A TT AT f t'1 T!1 Tl ,f'.c n r e "r. r: r . . . _ . _ _ _
[BER 20, 1900. Nto 73
V Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. "The same careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to he used for
business purposes or for full dress)
rob E. Washington St.
FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, han:d
painted sith voldtrsimmoings
that neer tarnish.
FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toilet Sets
FOR EVERYBODSY: Lowrney's Chsco-
lates it: bultkandt fancy pack-
Wilder's Pbarmacy
AMER. HISTOR[CAL SOCIETY 1 Fsrmer Prof. Abel Injured
Will Meet Here and in Detroit During Prof. A. B. Stevens, wiho iii a room-
the oliay Vca~~li- .- Intr- ter of the couuittee for revisioti of
theHoldayVacttos-A Iner- the Nstionial Pthsruiacopea, received
eat1ing Programme ilas icen lnoic yesterday o t 'citetetts to I-of.
Arranged J. J. Abel ot Baltiumore.
Prof. Abel, wlho is p~rofessor of lar-:
'ile A~i<ist-i-a Historical society will iuacoiog3- in:Julius H-opkinsO Univer-
hlvd its sixteenili aununai iecliug af sity, was wor-kinig with to lidiiiished
Au:n Arbor and 1Dietritoil OtDec. 27, 28 spressure-.appasratus, wihetn a sudi-
and 29. tell tinflx of gasin5itoth ii-elihatlbir
csused ia-ssfficiently heavy pressure
The sessious. oi1111e sec-otnd day of to burst it, andlltihe flyinig frsgtueuts
tile mseetiag are Is o be bold in Ann Ar- struck Dr. Abel in the face.
bor, where thtemieutbers wvill be the He is now -confin:ed ill thelo-itspittii
guests of the Univrrity oif lMichigain, of Julius tHopkins University, aiid
The tneeti:gsofaf the Atnerietas itton- thlere is ev-ery prospect Clthalie will lose
oiiic itucltist lt' tl~o10 l tiDehilosight.
onlic -association arTe als.tt- teD- Teacident is siilar ini maony re-
troll ansi:An:: Art:or. Arroangemients speets toithte otih which Prof. Camp-
have Ibeet:iliade f'or toointt sessions bell lost his sight htere.
11:f0th associtions;;the tirsl t tit'.oit, Prof. Atbel was the predecessor of
when tshletreside-nt s sill reatiirt-t'in- Prof. 5 ttsitty, it: the chair if 'Materiai
tisgursi ::addresses, zinth ie se-cotid at Mcldiv::. in tte I. of M. iait ltefItore
Ann, Aisoar ott Fridtay mornintg, whten for tile ires-nt ipositiontinit Johns Hop-
th:e oubject un:ds-r eonsid:-rs hot:isClO kitty.
bte "Tlie History anid problemis of Col--
oxtittlon"" Minister WuI May Come ,leto
Te ioiotuaila: tftern:ooni sessi s
ott Thtutrsday sod Satutrdaty will be beltS
in thie couveution roomt of the Rtussell A tress dispatcht frott AWash~ington:
hiouse'. WT' Thursday eveintg st-sslon sttet ha tt Miniister Wtu ttlay 1c111e
will tat hlc in tieiii'I-rot'Methotist tier: to naddress tte stuties.
etntrtlt itt Detroit. Tite trittay m:orn:- It tunals outt thatt ti~e Gooti tlovernt
lilE sessioti still.be theldt itart ilCs-
::'II .Angeltitill a:tthe l'rdversity of clt:ttlierit.Tle tot
Bl itt1igan; t:' Fridaty tfterstsooessiou ttos'erttiesit club ihas entlistedl in its tie-
itn the lecture toonti of 'fispati hail, htalf to secture ft:' uotedi Chtin:amatn
X HIGH GRADE CIGARS in tilversity +of Mi1chigan.
Xmas boxes of 12 and up. IX Ont:Saturdaty at 12:30 o'etoek, a sob-
PIPLE RA.CKS and IMAGES "'~ erittit: breakfa~st stiltl bt' given pt te
M, for Student IRooms L Ruttssell 'house. Tietteto lttty lie odb-
A o to::lons in pretty boxes A taie tttel otlofie
A P'IPES and Smoking Articles Ant elaboirate rograit::'has beenn tt-
S jest received for Christ- ra te. .anio:;tt:' promainent seaok-
mass trade. ers illthe: P'rof. G. L. Burr, Cox-
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. nlil unliversity; Prof. Dantt C. Mun:roe,
- --- ----------_________________ Unlverslty of Penntsylvt:nia:; Prof.
QUA R.,y f~isr .. i'tltf~r, Unliversity :of Chi-
versity of Miettigit::; Prof. Georgle IT.
Bales, C::lu:::l: university; Pt-of.
T'ooth Powder Arhu~r C. MelitffeCrt, UinTiolg
teatl.seminuary; P'rof. F. A. Aristle,
Metdlle Iflte :t:gicai schtool; Prof.
I-as all the desirable' qual- Rit-lhtrd T. Ely, tresidenlt ofthtielute:-
ities of the best ietat Ecotiomic tsstriattou ;Prof. Paul
and S. tteitcl, Unive'rsity of Wisconsin;
tar.J. St. Ilolhandtter,tIrcasturer, ::t Potrto
Has none of the harmful ticso; Prof. J. it. Finley, Prineelton
ingredients found in so untiversity; Prof. H.t. NBoutue, Wes-
many. c-it: le-:':::ittiversity; Prot.C.It.
Ilull {Cotateli :universitty' Prof ..G
Is:: -. 'lnvete~r ttt- eub ten sGt
per Bottle. 'IlwitsscetrofteSaeH-
25c So.155 tty of Wlsoteons .B
++++++++++++++++++ Tamies IF. I:des. tBostoun;tWtlbu:r C.
AbbttI - artrn:::th ltcliege; Prof. C. 11.
Swrng, 'lTronto university; Sir J tohnt
,+ Bturintolt, Ottawa;:Prof. AV'. A. Satn-
+ tni:, Ctot::ttbiti untiver'sity; Prof. A. B.
Y-+ h tnt-in'cand:1 ttst:rieal snibjects iii
5o v h' r e disetussed. Sec
Gr0ferPaisearrison's Sec
~~~~~~~Q AFol/~L 0 ~ c:rmer Presidlent (rover Clevelantd
wt-ts askedi ty Associaoted Preses orre-
containing about 75 spon::dt'nt if lie hadtstee''n Mr. Harrison's
' photo= en graviones speech it Asnn Arbtor. Air. Cleveland
3 of College Build- + repiiedl:'t saw as liberal syniopsis of
.0 1 of itth: state of the papers and regard it
.3g loge l aces of 1 as tite best deliveratice yet msde on
interest in Anu Ar- the subject which it discuses. It
bor. Attractive seenas to meiteIhat those who desire to
'sik cloth binding acquaint theselvee with the precise
50C of blue asod sil- stuestion: invo~lved and what territorial
Ter, an exeln whatit threastens our people cannot be
thing to take home afforded a better mteatte'of enlighten-
with you~bristmas, umeit thran ex-PresidesittHarrisosi bas
W A H R ' Net terns: in dsncisng starts week
ncotl opens. Private leseons duringctoatGners
,y int rnes
th~srtos atid t'orgresstnu Smith.
itast n~igtht tthey tetegrtaphted bitm tan in-
vittion to comt~e to Aun: Arbor.
fTeclutb is also negotiating for a::
addiress iby lhark Hattnnatt.
Thts W'tshintgtontidistpatch:is 110 fol-
Wasthingtont, Dec. IS.-The Universi-
ty of lMiciigatt .anar:the:Michilgani club
are btotht tryin:" to secure Wu Thug
Fan~tg, thte Chlinese mtitnister it: Wash-
ittgtoi* to sells-er tan tddress. Th~e
university watntts im to speak itt Uni-
vetrsity itall ont oiy datte tht R sill sttit
his :-o::so:ie::e. tndclthe Michilgatn
elub is desirotus of gettitng himttfur th~e
annllll banqt~tuet,Feel1. 22.
It is an: unctsciousss rivaltry, for te
cltb doiesnttknuowvth~e unti-ersity st-tnts
tot tawtare thatt th~e cltut is after h~im:.
Os-tr ta :month: ago Senattor Busrrots
sastiedh XV::for :aslthdress for _.1t1: tr-
list. Wiz gavse'theis'mp:sresions:thttlite
mtighltacceta tst sight. Ltast nighit
t'ostma~tster Dicerson, untatvare of
wsha:t Atns Arbor htatd donet, :asked So::-
tottr AMc111an ttt see th~e disttguisthet
the s-tub banquet it: Detroit. MecliI-
hla: trill seeAVt'::probaly-tomorrowt.
1:r:m: shat W tadtts stit, it's qusite
likely ihe swillacceptt sonet'or thieothter
of thte itnvitations.
Two of The iston rtonodekrss designed
by Drs. Wurr:. P. Loomard and WaS-
icer B. Pihsbitry of lte Unhversity of
i~ihign hate bleen mnate in the Uni-
versity stzoutss and sent to Gxer:::tity
tvhere they willisoe employ~edl in:sipetial
Rosyal L. Mto-houry, tse iholder of .the
Uniiversity ,of MNichigan fettbship at
th~e Chicago Commus, Masio ntriticd
tai atlele to Wheo o'uveasber nuneher of
the American Journsl of Sodiology on
"Th~e Salnoon it: Cicago."
Begins-Friday Dec. 21 (evening)
Ends-Monday Jan. 7 (evening)
Hutgh White Elected Captain
At a: nmeetinigliid last evening its the
Tropthy iRoomo Htugh White was eleted
cat'atin: f 'text yar's footbal temn.
Th~e only oteripersson rost2;ing vots
steas Cap:st. Neil s.
Wi. ' is a membiter sf the 102 ltw
claiss hai.plaiiyedS tackle fsr three
yea~rs o:: Mihigan:'s 'Varsity, having
wono:: the tpacee as amember of the
fam:ou:s '31 team:. Before that yar he
lath played a sin:gle season oil the 't)
sitass t:tri. On::the W'Vtiah'-ie ihas
stoodith ie test tand iscosieredl t
stetady player and a sure grountd
If Michilgant soes inot ha5- a strog
footbtall train:ext year it will no:t ie
the fault of th~e manaitg: g"lheads.
After thie restult of the ehIel :: for the
captaincy wsts :'nouncvcl 'st night
Director itotsttriek said that itmsdi-
ateiy after the hoitdtays sigialiprctie
stoutil Its-elsgun:. lie tasksedSaillttose
wtio wst's-is'sini~g ttot e out fr rae-
tice esey vedne'ssa- eenitg ts taise
thiel :ir nsNesry all thte'tment: vitt
stilt he batck-nt 'tyeatr tresponded01 5:n:
promtised:StIs:gostos twork. iDirector:
12515:1Sta:ts'dithtt next fallt teexieri-
:1:illt, f eary traiig soutldshii edstc
qutid urtged vc'et-ytsse ts let:::-::to college
so c-i ii as tosils-fotr preiinarsty
Student's Pranak on a Sorrty
Thec studsents of a well kntoswn:frt-
teityvhplyedI a practical joke tupon tin
equatlly proinent sorority.
A m~edical o-ed hapen':s ts Is:
a menmber of this sroity oh. this falt
coupled with: the case sof ,thai pox at
th~e hoshital fursished the basis Of the
What looked to be a pro, *:-y drw-n
top qtuarantine snotice was written: ot.
tt reited th~e fact that tere wsas a
house andsS precations tmust be tahke.
tilt: of th~e sudentts disgieim ~ho-
self atid, rhnging the dr-belt at te
sorority house, served the inotice upos
fthe -olore':d :masid that ssaitsus: te
A hutrriedt cstutation: wats hedh by
t' youn~sg laties and Scosieratle cot-
stern~ationt: sas felt stittefinay
rad thes' ttttraitite" vlas-twhih
fotrbtid sany one of themtileving the
hosuise '"betswee::nidnightt ,and dawnti."
The -younladi thes had been:;jut scos:te
Po ;A' of hhtasming their-slts-i-f-r titg
ttisurt-d th~em:that they n::st nottbe-
lieve everything they read.
Semi-Finals Begn Tonight
This'firt of the sem::-th::t1i sde'ates
still its' held tonight. Ti::'con:ttest leas
natrrosws'd sots-tito tstwelve'mnc, three
fro:::easchi of the fousr litrary scietes
of thte lasw and literary dehartmients.
The debates thies week ail tdetertite
the sdelartmen:t represe':tativss ant
they till then: smeet it: sdebate spts~i
after the hoidaye to chtosse Ithe teanm
that is to rehprset Micigan::it: the de-
Tuiightts debate will beits -'ee: te
Ws'bster ands Jefersutta::siesities; to-
morrowsv tight th~e Alpha N: sebaters
isiettos' frttm: the Adel'phli society.
Bloth: sebates will be hlInotSiR oom:B
of this'laws building. As:admstision feo
of 15 cetts will be charged; miembers
of thse Oratorical asoiatiot: free.
Th~e folowving rt' the reprsetativee
of the respective societies:
Webster-Mess h iIe, soo
Je8offrotatn-Messr. Shuider. An-
Alpha N-Mlessrs. McGee, Thuip-
soti, Trimble.
Adelpii-:l essra. Utltey, Dew';,'Wt-