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December 01, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-01

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fhe ichigan Dail
Chicago Outclassed at Every Point- Stagg to Be Member of Rules Com- To Be Given By the Sophomore Girls Succumbs to Typhoid Pneumonia Af-
Michigan Champion of the West. mittee For Western Colleges. At the Barbour 'Gym ter An Illness of Several Weeks.
The Michigan victory on Thanks- On Friday the Faculty representa- The freshman spread is the most Dr. Winfred Stedman Fisher died
giving wiped out Chicago's last for- tives of the "Big Nine" colleges met pretentious party give by the Uni- yesterday morning at 2:15 a. m. from
orn hope to claim, the Western cham- in conference, at which it was decided versity grla duringthe year. It is a a seere attack of typhoid-Pneumonia,
pionship, while to Michigan it brought to report the appointment of Coach repeption and dance given by the girls which has conined hin to his bed for
the opportunity, to prove itself the A. A. Stagg, of Chicago, as a member of the sophomore class to the fresh- the past month. Dr. Fisher's death
best team in the country in present of the committee on rules to represent men as honorary guests, and to the although expected during the past few
form-in spite of the tie game with the Western colleges. At present the juniors and seniors. The upper class- days, came a a great shock to his
Minnesota. committee is composed entirely of men al'e supposed to have under their many friends and to the staff at the
The Chicago Tribune takes the fol- Eastern men. charge the freshmen. They take them University Hospital, with whom he
lowing view of the result of the game; A rule was adopted which will per- to the party, see that their program ha been connected as interne since
"All prejudice put aside, no one mit the conference to deduct one or is filled. and act the part of escnge his graduation last June.
who saw Yost's great machine plow more years of the four years' eligibil- Invitations are out for this party, to Dr. Fisher was born in West Brat-
through Chicago on that snow-clad, ity of a candidate found guilty of be given at the girl's gymnasium, tieboro. Vt., in 1877. He prepared for
wind-swept gridiron at Marshall Field, some minor offense instead of perma- Saturday, December 5. his college work at Williston Acad-
will deny that he demonstrated be- nently disbarring him. A special com- emy, and entered Connecticut Wesley-
yond appeal that under the conditions mittee was appointed to make an in- an College. In 1899 he entered Michi-
no team in the West, at least, could vestigation of the suggestion to re- THE WESTERN TRP a I The eeed h
have stood before it yesterday. quire every candidate to have a High Thre has been a persistent rumor ever been a prominent man among
Twenty thousand persons braved School training or its equivalent. The lately about the football teaa taking his fellow classmates. Dr. Fisher
the blizzard to see the culminating question of permitting students to another trip to the coast to play Stan wgs only 26 years old and was a mem-
struggle of the year on Marshall play professional ball in the summer ford University. It was understood her of the Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity.
Field. The twenty thousand shivered was discussed for several hours. The that nothing would be decided until a o also a member of Delta Kappa
and froze into silence while the men subject was finally referred to a spe- after the Chicago game. After our Epaion at Connecticut Wesleyan Col-
of Michigan and the men of Chicago cial committee, composed of A. A. wonderful victory Thursday, a report lgg.
made football history. It was in a Stagg, of Chicago; H. J. Barton, of was circulated that the Western trip services were held at the Nu Sig-
large measure a Chicago crowd, hop- Illinois, and C. L. Fletcher, of Wis- was a sure thing, but this report me Nu House yesterday afternoon at
lug against hope that some cog in consin, proves to be without foundation. -No 3:N o p. i., Rev. Patton presiding. At-
Yost's wonderful machine would break The suggestions to take steps to stop arrangements are being made for such ter the services the men of the Delta
and give it an opportunity to go wild. the proselyting of athletes on behalf a trip. The team has broken training Kappasilon and Nu Sigma N Fra
But, although at times Chicago of colleges and universities, and to and Coach Yost has gone East, and ter?$ties accompanied the body to the
strove desperately to retrieve the day require one year's residence at a col- will,not be back until the middle of 4:5 East-bond train, Drs. Ree and
and won cheers by plucky playing, lege before a candidate is eligible to December. The Athletic Board of going wt the bdy to West
the crowd never really had an oppor- engage in athletic work, were referred Control has had no official communi- nj.ti go t vt.
tunity to display its partisan feeling. to the various boards of control for cation relative to a post-season game,
From the time the ball was put into consideration. and they do not favor such a trip, for
play until darkness put a merciful end Professor Jones, of Minnesota, pro- they feel that inasmuch as several of
to the battle, Chicago never had a real posed a rule providing for the closing the players are first-year men they iEV. QHAl4ES M. SHELDON.
chance to score. of the football season on the Saturday ought not to take more time away 4n Arbor students will have an
Analytically considered, Michigan preceding Thanksgiving Day each from their studies. The board does opportunity to hear Rev. Charles M.
probably is more than twenty-eight year. After considerable discussion it not feel that the Western trip is a Sh1don, of Topeka, Kan., at the Con-
points better than Chicago. In every was decided to defer action on this necessity, for Michigan sent her team gr gptional Church this evening. Rev,
department of the game, save catch- suggestion for a year. West two years ago, and at present Mr. heldop is the author of "In His
ing punts, Michigan showed vast su- The following officers were elected: it looks very much as if a Californian Steps," a book which was widely read
periority. Yost's machine outcharged, President, Prof. M. W. Sampson of game is out of the question. two or three years ago, besides many
outgeneraled, outran, outskirted, and Indiana; secretary, Prof. H. J. Barton other books of similar character. It
outpushed Stagg's. of Illinois. will be remembered that Rev. Sheldon
Eckersall, on whom the hopes of PROF. TURNER -ERE also took charge of a Topeka newspa-
Chicago were pinned, was beaten at THANKSGIVING PARTY, Professor Turner, of the University per for one week, two years ago, dur-
every point, and Eckersall-Chicago's The annual Thanksgiving party giv- of Wisconsin, is here delivering a se. ing which time he endeavored to run
only hope for a place on an All-West- en by the Woman's League, for those ries of lectures on the "Development it as he thought Jesus would do. Rev.
ern team--showed up only in tackling. unlucky enough to be obliged to stay of the West." The first lecture was Sheldon occupies a unique position in
By several great tackles he kept the in town over the vacation, was held given yesterday afternoon in the lec- the religious world owing to his novel
score from mounting higher. He this year as usual, in the Barbour ture room of the Museum at 5 o'clock. ideas regarding life and conduct. The
stopped Heston and he stopped Gra- Gymnasium. This party is one of sev- Four more will follow, those on Wed- subject of the address this evening is
ver-who proved to be Michigan's eral given by the Woman's League. nesday and Friday at 5 o'clock, and "Christian Socialism."
bright particular star-and in the first It was held, not in the large gymna- those on Tuesday and Thursday at
half he held Michigan's score down to sium room, as always before, but in three. Professor Turner illustrates
22, when with a lesser man playing the three large parlors. Only about his lectures with stereoptican views. FRESH LIT APPOINTMENTS,
back Michigan would probably have fifty couples were present. The small President Friedman, of the Fresh
run the score close ip to 50. His number present, and the use of the Lit class, has appointed the following
kicking at all times was execrable, parlors for dancing, gave the party a CHICAGO 75, BROOKLYN 0. members of the social committee:
only luck preventing it from being very home-like air. The floor in the The North Division High School of Osborn, chairman; Miss Dresser Miss
turned into disaster" parlors is better for dancing than the Chicago defeated the Brooklyn High Groat, Hill and L. Warren.
gymnasium floor, but the music was School team at Washington Park,
ALL-WESTERN TEAM. very poor. One piano is not enough Brooklyn, last Friday, by a score of
Since the Thanksgiving gme the even in the one large room. But the 75 to 0. The Chicago offense was too BIGGEST TRIUMPH
selections of the Chicago dope writers sound of one piano distributed fierce for the Brooklyn boys and the
have been received, and the only through three large parlors is entirely North Division High School circled The year just ended has seen the
places upon which there is any dis- inadequate. Brooklyn's ends with ease. The third and greatest triumph of Coach
pute are the guards, quarterback, one Brooklyn boys held Chicago for first F. H. Yost, of the University of Mich-
halfback position and fullback. Strath- DEBATE WITH WISCONSIN. downs six times. The features of the igan. Taking the team with but five
ern of Minnesota, Maddock of Michi- professur Treblood has arranged game were the end-running of Pollard of the old "M" men back, and a sched-
gan, Schacht of Minnesota, Redden of frafesatebit h sitraofdof Chicago and the line-bucking of ule ahead including the three hardest
Michigan, Abbott of Wisnsin,andUniversity necke teams in the West, he has developed
Heston of Michigan are given a gen- Wisconsin for March 2, at Ann Ar- a green team, which at the end of the
eral verdict for the "All-Western." bor. The question is not yet definite- season, needed only a punter to equal
Rotheb is picked for guard by the ly. stated, but will be upon some phasee YOST GONE EAST. the class of the great elevens of 1901
Inter-Ocean and American; Phillips of of perstna property tax. The pre- YSGOE T. and 192 The schedule was played
liminaries will take place the 17th Immediately after the Chicago game .
Northwestern is the choice of the and 18th of December; the Inter- Coach Yost left the Windy City for through without a defeat, and but six
Inter-Ocean and Record-Herald. anI5t ofeembrthine-CahYslftheWdy iyfr points have been scored by all the op-
Forequarter the Record-Herald antsociety debates, the 8th and 9th of Philadelphia, where he attended the ponnts combied s once a the
January, and the inter-department de- Army and Navy game on Saturday.
American agree upon Sig Harris of bates the 22nd of January. He will return for the annual football team held to a total of less than 16
Minnesota. The Tribune and Inter- Michigan has y three de- banquet on December 15 st which points. The development in one year
Ocean think Eckersall shoild have bates with Wisconsin, of which she time the captain for 1904 will be of such a place kicker as Hammond,
the place, a capable quarter like James, and a
For Heston's running mate at half s woi twi. e dphenomenal tackle like Curtis, to say
the Tribune and American selected nothing like Shulte at guard and
Irsfleld of Minnesota. The Record- " " Longman at fullback, will long remain
Herald selected Graver and the Inter- Th i h ga a l a bright spot in Michigan's football
Ocean Schnur, while the American put Mhistory. Gooding was a regular out-
Heston at fullback and gave Schnur Sent to your address until ordered discontinued, for six cents growth of Michigan's system, and
and Irsfield the halfback positions. ripened when ready for use.
The Record-Herald chose Catlin for a Week, one cent an issue Yost's performance could never
fullback, and that paper has not in . Phone in your order, (No. 461) or fill out and mail the follow- have been accomplished, however, had

its ideal team a man who has devel Ing Coupon: it not been for the'peerless work of
oped a feculty for field goals. The . - Keene Fitzpatrick. Under the title of
Inter-Ocean and Tribune, having se- "trainer," as the world knows him,
lected Eckersall for quarter, placed----- Fitzpatrick gets little of the credit
Salmon of Notre Dame at fullback.~~~~~~~~~~ that is his due. As a matter of fact,
The following is the summary of the The P1ichigan Daily:- he is a general athletic adviser in 41
selections; Kindly send the DAILY until ordered discontinued, to the University sports, and his rela-
Center-Strathern, Minnesota; Rec- the following address. I agree to pay six cents a week for tionship with the members of all the
ord-Herald, Inter-Ocean, American. school's teams are such as to make
Gregory, Michigan; Tribune. Bertke, same, one cent an issue. him beyond doubt the best-16vedl man
Wisconsin; American. at the University. His technical
Guards-Alswede, Chicago; Roth- Name------------------------------------ knowledge of football is second only
geb, Illinois; Inter-Ocean and Ameri- to Yost's, and, in his own qpiet way,
can. Phillips, Northwestern; Record- Address-------------- ----------------------- he daily performs an important part
(Continued on page 3") , .,___ ___ In the coaching of the team,

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