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December 11, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-11

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W 1,; IL


S Our special ine
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The same careful attention
isgiven to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to be used for
business purposes or for fol dress
6. H. WILD CO.,
o8 E. Washington St.
FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware. hand
painted with rad trimmins
that never tarnish.
FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toilet Sets
FOR EVERYBODY: Lswne's Choco-
lates in buk and fancy pack-
wilder's Pharmacy
l NEW BACCO-even the store
itself is new. We have remodeled the
plact and invite all our friends to call
and inspect wat we have. You can't
beat our LUNCHES.
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street.
Tooth Powder
Has all the desirable qsal-
ities of the best
Has none of the harmfuls
ingredients found in so
25C; per Bottle.
t DR. C. C. HUBEiR'S
S A Good Supply
~ ,WAHR'
---- HrR

Surplos of $30.00 in Treasury of
Athletic Association-Crafts Re-
elected Foot Ball Manager.-
Captain Selects "Ms."
A rtlher waui session of the Athletic
Btoard was held last even",, ad bus-
n:ess of cossiderable importance trans-
acted.L The center of the totrn seemed
'to ]be the selection of a tfootballuan-
a:ger for next year. One faction: of fle
board 'held Out for tlc re-election of
Hary Craft, the o'ther faction wsanted
to see Ast. Football :Maager Potter
promoted to the premilershipl. At times
tie discusoion waxed quite wscm, btt
wlhmn the m:atter came to a final vote
Crafts lauded the plum for a second
time. Mr. Crfts comes fram:,Austin,
Tthe o:::ttr of giving ot footall
"M's was then tken 01. The consti-
tution of the Asociation osays nothing
fu:rth~er n this tan that "the caltain
shal select his team;i" wich: tntrs, it
is claimed, that hle shall select the 14
m:en. Laoi year 'the hboard interfered
it'and apoiited a comnmitec to ik the
hoto()]*en. Prev-iots to thattimlue'the
athletic boardto'did no: see fit toiter-
vcene. The tbordtlt etve-cing deied
to stansd by the old rtle a:d not inter-
fere. So that Cait. eil Sosw, after
con:s:lttng stitt ceach:,ad trier, Nwll
lurkIth' e::onWho tre to wea' this
year's "M'ts. lHe will do1bto lin the
near fu~tre.
Graduite tDireetor Bait 2 rclptrtcitthe
tostl receits of the hi-aguo gaze :as
$10174.8. Siciga:'eslmhre of this is
$5087.42:a:d:1the rietlprois of lthe
gam~ie to usi after exetsco are tll paid,
is $44t98.57. T]I::e treastrr of heltss-
e'itfion teplortedl :s havig ci: lian'
$4820 withi :lpproriations toted last
nigiht of $4500, leating bln:ce of titot
$300olitr aid tbe-cll1epeis: oto
start 11w c ck :and:l lasetitll setson.
Of fhis $4510) valid $2000 toIst aide
for the ,grand:: stand "sinkig fun:ds."
D~r. 'Spifley, tvhi has acted as Sur-
gee:: th1rottghlont te season, liresiited
-areceipte(lI hill to: $110, :makig i id-
nattion::ofthfis am:oun:t'to ithe fiotball
funid. alisto:voey graeful :cf0on
01::e'.plit of ,the doctor, t::d till le al-
Isteci:: :'i by sppoters of or: tetilS.
(lt'o: D Iirc~tr Bairdlws athslor-
tosied to go taheadilithithe fi' i:p:'o'::e:t
of Riegents' iel. lhie east sie of le
soth:lifil lis irr'dy 'een 4e lvld Doff
tind woirk till niwetoceed't''llo: tiiiwsct
half. Th C iii gt' istnds twhih n:owv
set 2210,tw-lll be'enltrged :next so:::-
$1501,tll of wiietl is ptid for.
aPrisidet:lVri('ri s vt-it:horizi'iltI
satt:iiot of the Ahletic'Aseittion.
Freshman Class Committees
The class of 1904'met Saturdy after-
loie:::Iiftoe:::C. ft ttas deicidiaithat
lie clats siotuld hate a yellnati:sr an:d
Marcuso B. Hfall Of Grad tRapids Nvas
electe'd to that position. The class also
vitei ta tx of 25 cents f or the football
The president appointed Ite follow-
tng ce::u:iitees:
"Cain" (This Is as sent in. Tphe fresh-
1111,1i1sproably mens'cae")-Ralph
W. 'Mullin -harniin; l. L. Barr,
'Catrles K. 'Heouton, ;Gerald Ii. Iroon,
Henry Towar.
Yel-A. A. ERnglish, chairman; G.'
Malcolm, 'W. Ransom, 'H. S. Reynolds,
C. . 'oroe.
Execuie-. J. Bruin, fiairsan;
Everett Drennen, T. {. Wright, H. (S.
L'Hommiedies, W. Rolberson.
Scl-Fred lexandet, chairman; d.
l'. Letoci, Ralph J7ensy.
ol'r-Wilss 1Savage, chaira; o-
ise 'Henneqfui, Doroth1Y Rouse, :thel

Track Team Prospects
The'first call tot track candidates for
the coming year was Issued last Sa-
urday. About 50 nen :responded by
registering for 'their respective events,
and tvere diied into squads by IDre-
for Fttzpatrick. As is often 'the cease,
there 'is a dearth: of material in some
events, this year in the sprits and
woeigts. Michigasi till le well repre-
sented in the distance runs ad jun:ps,
as most1 of rthe old men in :thse events
are back. But the old men cannot tiu
everythinsg anid:netv blood is needed,
estiecially in the s&prints andl teights.
Let every man who is ibig and strong
comie out for thle teigts, wheher e
hasl had experien:ce or nt. Ii Director
Fitzatrick lMiihigano hias the best
train:er antI octel in the oesct, adc he,
if t::y one is litle to, can btrig out all
that f is ina an.t.'his aplies csec-
ally- to iten tvho have any talent tii the
sprimnts, as Director Fitzplatrick 'ihs
brought ottt lny of the fa:::o::o 100-
yard sen.
Theme tre certainly eotg: meets
otceduledt this year to make it wovoth
is-cry- ma:n's soilth'to cm::e out and
try for the' a. Many mien: hae I-
velopied in one year, and if 'is the iduty
of every atlhletically-iuclined man to
come out for his 'varsity. if ichigan
tins the :next twoeitercolegiate meces
it til own defiitely the latrge lve:'
em'lei vbchuld:stvis itplayet it Slice-
hall:'s itst June. 'lis emblem, ated
is $500, is to go to the til ersity'whic:
fir::::1815 to 1.9i02. Sihigan: mu:st wsia
the e:et ttto years to obtaina it pera-
Students to Form Missionary Associa-
Miss Amy F. GCoger, a senior literary
student, is chairman of a comnmittee
thatt is arran::gin:g for the ognizaetiot
of ochapters Of the Church Sidents
tissionry association unitng the stu-
dents iof the University. This is an
tssoci'i'ton nitadetp of chapters aong
s'tudents iiine Ieoogicah sem:inatris,
un:iversiti1:s anti deoaconess schools in
the United &attes cd Caara. Th'le
piurpoie'of le organitlon to the ce-
ff1:::: of intclhge:t inteeos::::::ig st-
dents in:liue and hforig iss::oion
work inh:' United Sf:tes anauC:::dt,
tanti the eiiioling of voh::ireers for se:-
vice in the ::si'o ield 1:.
R. is ixpectedlta t oe catiertoi'll
bi'o:'g'::iizo'clat ie Uiversiy itt Micli-
'go:, o::e for womenc atn~d linie for well:.
Hatch:capter' twilhbolI weekly- :::e-
I::gotsi aittoue a :ita jint aicieti'lng
twill te held. A ilfily- wct1 be mde of
lie coliI:itins l iin oCl:isiia Liii -ott:
ooorhi:g at 111:0'tltls of organiztiton
ill iner d il'he :newt' ssocaio'm tih
'ie l::::ccled.
At hrescit cifncoota aid Wisconsin
are fle tloe lricIlal oestermn colleges
at twhi~ch tiere areO'aytrs atlready or-
Dr. Warren . florr of 'the Uni-
versity has just issued a nosy oork
entitled "A 'G'uite fr the 'Study of
Itele Burg 'Neideck." By following
but the purposes of 'the book ithe stu-
dent necessarily mnkes a Ofi-og Prepa-
rahtion for his cass room 'work. The
gisop of questions consist of those In-
tended for pa'ctice' in seakig and0
free composition of German and of
he gramummo thereof, Dr. !Flrer Cer-
tainly 'has tome ne+w sod corrct ides
on bew to get 'te bet results 'In 'le
class leem, Ete suecess of Iis "Biblial
Selec'itoos"''and' l'Anarslbi'~ta" wanvr-
cmanting ta conthnoratin of the general
Jeff. do Aangelis SRaturday ngt.

(The Daily is glad to furnish space for
commounicaions whose authorship
i's known, bullis not responsible for
the sentiments expresod therein).
To the 'Editor of the Daily:
Last night's 'meeting of the Athletic
Board will for a long time e an event-
ful gone in the history of that organiza-
tion. ft formed a 'turning point lin its
career, for by the action taken last
night, all precedents, all traditions
were swept aside, and tie last scm-
baince of independent, outspoken x-
pressian: of seuninias:ithtie represen-
1:a11ve of the undergradcuatte feeling,.
ha:s (been wiped ut. 'Te time has
conic when no free-thininhg student
ca:: hold office on theccii nor 'be
cectet to a m:anaigershiip; anyone owho
uill tmacke prelentionoso be any mre
fta:: aniece fig-rehead inal give hulace
to one oho till no':, assert 'himself, but
remia:in the passie istrtmen of the
tasters thist be. Soch Is the present
conditions of afar, and uch: is the
Athletic Botrd, elected 'by'te st-
denl, fr the stutdens, antI:fou
among the stndents, to represent is
sentliments, amit to exiress ifs sill.
At last night's neting, contrary to
custom:, timdoihoutaresios knowtl-
eidge or wvtaruing, the football mana:ger
oso re-elected to serve another 'tet'm,
timd lie assisii:t footall msnatger
ti- hits fa ithfuly srved the :ccs
toiedh apprenticesip atidrining,
wstuIrneid off the oard by- those in
authority, ovilimaout reoard, recogiihan
or appilrectiion of his sr:vices. tr
ycers hpast it hats'benia t :ter 'of
courw that hic assio:::::fmanager
woumili e hroinofedt thle exprtionauof
the term, and wh olaotohticny that tis
is only'ftilt'and o'be exlacedS hWhy
is a':ntn eeced an asisfant uniless it
s to tbe protnolec wvhemn the time
comes? Nor iho'this Io. The prsent
imager ackhnowledcgedl that he hd
no wioh: to lake te office again, but
thah "lucy" wantedt hum to, so it
"they" silied 'to elect im, te wouol
nio dt'eliime to srt-. e it notied thiti
ite vocted for himsel owhecnm the roll was
callhed,soowhat moe an wi e t-cctill hitti
thantimeithiet' a puppiet or a gatfe.
Nor is this till. "'hehy'-(iiis ::cle-
hss toi say'wohe"they"' ace)-haveu':'even'm
goneit'so far:'as0totcffcr's' a :i:m::oc lii
to peirsons notl c::the bordt'tltthoigh
"'iliy" Ito not have:a.'ti ei, tititae
suppohisedl by irtite of their!poitonm:to
bec titbo:'pet1ty intiguei'amitnmg tilie st-
do. Anth so great is theiric0100-r
rhthety' iarec,,ro-tps'and:iotac'hie-
ado tv ti ahorse andil carritge fr'"use of
pri'sent systemi.it tmooifs to ta :mere
gmr'hiead, wvhlo does wsht::'le is tlad
andtiis ievoemtuatlhy tawar:~dedi::an Xl
swectetcr. The 'vinnig of the "M," so
fa:r isThe actultm ws-ok goes, is lprinci-
pally' doneinthle year of iapprettie-
Sip, whtemn the burtden of te "'cl'11y-
woec" falls on -the assisant. Amc, who
will say that the assistant this year
will have failed in his duty and not
meritcea promotion?
It will be interesting, to say the
least, to watch further devlopments,
and to see who will shortly le eleted
assistant 'basbal manager, and bass
ithe eletion will be sprung.
L. A. C.
Eight unusually good speeche e wee
made at the Jeffersonan debate last
evening 'o seect'the society team'look-
hug toward' the Pennsylvania debate.
The winners were Messrs. Seluder,
Andtews ~nd, dle, with Mr. Ressler
as alternate.,:-.,
".A. Poor Relation" Friday night.

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