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December 20, 1900 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-20

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's:'s:3E:3e ' :c r .rsare: :s77s: r i- ' - : : ;

OPEN Twety-four inch, steel frame
* K EVENINGS top and bottom, good locks
TILL and catches, corners reinforced
w f' 117 TMAIN STS
Michigan Central DON'T BUY SUIT CAS [Alarm ilocks $1M
NIAGAR FALLSROUTEUntil you see the special 24 inch ase we offer until
NAAAFLSRUEThanksgiving a at h I0Sciat y $ .00 Fins
CHICAGO All~~91 Leather, Steel Frame, 3 Hinges, Brass Lock T~Gads ieo
C IA Oand Bolts, Trish Linen Lined. ThQradsLn fT.
NEW YORK Mf\1Ch & OPARFXNY you ever saw in our store
AND BOSTON Headquarters for Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Suit Cases, E+tc. Wi, Arnold, Jeweler
222 - 224 SO. Main St. Basement Dept._______ ____
Loris, Kansas Cire, t. Parot and the westT,
Eon inormationsort through tcetscar on Campus Chimes At to rmeetiug of tte senior engiteers 1
or write to l. w. HAS, Agnt urn.AAhbr tett yesterday afterrnoont at 4 o'clockNE
A AR.BO * Campus Ch tries," a collectionsof it was ndecided that the class tae a IIY
M r~J ~4 I- II ~ j ross by 1t. a. ik, '03hsus rt beers grooup orrd also irdividual phlotograpdhs STUDE NTS
isned byth ie Iulntod 1Press. It consists takrt. Tie atter wilt be grouped ad/ ®hn ntewlso h l ssr d
RAI I....ROAD o sorrowtiree score verses, tie ma-i ttgotts at ftecasoro A~NTHE GLDON CESsALSO,.
soa of thichowost previosy print folowng toe custorm of the htw and We are eter prepared than ees
TIME TABLE gattettirtt.Tie iot notatle are a mattd- e othetoaltpotographter. 10 give the best of carriage service
Taking Effet, Sunday, SMay 5, 1899. numbettrftitottsts whichnretutor'ubrttted-t- having added two rubber tired
Trains leose Ann Abor hy Cnntral Stand. y thte' brst trootrrciors ithios line pro- NOTICE coaches to our stock.
5rd Tisoc. oreetry Urniverity sturdentso itorecent Threewill be os tmeetitng of tieAlihi-
-SOUTH - NOETH yettrs. "AToasot to Michigan," which ft'ttesittttbottrt odtay at rotIIino tolmres Livery
wa.5-15s.5. s 80A 5 sr-atoo iniotoiolast yeor's' icrigrotes- Itlottl ), U. H.
No. 6.-tI7:25 . I E. 1~-8150tA. n. soois onttistll n d rwill 5. . L ADD, Mott. Ed. 'PHONE 106, 515 E. LIBERTY ST.
No. 4-3:35 P . Na.6. 5 Pm. e- bIg s tn is to etinesert-tn---t-it-_
Lirn. The 'gontg of the Ale Htouse"1' inote lessors ito odanctng ill be
Es hernen Ann Arbor ad Tledo only. ad rothIt-otonToter tsereto roof toes o yM.otitAr.Intoe tnnn
All tratns d tiy exceptO Sunday. - itt i. trtre a tior.
WT PLS Aet i!h t .R ii A 5). treshmatooln, irg Your tPither"
andr Tie Mars With tire Gift" are ItIglohtrade Olgars, Tobaccos, gar-,
~~ otto v~sirg triiinrtes to tie IUrresity and ttotoXra uttn ISY
VALLE RY.ts greatntess They are excelent or-I
positionsranooreteth piot' stichst-blob O'lti(IDi)By ristatke-, orgraiy
The Railroad that takes the isthighet antd test itoourrrAlma Alattter. rrImasnhrtost t oJiseys Billiardrhlliolt
B snsTheadOu tt'etrbook is excettionlly teat typto- Aoudotay right.Willte ipleasedlto n--14
of Michigan. grphliclly. It istboornd int fexiboexntitg' trrtn~G itt ohI
ofMihianrourose-ok lroeather tandl is sell clone. iRosyss.
SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS LTiltetiioveroge is desigrned by Mille, V
4. DAILY BETWEEN 4 teirogatortplroptrtriat'views of tire h-i Waerman or Laughlin Fountin 1 'in.:,
TOLEDO, COLUflBUS ibrr tossen, shoswirg theim estroc. Thetents..$1 each, at Schaller's Bookstore. n T E S lm ae n ftecocs n
mortst dein'rabletouvstnorirs, of tie Uriver- Holidays now at ,nand. Don't dla
W. H. Fisher, 0.,XW. Landman, osytisret oYri' t i'Ito u yrrrphoto sittings. iANDALL. AN EY OENR.
G.PA. G.Trav.Agt. s -etise.-___slt h ok l gs twlloe oreysa ote ad iu
Clolumhbs, Oho. Derit. Mtch. stres o'tr50 cents. a10oiltyoupe ornvsi t teca dy'sitop
____________________________Art Pitures for students' rooms, at inhere today. Swpeonerr of or cooats
"Aliegrettostiye' we ratesd selit rot0
Detroit, YSilani and Ann Ar. MKEtSSSOESctalIr's Bookstore, 11 So. Sain st. cento. ~vey vaoity ein n n dorsdo1 th
Sc.'MOKR' SM'Ebetttouind t, :100Os.S~Toe. Tho only E
bor Railway. oyat Tigers, t0; Tigerettes, 5cyo.oc Waksoryhrnorro'titenor nto wn in o.S tt rseionvey
Crs leave for Detroit and Ypsilanti u ieCokfryu om;tfrtcaspaei ont a vtr evr
-every halt our, eginning at 7:15 a. m ___ _ II_ ALtER'S JEWELRY STORE. int any stye.
ani :5p . fe htt eri enme orfin smsclat 8:45 p. i., 9:45 p. m. and 11:15 p. m. arnd tat a nice roll of well-selected Comrplete line of "Adler" fllsutati 2Watisellscrnr n ad anDouefrm h An rorMui C. nkoerotwatWlhniRynr icwikBilar i f aror,
st. hetroit, 111 Griswold t. ill pease bim for Xmas. IReule. bRegulatitonSize nTot in.
MONEY LOANED inatell -ott-cshions
on Wtches, tDiamonds, Whees and other Per- You know that tiresew ideas are to Trke somrethisnsg home that will Everything New aid
sona Propnerty. office at residence3E, I e onba nn
Liherty street. Alt husiness onidential. befuda anr & Co.'s before plese the paternal. Wgner & Co, Strctly Up-to-lae
Hsurs. 8Sos 510 a. or. and i5to 3:30and 7ton9 others bave bheard of them. 75 ihaberdashers. 7 07N5Uieriy Ae.Anl Ao
p. o. JOSEPH C. WATTSgoyNUnvriyAe AnAbr
1HAVE YOU SEEN THE... rxrnrvrtu

U.o{R Barber Fare steaming asSn OCdITRE Embalmer and II * e East Wlliam ffStreet
Shopag andeciBathNCr DlEERbyFuneral Director UniVersIty "IJset one. alf blank wearsi
Soan B a ndPnt1h01 fhl fL Shoperepa .lts ly do*-.~ '.~ff
Room, 22 STATE. ad R Twojana:sl J2 S, Fourth Ave, , Bi othPoes jRhoeE.Iambe rt. ~~ ' Photos

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