats
and Furnishings

is advance style, fresh fraii
ishion Makers, THlE STEIN
ihas strength intl Chaese-
,tian; every otyls in vague is
glee yoiu the samie style anid
oney. . . . ...

209 S. Main

French Conk in Charge
:AL TICKETS $30.oo
tsr Steele Pettiy ntitilt
asiecial581.-Pop Cotil
usne istit i- tr them.

it it vi
it iiit i

709 N. Ui ovrsify Xvcnu,-.c

, _

ISA tct tA i t i Otc t)S~ tLltt~1 ~lfL t 1

c1itt it t Is i tu1 ( t i t "
titiet . . C. .i.
shlii i- << is 55I1
p1li7i'i., -c t
tiitit s i ii
t5 it ie r- it !
cieenC rest 2ii liiin- shutO
catlet iits- issi litieluesThei-tilt
cxiii set it litsh tld lwiuedI, but auth
etcal~tol4 woul tilt' to tiosicti-
ili, fti >r i i ii st liiish litd tee
avided.iii I te-it its titos shaldit beli
ise juli suisy, it Int s ill'', iii s-
esry tI l-i.e l ipuuit soldi itis ctest test
ieseistingeigltittseetis ttisel ttIile
tste ties-goostseatucrisele let ieisI
ithese il itisaitt sit in ita iitl y t at
the miiss ind etl ie is sit esItiler
Moisrst ties alits itiit.
fbe i sciuissisies eescilitsedilet- rof
F. A. ItBlao-.,itt the Nornmsl. lteicn-
tes-iseitoscsie ulieiiirsaing t of stlitecra-
ttire see ieaie toiclue heeefeelingasitd
the ectiitionssetfltst iniastieeritecrs.
Its cls-inig lit-imstie mentionisoeelthee
fast thast the scsiss hour etoiatitiiee so
udicvitedastieoitgiecec teeuil iai iunser-
statnditng of liiipoe5m,andsl sosiethat
tht echtter ofetliteiciaturiiesoutlIts a
good reader, and shlds bec tbletie
giveecfeeling tie the eweseke in lhtind.
Temieceitg tutensidjoiurnedito tie
museum lecture room, ;werre Prof.
Scott;situvc ailecetureonccfiieItse itt
Pictiorial Art ini tie fachsing set Ieng-
lists Copiosition."T hcet lecture eras
illustrated withiisterecopsticaniviews
and ini substance watstie follows:
The subjects tier simiposit ion are
drawn froinesexiiericeceelndact, aitd
teachers as a wrhole hisve drawn titia
the former too freely. Of the arts,
sculpturetemusic, literauere and pic-
torial art have been tised. Pictures
are most usefeul because of their con-
crete character, atid should be placed
in the hands of thbspup11s- It is a
well knoewn fact that teany of hMtsbest

515 5 5i k Ti ew.. S csiieiCit-it I223ho.IngallsSt.
S Nc-c Cii j e l c 1tie.

Goosiu andtiPromput Si ces uitatefecr
ha0So 1th ABRS
1e ~ STORE '




____ i.
Loely Watat1evt, Qamn LIB D otoelranh-ers PICTURE SALE,
W~itty l)iulttgt, r r ie FOR TEN DAYS
1't11t1113"se(ttees, Ii Ife ess ee t l i tt eftTof5. -andiiAttesArboreiBEGINNING .
Lots of (ihaget4 1. i seta. take aosecteisslt ci tsudietentesom
stud tFlhigl it eorkc.at rea-sonabileic rest. - M/ r)da y , March 19.
its ii tirr les i ieee sesess- Vsectsisesal c t Cint s ' c. Iiuecteces, ciii ells4Ie.4
iltaeerst-c. candcichilt liesBs itoret. IMPORTED CARBONS AFTER OLD AND MOD-
Pricm's, - " 5, 50, 75, $ )1,> ERN MASTERS
"eats onitgitusaPete sisot stnia


« Imperiaatl sti eu la rice vsi.(k),tding st
Ills ulsisoFolioititzei RsteelaIsreecrurs1ties diuring sale
90icecenpts.,eet555 tguseIieRa
t,,tlEtdch igalies c5cts .
\Vatnhattfeadpdsre le sleit$3.00.thsen
tii~tO~cPhtograpc hs, ize ite 2Rgulartitise150 u
teet, duing tale c enta s.
1\ii S1tuiggi1t1d veryfs pea e isi ll ti the Ph togrtphs, tize t1ciixf14 tieseg fs.rdce W
if usa i4C>ces.
tesceipiteof price. AulStatuary aid Fretted piteureceduring
t ftsle at oal aaf price.
C. Sc DENT, SMedlltios1ittcuts.
217 B. Fourth Ase. New State Phote Na. 173.
Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Gases
SEtveyiDteseton TRUNK AND VALISE RIEPAIRING it Loutest Pricest.
307 Sonatli lM11ill Street. ANTON TLEUFF.L.


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