Vo_ fXt ANN ARiBORII 1CI1., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1900, No. 62
Announcement y I HALF MILLION A YEAR TO RUN UNIVERSITY Great Musical Orgnization.
V Our specils uteSALARY 1LIT1IS$35,OO- RIIIPIS FROM 1SIUDIN'S F[S I1 $185,00-RE- Inne cmes here vith his I'ad i
seil(IPIS FROM QUARILR MILL TAX IS $8,000- Thursday evening, De. 1. Manyin
of foreign and - ______oresing stories can be o ialeabt tiss
domestic fabrics The reoert of the treasurer of the Unversty for the year ending Juno neow fatous band mass<r When he
30, 1900, has just been made public. It shows that the net riecepts of the wr. . a.td i England he used to follow
For the Fall and Winter of 900 has Institution were $55012.20. Of this amout $281583.43 came from the one- the gorgeously uniformed cavalry baud
frquarter mill aax and the accumulations of tax; $12000 was special sppropria- knwns as +titerotf Her Majestys Fist
arrived and is arranged fornspc- tians and $28,653.29 was interet on University monies. The ne student fees Life Guards unid It semed ,to 'his
tiot. 'The same careful attention for the year amoussted ,to $185,50.31; earings fromu University hospital yotug mind that thle soldier with the
$09y.31; rout Oisurpahic iHosta, $0,28.32; rout denta operinotro onewas the lis i cd front of
sgives to the styles and finish of rsstss, $,215.t ; etrniugs fronm engiteering shots. $510.75.it otrcytnste I rdus'f
esvry sit, whether to be usaed for Tits disburseieto e arentrts f,8587, 'ithmoe1io ,heai t t'eileti mass of «ads given out
ets oereDali toe ,2r $12 t,tstri); f'ei , $75t50; 'books for gnera librry, syiit trotas itttt to Hle indced
?usiness purposes or for full tressI $101, rSt epirs, $0,00t86; lightst,:1,242.58; ptoossae, $22456; artresian Illfalsr o buytty:. a trotmbtone and
stoes j ~~~~wel, $5,00t111t,;aterisig nd cm i rtug, $,tt6.0; inuruance, $,079.5. t'wslnieta o i ta t
'letit rs-ott'f itt'Universityiths tottt ftnd blaoes rto the aatosto ents'oity011.2 1r tt 5
G IH. WILDJ O , $b31,8(8ttu3. T'lit tgtsrtssis a antfnedfoIs that fort'iatessplof s. sot's iits 4ott an i'it tlattos. was
(tR 1 rtp, whithinltcash, lans anstireales-stte, amounts ts5$132,3087 mte ony for toe .a:ry effect.
tob 8 Wshingto St. 'lT-ere lre nctte' oter fttsiwhicis toci~ar to over 1000 each. They sre ittesoit i plstuigrac
__________.__Washington ______St. __ ]t'lit the tboty-stsp fnd,$27his, pe:liersri-Mseentiracy fmsi oflt
Seth11arrsn sll laish~p fnd,$271656 te Nrd-essr lbray fndof hatfact, tbewvon ed at 17 he was
$24,807.90f; lt'Wiliamsnrotfss shiiofuns, $15,749.57; the Goy'l cotec tiost istsef tl ii'rt lfromloosist it the
E S ftnt, $1.84145t; thoitt anoss's jrofeso rsiti fund, $10,000; tie Morcsitsd fter Maestys Firt Life'
BATHEM W LS atttttntfuntd,$2,2.83; thet.94 schoaripticsu, $1378.54 t sitheh a tow l cd ha nona h
library fud, $1,25379; tts'music ialtftusd, $1,253.03. =t te ttost o aotiEtt uowt as. h
AT -_=__-_.__ _ ..- - -----.---------- Twot xers aftet'Pt (Gimo-
ALL New Hospital lormaily Opned. Oren M. Carter to Lecture ea "Pm ro itgit'Iits to America h was known
PRICESs-sb'th ismosttimarvelous rosrdosoist of
FOR~ mart' ecton Laws." iso e~ae. rivaiing on hi unwitety istr-
YORRO RTEGM Tsegttausd formtal 'strring oft h;iso isnust 'tt te x-t ont ist of'rho wet-d
YOR OM R H GM sools te ospital 1stotelsirateS by Idtits'i )ra-st i rof Glisitcassksill 5and giigt tro setns
twoofuios'ysteda,"orth irtter ta ts vst11 ' ststiitsto Co t ontesof hch ' wsvs r togh
oin se ito. stoeasof htlst ssttie stswugt ;ttai ts-srttt'ii s-tticestlet'ret isr', 'he ge sttrmbontle int
Wjime' ts ittmltyttits tO iottheepub li s otnp t tne t (.55 'sss'mt its- IS11. ltisty .si tta, worke 'st ando ic until nt ie Ihoas
butiitng. thiret et' ifficult soperat-Di's'.9. tt tiptat okot efefmed Gil
326 S. State Street tmssswere petforusie befoer- sisrge ,tisCre st tateis ttttts ttte tt xettdi.lei isls
n umber ofssf ttteoi hysit ss urgeo , trto, . t hsur m anitioa ,an d etee t . 'cx eis a ireleO'ss
slit itte of ittttsots d sotros. Tf leti'-tws rcptssttiots s aitt.t'e extoitioe.sf 0te'.it hs et' a
EW G PPSCGR attd TO-its chasge of P'scf. fCiasssiisu S. Shtsyess. tt'ti'tttrs's'sictIattrst to rotaortril Ish istt-ti taidtst f62 payr, trho lrg
NEW BACO-even he storeIM. 1. Srissrits of ots' otsetots-. 110Hslii dl.sct bisdittiiiateing, st. has as his
itself is now. We have remodeled te Toeseonisft ie exret5- es's14s-hslti ansd itiout. later ttasnee trosgit'grand opra
p1-te and invite all our friends to call last(evenitg in the sralt 'aswel Att Aible students- tof joiltat isence vv-its rage of l,
and inspect what we litte. Tosu cast gei Sat, a the Wossans Gysossosissno.lote ong se' tractes tmanty sof 'iso______
hseat our LUNCHES. Thiss atge is-stirs- roomsws toeli filed s'sis of outr Iouslar electionststo sst'tl- -lir n ol I tnnet
It. E. Jolly, 308 . State Street.sit c iighsly appeethivtesu itc siouts ote its vs-sgssits ctntsstingour isets dandPoo______ ent
-- - - -. -- - ~ ~ and th too lit suse 'wrevescratilesd iprimcaries. itotbl' o1cn
it r ESreeiveti heaf ppla- . Itinas remsaind-i t or i sn iles-Judges
iDQ - fter t st's 'in's pr gs'an5 ot5ss'arteir, st-o 'liss caeitl teitsi-mito the seaongtetoat es-y
A ocso-Istolc 1t nt s costtsssoisth itllsc ttilshle e'itreiia'I in lisis stutly- tltrilsros til itn
11,IIN )EMI9AiND c drtewv to de gymasslmm proper b-ose of tlistsquestiosn, o poissi out a iting owek. The -ttstsopl n toall but
ONCE MORlE ,f swen-an informalS receptioss seas given ,suste !fetos se present siethodsis.a ti'efotrei'Saturday- rnqorderto rbg
by 'bitselidles of ie 'S os- issitisis-fsr- oststimtesth lat sill Itssstg sloss i lessc o str Stra'in re l
E slty ts tis ae ttsti'o.f tlis nt- -s-sist, stt''tSttfttsttiiion, eligil tote 55r he gaps.-I ovilbe
T R stini and rins otf 'tei pil5tt'sit. Itt ista jitics-f 6ic. '' - osnilli- madeiseticsss and dptienst cnoeat
O AND R The opera iousee oretests frisoton ssssisiIssseo iss ioos andss utaged ltrgly thi --nie aca.s
musc fr cankng.Theafairs- asiepeIts liacttaliolietos inViascountysassetv s r
Q torughy njoedby llwhottI ntci tfy o tistceago mst-vslo oots :Fisthetsdiferesstcclisses sill com
G.ents fr si highly istes-tssg ant!oiiistttct is's'pis's",iand 't'ltroeholding hieht
( Aa AR tI a______ lcuestres sill quketfo fr the deparmnt
'flo Te sisg isstsioss fr ii tsaute cittesisansuernefto m each delpart-
SLSADWitney Scores Chicag. st seepsscla s'-i'i' Ittsett atill qalify- for 'iste hanpin
S Gh9AND Gstiassi It eplaced-tst wt hf l o ti t ' ss.Noihandicppng sllSbemade
Uuxl t es're l:sea t.orVlitr Whitney-. ts-eIwa-l-tsotsu tss c bsassunaestisoli itl games, whlen handicaps
Gu~uxTHF Tnatofottaisclcritic, has eti tkn asaioftet cic Warst' btanedat ASlot"sI'sy .- silttot' tuouneed according o the
it ssign bot Chicgo and Wiacosslneit t'pymetoif asniadslir lt giut' rI'5. irswasick Balke oiede 'a' t. Stk
for violating the spirit if t t aS'Stlie- - I tallandicapping System.
ut ili::u&:itl :n:il 4 rules th psseamo. Excellent Faculty Coicer. '~Theibilliardgnes ill conit o100
THY HV Iecnsura the former sverely for rn5ssus. siis- those of p will b
al. wig twood to plo. Ieevte a- ' is aby isecmst 5u os tul ct-tce-ret utatsi si50 pl.
vss tlvtisi tee olr idt sodle- testes-n f 'listar as o'givenlis a' ilgis t t. ls-Alrady' oeper -otn sivergi-
univ sl St s !oildndd cline ,'to schdltSril folof SMusic. 'Teatitenudance lt srd anitsthe prosetsare that the
DR. C. C. 1' U BERS Ohsess unt'il he spnor hon a wi- 'each e it hasiaeearapidly itue pas-ontet ill bring out sie expert play-
linso to pay 'fai. That her team lg, lats the aiece (thai li~teIedlto es, an lii games will b very inter-
eates-ly beaten'thi. es~sosap-trsumakably'larg. edtthwiners of the class and d-
C enlsutvejusic."Te firs. Inumber oet lt -issorttss teasrs tnentsrtes an- ...e championhi
C BOOK Tiseviolsciton of rsitrule iti playlg ua.triso, rendose byMssMarin;sAM. prize. lbough i t has aot !ben fully de-
tashot by the r'epreseatives of the'das of skillful tcnique, bot laSiled t The registration tetess ns ope till"
OF "big ine"atheir rerent reeting. Iwin the applause of he exqi stesi- 'Saurd-ay -evening cofsisteek, and
I)F .Witiny also criticises ble Univteroystsiten elich foiowed, prizes include such stakes es Dtroit
of Wisonsin but in less vgorus: Mr. Howlanods Erkocuig wsa per- Journal tlake, Brunswick Bake o-
iners. 1He- oieta tot te playing of amsis terite usiber. lit. dee, lenr Co.otske, Shulebug Mfg. Co.
HISTOLOGBY RIiordn, te Badger gatrd, antd ac- oinst tossves seno admirably sited Ii's Stake, lSpsine Stae, ut Stake, Se-
knolegedmeber of 'thi1s season's ie drassati character of Ihe ,song. vena Stake, Simons Stake, Dtroit
SIAl-\Vo-ern (111111,snogsadUltatet In :sir. Hlowland give tere oter ise1c- Cigar Mfg. Co. Stake, J. C. Sllivtan
S A (ood Supply 198. studtlists yett los- almaust nser tis, all of whiichs n-re sung awith & Soo t Sake, J.1.T. Woodhose & C.
di'hongg in wantfa goad gusrd he s'e- 't'iasnetorisi i frct. Stake, Chicago American Stae. Do-
l 1trans to 'sply er seedis, osd to flag- The Itomunies its ( and IC for violin btot Free Press shlak, Cininati Ent
atostaptly vlo to Ilse spMirtt=elf colgecn ,, echarming Its Iheir ssveeincss, and quirer Stoke andethos's
opet'." ;roursed Ithe applautse aehlch Mr. Storm Qr. J. N..Martin returned f noon New
alwai5ys receives. ' YBk Ciity Wednesday ;meti-st-n. The
IA A"Th.e Germs-inb Contnibutions to Chrl,.- 1TueSons-to, by Mr. Tsokwood, which doctor spent his vacation in the'hoep-
W A H S ~tiansty" swill be the subject of the next closed the program, was (a wonderful Istas there investigating sfome new
Suniitomday7noon lecture at the Unitarian extlt r f skillful technique sue] fine mrethbodlseof'tratmesst of the diseases f