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December 04, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-12-04

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ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This
of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday
Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speeches. December 14.
i ,i apici o th onm-Iii" . UNV ccliiihill over ten yearsi-
iiiiiii I htill larha ,by i n i ilice iic eLicii.lii
~~~~~lr thecfli- ii i cInlner wa firsii issue. an
soto dse i i e si p n Yu
n~trsifiicliii1 'dci iiits :1 ii ii ii.its d v lpmen itiiihily i n m lii' iili ci
ic ~ i s W rn f'ro ti ii ii ioiiiiiiilin theiic histr . A gr cfsud ns m liii i
55istory 'o1i.Michlig aiiiiiiliitic siiijiihiionli
iiet''ii iof-cilicc tic i -iLi- o, i1 i.whoic wenii is c inlci
t- e ('ts ii c Etts itt ii cons ii cdiste tp a - tu in hi iic-i- ill o hu e 11ii liil, ihot
'lt-tits l ea eficl.h a er oo h r 1e ulie h on ra il
titlediiiaiemi iiiiiiiiiiifccplaccic~iitiIcli,
list:iiioiiiifeiihe. ioiriiic iin.,b cccri- ciiiand cia
e'ia 1Ails 4 lii hl ii ii f l ii c-Mac.ccIii cthe ist--- cccii ciiiey rcd
Is iiidll 1 iii iiiii i iiiin s i i g up iiiii cieici ci c1c ttineth n hi -o
c ii eib U roa(}' i ni, Cos iii- cc-ciccI i i i itihit come to iii' Sviaiveryc
the l.eiiil- iii sor i , it toa ceu--. S i mIci iiic cc amogit-ccoleg
d9 liiltie icc-ku-. c-cc-c c i ht iclo so h olt
ci ld 'I S Ju i icl.,Uo truhu i ta t het n11fi~hc havecic uiedrh i a
e a n y\c atem te to u cuc~o i. tic ccl i c of t - I d iigu ish them
ciiie1 1>ii fid lc ii but-cc atsaccc ll s llva io , infad tier -v
ii ~ii th i fil cti on f.acke '19n: c roediiccs icii ii Sci
<teclccci iiiohhimsl'a d t h eIIncc' i-ii AmSi nlce thiii menii whoI I nti e n
tiacilciwit iti triiii ly i ai-c ilhelm
ic-l ics iic-senc i: 1. I. :r-cfight.er.c
ytnih ftc h av 1,olit clie s y"of Milet. nosyc-ce ici ecilic e d itor fIcc iiiiiiii
tint: liu eca
tip l . hie s te ~uos ait ~i;Mtst i c1iiceto it i-cicic Iii.:
tyih L nt l tbo ch t ctcl ciim 9tSt ii 'd i i'-c cci lice o iiii 6Inn
leis p],sin is hat of oltocccith ili-ece ci 1ru (u:I-I- . c lii-hie!a.'!)7:i
iliticigA. ow u , n w;in -
-- - - i i nstrui ctri ll c ~ itic al ci-ic icc ,ii
Frederiii'ki(;arts". cci' iii iii- ciicii'iti
Loic- I-c c iii i cilCI ..ciMerill-,canii
ill '11 551111 iIsecpr-setc-edi--tr.cl liGus tc c ''9-i'-cc
ill is ciii clwhochas," been d'c'c Cii eitorWilfor ichc
sd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ps two years.i cl ciii-ci--
Une tilieitril n cciiiofMr
C iicc cleci p~ci ciii (icc cud1 eciieheii-l lacccc t i c cs flfiling
Y theii ciic eiihopeccofiitsfd ers alcot ri endsc c-
iciiccidc' ii iicI dcfcc-ily thaciicccit ulac c among -c tis ue9 o-
ii ii c liii ii ic-i-ic ccc-sityu kaine ol theic iii inluali
fi CI L[ ,. a c s ie oc c i. c ithe ccipiubl ic i c cvliii
lea si of i-e - e n a bl er( c t u rn cct o Sici lidit T h l s e is e ofi t hen .b a n drh . r e
iit ciii ii iccir fIvoribleccol iii iii
the c /eiliiihoIfi hts lo - H e ictawny parts If the cicc lc and rhc
lii I no-i--c ii --icii ar o m l iinT e .o . o ili earscclcogether
ndi lii iii l o ic' - mii sureii - i liith pth idi Icure" of thci oamc forgti
11cci ;~iii- i ceia t -ic if c ilWghcie.-tlitcc-illas 'ciii'yirsic 1119 iiiiiO -ici' iii
-ht an ihtlic hccii -c-cltWi e cii'a t-i iii o e ay a iluicc. 01cc eccitohid
Stty a loceileachieliii' is-il yn nerse nte tltchs
55 i0 i- ciiiuici'icc ichcelccc-i.c. cc cii
ls , to -l f ici' mi
ll a 5 y n t i 'h cl--cv e ] id - io i i ii i cmil c c c ce cii li ii i
111ittc' i'ii19 cec -l-c o cn lit'c i iciir lc]Ie'lii9 patici ofccthe
ca ei i s I e oflijth iie hug lio c -c
ti ii' t l iii-bo liril'su ih Ii ity ue. Yliii- ccriccolcciccic c-il ie liiio ccih e
ream thcis year i-i-c. ~ cc n iccicin Tuesdalic e o.ii17u, lce11-c
tea Cii '19 layied gudc u 1is(, iceass ishap~e anctisfitriill hIc-ccci li t Yii'.
liat C i lig 1aso bh i ghct
thati hie~ c-hya cn-i-toty o h w ic'ciiwil slci tssiic'3lccinfgccovkrcci li
ii liii d anfdietarnest t wirf hc'ie iocccinaoflie hiscelgen e curcii ti i lem
iiCece, in 1u t l is c -Pl-aliinolc-ocn- ciitI"hacctce
r attahandwasoneofileven'it, -ccii entyc ioliii- omi frcute iciiki et il ie
Cil!tht So te wdlO Ol lii- cmpan- lipitditoi0uiliier :tieentainec
tCc'i5 1 y-I l th ne pcc cii n tice o
i t ear ii' l ye ct ci rcc -ic iii gii
icl uiieilciiii iiliihe lig ciirbecuec'ii ici ic-cc, cctia cctwo icwe'ks liii- icicci-
cc r iisng ias iiuiday cIi iii c ccii. cs 9it 'iiii' 1- cliul ccill icc-i-cc- itsliean-
Tic-Id-Ic ccci cciol iin hcchai f alli so- cccliieriformancccethe clioclege public,
citls fatr iies, i ci et 9Icl.a d b r- adIthe icin aiii-lici-ct diiinmt feeh as
dcly o cthd i -5eek itisIcqucite li' l ii ithat11c011"' ci c-c i-t11 'exaggieiiatinto i sccaiy
thei iil c ccied i l-i-ccof t ilickc iis c iibe tatc the' i' ce' toI Icc'giveni at the
sold. icstale iSenator'iicii' .Sliic. xicluci tiici chic-icc c-c- ili Saurdayici iight,
is iccl ccici- c l n as teIi ' iiuic'i'1 s 1Dcc-.Iil i l(iii ' cc-thii thg- ('i1i1)chili su
('ha lii' i pper hluclse ihcci- cc-c i'ii-Ov -cnle. 'Thosei' haveisccel ipist
soloec d hi furnish oneciiofcithei'"'ld ccci"' cccifciiicailcc' cof thic-i- ciiiknowii cchat
spehss elld frli e icc u-ciciic I di-meansso liei iiv119cliiiecattendulccaii
'Cachi c-tdcc iiiiuu-iIcwas-ccicinfredysera uportinc a deserv'iingiccccliincc-cocle cit
I i Ilcccl c'ciiii' uile a liiihehadc]wvercmae luciedhlstand umostlpioinet citheii
icc dc in i l iii'theboyscwuld (lci- iii c olcclcc-'ceocianizcionsci.
'th littha: "51 c"cIftciec. "1ill I ay cuccic thicscyear ccill ibe'giveni, cccucual,
cc ili c-cc likely-he ic'cilcccccucl hadt sunuie to some worthyii le cclege -haicty, anidc
lii cccl iciu ct1cc li ici les<sh ra s' is ~ rii one ii-lidca psibly afcc-cduit h ould-ci--
nlccccochc of Chel'clci'a itoday. 1iccueD c ia piiil oittnd
wihn: ekhe i ll bei-cc madeichceccc l ' lrc, icc:tiliex ceinlyliiclvi frcelii
iii o o .1 cN'ir\iu c cclofl -Inthiusiasmc omedyici19 111(' cituccioii s arecccc goodc 11hc
successcwii'le whil lc' cci ~ic-lcluihl'ccliiga~ P.ie ih fc ccil ciiit, iiisihuai
ccciic-ill i-lier :111i(1 i iheier, i an cic -ceer frcli Icciiiiinin 11 to I cciic
liii' thei -Ol" iiii'iiThic-ccsual -sale'ofitprcie-sc. l i7:accaid
Ic-' cclii cci-h ludaa-c, iit et oliaiic'i y- cc-cill 1,ilciirogiue i' llsiy' ar,' I nd c fii urii-
tickets ilcall et. ciem ucl.ay cfci ltic, iuc)h cie ci-icno cctiic cioficc'adv uci e cusle
'Sae tee toe. o corect an - -- Wcii ll N )i rini i t hi c cciuicii ofi lie
staleI c itha -c-ct I cii() icn cii cl tciuii9 The All-Western Team.
adi i c to 1the lig ic-id lutid s goo Iicu cc
roasc t i i isc-be a iccicpulare cft'fa le clii' cc-il inicthic'cc-lcin cut ci llS-Wc esterni
cc~ lu )"i 91 toltheccgre111cc ic-c-c Ch -hgi ci-icodIlr lumecadii
ccie~ c-c- clii andiii trciner.liii' -i-ic 'c c tis Tibhi nei'c and. ic-ic i otherulex ip e i ehave
reaso tciii(liipic i cccl l ke ti-l .l't(clexpressed thceirc-i-cc-cand clueecoice
From Far )Manila. Ends--icc ciii soisil) So
Mancui)I. 1 '. L. gicics somidi'illeriilig Guardics-tahlii Ilii s),ci i'liicii (Sil-
liressio9 luc )f thati1chic - iic i sc i~td . iii I ucd ic:1). cu
ii 11:11 i\:1s ,iidi' doniaIt her I:liultc)ccciii -c- iocc-cuc - ' e ksch M i Schigani .
andcI iidldeccide idcto cliiiIc iw 11the 1 dc e-- I ieciccc I 1cchic in)ccL a1rsoni
Ii;ii Nc-ic c clshe c iliiicc-c: Wc onsclccin).
51 ccii i t' . . 11I . c 'x1i-i iullbc - D i-ic - ISSi-ccihiu~id
111 rcills f11 -a cc I ci' l ciuc iI o ld I'liiill v ted forcychesiexwrt
lie cokn w l is SE i l:11t e icccc he fol l ing:i - iiuui
Si cccl ccc 1 so111\-le c' lii icilde ~ I.Scidediollit-'i cllc W s.c 1,S ow(1c .
cd~rs Il dcci cidc c ' 'er c-lre ciii cc-i 7 Iic -c1.Fei l i ) 1 .ll N 5-
whoidcare flocwi on thecciiel.i Ihil cif "):ccFilsoniu'cMich. .Dez(.1')1
co urse, AIc-1i . ik e \uderu'c. cciiid]cla ce' (cirii c'i iccuc)c Iii. i - ticd
idd1ici isichic l r ii c cii' i dccuwi lilh d ener-liiiii) 11)2; ag
ir' ll- tic ic-cud regardh to titlesi etc.. halves--Larsoci(«i-h.S 4,'iesion
p Ithcciiccnlci is oii lice. I liiuc i :111iop- I(Mich.) 3.Cicweeleyc (Mich.)ii10 Johnisionl
iccd111119 ity of stud ilig thic' uetions as t\.ccc i ~'.ti1. iCccaicu i s.)55 l1.
they chii ar is dI feelcithrcill ofi joya null backc-icer (is.) 310,'Snocw
iwhicnicI lucid r ilsome l Iof ci aein ourccli Ofici I -1, cweiley 'Mtic.)1.
lid ss-roomiquotedhere :cscll cauthoruity 'thcui it cciii e -celithat Muicigani
oni somei ii cthiticclicii cquestion.lrice gt-c fccureplaceis, WSiscconin iigets four,
ote i](lildt aisiigfori' cui ci-uuc-ci Illinocis gilctic-ico, andiMinnesotca oue.
..Judcge' iohnson an d ifailyiiar e hil- IToclshiowuciowie-ueliitle h ccvtincg wais
tioe auccIct Liuigcai'i 1 1 .,adlikciehiuiiguu umenu gtccritten ecu the hal-
iccie hocceuc-cu-iyuccuc-ic' lts17 tinulesccacd 5Wisecniniiiplayers
W''ithi bcctccishes.c Sinicerlyi. 115)liucec.
'l'le' -i-sliec secvidcccill bei resuclmedI
The r l'gc~ilccaiodilatcltiei'uCivcrsci~it of il 'huday c D.liee. 'liiTheusercice is
i'i'lcidiiiic ciishowsc c a lss(if 48 cuid- givenlinild ivity Ha~cll cit 4:10 Ii in.
pare ilwl citlashit ya-crl 'icire cutof2,5720ccii cccclllii cci i'ddtino uieusucal musuiecia
ci ucluitc. i' S-i ctS c-Ic 11cc's.he cshetl iil'k'idi ilc-c hiecgi'ven ciii Cle
uCe SicintiiC cSco ii'iilu'1li atet fre' eli iordci ci orgainiacuthCle iciiii'i-
cot pihdhiiloso119- departmentiil of ccci,11an1 ciold f tliise'c-hii'It iiispedilthuci
liiheli deaten~-it f9Vtinary M9 9edcine thes ciservc'icesc icill bec'foundlciscc cuttac-
lccc cc gui ic tudentsic'ii, Wile' medicii'ine ie that th11c-a ciil lllbe ic e fturiie as
19gluin.dent11isilryl'accciiiliii' cheri's' lin ll(,ipast:iacfetuurc'of uivlerscitaylife.
ucllhi'eclureilocersc 'tc' ccliiihoiattend areii'irequiested Cco
__________________ Cll-c'kecain tiche1c'feront of Ciii'hail aind
'Thec' MicigaClendar'cclci'foI915(2 ccill tukecpartci th ie servce.
hec ready ii i-cc'few cdaii. It ccillciii-
tiniiaboucdt 20 ibeacutiful ial-ont-esicof cAnother1iaclete ihasc iteppieid off into
lue ccllege' builinigcs1and usurrccuninugcClue mcatrimonuical swcim. Jamcesit.
andc ccill umake an excellent pjrescenlt fccr Itgg of Ciie'196-c97 fcotbaillteam iand
Clurictuuesi. ccsouvenir(ito n d hcme ' iii ' Myrtle Rausci oif Algona, Ia.
or a decoration fcr the den. -ere married oni Nov. 7.
oe ePr the Daily-News.
('oa-cXYostC isckiiciCin ieaacin,
icd iceliismuile ic nure prominen'ut thacn

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