nder Prof. Freer. When the first RAIN RN
51, e Ja,. G ' 44u commission was appointed for the O NS I
Philippines, Mr. Sherman was appoint-
ed private secretary to Dean Worces- The "00" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe
ter. After his duties in connection to wear when the weather is uncer-
with the commission were over, he re- . tain. A little rain doesn't hurt it
IHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN mained in Manila where he is now en- while it affords plenty of comfort on
MAIN OrFi BRANCH OFICE gaged in business. Mr. Sherman has the warmest of days.
Ar usm B , Mamst. 336 S. State Street. already sent some curiosities from dt of course we have light shoes
ithPhotes13. New State'Phone182 there and informs Maj. Soule that he for bright days and heavy shoes for
HANAcGING EDITOR, cotitiu seuding all tte curious rainy days if you prefer.
O. H. HAMs, '01 specimens he ca find. It might be re
BUIESMNOR well to add for getteral Informattion s GLASS'S SHOE STORE,
BUSINESS MANAGER, tht tle Jtiversit 11haS several en i\
F'. ENGELHARD, '00 L differett parts of tie world wto have 1 0950. Main Street..
EDITORS: added and will add from time to time Open evenings until ANN ARBOR, MICH
ATALETICS, - G. D. Hese-rT,'01 E to the collection s in the museum.
The model of a Philippine house is
A.H.MCDOUGALL, '01E. W. A.KNIGHT,'01L made of bamboo and is complete in
Miss L, K. SAINE '03 Cs As. DYOvAK '01 every way. The roof is slanting as on
HH.WoOngow,'04 W. P. CHANEY,'o1 L Oil" Own houses, but is Made of many
W. A. BENsCOTER, '03 E. I. HOUSTON, '03 layers of paloo w leaves. There are mi 1!
windows hut nty window hlinds made
of reeds. The house is surrounded by
a picket fence and in one corner of the
house has a small lookout tower. Mani- Is again going to be persuaded to
festly this house is not like the houses
Editor Daily: in Manila, but rather like some of the transact a little business. CAN'T
"The merchant has long ago looked houses of the planters outside the city, we persuade you to invest in one o
upono the U. of M. Daily as a good ad.-____
vertising medium. The student body i our SUITS OR OVERCOATS, we
can now rejoice in the fact that it has CONTINUE HAPPY BY USING
a Daily which has some lime in its Royal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettes, 5c. also have a swell line of Holiday Goods i Neckwear,Silk Reversible
editor's backbone. The stand the Scarfs, Gloves. All k nds of Fancy Silk and Initial Letter Handier-
Daily took today relative to Michigan Now chiefs, Umbrellas, Hosier and Underwear Dress Suit Cases. All
footbaoll policy can not toe improved Noyyou know 'how 'lovely it (she) y Unewer
upon. It is the one and only loyal, would be with a nice U. of M. souvenir New Goods at Cash Basis Prices.
intelligent and successful policy." when you go home Christmas. HAL-
Whatever any one may think about Manhattan and Willson Bros.' shits
the backbone of the Daily or it as an for sale at Wadhams, Ryan & Reule.
advertising medium, it is the Daily's -
policy to canvas the opinions of the You know that the new ideas are to
students and consult with those per- be tound at Wagner & Co.'s before
sons who study these difficult ques- others have heard of them. 75
tions. Whatever is consistent and for
the best interest of the University the em
Daoily will vigorously favor anod assistoaenph ihutfrorav.
to oiccomoi'.lo without fear or favor.
The students want Keene Fitzpat- Daniel and (harles frohndn's
rick as chief of the staff of coaches. 5
Comment on yesterday's Daily editorial W inQtn
was favorable everywhere on the cam-
pus. The Daily has struck the key-
note of the situation and, no doubt, the
council will consider in detail the plan
of the undergraduates as voiced in yes- " At The White Horse2 Tavern."
terday's issue.
Some Excellent Exhibits Added to the .
MuseumFirst Wednesda
The 3,700 bird skins in the reserve GOES
collection of floe Umnivo-sity musenio Afo
h ave been re-classified ithin the last flhl0l Vacatio
few weeks amod rearranogedt ilo frays ;1I _________________
air and meth proof cases. This col GO WHERE THE CROWD GOES
lection is principally for purposes of restu r-sTO -
study. Not one out of every hundred
persons who visit the museum know of Printed lectures for all depart-
its existence. It is stored away in a mento of the University. Type-
corner of the attic. Only the special- writing and Mimeographing. "
ists make use of the specimens it con- EDWARDS BROS.
tains. Ino any cases a large umber (over Sheeban's) State Stree
of skimos of this same kimod of bird are
saved. In each case note is made of Redmond Kerr & Co REMODELED, REFITTED, EVERYTHING NEW,
the locality where the bird was shot + BRUNSWICK BALKE COLLANDER TABLES,
and the season of the year. These are BANKERS EQUIPPED WITH THE VERY LATEST and UP-TO-DATE MATERIAL
imsportat facts in studying the color- 41 Wall Street, New York KNOWN TO THE BILLIARD UNIVERSE, and the
iogs of this wings and feathers. -OiNLY G1ENIJIUI E
The C tire collection iclassified and Transact r genr nisg business. MOLC GESUIOE
order it u ~ Rceive deposits subject ton draft. Dividends
a1rrng d in scientific order. It is pps - R an s c l~ a OI
arrangod inscientificand interest coilected ami d remitted. Act as M N R H C S I N
sible by looking at the index to deter- Fiscal Agents for and negotiate the issue of
miete xcsac nrilroads, street railways, gun companies, etc. IN TiHE1B CIT
mine the exact place any particular Securities bought atd sld on commison.
bird will be found and to go directly to Members New York Exchange. DO N OT BE DECEIVED
the tray. Protected as the skins are
from moths and moisture they wvill last aEAL IN You WILi MEET ALL THE PLAYERS OF THE GENTLTMIAN's GA0E HERE.
for years and be of service to many a HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. EID AN SUCCESsOES OUTH
naturalist. An effort is being made to List of current ofierien ao pptlicuon TOTATE
that are native to Michigan. GAA ,K R O
Another feature of the museum that RIDE A SCENT SANITARY PLUMBING
is receiving attention these days is the BjJm , F SCH UH ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPLES,
shell collection. This has been ar- EL STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING,
ranged in a room to be known as the M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, 207 E. Washington Street. ARTISSOCTGAO AND E AECTRIC FIXTUsES'
shell room. This is the first time that 119 W. Washington St. HIGH GRADE MANTELS AND ORATES.
the shells belonging to the University
have heeno completely classified and ar-
ronged for exhibition. THEiIZ N T T I'T1I'N
ThsPhli ppine exhibit has been in- Tjj 5E NETTET
creased by a very excellent model of $ MI
a Philippine house, which was sent & $6 SHOES ThE JHIOEMAN
Manila. Mr. Sherman was formerly 218 S. MAIN ST.
an instructor in chemistry at Michigan