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December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

….VOL. XI... ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. No. 59D Announcement PROF. BURKtE A. HiNSOALE Teche SuisI vlcuim" Yseray morn aing 7 w ic," j ISASTER FOR MICHIGAN ______________________foe Proceding oqlocture to the Blas our pece! ineHead of the Departnment of Pedogogy in teches, paied a-plndiii trltte to Stag's Dwarfs Become Giants and Ou pca ie and a, Leader in Faculty Cirles Prof insiiat. Among othrs htg Tronce the 'Varsity --Sco...…

December 05, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

… O . Vol,. L ANN- AUI3ORMICH., WEI Announcement V Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics for the Fall and Wrinter of 5900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The name careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for fnll dress ozassons- r :. f i 1 C 5 6. He WILD CO., rotS L. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOH YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM lWiladrs ...…

December 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…be u r So Pail. Vot. X.ANN a tBOR, 1MWH.. THURSDAY , DECEMBER s6. 1900 No. 61 An nouncement "EMANCIPATED" WOMEN Our secial lineA Long-Distance View of the Woman's League Fancy Dress Ball-Novel of of foreign and Costumes domestic fabrics- U' detlxical ait is,, lie further iwa~y For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has you are The usore you can see albout arrived and is arranged for inspec- sae tingttss. 'The University of towa tion. The same ca...…

December 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vo_ fXt ANN ARiBORII 1CI1., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1900, No. 62 Announcement y I HALF MILLION A YEAR TO RUN UNIVERSITY Great Musical Orgnization. V Our specils uteSALARY 1LIT1IS$35,OO- RIIIPIS FROM 1SIUDIN'S F[S I1 $185,00-RE- Inne cmes here vith his I'ad i seil(IPIS FROM QUARILR MILL TAX IS $8,000- Thursday evening, De. 1. Manyin of foreign and - ______oresing stories can be o ialeabt tiss domestic fabrics The reoert of the treasurer of the Unve...…

December 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…VOL X1, ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1900. No, 63 An ou ce ene GOOD SHOWING Cmmunicatin. Athletic Party a Success The Hospital Circle oi King's Dugh- (The Daily is glad to receive and print Vh icett athletic pary of the season Our special line tesAdsed aiiignd comnonicaIns, but is no t given, by the Atheti Association a icaossAbde fureany iunent .s abhe at rman Gym. last enig, was pFo oein adrcssed therein), a big succes No soix' si...…

December 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…be 'of 9o Pail VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1900. No. 64 An For1 arriv tion. is gil evert buir Y O8 F EI Itsfell plac( andi beat 2 nounceinent I THE VALUE OF GYM WORK Societies Choose Representatives in Judge Carter Discusses Our Election Debate System. Director Fitzpatrick Gives Figures Our special line Which Show What Gym Work is ALPHA NU DEHRATEItHS. The second nusmber of the Gooi Gov- of foreign and Doing for the St...…

December 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… W 1,; IL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAYIDECEMBER_ 11, 1900.- No. 65 Announcement- S Our special ine of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention isgiven to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for fol dress occaions. 6. H. WILD CO., o8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware. han...…

December 12, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 'or all VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1900. No. 66 Announcement Our special lin of foreign an domestic fabric For the Fall and Winter of 19oo ha arrived and is arranged for inspec Lion. The same careful attentio is given to the styles and finish o every suit, whether to be used fo business purposes or for full dres oacasions. . H WILD G. ob E. Washington St. DAINTY XfiAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, hand pain...…

December 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… Of tI a VOL. XI. ANN ARIBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1900. No. 67 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and VWinter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles asd finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress ooscasions. 6, H, WILD CO., rob E. Washington St. i DAINTY X1fIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane ...…

December 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

… Of r AN VOL. XI. announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress oocasions. G, H. WILD CO., soS E. Washington St. DAINTY XFIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, h~and painted with gol triminins that never tarnish...…

December 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…'bE Uo( o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1900. No. 6 a Announcement Our special line T of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has s P arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention P is given to the styles and finish of C every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress ocasions. l . H WILD CD i o8 E. Washington St. c p DAINTY t XlAS s GIFTSn FOR LADIES...…

December 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… of AL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. No. 70 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1900. NO. 70 Announcement w I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions- . H. WILD No, io8 . Wa...…

December 18, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…;be 4 o VOL. XI. ANN .ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY DECEMBER 18, 1900. NO71 . i Announcement ."I I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the stytes and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress I oclcasionis. 6. HWI LD CUs, rob E. Washington St. DAINTY X1IAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane C...…

December 19, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…;be 4 o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICE!., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 191 1900. No 7T2 Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec-I tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress y. occasions. G. D. WILD CO, ro8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XMIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane c...…

December 20, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. E ki A TT AT f t'1 T!1 Tl ,f'.c n r e "r. r: r . . . _ . _ _ _ AtNN ARBOMJIu11., THIURSDAY, DECEM [BER 20, 1900. Nto 73 Announcement V Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. "The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress) ocicasions. G. H, WILD CD1, rob...…

December 21, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

….maim\ of ITV all l I .. . V T 1 lXT V OL. X1. AINN ARBORU~, MICIH., FRIDAY, DECEMIBER 21, 1900. Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics or the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for business purposes or for full dress oztcasions. 6, H. WILD CO, io8 E. Washington St. DAINTIY XrIAS GIFT...…

December 03, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…l", AF 4 ° ° , .- , , -L R , 1 Z r -; r' ''' ' y t t y 'J F 6 ;1 s j i +. r mi ", , 'ibd ' .., . : .'; . Lti__ I$sT YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 1901. No.5 16 COACH YOST, Te Great Football Instructor Will be With Us Three Years More-Man- a1er Baird Scored a Victory. Yo Ist.wto is icnowldge t be o.2t ofthLe gOetstt etilhe ill ilIe c't tc llh h e el] '''iodto intut t h e ~ i l li g ~ t Y o I a ; u t e a m f o r t h net treyar-Te u...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'~1TYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 1901. No. 57 CAPTAIN WHITE. THE INLANDER. THE '501-0" BARBECUE. '4THE CHARITY BALL." ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speech...…

December 05, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICIL, THURIS DAY, DECEMBER 5 1901. FIRST YEAR. No. 58 BRUCE SHORTS. The Captajn who Will Lead the 1902 Team. Brief Sketet: of his Work att Tackle. A Phenomenal Goal Kicker. Honor System in Examination. H. S. FOOTBALL. Western Trip Unsettled. I ertNor is theithe fior itheii-sell)- ____ -lii-Ibsot of ioiitiol sum) iiioe ago ester -i-i- -a i liiil-loa Istee sChamipionship of Michigan xwiil he Do- a-It sibitd aCeiiioi1ittei- which tad ...…

December 06, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…r~r QST YAS NEIL SNOW. Il 1S r Veteranof ...Many' Atlt9 c(on- Indto sodHolds Three 'Wissity 1 ) t o 8 1 1 1 1 1' W t h t it u 's 1a1h II 1 irdi "III 111111 10 'III ( 11111he I w .l-sIt l o-I . w llo itI)L '11 S1ll' l t tni 111 1141 ha. h'0, o 111:1 '~j111 'SIN 1 IlS '1111 . the falif1 ! ;Iipa e n n fil WV I a lS15 0 I' 1'l ll cl*1o i 11111 hain l ayed c 1 1 n,11 i' t11 re 111 1 114 n 111)1ot hg 011l1 M an illawk i 11 i ll 11 Ie ti 11111 icI 11...…

December 07, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR , MICII., SzTUVIDAY DEs'E\IBEI( i 90. N IIll";i1~ lofII;I1 iTO THE WEST. Tii 'sveired for iof vtiw '''xx 'ii' 1c 114 )iti s i Michii'e n's GL nit 'team Will Play IxIitixx rin Won K1iS r wloli I s 1111 xlv Irxinixi ;II l - Stanford If the' haid at Conal lrixid o;11 1. 5 nmIIxi' 5 W . 'n'x'. s1 lc inI iiiCitiiiaitee Caisettc :itor 'lr~i Ir E ':rri 11:rI t (ii' . Cloi rl$st YEAR. EBEN WILS Wi The Stncky Gnard Wlia Per! T hrae Yearn and ...…

December 08, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…t'hn.ANN ARBORU~, MICH., SUNDAY. DECi'; M 'd5, 1901. No. al HARRISON S, Wz ,(, 'ARSITY PRACTIC, SARA RAND.0ISHPEMING CHAMP IONS. S t he 1 Best Quaterbacki the Ys. sWhoirwind Blan Uda iv A s- Wdil le911 uidrS. L A. Auspcs Th Sped Lttfl Team I tom the p- Slet. Seaon) Practice Yesterday fore bmo ow Evening. 1170 PinsuOXlaO Won a fiard an10 If1.,,1the Stanford Ganme. -Eto alttoo. 11.i Cii 1 t rli Illil al ll til- 11lh I i1( 10 110 \1l. ,i11 ., l1....…

December 10, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…i"sTYsees NN ARL.tif, IClI, TUESDAY, DE51 IIJKII JO 1901. No. 62 EVERETT SWEELEY, THE GREAT BARBECUE. THE COM2EDY CLUB. WOMEN'S EDM~ON. The Pint Peter in the West and the Tilets Are Nearly Exhastedt ad A Brief History of its Six Yase Se- A Resume of the Best Eitie of the Peer of aiy Bac kfieid Tat ls Evryhing Poits o its Beingsr Sesfl Creer. may unmes Daily-News Ever Gotten Out by in the East. a Grard Success. Actrs Former i umbers. the Wnmen ...…

December 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…140, A7 _i X XII ANN A 1(8(111MI1H., WEDLNESD, AL.BERT HEHRNSTIaN, BASEBALL PROSPECTS. CoM Mh ost Versatile Plax i ave n te S tiral of Lar4 131;.,--- Al A1 Mliehi an 'ee- his Le11-,'J lip anyNcw .Caciida5aPreeta a in the Blff. N Gtat,.eit ci' at O~l li( ~ l i;Itl" :1't !' 121'(' 'iiiis i i (l .II~l: "flI.Ill ~'''I t vtt (tl } 7 Y ,1' i t 1,til tt31 C:itnt<Itt o lyttit t itl ln I,' I * itinttl'll I iil i ''il It I 11 jtttt hlt S ti t Si11i1 ilt...…

December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…DAIL141 - = ': FI'RST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 12 1901. No. 64 DAN E,.MWGUIGAN. EUROPEAN FELLOWSHIP. THE ROAST BEGINS TODAY HON. JOHN P ALTGELD. Enviable Record of the Freshman The Collegiate Alumnae Offer a New 700 Pounds of Beef Sizzling Over American Ideals the Topic of the Dis- Gard. A Light Weigtt, But Met Scholarship for Foreign Study the Embers-Musical Prgram-tigshdEGoenr No Superior. Elite Trio and "Kid" McCoy [lilli ...…

December 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…DAIL01EWS +'rIERT 1?nu... 'EAR. ANN ARBOR. MICII., THURSDAY. DECEMBER J2 tOOl. V-. GEORGE GREGORY. THE OX IS ROASTING. WILSON GETS A PLACE. VriyCenter Has Beconme a Pillar Mlonster Animal Which Was Placed C. R. Rinehart Seiects ils All-Western of Ile Team in Hi First Uni- Over Coals at 8:15 Last Night T ans and As-signs Positions to No. 6 ' SUCCESS OR FAILURE. Colleze Bred Men Are Shown hy Stat. is tico to be the Most Succsfol ersity tear. Att...…

December 14, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…D)AIL:...... FIRST YEAR MARTIN HESTON, The Fame mosUalf.Back From Oregon $10S Made as Enviable Record Dur- in1Z His First Year at the Onivlarsity. AlttSIl tl i t t l l it 'st 15>>I' hue ats s I I t aj1 e t th ie sty l r. A t tat kih thel ass of 11.1 i lll iia a ll a -a t listll i- ta yat~ hetititi I ne e'1t ; hr d < lit iea t 1tilsttttitt t ° lt t e l~ s w a , o e i ~l l lt t 1 e isiiIt aM , scll tS lt-l-a at i I the ieuSi eiil oth l~ hn h int...…

December 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…FRTYA.ANN ARBOR MICII., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 15 1901. No. 67 CURTIS J. REDDE4 JOHN P, ALTGELD. SWEATERS. GRAND SUCCESS. Setch o1' Michigan's Great End, Fa- Last Niht's Lecture Causing Much The Comftable Garb of the Colicg. Comedy Club Pesents "The Masked Maus~ for "Helping Along" the Excitement in Uiversity Circles. Man Again Vigorously Assailed. Bll." Man With the Bal. -- ) I.''at I i ide llm .s1le u i to a' ipr'ri' t ciyiar lthere tri' i sc onci...…

December 17, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. NN ARBOR~ MIII.CLES)Y DCME 1 91.N.O YER N A BR I C11'L, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17 1901. No1.18 181'1181 68 wort lnla.lolu111.'prof1.(II11I811111111 11111h1 law(1111 Th s w r a l y r t~ t ii d f it d sl ed 918 Lor n at 1ichig n il an " W o H as Foll wed1111111oop i -the l' iii'11.11 Statlie s' i~hii an' 881'SCie S io11111'i1 liThel 'iil' iii 81111 an'hISrb hoH l' M c - 1 i'i'118111111.er11 TeamsAl'l'iForlii8Twenty111 leYears.'1818. 118 I...…

December 18, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…VP Am. t "4 " Y ANN ARDOR, MICTI., WEDNE, 9AY, DECEMBER 18, 1901. No. 69 CLIFFORD G, ROE CHRISTMAS INLANDER. UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE. A COMMUNICATION. it Soon Leave for the Weit, Will Out Tomorrow-Pilgrimin Prizs Stories Enrctlments at the Diffrent Unixer- A Differont View of Altgvld's Address. See the Michigan-Stanlerd Game. Mast he Ready January 10. sities. Harvard Leads, Michi- WiVlis J. Abbst's Opinion of Sat- dtlr.riIo.d a s- la ais - i aaa...…

December 19, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…FIRST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19 1901. No. 70 BAlIRD AND "F ITZ " N 11011(111 11(he0sets yI0010 1 ilhi.Ie RED1DEN MIAY PLAY, 11111 11 statements frol otherprsons,1 1 I tnissi toI 111 111011, bselbalolit-is w 1- 1o held tad oamong them the~ kece ofteDirector and Trainer fotil i e1: it was who inoi ijd iliugliBoard of Control Adopts Report o in o f v1(1 le 111fundso rised for ilie Who Hava Done 00 Much for \Xhilei. "Jck" XlI c...…

December 20, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…$1Icrn 44 FIRST YEAR. ANN ARBOR MICR., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20 1901. No. 71 BASEBALL AND TRACK. Marine Testing Tank. YEAR-BOOK,u Gottfried Keller. Totavrte IBoardi of lRegenits wiiil__A.___l-arge---audieneasemtbed in lle Games Arranged With Cornell-Pos- 1titip. "li f thei iptitlili titt tttititSuvenir of the Biggest Football Year 1Pi " in]'ith eriite roomtitWi-iuesdty Sibilities of a Track Meet-Dates °" v ltitli t-p tbill pstt ithe Michigan Ever H...…

December 02, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__ ANN AIU 0P,\MICH.. Tt'>1) XX I (rf{: 1I hEl2. 1902 S12:cci NI XvAI1. Ne. GhAMxPIONOF THE"WEST! P I .( 14 l+ (1 ' ti l li, 11I 1 11 11 '1' I '+1 1r l + Ii EfPI iI' i 111 , l-i " 1}t~n1i11:1 ls "111115 5l fi 't' l: ' : + 11 1 I - I311' V lI 1' t 11" t-1: 11 ta i"E 1 k li til l l +t 11 111 i l, ! t ,II 1 1( 14111 trl4I 111 with iiis li: 1121'Ill i 14 ;~ 11t1i1'I .k$ t 'Il t l 'I1"l '1' I I l i 71 1 )11'I'' I IllS...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…L.' AtE JFKl C H. Crya K l 'ii1 . i . i , ~jONEYGJ F r Mt"1 IlII). JIiJ ('l a'Mic>. 1 I 1 1" 422 a l . l I t l t . 2 f b , i l l , and, v 1,'1(i f ol 1litlt 4,I *'41I l i s .1 T ;' 1~ 1 1 i it "f iwp'1(rt;n ~lf}¢ 4'?lit1 , it *1',l t t1 t k " 1 S i: ? 1 !.' 111 - <:12 E*1 12 nil,!2II1i1 f i ) tI r 1 1' :., !! 1 I l l lii o. d, . 1 . 1 ]' 11 44444I r( 4' sltI l tl I I ; ! ] K h ' 4 44444 111 d11 I };I t111 AI Ii .41: 11 44 111i 1 t I't iII 1lm...…

December 05, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…44, 41'? :. 1' _. ti , li ,}t H ?' H Ft i~t'1' (11111' t !?(' 1".1't' \1 1_ i!( ' :I ' t 'V ol,'x4 '" i41 \ \ 1 Y " . t " .'. t '^- !. . , - i ;:. 1? ' l i', i 4 i i 1 . 11 . ,,..1 ?t44' 't I'' ; 1 ' 1 ii I ,. -* j' 1. +i .1 II A . I'rl. Y#. I. \. t Ilit ll. I . l't.11t" , i, . lt 111 I .1112 1 114ll I . 1 I Hr~ t is ]1 t :t Il;Il1 w i... ;ll 4;11 It illlteittilrit I 1t1l tI'I-ltjt't1 t l tk4'l1 P tt ,l I t1tt ItI tl" ti}t 1'11 t r: 1ii3t . ti...…

December 06, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…'5, "ni. Kit .. y . i. .ry.w W - u AT, ' _.. r _i m B ~. _,~ la 1 I I i i 1,11. ) 1 M i . ! 1wI 1 : J;11ny M iti Eit{(r 74+tII ian W r NI ! It I 1\' i" 3 1 1 It . lc +1ii, II \l II Ott, w,, il "A FO&''tI3ALhL Rd1'.( In"iL\i NiiI Ili~ ;I. lk, i i\ Il W (1... X 9.. l M \IS1'I )I .I Ii ME. ila SheLostiat T1.:'aKSivl1 Im" lwc Cr .t~w'lsIll w w P C slar" n il 11 II 14 57.1 w I1p lltlI I I 1 w~I tl 1 1,11 11'r~Il 1'ilI e I" I it~ tlif, I. :It~ fIz I...…

December 07, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBLOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER i, 1902 No. 6 1 THE FOOTBALL BANQUET Promises to be a Rousing Affair Fine Program of Toasts-Covers for One Hundred and Thirty-Five Plrepaatiions for tecoipitoo-itr banet to0l1w tendered Itv te o-it isine-etmenl o Ann Arbi t the , v-i-triitn-. fixi~bltea mlare riitVttc going forward uindt(r the ethiietnan- ame.ofte ecommiiittee 'ii liirget fT-eiiovviiiiie.w8s tarted lat i-...…

December 09, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. AN\N ARDOR, MIIL. TUESDAY, 1)tkEMBER 1}, 1902 STANDARD TIME Wisconsin to Play Here Tltin t t al t ',I1'a tt'' lt lit To be Adopted by University January " t I I. .t'il ii'e~r'lnaii' 1, 1903 -Clacoes to Meet at S it t I.:,tv' i' ii. 'fThis w i itr O'clock Under Nesw System es - tcasi- ,. I:: ,ite a"n ill sti; -Local Time Discarded atit 1e , ' il ;'Ixily ill11tv. I __________ j ilntt' 'of t il t it o X' itill...…

December 10, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WED)NESDAY, L7 CEMBER 10, 1902 N.6 bSEOND YEAR. 140. 63 ------------------- z-_ WHY MICHIGAN IS GREAT Written by Fielding 1. Yot, the; Wonderfully Successful Coach of the University of Michigan Football Teamf Fieding Hlan-i Yost. she great coach' °f the university of Michigan's twice- e' ni-p i n football team, ontriltrtis ts' I itr-Ny-ews tihs ssstjaeie ri- ' ihrnis (:ranst in Fototihttl." It is an 'h...…

December 12, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…f - t--'y x r I .. .., k s r. Y: l r r f. t'S - - t w 1 I - r . .t ri - / _ 'I. 7 J; ._ " .. u f v s f. _ °. ._. to .. . . _ I y : ~ r.. ..... L r cr; c-t CD ., - _ . o try ° cv C rn f . ~ C1? r. i _ a S i 3 Y v I t -1 3 Mew ! ITy l-v Y4l ryl { 7d (I) ~ '1 .._ r ,F _ , l _ _ .F_ - .. ._ - . '' 'f. -- -. _. _.. _ 'f. -. ,.._ , 77 - c a _ _. -- '" .: _. f / _ _. . J . /, f _. ,_. " f z ' y.. r ". i w-. .t f, -- r f u _ .. ! - . °' " 1. "; ,y 4 ....…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNI, E RSITY OF MICHIGAN.______ ANN ldid~t)1b, \tl(1I . S\Ttl'1)AY. 1 ('MD ixf 190182 Nto . xi Si' NI) : 1 J.:' . COMEDY CLUB TONIGHT i s5'" V lxix uand Dlio' i 'l ,,v ~ C~O Er C OSEN r u . J l tax la t sa i ~'x ...l P ..a .: . Cf i t !ijiliAt . a ... xt i t{ i I~ f13 ii i mil ii li i }Ii I i t i tt V Iri-i fii'.; ' r l1 +; '''liitrliii)' ,, ' : )i + l 11 { . 1):y w iiII ' yix 1;1 I' p ''ii il L' ii1t I I i(ii11xvi x.iiin 1 i i1: f i s...…

December 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…UNI E RSITY OF MICHIGAN._ \ N A.I4)1 4 N41 I IC(II , 1;=[ 451DA 1, (> 1 lI !)2 4M4N4YAu BRILLIANT SUCCESS. --E Well f'D'dtre \1 .I,, ," lip E i. :tom 11 . :ttl, :{tij i , itlt , fir ]: ,, ,jtl t 7 , l , i;l;j,. tit l.. A> t'544 %x, "tl'lu 'Ar o t(" "i 1l lo tInq t444tll" ti t 444444l4l3:4 t''444 II 44443 li'f?4 IM4444444 lii'. in 54''in o 444'.m IY444444444 414):n I4w4444la44414I o 4444444M M in it llil w .i!at11'-;ia u~ng i~tu, 1; th" lan M i...…

December 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…UNI IERSITYOFMICHIGAN.__ ___ ANN: XlM ll . I l( IH .till HI) A . I) (' \liA ti 1(;, :1N i . +; i CLUB HAS N QWSTNT LOO ING BACKWARID" d r ~ ne i:.ti(7 l il d l. it i:IOrgv ln- ;ti:1itt'-itl t '4°;t ?lt 'i 1.i.l ltIi 4 l/tton P, Art nnt vtl 's 111 l I,' ttil+, Pro- il ti ilti it' o H p idIn to - ' 4 Pi I11 nl 1 I T I lii.(11 r1. 1111 41 hl I tnlbrC t lllr-liiJ i 'I P Ilitil)0 1t C..1 t(" 11( i lii I l i } h i~ ls(:t lp l r tl "'4\'(1 iI t 11 T ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…_____UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SE1o)ND YEAR. ANN AlfbB(I1,N lI( I1 WFIDNI D Y.N !t N 1-kl1E ITV Pi N. W) AGREEMENT IS REACHED jf~l N 1l F - ,1 tM,- V P r ER A FOOTSALL E o- EVJM ih aS-ON ns1-igti By the Board o Col I " wl tub ll 1l , on p( S T [e'"o1rd 911i l on the Lonn-Staii, i g li 1ttit, [-,r ~~.i i Hs l ' t l, Band W~il GO it hitrll, "i ,.tieHt4t on K l[i "Ait itti ~ I r e t' ii ti Iti li titt l . i t - - 3upervi51 t1 j i'i- ill tiltt itI1 ...…

December 18, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN~ ARBOR, MICH.. T111RSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1902 N.7 . 'RCOSiI YEAR. No. 0 TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE Accepts the Presidency fir. Hinsdale Points Out How This rrl soii ilol101 ill te f i,1,l' May be Done--Great Lakes po It11tnee 111:speieto to Furnish Wae he .hoI- Ciee fA-v, li1s1,1s 1111 -,-tI il Iiit,, I IniIn Ai 'i,-11- hasi tmiln largvI Y i so d.n _________a, _I._l_ stII___ , t1l l fl lillil annhli 41-inltha c PA\I .lN-...…

December 19, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SROoaNDYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902 N o. 71l A NEW DEPARTURE h~euniversity will Make its Own Ga s Mantles -A Small Plant, With Most Improved Equip- ment, Being Constructed Tti..Uierity is nose to make its e:wn gmis mantles andS for that purpse .a mwiti plant canhmintng lie mo-tI p aswc it gas maitilette quipmtisa t 9ata.. enr5 tte tt ie bath e t oft a 1!iftV, iistini ibiig. It I - testate-I OWy tese...…

December 01, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…fhe ichigan Dail Vo. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1908. No. 52 THANKSGIVING GAME. CONFERENCE [FETING. fUEi11MAN SEAR DEATH Of PDR. FISHne. Chicago Outclassed at Every Point- Stagg to Be Member of Rules Com- To Be Given By the Sophomore Girls Succumbs to Typhoid Pneumonia Af- Michigan Champion of the West. mittee For Western Colleges. At the Barbour 'Gym ter An Illness of Several Weeks. The Michigan victory on Thanks- On Friday t...…

December 02, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. No. 53 TWELVE MEN 6ET "f's." EMICI1GAN WINS PRAIE. Just a Dozen Football Men Receive Member of Mosely Commission Places the Coveted Insignia-Sixteen Men Michigan Among First Five Great Awarded "R's'-Fourteen Fresh- American Universities-In Class menWin the All-Freshman With Harvard and Cornell. Numerals. Hon. William Henry Jones, member The following twelve men ha...…

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