BAlIRD AND "F ITZ " N 11011(111 11(he0sets yI0010 1 ilhi.Ie RED1DEN MIAY PLAY, 11111 11 statements frol otherprsons,1
1 I tnissi toI 111 111011, bselbalolit-is w 1- 1o held tad oamong them the~
kece ofteDirector and Trainer fotil i e1: it was who inoi ijd iliugliBoard of Control Adopts Report o in o f v1(1 le 111fundso rised for ilie
Who Hava Done 00 Much for \Xhilei. "Jck" XlI ca(10 001 Oorl.:01111 Committee on Eligibility R-intat. oehel: 0101. on 1 1 iird.
Michigan Athletic. i om gllthem11 i1nto 11 1111if ii1c. 0- ing e Player-Othr Busi- Fron Ibisil l ti l :1 it:111 Vl.011ear-
1011 o 1o 1:mrttlloo imi IL 00o10 t0 e 111 1111 es Of the Meetng. ither of 1. Ad011 \1spomnn
t1 ;111 ofliii:: l 1 lt1 rc I theV 1;1 \oIitlt ii-ie 0ii.iioiihi. 110 in for0the 1111 iiiibii . 110 i
I c-o oo'11 oin. and Club Leaves Tomorrow. -1ilig f i-lcboil 1io lins o il 111100letd n Ih il tsh
[sa e a 1,:<01hut si 0 1:100 team.1 Thel i rst 1 Irip 1 i ,. ii: l i oii mi 1 ''1111 0ills1:Ilion((1\11,1unani 10ou 1ly 11(1 1 1tak 11mo imoneyi if h,1':wolf,1stud
li ln l i lbioll1 iri. h l uhs wii ill h : I1-enIi x week. The 1'i . :1, 11 el-li;1-lresiul of he i ll 1- 1 '' i te [110ti-iiii ill linot: :111 11111 I iso.i
lii ii o l,,t ll ii ill Ih .I f ob 11 il i 1:1' S onii1 i 1 10 10iui w , o c i ii111co li111 f-l ' R d ei a . tl l (\(I in e t i
: l \v; 00 ,.cti 11 I l ' i 1:10 0 1 ":11 ''i h 1 ill s ii i Ili ilea i 0 00 r id a nd \- li '1 1 10i iiii . P r f, 1111. hu.L tm w B o n. i c I ell 1 tio11 h i Ii i eih sii i m11 00 11
It ts r s m l I i t 11 oulii i- lul Ii lii-tiilt h at iv i i Ie(1u 1 a 1d in 1011-i heIii iiiiiinl ii' 11:11 11:1 ii111 i1iii ly ll:s e dl lre illci * 1:ileoi n-he111 lii i he
I~e~t ~ tl1 e l~l yed e d rush rat t e 111\\- l i 111. ( e1 l rll a 11111il. Afor M- 1 :111 ii 1 AII : - A ~-:1d w k.thAll s ec i voihi i hei- 1111111h10. ifp
f o h t 1 , lt \ ui l g hi .1 - I 1 111 1111nt lillhill iii 11 by1 ii ill 1 1111 1 5o t g e t l a t ii P 0 ee [ b i h e o e \h n h l l i 11:10 o ur iiil 10 ii
I 'I I i 1 11 h w o i o lo i 1 b l 1111 1 i 1 1 Al in i 11 l l o i l te1i p ue111ti o h u111 o s. : 111 ( lilthu ii Iiift irh ll t 111:1
ejr", 111 11:, e re eived his . ISde. veni gs wh ch , tl te t tn ltthe~s il' th boa d it and1pt1i1info t ihu ld iniand 0111
the m gnitient R ddo~n111e;ter. 1'(0" Lio of te At1 let c Asscii-on.1A-t wih liil, moeysfo ii-
Nli dne~ lchigan atitiadatdb nihr o h soito iy=N e.vs fitii: f in1:er 11:0 Idingta
theletie F sotelw Aro a ll ti efhiliAtlIlIf teiesoutInscAl M . i.dd u li utdeol (101 i n"f
(Il 11ur1 Inigtit e l1b0wil1a-1 ectio -,}Ithe bo rdbf d rec or of1 " 11 ie o O.1ls.pec Ius nL(Ii 00l
0no110 - ibi 110101111111 1 lii!-11 :11 11 puli ollig .1:e x fet
1 lii 111'n D ai111y1=1N e w s n1ft nbw ] t1cau 1d l o-nd ootlot nlo t tll-
the ommit1eb1 011in 111010 w0
11ill fo .1 (fIh0srn f'R hssrib iespoingta e hd rcie
11 11eiiI111011 1-tl nll1-f,0> Alinl-o :11 S 1110I 1 111 l r 1 1 :xn o111 t2 e I the0o ney111 atI: Ros11 le. 1 e. o weverof Ohi
11111:10 t 0eeded. and "111;1 1trl, C11fast-ilt,1,bintb tttoosen-
1019 1 a rr o h l hle111f1 eld hits1 been 111tr1ductory1Review1of-t011 1a0:1-t1ni illustrignod
t, ti),1 i b 1 - - ad-theliew south Q1seson1blCoahAll-. 2-olor overin l 10e 30loi. 0-ame-oltheyt u
Ix (110a 1 :1/ilt l iiiI ilio lowhic1h 1 : 1: V I 11 : w0:~ i so h oh u-ill- lou of 111- bo: l d 10 a1011 111'. -o 0tn In n 1 viow 1 of11(his1111-fact and :lthe iofurther
b0 read iifor lst, ihos year.1 ,11,:11 " r © e . Ma:e.11-1e P a er . A a d om o ve i.0 a t th t th s i t e frs1ae1h c
l11111 11 hasul 1 11011 liimade byll 1111iIlling l andi © © hoar11d on11dwhere-b1y01111 t11 st-udentbb 1 has: 10lot:lml111(
Ati-0 Ii 011 111 II 1 1:1 llil. oubttI 111 11toooI Ii 11-ts1101 tf 0111111 SIu.I A lI i bl- 1ibhl1 oil( 1111(1tII 111iilb lg il
lii 011-11 lb llhltelbicsI-iiIlsiiand 1111 lbllbi ii :11lbl4b1i-ilther iiin-l ebib itI isthe piiI on oft he c 0 omitl
e o- : O~l 0lti0. 11 ll Bl i-h ii 1t lb-llll 101 lil-il 1110 111.e1en111 1
liii Inlt iii-l111 h1ll I.:iiilii: ho\iii: lilrvii ,:11111c 1111at th. 11 0111t111 red.
111:11111ill Appeart1IIt -tl Fr:11idayuii Morn1111111 l-hfin-g- b1-t 11 1111 All 11 tI 11 o
1111 ttd- loll 1111110 sbI A ltIh tl.lltteIblrtre111d Il fo bli- Mr.l Re1111 ntisluolo -len 1 0tl to
"'lp 11111ic . lho gh no111Ill'. I t e 'fld m tey w lliioffh b arhutth t heco sttu i(0it Ihe hih om fottlteu isu e
e_________its a51111actie 511)eed 01 receton S 1}- Regentol1111 f1 thAl l tic o ciati0on ould1 !(111-1lie t o beII ge1111 llyI prevalent:Ibisongo
pal l Ihei" wr o h as fta iy.I h vnn atrte fr othto h or. n ncn h :me: oy t stog tt e
.Nas n I tb u i ido!) Ihew I-11 ho ho ner h Ita i ll A e11111 gueto f seque110 e111 s0011 fVO A1:001 (it'olt 1011A Ilotil IIv1111etoughoof li l 1111 lih te adb~e-
11 illsI; cohll IIt- otsh Iolo 111otherl AannualIIeventi loofiuni1v1ertbitt
0'111111111111:1 111 titlo 111:1 1110illtltlellt)01l111fl tlii('ti lit11111lltl11of wil bo: ou-Il
1111 Ii1-1 1 i 111 luaiut n111 Ioulo 11. XoooooIll 1o AAiIIt giedioibit-O 11 elgblai~l otot 110i0fe. :It 11s 1 u ild Into 1ohoweverthat 111
ti -I-I - . I e d ldl- h(i01 1111 1 u 110 111-Mi llIi (1Idhis llnow f -o lleolat i lihoog :1 ruls thaltIeo hallgirl:a noftll iii bblIue fll thei 111:1111111111e1h0.
I1- o I'(( l :3s11 li u1 1111 11- uo-o ioflotIlls foot-lolo o l a konobehyil 10 ooluu1e Al -.liy, ithoutl 1:1(10 110 t-tho. Ioo i
I iiul an11(I t1r1( 111 0010silBurinbl- rb:111 Ibookst11r1s.ifMto-tod oiulo s-ill Is
i'l~ a hi4,iibio lwIlhenbl A 111c111 ill ibt To- vlut 10 0Ilb a lln :bir a lletloio fIh e i)- el,0 ll itt I it h11 itA oever bef 10o f-
! ,, i i 1el i ., lutaAnid i uoo lith1I . bilhl 1:1wi the a c Ie ~ ott
«Shob ll n lull intlwol th11111n 11001hi
'1>lo l'l 1101 '!( 110n 001111n '0lo f 0the 100o-,toer hr 11101 of col2eea uof I f lhe w~oioo a d looood o n he0biiuo 1111I(t:tesooib
0101 111 1110 (boair , Tain r ittirari otad o ach Yototghato (lis chim rell ill at si est oftooe ofwhich otlhe
Oiit fOl(ittlhulioobllandot A FoCoach I5I1bYost.orb tThele t :0tlorow (lOlOelotstliakilpObeeomtaoy
C o 10 'I"(,-mfu d. Obo'e 0 ld tweterln~~- In. =an ioosoiaioo TohfaNt-o M Oed e pr05v(buytoohe -iyueto yab e - iki -
- 1130 11 io t lt lou5 1b 10 ____________
Mr. RIOt~ hoot(o usrbefrteD~yN eowt ed ilt Ilcomeabertai thei 011airu;lt i s oe olga tde