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December 19, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-19

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No 7T2

S Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of i900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-I
tion. The same careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to he used for
husiness purposes or for full dress y.
ro8 E. Washington St.
FOR LADIES: Wane crest Wre, hand
painted with gold trimintgs
that neer tarnish.
FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toilet Sets
sitver mouonted.
FOR EVERYBODY: Lownev's Chco-
lates in but: and fancy pack-
Wilder's Pbarmacy
X Xmas boxes of 12 aod upi. X~
M for 10tndent Rooms MV
A inBons in pretty boxes A
A PIP ES :tid~uokingArticlesa
just receivtd for Crist-5
S wais trade.
it. E> ,lolly, 308 S. State Street.
Tooth Powder
Has all the desirable- qual-
ities of the best
*Has none of the harmful
ingredients foond in so
25c per Bottle.
~Ann Arbors
containing about '75
- photo -engravings
* of College Build-
ings and pisces of
interest in Ann Ar-
bor. Attractive
silk cloth binding
O0C of blue and oil-
* ver, an excellent
* thing to take home
AIwith yon~hristmas.


The Old Library 'Hat Man" Geti His
Annual Thanksgiving Fowl-Has
a Varid and Thrilling Past
Another Tanksgivin~g .ihas passed
andu o~d 'Unce Jim" ha:s etet his tn-
key antd give:: silnt tintks to ihis loyal
The twitnkeinitmits eyes is always
bigit, but about Tan::ksgivig timte
it takes on: a::adiei luistre, for it hats
become a custom::fithte studets to
give the old :man:: iis tsrkey dinner,
a::d tihis yearc was n excepti:: to te
rule. A
"Uncle Jit:" Ottley. kowtn to stt-
dlen:ts as the "hat rain," cly after day
takes hats an gives ot cecks t the
getieal library. Butsy sudets rshstit:
aind ott. pss Tim::their chieks. ut
ftewvof thtem::hiiv::tver stoipet to it-
q:ire into the pst of this picttresque
and Sodd echaracter.
In: fact,thad liiis: pirsos iinred
f old Jim: for a history of his life, btn
little satisfa:ction: wold ha:ve beets
Cio say of hisels-fstd it wsstotly its
his gleeful sood at tur:key te that
u-in seitletites :a 1DIily reortnr otnde
Iseets f his pa:st. neie-se:.tfore wiade
Jii's lturkeys iost mtore tha:n::t::o-
dinitary bi; it: fitthin ye:::'Jim:: waii
ableto ::spreadil:a -til0saucre :ver ihis
fissl. lT'e studen-:ts were tunuisncally
R foiun:d allfotmer rencrds broke:.
It is customary for some"settlr to
-stru'Ctlie o:ubsription::paper and the
stu:dents soot:filli it by pttig tieir
nam::es dowvn for sitits fromi twety-five
P ients up. It is an:::annusa affai atd
Clii' boys :are :alwys gladto tuhelp
"t .Uncle Jim:" sedt Thantksgivitg in
th~e right manner.
FAs "lin" Naglt- lin pated away
I"Unctle" Jim: is thte sige ol utrvivor
of the bygone ays of the University.
He was born Feb. 14, 1814, and will,
*therefore, be 87 years old net Febru-
ary. He a been connected wvithi te
*University a ong time and for the last
seven year has bees: statiosed in tise
*library check roonm. Though many
vears bnot'hresore and te,.lie it

Little could be obtained of his very EUROPEAN FELLOfWHIP
early boyhood, lit at the age of 18 le
served asnIa cabin boy on a man-o'-war
in the English: navy. Later it: his Offered By the Association of Colegi-
careeti he served as avalet to a distis- ate' Alumnae-Open to College
guishied Englishnsoblenman. In his swar
service and as valet din: trveled to Women-The Terms
every part of th~e kn:owvn:sorld. His
stories of advetuCres amng the sa- The Associatio: of Collegiate Alum-
ages are trillitig ones, bt the old na is desirois of etcoraging the pr-
tmtn from his inborn: modesty cattt tot sit of advnc:ed courses of study
be in:duced to natrrate these events.
His hol lie semsshrude inmys :amngt cwomte:: graduates of colleges.
tery. ICtherefore proposes o devote $00
im nteiered te service of the Uii- evey yerc tosard payitg te expenses
versity taotte year 1801 as jaitor of sote otngwoaiwhwsest
of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oa thwhsool wwissfhheesai: ttod
iftg.e:twodconinned o:fthmi biad-tcarry ott her stdies it a foreign con-
in.adcotne i hscaaiyutil about teni years :agoswhsvite t r3. Apitiion for his felowship
ook a rath~er suddentrCipio En~glatnd, ill te rtceivedi by aty tiember of the
aibout which sotne of te olde hetds commtitee hving it to chtarge. The
still smile wvbetn it is tietiionted. The cadidates nmust be p.;, ':aties of col-
authtorities of the Utniversity gave leges belotging to the association, and
"Un:cle in:" his pesentC position sotme applicatiotts for the year 1901-1902
sevet: years ago at I:t modet saay. tiust be hatded in efoe Feb. 1, 1901,
andttnle ssil ptobably le a fixtire as5 The fellowsiip will e awsarded oly
"hiaC manut" s lotigis he' caes for the to catdidates vho gise pronise of dis-
tiosition. titctiot: ithie subjects o which they
Wht:eser ttty hatvuetuet:nhis pat,ndesote thesselvs. ICiilllete itu
hic boys will.iinotut, constine to fir- Of the committee o ahupoitithCie canl-
tush Jim sith a nice big Thatntksgivintg date who is best fitted fi' the positiont
tkey, and its costly ndressitig. throtgt original gifts, previous trait-
igetergy, puwer of endrance and
heath. To tis etd they will receive
Medics Searing College Mates appiatiots its vwitig from eegible
aidaiuiittes usho wil peseti,.as clear-
The cotdition of I. Roy Watkins of y is pttssitble. tteir ctimstito the fel-
Jtttisciester, te menical studneit wsho owshtit. A u-u:ietitise examiniiatioi
-,ias strictkenswith: smaltlhpox Moday. iill ntobeib'a,t. bthe u'bestowvtli if
is ntt atll :thi-:iisg. thu fe'llotshlipu sil te basel upon: csi-
It is a ery- light itac andl tit :iwiri Ide-uc f ltie'u-anidt's bilits-. sit
i-is'sthave bhensi1epori~'tedsotht it is o hir-rospictn-of site-ess ii n-r hi-
cusiieredthaCorit ror rec-au:tionsiseaiii'ineofstdy. Sun-teideittne i-it
isr i-n-n' Iin time uu-tpreventita stied nturlths otsist of (t 'ticir otege
Howsteser,tis iois-sntot iresett med-i tiploittil ((t tstimiouiiiitt s to suerior
ictalstuetis frmtsain':g tteir cemed-aitit: s t tigtichn-ltrfiromt tn-i
tittilo college miatets of other deprt- ptiotiessrs an titSoler qulifieiiiudjtgcs
mtiis. Maniy have set about eling fct is ofatntory esidtn:n, :tlinniiogi
Soinsn-ve'yhose Cthat cntuins a medI"cy oil health; (d a sht. unt of Ciie
te stutdent is goitig to he qnarantttied won iwhsiich: she proises t egage-
andlt somie studnetts are Cbeatitig a hiasty Suseqts uetlty; (e) lst sant of cietf it-
rntrenti t of1towsnstolpreent beitg porttance-,'exmplttes of ter scietiici'r
stitttlilthensdunring hichoidays. liteay wortki inte formit ij sitor5ti
It is a hoax, howeer. artit-estie ancottits of sini'ttific- ue-
igtitinus whicht she his onr'etotif
th13DTH'lE U. CiOF . M .CALY. 'rthe'fntowhcstips wilth Cstlthtv te
_______________,gran-edllu to thioe who aetetn d initit-I
Inanders Alt - Amer itatn Football tke t: t hit'ptrlctini' f timy of tilt
Etven thin-i- ittruttpro'fessionus tio~ughi silt-t
_________ i- ott fitrmallys-excuttdfroum te
cnpttu-, it wiltherttNtitbe~stwten-i
'thet'Chiristmauss ulustut'r of Lirelat' d-tiu pon tttt hhitsi hu tim-cloohg ou-is-ri tt
er s- it lin-lr ttomorrowiu. Ir!someinoiionus is professort'canuh t'-ai-hers
timestn 151thu' ititoir;tii:%, tti t-1 osl-c-nd toilit ierr suitd scintifit- voca~tins,
tug on l tt lt-rcant ifootlleventitu. Prelfi'tncetll sihetn'giset-u.uthet' thing
'Te mtethodmserS its seentig thecteatin ieitg eqatot .Isgradats f uot mrt'
is deiedluty noriginalth std gies risc- to than ivi y'ars' staunig. T'he felotw-
somie vri-ct ereistig results. Cortre- shipt silh iignerllibit'hit-ittoritneut
spuonidetne'isas carried ott wvtht thuelr; btsti:itsn msussully romlisige
hed cochtes of theimlpurtatt college case hic term::masy he extemdeut tCte
eevemns, and tey ser requested to discretiomi of the comumititee.
tunae hicemnsvbom thiey though cm- BESSIE BRADWELL. HELMEI.
titled to paces ott the honutoray eevemn. 1428 Micitgan as-., Chinago. Ihl.
Coaches Dibble of Htarvard, Woodruff ANNIE CROSBY EMERY. Pen-
of lemimsy, CaitaintPllh of Pritneton, broke Hall, Providence . 1.
amid others semt repies, and the returms RUTH PUTNAM, 21 W 23u1 street.
ace tabulated amd dscussed n the New York, N. Y.
Christmao number. The al-Americuan_________
eleven: chosemi is conmputsed of hose
players who were a choice of a nit- We bter Society Pro grim
jority of those players who is-re a
choice of a majority of te coachIes. The Webster Society of hic itw' de-
The cover desigmn o this nmtbe is patment is busy mnaking arnge-
decidedly omne of te most artistic IliaCnmets for their auial btsnqcuet. This
hsn apepared on any college putlica- custom: of hainehg a baquiet is ote of
tion this year. George Itortomn, literary long standimg, amd ths will be te
editor of the Cicago Times-Heraid forty-second amual affahr.
Richard . Kirk, George Ingod and These bamquets are alwys largely
others,. contribute verse. The leading atne n ti h neto:ta
article is a symposium: Burke Aaronu the coming banquet shal prove esems
Hinsdae: The Man, and His Work, more successful thanaty previous a-
Wi. T. Harris, nationa comnmissione fair of the kind given by te society.
of educamtion, Henrty . Pattenigilli edi- It will he givenm about the mddle of
tor of the Schol Moderator, F F. January.
*Browme, editor of the Dial, Prof. A. C. Te folowig committees, two frons
F teLaughlin and other pronminet men each class in the department, has been
are contributors to this artile.- Shir- appointed by President Mygat to ar-
ioy Smith, '17, contributes 'a story, range for the banquet:
-Deep auto Deep." Charmen-D. L. Brown, M. G. Spaul-
din. Eat-i B. Hawke; Clyde W. Ketch-

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