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December 07, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-07

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+.I t s ~1. ~ g I -President Harrison Will Explain RAIN OR SliINE
. 1 , " >i HisOpposition to the Porto Rico
Published Daily (H aiays excepted) during to-' Bil wearW~l$ when h e thier is ocer
Cottee ne'ar, t ifx-Presideut Hiarrisocn anounce fain. A little rain does n't hiatt it
THE UINIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN hat in itis address here he will explsain whit -t affords plenty of comfort on
l~iaxa 0 'inca EaaaCH Dc tea opplositiona to te Perto. Rico :billatewreto a
Both 'Ph~aon 3. tate Steenet. t5.t u it the iegisiittion was pendinrgBuofcrsweavlihSos
Beh Piist13 Stn Sat'Pa ef12.orse congress last year Mfr. Harrison f o f courldase wed havyi shoeso
;aovcout at brief inteiview to tite efrbrftdaianeevysoeto
MANAGING EDITOR. chat he regarded--the iegisiation as strany days if you prefer.
0H ItNs, ;rave departure front right principiet. GLASS'St N C SHO QTOI[.E
BUSINESS MANAGER, ' St wilt tn doubt stte fuily tilt viewsf
F'. ENGCLHARD, '08 L atnd~ his rea'sons for that topposition. 1 O9So. Main Street..
EDITORS: open evenings untl N ROMC
ATHa~LETICS, - G. D. HUDnane, 'at E Dr. Sprague's Lectures. 8p ~ ANRON~
A.H.MCDOUGALL.'OiE W.~A. KNtns, '51 L Dr. 10. Al. W: 'Sprague Hof Harvard II
Miss ___ L,. 1.AIE'3 C. DioRAK'o1 Unv t bea Bi uetue Bo B LuE
n. H. woonaow,'oa w. P. Cuasay, '01 L dents in the Higher Coinnerciai-
-- jeo 14 i "The Territoriai Division of Or-c are airy nothings and so are mnany
('1111 Glil," indtl tt itu of the coot-s cr a
is to cotisid-r tlie curious 'forces rwibieti advertised bargaints. Whatever we
__--- -_=detertitine, or atI lertst itduene, mtue '>_ . offer you, you canl depend upon as ao
Mbiehignt ihis tatways tbeti strotg in c~ ~iisi of iffidet types of rtn( fatf.
tier ds-iialnt leatits. Tu itoconi iiioitg tiese forces witi tic discurssed " .y We Shoal you tihe swellest line of
"Cso"t ltdcieotttps-rr~i ctfoptiieai racial, hiiotoricttt anid I10' toady' made cloihiltg in tie city made
ilict fill tro lit cetai le~tillliby lie best tailors at popular prices.
cost ithr Pc'iin-oyls 1ab le'. Bi'- toes, selri as tetptottisit, 01111 thi
twcen 1a(0 indl 2001 etitri e ave 'isren iiirlbitt'y of capibl an td latbor. Te 7Ty
tiade ity tuei whtiw alant to be es of iltvE Siigttion wilt he griterat in Char- SUITS - $7.,50 to $620.00
#rh thee leiber of4bcl'elns ititi, lat Coninled Ito the ittitird
tiStle lriti' f'ii olly0late.o OVEtC()ATS$8.00 to $25.00
te-atot. 'f~This d'ouse~ Wil Continuttl llil tir
tii s oils t record: t'ir Miitligal.i-id of tilt's seMester. Dr. Sprttgur witil_
Never, in liter tote'oy, htlill ha ll le ~.tetllte Mosnodays, Wednesdity, anld S1A L¢ .. ~ .Mi
re ortlti taifs.Texii ridea~s at 11, in RIomI 11, l alppriv s 21S.M i St
ewilt -th. lillea iriset lire siti i- o
tng iiit'iks Wili fir the tltlolrinet of lrl & islaoe il eoe.t .C W UQ RTH Ann Arbor.
'il whtare interesti'd. "
o1011ory wicht hasi ito tred anil bilt ______
Il1: 1 tis elltlll-iiu l ilitoit-, a1n1 for Rpairitg t HALT1 R'S JbtisV Y
tlte "i lit whto oixi r ec iste ttALhOt~ll' ,l~t~i FJj.f
nti ,111 and" aaii liii ri't'jittll itatittll' 511'.~ IH ENS T EATR
utdrtoir f he> ilopoltu V 1 IN 1 MONDAY. DFCEMBE1 10
Oui't 'rd it itlli'nt'iti 11 Ii ilittitis jj N 3
alh illy t it , ill Mi Oif tvictiries. an -~ j5IIi F~amou.s
- li ti t e 't t l ifnoit fa liif h iri u
Svcvienror~ tl BANDi~f'iei' W. 0. EDMUNDS
Engineers 1 Detroit.(RIENT"AL-AIVIERIC AN~ eno SENSATION
treeing ibissi IrfN tis Iliiig fir Di- SCEtee fr'oml OjandC Opera ' si 10
-irol, wilt'; thy witllt a tos toil thii Opr P,.i c Y5 c z:.an i0
boriit. Micplantfthte Dilt s itoctilt fo rnri
wortl '. file ic lt tiellt tie I A. fouui
tlhesis Wxortk bys Atrssws. Aiete 01111 ___ ___ SE <w 01-
tShawilli. T Mr. t. i . ibenlt i - fiti ' COUR SE_ -- -- 3,5V
Ar tipi, L. Stitiw. (1. i trin, -L D.
Anuit'rst, A. M.Kci~eugiit.'. F.. Zea- Printed tlecturta for all deptart-,
taint . (. Li uitntt W. C 1'.iirtlttir- ments of tteiL itsiiy' Type- J e .II hpa .L br ii rtn n ieaahn'
A. Eii. lfllitn Fit- 'teot wxill 'titot- ;tt wrinadMntoahu
Ib~' 1111riidihtl - i tEDWARPSt BROS.
Hobart Gutild Lscture Course. RD EN ..
Ti- sotoen5 couei of letres given M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM,
untder ethe auspiceeo et ito tbat Guild 19 W oWahington St.
ot liii University h ave beetn. !begun. p t y
Tese c iell res are providedotafr by the Redmond, Kerr & Co,
Baldwvin - iditavntent fundl ttd thetc
ore tlilt- ye i-r ceons I of seven led- BANKERS
tuiv. es 41 Wall Street, New York
Th~e enli;irse course is 'being deliveredt
ha y R~ES. Obtancey Bone Brewvster, Transact a tenet-ti banking ha-ineas. R DAND Sit gili . UT
D. Di. Bishop of Cooneadheut. He baa Rteceive: diepoit oiilettodtaft. ividends R E6ID A DO T
tois' e wt uaeti,"tpect of an interest colected and remitted Act ask~I TAT
Fiscat Agents foe and negotiate ihe tsace of T T
Heveltition. One leture of the Cours cailtroais, street railways, a comtpanitrc. O LD - ~~e' }73%,I..I.. taL, 3ST E T
Seuritira bought ai-d sotd ott comns's ion. Yf
bars already been given. 'tte dates of i-he Membesa New Yorh Exchange,
tthers folio-wing
Dee. 7-"A Itevelatioln in Mnt." x)EAL IN 1, Fe SC SANITARY PLUMBING
Dec. 9, 1030-"A H vealiliotait Re- HIGH-GRADE INV[STM[NT S[CURITIES. E~~*I~l~ LECTniRICt.l a aaNTRCTN AND SP rIta
veal'I' 'Lost oh current notrrinen ---- cn a.petiton, 'WUEWUU9 N IO Co WArEII IBrA-TIo
Dc,. 9, 7:30-"A R et. latio aof Per- PHILADELPHIA COhtRESPONDENTS. 207 E.,- Wahington Street. .5itrIssac GAS AND 'LITRICa~ FIt(vTtts,

Dee. 14-lA Progrrea~sive Itevetationo."
Dec. It, ,10:30-"The Revelation. Csn-
amtntated:. God in Cloriot." TH EB NETTLETON Deco50 W A :0"TeRvlat~H R
Oisedt Charist R-eveaIled." ,
Rtoyal Tigers, 10c; Tigerettos, 5e. f ae- - ".-- M . - . : : :


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