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December 06, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-06

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u r

So Pail.

Vot. X.ANN a tBOR, 1MWH.. THURSDAY , DECEMBER s6. 1900 No. 61

Our secial lineA Long-Distance View of the Woman's
League Fancy Dress Ball-Novel
of of foreign and Costumes
domestic fabrics-
U' detlxical ait is,, lie further iwa~y
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has you are The usore you can see albout
arrived and is arranged for inspec- sae tingttss. 'The University of towa
tion. The same careful attention VJ-i -i qtreprter hias the followinig con-
cerning te Woes tiLeague fascey
is given to the styles and finisth of dress t'ball:
ever sut, wethr t be sedfor "Tilts' erirs' League -of 1ichligan
ever sui, whtherto h use forUiverty .)gave'<ta:fancy dress hahll east
business purposes or for full dress stnigiht.Athough trousers were str-ictly
ozcasions. foehidilen, itiwsa nsolportunity of a
life 'time 1for Itss, present to spring
( ( 'themelves s , neww ouren, and a nuin-
, : ILD k -hir (1ilbrc~rdthe rcpportunry. Thllose
wh4)did nto mbraced these r-iho did.
log L:.Washington at. o -T e55Alhdy wayhappy.
* XAruong ts'e natierpatet seenre s~oxe
fosttrail irrei,' Wivho certainty svere
BATH TOW ELS next' to C'stalu Neil Snsw in girth
OATH TOWE and vonieS give Elint sie polnsters in
Clioemostrtislie arrangemnets of a
ATL nose guard. Next lI t he point of s spo-
ALL E ltIaul~ ie tie 5' than In iFlacke,' Louts
PRCESVI, antrer of G'eorge vnit shis tons,
YOURp ( THEGYM. anmid sine l lor issys who ought is
YOUR ROOM / OR THE GYM llit egi-n tra cisv t~e -g~ee'
1411etirl 'wentt ' et-terlit ite it tryo
~~ a irse rwh Isiist ae erissrinreadsy for
dt(>, rcinra55 a '. letii ite stirrts---ttei '5
itt nt stiors iss(' ss'i r ' t'i titg wase
326 S. State Street. i's-r. ' ie tsr f isesftryrarr'Siriresioce'
____________________________________________ a ts' b t ttlerrr sritor-tirs- sltrt-skirtedl,
EVERYTHING Our splendid line oC stirs tli get tugs'. aodstether iinfatsits
PPSCIASand To". iitl1i1ttOMi 1,'- 5 +rn tric ftdI-te itity siore
NEW BACCO--oven the store wet.re helre -
itself is now. We have remodeled the "Ar iieti, 'trals.ty rriyd isits-v itr;
.pltee and invite all our friends to call uses isttlilited. its- reglitr Ierlsts
and inspect what we hlave. You can't; t (,ridl Ire ftriisli-uI tin ts' failcy
beat nrsr LUNCHES. dratti' sosrrte Colrmeresattsry of C Music
Kl. E. Jolly, 3548 S. State Street. seudlentritindRir'spiel-. AMrs. Phrillis'.
ritrt. ll 4igus, sittuseil a_ a te dsriss stnt's'
tiltti s'ttitt-steps nilt1l55's'of the
SUPtS B 'ipr t essu'tlrrsre fought irii ixeitiug
A S rt~ind r Iit tu' i littlte ltri sori, . lips'
i IN1 ANI) tts'isti ci, whIo '(vits to dst eits (h iillg
l (ONCE MORE , ill ii allIitn-as'dishos. rs s r tlIbl to t
'I }stir 5 trtile i-all i'. tsic 's llt. it ii t1i
' 3 it s tr.t( i r e- sr ns - i tst ilt ' I- ltis
oiltttither'stdesrit likit C r I l t t'ltL
. QUARRYd itio r '- irir _Itl iiiit' i ii i.
Ssra ~ atris sir t as i's- st F 'll .ytii )1 t' l :
(htirs-ss sR R U iu li ke li s tl4r oi t t ul r it's's ,>n
01 "iT he-il troii tis 'shrts'' d sit)' w r ,1'1ist4)0it
SX " !'4 i n l s il is tek r -ii rsssls its'
S THEY HAVE COME. K -- --___
Senior Law Party.
'#'ii-- iiitirii seiliur trisr iret ci'iiig laity
of tsirs - EaStli WP4ill 1 l'giers istOusirty
er ilirsi Iec. . 'T 'Iils iia isf hiss
flV ies as , 55i5iitilgilrti rt it 'risly
T Ha Bitf ii seanu ioric rist's ri cliotli

Communication. jyet the west foes i nofloVoball
- Michigan coches are suetssful t CIih-
IThe Dily is, glad to receive and priortiesulug, Beloit, Tipper Pninsula high
signed eesumnnuiaions, but is nol school, Denver, which re coached by
respesilc for any sentiments e- Juhtner, Jck Hollister. Jac Butler
busissed therein). ned Cley, resetively, -l winners In
To the Edto-ts:theirtela s. Still Michigait coaching is
e og tnor'--tod When "Mort" Seter, Michi-
wtould seem u that -sucthre is a s trng vi ginsuends, sawe the teoa game, he said
iii 50 iters-ess' ithe Wshlttenaw
rrtion of tii iithe ud f w'avs sf the Timethat lisiif ititigan Interferetces
" Antilrust.' Iiili t'vreters opiiiion itadtt sen usredilantd olMicigtni.style'
a"tnitr'5r'"icilull isrthatiiwiitcitclpi-'rf sefeiis, diescore riis owts would
po ss'rbittler5siteI'teii speaittllng tieless lfeei sre-ris i
rrssss- rirhfave bisnidiffetrystse sir,,iferhapsithas--
-o intl foltalplries'rls nist'iiri' th'tropiionis ntears goonri' ticfromisomemi
censclii.s yst-m ithat tti t'eiasogue. h-outs-al soil oriss itts- s-rn-i stt hn i
If ~ w orerthestden Ul shold ts , btoisitt randit ion nts-i than
rs ets-' ciisitarist'cintlemtnsiit, if ntIistrs'.yrtwtus-ilnt-tr e'in tte'ttter.
,squelit'I. i-r te team~i, wis-llhwas It lis nottht thee'w's-ri trin soutt,
ofgoorirtiieritlarnd,iperthtips, in stioehap~nhl ta -rtra.T
tspforts' trbs.t tsits-si. ,\ihad srs tv l t1irs' tnorrtrniiiks. But
urfou }usdi it 4xt5nd ' evv" i tt t hasvset' litritil ha5v
sni rneirtI blathlr' le knights i1fthislt'le'sits'ivantges lossttytsyiiCorrer
-ycsel sirw a isisir' ridortis 5tilntht l i ts ittmay, if tosrtttii, lithe tt
dish teir betsr-lfin'their saorlrtcoin "
iiu (.aching If, towrever, te knu-srk crittiter bro ugiet ot ri the l
-s' ars outsfor the latter ireson, Ir s ti s's srutsiltyil' l
tiedls'sisite totdooi' beh itSn tlpsr tess sritie mitaeeid blue, Tsey ri
trnsitrl ithis'ories ts o t -igeito the 'tea-s,
t-malonig. itlrnstrunritts swould te'y strw.
Michiigaun islt thpioerer nHo riwesern I.h11
fossils ll. Michtigainws te tineer O''f -____
ititii coachiig. Michigan -sas si-
- rsetist ini altini reoatltiu. Ini18197 Freshman Spread.-
55'r i tit t ri'o t ir'fortt'th .m tts n' ;irs -tr-. nt hr't i- '-is-ntl sr'Wr of tsr-
nn stitly Croo t'f Ilt-i~ahtt'trr. it
'ris- s-s ,ois r haivlits'- eit's- ei'sst sit ts it1 - sir ississ stir-intt ris e s'hntrars
ri , sh lrsrr'ir to anr- t 't lur's' i itsrstIll,, fi'nil Iis' tty t i giser-r a inaly
is-sir. Ini 189tdrts'dadt irinte iis ittoa -\I t I cs- hcst re'-a ri foth ' ft's-i
~ eIts'i'irt'i'i tithit e t i urtlntsstintisis'neti 5ii A ti t h Iis f sirs- t'iuireu iti
iil f ''cirrloatsr.''T'elirn Its iis 5nod.
'ther-" wsr'n o nts agist titrs hi:t op tI is yea r- ts' li'sstitiati -in's rustgivret
Ini n' ire r umilioi s'sin n d titu.r shed les,5' irs blnt5v irtgirs. ipromises e, is hi' nu 'ity
tir I t wa nt i i ln'srutsn -f coastt'tun ' hi, t- ntIS a11s rsiu~ ee sofai. 'i'hli
Harul si-the, istld nuaprain otrisnysit r sun ils aruri un' eine.s annst srat-r.
t-sot'irri5s'ts tutvolnt rgniti lits's' eerr eisghts sill srtnes .ty sirenei st
a aii 55t55 ns' ridntn ietrigrihadssthesits I-s sut'gyintuasiu.
Itntir'srmsiaststiiugrthI irst is vo'ris thr it-uu--un-yus frshm'oln rngirls tss-
set-lr-Sttrsvgnuttng out t srid-si r l-e snt ru-srisventinirationsiit-hi'-
isty lt'hentrut': lr'teeuruInig. Ir tsr ruthSismtoinostify soeismliembrth
litytftse aruw sr's-i'eIn'of rsi n-u-, wsr-It-iof tsirisiittincmmitteer. 'anit girt
it t untsla tr Si t 15placri''ltst itfutluruki sit e sit s hman i clasi 'trss 'shoudt 's'eme'mble
sn Sitks i hi iae t t'tipple'nh n-nustiaiusss sir-i r t sh s-e''esinis giens for- t-i n's drs
- h 's t ' is-tnreasn ssr -s te ineIt l tat h in preitt-isnus- ustins' s'ssureriis i
uneits rsri ii,'s o hl ..i- n up in rto lt,i truts ii-'-s siu
ai s'- ihsiu iwo - adgnuit01r sits 5 cmiteeiatxefol"s
eitt s. ent n-hairsii t-Sartitists- Si tn.
ihr sn, ino a t cmi lt n - rsuitis's' isue tnCooly,
nutit s stiilni.i- nn 1 s ir is-sr o ris'ttts 55555'. ,t i t -is S miit,i
uniiiii-, 'its' in--tsrld' tnsis' its n- ae lt ar or.Oh cT~s, cit i- tull
sir's' e wo rt *1tnisi t c h. ,nt is' 1 sW, h-e il nre.
.iJti stntrOles' lrnur los' sir r usr seeprol ninuit is's liutiari St Onus
litt-rung s layeires lrir-ItwoI r-i tt t 51n i-i'sW41-Isis.Alit-n' Ns'ti'ttrstto rur's'
I'-nrusIi. its' leri.lutuss -- ucois n~is n urnev h'av F,"trt-s.trirosrR Mnll--
I us dilforei nnco hivt-i 'sn usN .504 n ," ey n ' i' 's- titr i'n nonssntStrts's Rey-
ir 5t 1,500i -ilunssttnirs s
Wet'wari nor tm-mu rcone h-it tlirnune it 1 flr 'siuent i stsiritis'-s' irutiut ti-
Is en'tiuigh,. stan goon 1 os'tttt t oo u. for i I Ott-i' Si 'lyirin '. thuss sri n- (tsik.
It lr' bs-s. Bt si sr's u ruts a IrMiol,01('111 (int 5,5 ini tShiy Iatuirit.h riu
isnt's, uandutwrn'-asnitthirn 555 - us' ino, "Iz
ailo sweair n. itmaize adS lutitut. F-uera iiiita'tinti 'ortttes-' -h isisPos,
boosk osolrutsh ihnt's'is strts'"rwthoritniss Fl5 s rust's' 1'n, Eth Ba ttrnrnm. ('surie
1lre'tt' s:fins'reunits'- n us-hsut'tti-i-thesits I itslin una. Mashalil, Aneu'r sitc.
fsunhsirrr'ttlprinipses fns taIfoC irni Peosa5r--sTaylorhut Effi Gorfry, Bericet'
sit there is ntrer l~''e usurs''euss lu-anrutdI'rusein Stl-iaHtavey, Mbels'tMason.
"Sirteih" 10rter; fr e sitharisiscen-sChaens -tn'-Mrs. Ange, t'r, Mosher,
Iversnt withs rie sitisegy of fooetalSrs V-ittgii, rs. Hutchins, Mrs. Me-
itno eearl ie with, Mi'. SFortets tor LaughintsMrsSWaie, Mrs. Lawsrene,
tie line wave acHtadden, Arhie Sic- ,rs(s. olel and Mrs. Serduri.
asisson-, 5He'nningr, Farunhat, Gunninsg- -
"hatu, Steckle, Usurly, Carr, aind- theme It itake was made In yeserray's
Is ancud to thlst ~. Daly when te reepion glvees at the
"But the west doesn't know foothall Bnint~our tynitasium out Thursday, as
ik' thus'tcash" soys rn feller- tehini itettioisni iir e p-itannfor sie ho-
hu eftnce,. ioeopathic' hospital opening ws.rl hut
uWhen ichtigan: went ease t a.ewat 10 aa. i., insead of st 10 p. in. The
yr'rrs ago o paty ilanard, they awere reetionill~t follow the exercises o
x aces- n oecause of a long rid, oind te evening, whict csuiutera iS8
' hss-theslogteaon Globe said this 4 to 0n p. i.
n test. I t i1grime the easrt eaned
> "sietoh, hi that gaine the Fast learned A gaig of workmen ailo now at work
-t use ltheir ends, When McCauley upon ehaI e4 l5 hsetsleoatine -iophlsnI
-coached here he 'ook a play, now .ite ofice andS arsons e flog h1ving
-Called1thePrinceoton -aneem, to tCepupmeart o5ebe mdeed It i-
igersu aa they wnthe (e ampton- ; tri ; t. ad te we fla li
'ship wih i It was oiught of i o.' he ean SelunI ac - yis t
workesS ut F'14erbert athuS lsn er, b btk tt - - bidig


'v WAHR -s

nsf their eerier ot partsiswr!so00sut'-
o essoful and- thoroughily enjoyed itby
those w aaluoteirtb'tat its reins deter-
* tuied tso recominelsee them ir i yea'.
*Granger's Acadjeloy has I1 n t'ngaged
*i -ii'wnilins' rtrl'illnty uecorated for
:1ii,' i ci-rssi. Te 'Vi1rsitlitteS' in chisrge
tuarn-exertitng every tifors no mate'the
funs~iiti ussuccess asineSio ains aire
EE)intg sinrireshto rtrssniallsh Tieseoame-
; ults. The u.me10i to tbe limiten
50tupls, svhieh will just comfortably
tiffa-i' at oll, rehiti w11ii greasly as1 et s
is pleasure- The Checisanegon 451"-
ettestra witl-;furnish the music. (Cum-
Ing In-te last weak before tbe Christ-
mnavacaties, ias it dos, uslarg at-
ifend-ance isexpecte,.Nearly al-h.oh l
yIcktsllhaveatredy 'insod

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