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December 07, 1902 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1902-12-07

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No. 6 1
Promises to be a Rousing Affair
Fine Program of Toasts-Covers
for One Hundred and
Plrepaatiions for tecoipitoo-itr
banet to0l1w tendered Itv te o-it
isine-etmenl o Ann Arbi t the ,
v-i-triitn-. fixi~bltea mlare riitVttc
going forward uindt(r the ethiietnan-
ame.ofte ecommiiittee 'ii liirget
fT-eiiovviiiiie.w8s tarted lat i-w ns
brtiheirs =tess ti-itian totiito secnit
stxty-fouir tisies iien to tput tiownii
ter name- tor $5 aptlee to aid te
iwortiy itteet
lThei mmmttiotin- ren ailet-i t-ittster
-Ty. tiesirs 4ti e-hertedt co-
fritunie me ad theVasitmm-airt-tie _in
riltion- wilt te exte-imted to the s-l
;tttinte-t theansrnibs ttie oard of
I nt-ilttheiimiembiers- oftte Atieti
l arot I rei -ii t iitelt. iSe'r -tary
W1Wt-nti-mittieasurer Souletite al is
'Ph(,titiaiqiet. wii hi-ssenett at te
tiok ouslienii-i.-uenisday eeing at
half patreightioensteiig toit toe
one titiii-t ndtit-fivietpesnsi.
Th'ie Ann AtrrMaitaoin etlutiwitt
ir-met-ri ineat -allrtbs iuiin the
Mayormic ktyi-and. lTastmaser.
I'ris iiet -nigitt.......
- .titti;;<a) aittgtir 'iwttat it
('opt. NSteels......t11miro tts
litattiYsr.....Tte tint iitiois
1' l'ltitii19ll.. .:01-it 0f ('o1 tro0
- . li... Te Mie Traine
Fug ear....'PeI ut1ci
tiit lani i--I- i~itt t t lii
Boit~ ~tteFst
u:rtil 4 'ti s
IW, tt I tItit itt iiyi- 41-i ii. auc
heshan Spre
II i- -.Iit t Ic-Saldono stirott Oti
- ~po itt-- i<"ct-i tt itit Iit ii
ti-ta- fe Cik. cieist
it'ira It i Mitai t. itd n
sit-to. 'C-it itt-c itt 1-a- ite lc bthr- eitn
-iko-ci hi ii I tiitreihmeagne tin-
- c h l!"1allit ii let iit t ie C tra
tilt tut1.\u lli ii Itt- t -f -iieuiito
I-it ii t Nt 1tl~ttti.-li>n of teen ltoi)A
asit u t itioomts thtSrwl
is - t 5trt-tti tM 4iamkpreidentor
-d ht oman'si-tattufit oit of5Tiresue-atd
Ii is l it A l'as.-Jdak n-Not.me t
ios. siig t le oliwreivenywanilye
American Universty Conference BASE BALL SCHEDULE Prayer Before Every Game
I--ijtittit ittf 1 itittIti wctchoes Representatives of Five Universities iraletti-ptresidetitof Almiati-ollteeSh-
i o lit ldit lit inNi-wt Stork ittin Iti-u. psaittthat hit-considrd footalli on of
.;O ,n I -~.Th tltlt m i tthe tl- Met and Arranged Plans for 103 als manlest f spots~, titnitott In
tests i l, ssiociatlion i l iceii -it An Undisputed Champion whtutc utiore Counrage ntl ti tir on-It
tlta ~itd m i:t itlir otit tittdutt Assured ie shown thIlan in tny thier- gie.
eeingtt Do(:. b- mm t heI lt .tilni tnit_____lt- -le rsferred-ttto stitetieit -tode Sy one
(dutofi--tritai--a tiU-iv ters-it- tt, enderiititit ttsIt--t ii ectof tslitarsItu ttaema ott the f-ttthnt
tauthatit xt-eery game -iie ae
helit lTit-I tsi-ialmii i v e ditoltrs1111A mong hi tin e 1m-f- t-i eit pi ut-tat "ig int-' is-cit sinmicit-oner trest--it sac an is
are limted tothose irst ap lyilj_ Theco-lege ty 'wicheiithei-git- tofIthe it-hargiof -itte cm, ve vha -
outitittle toi csn ions ttoiae a rge Wes-it-t iitgter l, eS-hapiosip it ii -hsut- itiaysiffeti-I-u-iit tt rayiert -tim God.
ti-tim-- -tuiti i i n I: lr --Itili-frotutu- it-ill mii ii iuiflybm tsi-tt d. Itimr- Timi- t ptia rt-i ei-asnotfo l iar ct-ry, fo
ti - e lti-uu n1lIverit iii lii ithis tt---ti i-i-from t imas titmit. Cicatugom mt--haivei m- limt me--iayd birthtiti bfrn
Iliu.v mtibi-itco-s edii oiftth-itoitt-it lii I ii tt mIi-tno ~tis nd itt -itt-e imttatw m y oiep fo
hig u iverstie., :1111 1s d signe to m t: '.t the Victluau-mumeliuuttI,.it-mittrm :ad imujimnI i jI Ir mini-ur oppo-o
tieptuat- it-tutu Isiucusournt-tititiecs.resit mit-an =Tri-utysm tiui- g ib.utt tuotme
tue ttu -i --itoe itmituions;I mmii if11m it ttuiis tittlithe1m-titttiit on ut bit i(Id nu gld ta
Caliorn a, hic go. Cat oli _ 'n__ l- i mmiiiholst s m-ui iln-it i-tc- Co-to-u 1 YDE PARlW O
-i m tiititatrsmduneIthis.t andmhifm
st'11 Anrc Llrtouha (u- pn(ATTEMPTEDeBRIBEY tutu'mit--sitit11utuumtru mitt 0 thilht0111it Wester
_______ i, o n l tisL la d f lubs14'1 ta m io i a t hreemgtImlt ii-smfi tihF obl ssre t
A+~nn Arbor MitanOffered H1afbacktthgstur-iii-tii ttti rmc-rnlnDfae 0
its tmu-uittt-t-tnsonandm1110-enera aver ges it -Ie t1i1 f-tut s-u tH0iYD E P Rstng onts
Heston $00 to Thow Game omini Im-wutn-i utisbe tlaudteiwesternus
' 'tittti t iii oft h ybitm-t iii ti-a il N S 'tl-ttit lmttuut nt
Ann Arbortt itiitM ttf mitts a lfbackuut-- I e'but it ve 11111(1-t Ia irmtct-me ooklynmu D-tm-t-it di -10-5en
To Minhit-ai U mut-i-m m lii-Idisputubt e tim-li( - lii- 1m mt- oti exii ttutt gitatm miofI-hmtu en
.Ac'ovlng to 11 Atlhte~tw im s ilI reutu lutI iiithtiiiias tte coilii -s ht, oI h ts lu-- yt-t hu-1 t m lank
of astiveingtMatinm-itt hAlie i t-h- ae :reryt rutiuttuut are te 11yi Parkigilt- hlit-itdtim-tilyu
one t at av l wa s ed a e a- ttl mih mg iit iN, Y uitulti utmit intitu tem I'h-ly
rh-ly b f r he 3 i n ~ t e Itft h o wever. out sot h er-- colle tge t- im t-ts a us --ihast -it- t-mum uut-int-
atit ffre wto<ah f e oud tnn-i-tmu u sut- oreuuiof 1-t1iv I1ts ipuutstips
:t- suti t h lte al n et e t ig th I in~i iihumiutit tut Ii ahti ti-
tiii ult-i-um- limi i menuittt-or- tin Ituihiioithru-swmuP i-oh
Itu1 pit t-st l ganx~tu -sKhitaau ic ily It(,oftht (fuu ltuut he Btutu klynt- 10t-s13n
th g11 1"to tiet .p o r . 1'1 t ol til--itc u ltI th umbispute It h m i -ittle T e i u defu tutu t eo theliu li itt up .tet- stutr
li- m lb rso h h - i tist Mtit - imuI tlhit t--l i-it-and - -auuuu-ths lmt bus-
it; itt4 tiln hivti-mut-1 us tutu htiti tiec Ilim- dt o is - ttuVVts u- tyinitshouatiji
tim-orKitt base bullgi lt houithit-- d u-utm-in sit tus t h gutis ito-k t-mim
tutu~:r ou hasu-hatilt ;ill cuiat- ii tO sttood ga-m wa utiit ti- ut- titus lull lry mpre-
iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ir-tteht- ips(u lts aiu ilIn-tutttiu ii tht uuus- thugcod ony in titerutii tit-ut-- i-i-ty
t-tit it- tO ti t t- lh itt Iimi t lut-gmu m tuit-i-ui mtgw n' t1g f lj ah .s reeos tmHie th; ut s1n nd-cmiuht tub icot-t
hu--t- l ii lsuu ii t ii fii h i-Iuti uit ii Itut.t ti -i-mu f AI lt r tusittutui .s Th t tr et
ut-tt- i-itat ii iiSli- ou iit null Nll lutist tilt iuo ttia kt eam wII I ysis it)- i-tutuoof o Sitslit-
litttllii uth - ,1 liii -i fI l Ih i l wai s l sou pri snti mi- i t l ii hu-t t mYtutt a ndutt- ils-n
ut-u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , t1t-u4't"iu i i- -itu u-m ou ttu;t-1m was sthi-tum But autie-i tlus t estyt- (f hplty +ot-i ti
hum huh-i i u uuu Iiio1'Ithelilittt- - - - - t st-tin e-tuu u arac1"tacd
out -lu ui T-tihtii I tN.umul uuuu g isth ,Sltosum tintL4ed Pak s ehu tty tittua -use tubns mmuuu1 l t-
Slbutt. ft- : a e Am A b raa t. A iI 1 in h h igt - at h in liii -itte liii-h a It mihis mmliii tuuu
i iiio d hit tti ll 2.1e1th oitu- i yu-a t Aprmm mi t :l- ii- ii ilaitt- idi, it lm st inste hu-y u perit- it-S f ez
liii tt h c uitio1m hut--s till-it- :April N14-- tit iguai:it itanluuti '.1mutt ft balgl.-e i--i t nti imt tm
itato ad nuut gimiia il-t _ pit1 -SNt 5 hit-int ut-u Nuuml ('hmtu-itt i f Hyde1m- aut ark.t hut-- it I- st htm
It-itt- If-avor. ti t-t i p it i i t u mituumum-ti-s m ikudyfea-tuhfig Stu hiugsutix
I lidi-c 111I t~it m n dd n t-il Sl-Apit I l uihmuummi it -I : u mvi-ugm n.i vmumschm-omo l if m-41ha m-atuuwhu : m utlh
wihtIlsin n tmnyhiug ilutui-l-iv A t-i 1r:St- li itt-iil i:1 it niAlttttn cmt -utwe tindt-ohu-h-satlouitithe ; t
hcnr u ilit lit mashit ftutuhgum u mit-il liii 7-Illiiousi artiiu -ml Ion. nnsuumi m ii- ls;liii ltnt-lnti s tft i-mutt1it
toh i il athut odiiumtinttm itis outl i ly0- i.utupr ti t 4,otiulttuuui , Xls~a i stm from tutth mum its mum xue
t~itittheimllwht-umt-wti- lu ~ t it 1 Stinn t f -i caSot--butt ul A 1 t' oa h Y s h d;c lte 3 P r
\itui~ ti 111:t-mt111. huruiit J1:ms lt.1 5 IIIlitu t-bo i t atitgn. il I Thl loe rAssembly a nrcer, n
u-ui-iu-shuhuhu-u it-I -uu-uu lt-itl-u - li i tt Miso n.mlluuu it-tim ho dd :to
Musical Cubs Trip m.iii -- - -tiggn ati 'SI rthesi t r'nt--fi I 'l itils mufit uul i u amut it-ins
-im1 it-s ga ut- ;ilmut h ofmfetrumofi -Itut-t Nbhummum t Ni t uuistut-mare t tilt li- lyuuumsh tigtus outMihtig tny
u-ut liiima timety willnot M a ii te ftou11A t- hutuiga uitt ut ttla -nt Ix!y -~o tm-ut-tins tlta -tt-uuuit mu -
th Ii -nh i in1:11111s mor mwhal mt il-hit-bu!- aliitaum I'_' - us fthig umumo: is us mtrbav it-tm u-uts-u-wout 5 t ume-mitug it
didi tim ,it t~ inie hm luIia ht intmitwol lu-tutt- 1'- AViensn a vas thuui~t- ii th-e oi t r i scl im thit.
ehert--n- i t-ituhiott--d I-yf ield.tam ci mt - The miirst ofm-h moth tadimifaummi------i- ti - -
imtmu ii ut u-i I,-ut usm li utuuttmu m ifu t-- iii uhtusatunC- hm-mi lt u-sit t S u mm hn m
tbu a- tu, tu-mma muil ma olis lc ele-l uaui iibit h watluai s it- oill b\Ithemm- sum-nhtg -till PFi-
i Min --usticalt Clu- s T ri.ur e t Tt(i-i-i anttis t- imao t um ldIe aneatug tg of yslits- intl 4: t :, ani S ltti -til l- alt
mluh illIt no h al t rt o t Sien son toturp ine iouufmremet th etlunt- i-n oSi(;.n fm flerh li nc i n ega i hief t
mi't i s fithtit (ih aves5tidetin all5 dtem thelmltnhmiu m ootslm whi ei s emind - utni-ima and mer e i prtyn m
abe.'te ranzaios il iv 1on .Aa~ ttuS ig inet ih-icgatCi -1st 1 K-atthe Bla"'ndTe (
c1tim itt it I) uttliaaiw -- (7 n1 i c ica, ausa SteDancng- Ia P ltil t and

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