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he Ex-President Scathingly Denounc-
es Policy of Administration in
Lecture Last Evening
Ex-President Benjamin Harrison
everely arraigned the Poto Rican
olicy of the administration last even-
ng in his lecture at University Hall.
resident Angell was the presiding
fficer, being called to that position by
harles Van Keuren, president of the
. L. A.
He said it part:
"We have done something out of the
ine of our past history. Heretofore
e have annexed contiguous or very
fear territory. We Save now acquired
nsular territory unsuitable for Ameri-
aan settlers, even if they were not
opulated as they are.
"We have taken on peoples rather
than lands. The native labor is cheap
nd threatens competition. We have
aid that the Chinese will not amalga-
nate and the Filipino will be very slow
at least.
"These islands have been taken over,
not for a temporary purpose as we
have taken Cuba, but to have and to
hold forever. Indeed, we have not yet
made up our minds what we will do
with them, and only claim now that
they are part of the United States and
their people must obey our authority.
"It is urged that Spain was not in
possession when she sold the Philip-
pines. But this is not proved. There
is no doubt that any international
tribunal would affirm our title to the
"The question which troubles us is
their status. Are they citizens or sub-
jects? Which? A recent newspaper
heading attracted my attention: 'Citi-
zens of Porto Rico, not properly citi-
zens of the United States.' Are they
improper citizens or citizens improp-
erly? There seems to be something
improper about it. (Cheers).
"According to the senate committee
report, which was adopted by thata
body, every general constitutional limi-
tation applies to the territories.
"There are two views to be taken:
"1. That all governmental powers
are delegated by the constitution; that
equal taxation applies to every man
and woman witiln the nation's sov-
"2. That the termts U. S. deine only
those regions and people within the or
ganized states, and that the govern
mnti of the territories is an absolute
government and not constitutional, and
e are under no obhigation to treat a:
citizens those living i the territories
"This idea seems to have found it
birth within a commercial necessity
"ho"slitlaythat when "thisneessi
:rises again that there shall be any
power tsaty what the res"lt shall be
Is this not, to say the least, shoeking
There cn e io excess we tiers i
no power to control.
"Our fathers took seenrity of th
government they organized', althoug
they chose those who should gover
them. The man who must entirely de
pend upon the benevolence of anothe
is a slave. A government of unlimitet
and absolute executive powers is no
an American government. For one
do not believe the makers of our con
stitution ever intended to confer th
power of any such government ove
any one, in the constitution.
"It is not right to say that becaus
of slavery our fathers did not mea
all men. It is a different thing to a
low an existing condition to continu
from creating an entirely different con
dition to meet a commercial necessit
"No man can read that schedule o
rights which the president gave to th
Philippine commission, in an invers
order, without horror.
"Did you ever read one of the treat- COUNCIL OF MICHIGAN MEN
ies made by the United States with an
old world power? On one side they
speak of the "subjects of her majesty," Football Situation to Be I horoughly
and on the other 'the citizens of the Looked Into By Prominent Alumni
United States.' Now if these provis-
ions guaranteed to citizens of the Michigan supporters havt begun to
United States do not apply to citizens realize that there is something want-
of all territory governed by the ing is iher athletics which has resulted
United States it is time for us to in her failure to meet their expecta-
amend these treaties by adding 'and tions in football the past two years.
subjects' after the words 'citizens of Accordingly at the request of certain
the United States.' Chicago alumni the Board of Control
"The constitutional provisions regu- has issued invitations to a conference
lating the crime of treason seem to to be held in Ann Arbor on Dec. 21.
apply to these people. We have never All the old 'varsity captains and 10 or
had any trouble with this question in 12 other leading alumni from Chicago,
our government of the territories be- Milwaukee, Kansas City, Detroit,
fore. What have we been doing? Grand Rapids and New York, who
Have we acquired these territories have shown interest int t igan's ath-
that we might hold them for crown letics besides the pre t captain,
colonies? trainer and coaches, matit a party of
"There was only one door of escape 25 or 30, have been asked to meet in
from the provision for uniformity of conference with the Board of Control
taxation in the constitution, and that to discuss the causes of Michigan's
was to declare that Porto Rico was not weakness in football and to suggest, if
a part of the United States. possible, remedies for strengthening
"It would seem that a region where the team. Mr. H. G. Prettyman has in-
the educational and sanitary and other vited the party to a dinner he gives in
egulations are of interest to the United hn:or of the old 'varsity men who will
States is of itself a portion of the he present.
United States. The result of the conference will be
"The flag cannot stand for the ben- to determine largely what will be the
evolent policies of an administration. makeup of Michigan's football sched-
It must stand for permanency. tile next fall. Awaiting this the nuego-
"Is it not a mockery to raise the flag tiations, which have been carried on
over the people of Porto Rico and bid with all the leading western uiversi-
them respect it, and then issue to them ties for games, are is the air, so that
an absolute power of government from at present thie only game assured for
the staff beneath? the season of 1901 is that with Chicago
These constitutional questions will which the two-year agreement has al-
soon be settled by the supreme court. ready provided. It will be played
If the court shall hold that the consti- either in Detroit or Ann Arbor, accord-
tutional provisions extend to all por- ing as the management t: inks best at
tions of the United States and all por- that time.
tions that are governed by the Unitd Teetzel Says Normal Boys Must Be
States, then we shall conform our legis-
lation and policy to this doctrine, and Modest
be sorry that we have ever held these
people at arms' length in the govern- Those who attend basket ball games
ent we offered them. between men's teams at the Normal
The question of whether government gymsasium will hereafter not be of-
shall take and control hostile people is fended by the sight of bare arms, as
not a constitutional provision, but one the women's department has protested
t of history and coniitions which ex- against such extreme immodesty on
ist. The consent of the governed to the part of masculine athletes, and an
legislative action is entirely a different order for full-length sleeves has been
question. The written constitution pro- issued by Director Teetzel. The ladies
vtides no rule for these questions. The omitted to state just what kind of a
right: to conquer and hold territory is sleeve they would prefer the men to
a different question from the questiou adoPt, aud as thi msjority of thi
of how we shall govern that territory teams and Director Teetzeh himself
when we have acquired it. are somewhat shaky in their knowl-
If Great Britain finds the question of stge of the proper thing in this line,
expansion and territorial growth in- consternation is great lest after the de-
c-rreasingly hard, it will be harder for us hlt in the new fashion it will be found
becausei e as a republic are neces- that a mistake has been made.
sarily federal. Thie old coach with its Anyone walking through the corroi-
s power to stand as well as to move may dors of the Normal or in the gynmia-
'he a safer vehicle for a government sium will hear such expressions as
s than the bicycle. "Yes, on the bias,"""f-owing ends
SI have been making no argument would look pretty," "I'm going to put
against expansion. The recent acqusi- a little ruching on mine," preeding
b tions from Spain may present a ques- from groups of men holding mysteri-
tion of greater loss than of gain. You st scoferences in convenient ecrners.
?vill pardon me if I cannot rejoice be- The next basket ball game is looked
cause of the acquirement of territory forward to with great interest by the
which must be governed by authority co-eds, as they can attend without
e rather than by the provisions of that being shocked by the sight of bare
I grand old constitution. Its conclusion masculine arms and can also indulge
n allow me to suggest this sentiment. in a little gossip on the "set" nd "fit"
God forbid that the day should ever and "style" of the coverings.
come when the thought of man as a
cossumer should absorb that grand old been a canopy of red worked in the
it doctrine that man is a a creation of fraternity emblem in the dining-room.
I God, endowed with inalienable rights." Here refreshments were served to the
- rEx-Pres. Harrison's address of last large concourse of faculty members,
1e night will appear in full In a coming their ladies and other invited guests,
number of the North American Re- to the number of about 100, who had
come to pay their respects to the dis-
e w.] tinguished statesman.
n RECEPTIONThe fore parlor was given up to the
-T N reception proper, and here Pres. An-
e, Directly after the lecture a reception gell, Dean Hutchins, Hudson and
- was tendered Gen. Harrison by his Vaughn aided in welcoming the guests.
y. fraternity, the Phi Delta Theta, at From this room the throng invaded
their chapter house. The ex-president every section of the commodious
if is a guest of the local chapter while house.
.e in the city. The rooms were very The affair was a very pretty func-
ae tastefully decorated for the occasion, tion and reflects great credit on the
an esnelally attractive design havng fraternity.