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December 20, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-20

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r a I ~to Ainn Arbor. In somve departments C cR
" ~ ~ rg!' oof the University men are regularl' z y STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING_
_____ told that they canniot play football or
- baseball and do the work necessary for
P ah lid Paiiy (Montas xstrs)siring grad (ution. These facts go a long way ,iTiN O BE R N A E
Cotlea rea, at n explaining Michigan's weakness us
1 HIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN football. Our athletes should at leastThsmk ofctin s on
MsOria taiiOatrreeive consideatiotns from the fa- Ti aeo ltigsen
Argita Bidg, Meet S. 336,. staie strot. ulty which are sot deemed unwise byN fined] to us in tiis town, and is the
Both 'Phnsi 13. Nea- Stair 'Piao e s .thea faculties of nearly all of our cost- sels alr'cetosfrFl
MANAGING EDITOR, l-ius t'le c't
. H. BANS, '05 I wear.
Aotiher tatu itst vital chsantge times-
BUSINESS MANAGER, naryftoiput 3illtits'sstletics olal ti
-. as a as, 'O L godstbas is ai reform i thieoantstitu. SUitS $5.00 tq 25.00.
EDITORS: tiotn of the Athletic Association. The
ATHLETICS, - tom: P. Bce. a, 'as ilira:ectrs ifOfiteAtiletit-. Asscationl O vercoats' $6 to 3o.
devote almoost their entire Sie andtilei-
A,H. Mce 0I., '05E. W. A.HNKat 55 k rgy fto the prosecution f inter-fratier-
MISS LK. BA INS '3. CHis. uvRAsai nat itiy politistanddlughts -Mealtre iot D N Cl Il
$... woassow, '4 w. P. CoANE.Y, 'at L eliitail othieir merits, lit is the r-M
f.A. B NsCe , '03 E. . HOSTONs, '03 stit of spolitical ideala 1br1g lannsied lits E S H
asiavteca.D iftriit fittertitit's ros-& AP E
tit te flthtletits of the University to ____________________________________________
other. Votis iaeititetly trttedtOtt the ® We have just recieved our fall
at hcsgi oardi, ofitce'slititossti a yasr in .oi- ' and winter stock of
Th tltcstaina.Mcia lcadvtsaeecadfrScalls fr active and energetic reforis. supporsat ini sec-ringgothuera ott the FANCY OVALS,
Thse poor showing that was made by Mis-ligantni'tatttBoarid tr fit thej inor THE NEW SHOE FANCY CIRCLES,
the 'Varsity this fall is due to a-num- Hap-miteessia-. lIncomspi'etet siels FOR WOMEN ORNAMENTAL FRAfIES
her of causes, and these we mean to are freisuentfly eliite'i to itlit' tututhle
brng before the student body in a way Board has because t drsig poss the Being scientifically constructed are AND
that will aid its solving the quietion teams rather than a mans f assist- always comfortable and never PICTURE MOULDINGS
that is up for sa heaitig. IVhatf is once. Its principal busiess seemis to tire the feet,feeydsrpto-oei n
sroing with our syttem? Mainy objet- lefto find offices for its mstilem-erstnd o eerdscipio-Cmeinan
tionss tight be raisedsin itssistant. to applrariatfe from the ftundss of the see them,
Bittofithfosse whso have studileid the situ- Assuiciatioin mstosey to take ft'IBoard l~ O - ilr
afiass and can see whoeedsssger lurks, ass tripo so the big ames. Thess' r II1 1 FH. .Nlii
getobstacles seemtsto hrsentfshsould be re-dlsceidftost least on-ahrd 2ler, MainSTOREI
fhettselvcs as blocks to ft' wheels o of itsf present size and thse machinery21S4tAV. AN ARO
success in tsihleics. The Daiyylis fr trssasctinig the busintess of fle Ath-
wsatchsed with care the frend of eveits idlec Associafiont should be greatly
satu ftelsiaafe itsthe hpasition ifttkes simiiled. Tre Boarsh oulbesore
todaty, stnd iclievi's fthst the stutdet reprs'utative of the teams anssi sore
bodly will joist i itsnsi cruasd sgaistaffaices saouli hr filed by active ath-
ft' evils f our preoit systems. leic. -'bove sll, si more healthy and
Int odier thsat athletics st theli uver- utnselfishi spirit shoutldl bs enouraged,
sity ma ttsisfaits to the highest stantd- andt the honor of the potsitioti be the
arsd sit a esa it asks: only reward fr a lositin on the
Baard. The present cumbrous and
1. Thsst Keense Fitzpatrick le complex coittitution of the Associa-
msade chief f a staff ot coaches, tios, which nro one now fully under-
stnd that le catinue' as such stanids should e cdna away with, and Daniel an harles fohoan's
fram year ta year. a simiplei'thod for the transactions of
II. Thast the tFaculty suppoirt ath- biusiess of fie Associatioss should be
irticos -ndt hat, if if canniuot en- sidopeid. The pesole wtho furishs their
courssge slshtes it should tot ) mtoney to suphort the teanis want Big Prdution -
discoturage ftsemt or prohibit busiies-oit redl tapie andu politics.
them trait tryig for our teams. IV std V.
III. Tisst the Athletic tBoard Owig to lack of space these divis-
interests by carryitig oa an ii- issue.
ter-fraternity squabble, about
caress isthig and waints to auisasumbly fr this evening the same
knuosw less.cashiSaturdasy eveuing assmbies. Also
IV. Thast caiptin~s iof 'varsity thaass emotibies still tameslhoace eels
tamssbit'giventimssre hpowrl. S dayO-itieve'nsiniit-(iir-ig- svaationt suit
V. ha cas fotbllgaesbe si NiewrCe-nturty Ball Monday eveninig,
V.olThdxepsfot i teifreshI-('e. 31. All assuseis i'0Ae let couiple.
man yeasr.-t3--- AOACOeAACAOA Q~opoA govol
TeDiyin ''ii~tsty issiue Lectures A HARD COMBINATION T0 BPAT
lanched isthis colsissnsft-its-wr Printed 0,etures for ohll tepart-cocigshm rnthqut cur metofheU vriy.Tp-estBakCladrTbewthL-
woithihichstesestudlit' iodyicoosiccord rtinand im"ha rsrrreuyBiType-s On BumnswiknBaln.etotheanersbeswtht
the inovation, pros-es ifs svorth. The B l
planish boths fesibhle itdohvsot, inidlas ED WA PS BROS. Oyst rs s, resh from the Beds os shell or as you ilts
time goe nu- u t tanr' considratiion ItlOvrs Ohcls)aStareatre ''' .e hm
is givaen ft thus aslstter, issuri' ansudusmsra-l - ~ n
dotheasrenigthound adlvantages of such R dn Qd~K rLnGoes That eannotbe excelled.
1. BANKERS Cigars To suit all tates and prses.
Jut ft' secondcipace, it is a laument- 3 41 WahI Street, New Yorkj,
able fet tha hiefsle the authlorities of -TobIVaccos All styles and mixtures,
str ri -inhstitutiouss cheerfully ancour- 'riassc eerbasrinig business.
eceiva depsits sshhrt to daft. Diidnsis
sge their teamss our authoriies hasve asditerrst clecthetanstd remitted. Act aso C ga et e romy Cairoe, Constantinople, Lodon, and rom
iof deemied it swise' to cultis-ate ft' Fisca Agents oe ssd negtiate the issuirelfEgyp, Turkey, England and U S. A.
athieti spiit.Thi criicino des sotrairoas, stret risays, gas csmpanis, e
athlticspiit.Thi criicim 429 et euritis boght aud said an commis ha. A pleasant time with your friends at the Oan ELBE, where eversthing
apply to individuals but to the fatulty Mmbers New Ysrk Exchasge. is new excet the name,
as a whole. Very fesvmen oeile flue I
"'Michigan faculty tIaloe ass atire iter- DEAL INO
est in the success oi the football team. HIG-GRAD[ INVESTMENT SECURITIES. E I DAND ~SUCCESSORS
Eveus the Boardl ot i ntrol, whicthsprec List ofcsurent t srrri .,5 ropp tisue,O T
tically sapse- sa'ethletic policy of the PRILADELPRuA CORRESPONDEN5TS, To TATE
It sas toihe men, you shall not do 3 1 TR E
ve mu urls a thing, but renders \ RIDE A StTEN S H S NTA YP UM IG
-ry litle active assistancee is helping gCCWEECRCCOSRUTO ADS3PI
iestatm to success. At other instito- M BIELES CYCLE MPURIUMI TECT Az D C ONTWT REANSTIE,
is we see the athletic teams receiv- M TELRSCCEEP r2M, E. Washington Street. AsTussc GAS AND EEaCTC FIXTURES.
ilewsthn usattiecraemeatd I 119 W. Washington S. 1207GHlOBRADE MANTELS AND RATES,
whge stousachtie eoraent _ ,,-______ _-_,,,,r_______________

rather than encouraged. N iciarEXHNEAro" lMate hsGenerators students e roms, rtr o veytig ntelneo unihnsr
team has ever been banqueted by any GASOLINE LAMPS LAMPS,-4 OIL CANS, PHOTO RACKS, HAES
othfautaisotndnatBeing in y osr old ones andS let us make you WASTE PAPER BASKETS, CUSPIDORS.
Chicago, Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwest- an offer.OuPrc'YoWilAwyFndteLes.
ern, etc. Michigan teams are not ac- The Superior M'f'g. Co., OrPie o ilAwy idteLws.
Hteadlquarters; fer Shade, Mantles andHA '
ulty, as was 0. 5. U. when they came Chimsneys, 215 SOUTH MAIN STREET. NEW STATE 'PHON1E 462'.

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