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December 20, 1901 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1901-12-20

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$1Icrn 44
BASEBALL AND TRACK. Marine Testing Tank. YEAR-BOOK,u Gottfried Keller.
Totavrte IBoardi of lRegenits wiiil__A.___l-arge---audieneasemtbed in lle
Games Arranged With Cornell-Pos- 1titip. "li f thei iptitlili titt tttititSuvenir of the Biggest Football Year 1Pi " in]'ith eriite roomtitWi-iuesdty
Sibilities of a Track Meet-Dates °" v ltitli t-p tbill pstt ithe Michigan Ever Had Will bo terait litent to ii. farritgois
WihOberlin and Northwestern. -pr K- fitii s >0 tltfo t1eOut Today. ati pa" o H h r 0111Keler-th
\Ii - --1 i I tpi T heni -l as11ttIlelstIeeiltdeierdliir b aus ies of. tir
tilt. 13)111, li t, ti'ii n i l or t-i u it t utu i -itti It I sii-eo ] o e f r J ic i tutul ' e cr t i d p r ll " t
iro , i hit t th e~s1 1111 w stNN- ore pro ( s d t lii t lt iii -]n ii ho o rvstooiti t aoti- itt s n w l a y r Ciai~ i h vv d frt osil
hahesii it n; ' th o n fitheii nei e ittr ept i t to i- lse udt.t u1 tiiI- -it g. i t ltiy ithtil Siil lie wasli]()tliii uipt
itu: lii1i1idii ettuntito he" itt)il1it'ilit tir 11i-
I it I a l iii h ittgi-tfl \ i ittItaca bi t i s-iito tti i tugo t l ur ii it1) iu -tNi-2.t;t i itideon iP l-it l,-ti tois m s c1aaitrstr n ve, " e
- .iti - t i italndii iutiti 0i. itit ftotlltiep and itotitions i ti it0Oit :till -irune tilt-it i-tttillicitt ti tuttle li-ti
tort lstitlit tln -wi-h alloiiif iii iiTilt i I itt s- So t'1ctiilt-ii. tiotthelho-its th
it ti+'nii '1utu Sfv( t i -ttof tiit t'oliil si.,on, w l 'lii-ritil p rl tl i h rlr. ai i e i
it~~~hill A .nn, ~~~ Slit-i-i-t)ItAli'it7.-nitthcInn-isto tst.-il(tilt- o Ildettitios
1T ."'ll ~l~a ]:I gri onooil ude f shps. Tberewillbe llt oerhed i~ C iwh Yst hmseli The0 ti-liltellr'si itlitiat if
])()itilgt-]ntfloeiwet. t IStoitetf iil-iS ii i hic i l tii orii- tieti to iiByivit itittiittiihi ttt iii ltits-k tches f Slt
t- ieintedst ot i iteotumilif e tite h
npto.i t Ett ii. Mr. ird 1:11 a tel loitl cet hNv rwlt(,(g. Yo t, Iri ertS i zl t i i rki-i, i-to- iusc tit iiu-tu. i
lit- e. itt 0111- li tof ittth vti " to ciltht at- f er
ittt5w ith rt o f'. ennis,-tut (maertth e Hara ofrd howne elin stll Bard -l r uu s i:2d11l stiu1 n h i t i lt). e s Lt I ittSi t parser ihi l l t- wor tti- toti d-
( tt it - Sn l f itu , ( 1 1 ) 1 f u l t l c m a e
tu_.Rece tly ill________:a___1--_It)ll_ iti-ltti n IiiLLsit(i. oflhelel u (eiiu -
IS tiyour.)ML n thig dt inte Nv s a Slit i tt-i in formthietipifedtirt-i-iSl utii __sestfn_____________ ,(Ide-_ St-t;i oiitiit- l -i>Se l ee sli t-ti -Cii
f i ts f 15 ii Qiitttit hitioe lvv iitetak thtttesse ttwastkitoreaselit-1-it St-to t o a tle' resh e.iciiietie, -
Intto liis- inS h t utSi it ht-itutud ot - : ,hil r tu s t tier ho owerth eipvi i t hin in-thel1i.i ith it y f. i lti t--itt- handhit ti t as ita trin t-his
re at ,b ti s h g ly p o u~e : e sl iiover ituttutilt.ttating; -i uit-f:i nttiiii it-i ett it 114 uuu hi edic uttiitht h s onitu i t i lut iw i-t
th t hrd Pr of so e ss Rd wilepo t ar -_ u tt in iuoituoti io huay .8(N ) 1 1. erl igt.i ti it tihe t i hiitt i tt ii .hit) I n
Slitte tntS Deniesisnocl
of it iiituhe] ieytfrendlutow rd. i litsnl itiort-oil coal.T hutit hieit ittr tothe tutu iii tutu fut tt t
tItt -But it Ku-ttite it it runig mutte
I i ri and congr tult ed ii hintt up tiuh ntku W ou tSbe a li ,. f ttoi nisi h stt- tti-iP c a o ee e o e o o r atr ll~ s r n te t hue t i tutif at t'wo t
the good ltitu Suu" - or - hg >. A itthua iiii uot-Po.Sdlri i w r.a dofu-greautt lii ii tt ccringuto-tir mer5its.uu AhtCS-tiai iltiuI ii
it l luthis tuttitilt this hook hisiIt"(u)iutuhittuitit.thantIntititexecution.tandiitwas nit
able iii" o u it iri t ii~ ~ti av r tsit fteo tutil tdent.it iehp l t. will tiithe de uttilLs t lii ta h nstiustou mei of- itill
to t ututi ihuit ili li- mo her fau relit f t lssI m oporti.h-i th i itlii hh itth
o t ilt:1. i:is it v . t i ne Ii uhu In. titt o ld he u the t luu tag frtfuituit :il lo csa li1 Ie ed r tilt r ,(ru e le mihs fes
i le t o th 1. i m v r li s to m e . : 1 4 p r m ' s w i l ce t i u le i it(]) uuuill g i olt N tut i n ittt i-l p titi sa 11d er utua teht o w e v e itr. tithintdtes ih et
]litliii t Si it -V- I u 1of5 flt itt tuuulu-u:t m ostttimlt Sitfihittofhutl-tikihus.S Tue iwie rhwtouldl-comiii
floor i lii tlinht ast ito l i tuie " f ul tiuhteusd oert-uuix iu11 tl S-iutiohvirifitinSuanduuo1siet heigi y2c4o l -itt 5 5 htuuuuui itiot
loll ide i i l r a l i g nil efu with i- it 'slu-i rsite atitit rd yih it yet ii ittatiu b Stlu-is veuyl4- t t its rinu-udui tt- kea h i urtthe tibti s tu rnsl
it iite it-r .T er n ifiititsi us Tts titu eStt is o ly onhs chta ].li A ur ox Iti utueav tytibookl tuiape utuii i Il) hmettoi Ielth eu nerialuluroiestiognias
roilIthaca I uii- er Olird iii hoti-ole,,5andhat :i-t tekv~ di n hf th ioverliii liwiutt los.TipeIt ouuuutttuu uitlavsithSitiSo. iiltgiii i
u(heto t ee it"m tOri hipe igo tadnosc tn .ayeiChut isietis httitult-goo, Thre arsuheuiu P i-of tuti tito clw stliiti
t o th e,; e u a d t kcd v r th a it ttl fins i uutution ti ath heul t i it-df- S -clu t uti uhuiis at -tu ith Ii hutlt-flet's tilln t u-t s t tw hml heudiptt yi
Sita u p~si ts i lii It i itel to Ilu hedilti t at the Iegt ts crtf sehu ti u ne itt ito i tt t tttiur ttloiO hidui t Nili tuuugtte hea uiuiyungli tituS
I- vu iettu- iio ie uIte al o Sltth it-w y le ar uiu ft u a e:the ttu n fk i- Tth e. eit or s e l t r~s . u b .ldi th "ti sa idtu o hu ivleush of alit - t
EliI iiitaii tlt a r-eft, ons f hied llth panofitttIe ew tutit tis- ugr-tuhuutit o hituuuuus ltor.Huui ttolil- ptuup li lstu ownu liu e.h b tr iet
tuucrl iii i o u uui-: S-tat-t i ti -u. ulu-ul- t It H ui u sl idut souulil it tof thli lu se .ston.i h-i thtiti itouul i
lii1Si tch lotwing selii oitu51 i Ten wehhu- itu le dto-nche' isv '. I. forlis hasi t >Iliis tii ii; lei Sut ti-ttt ltus iut it httt ittlh S
tutu. pot becaushteItltttuiitt OutfX theirhttu uu-uui gitil iteltst-tecialuuoiu i $l physttuicalu-u ii hut tuti ui andu- Th
S'c whhI titshouuught. the- lest ini theeat.lwill lost $0,i4,10. 8.tithit-iet tigii thetcol-gie plat=it.;tonuh-lt thi-li u-tutuhai-ltert-tisi
ics ll-hi h us Adhu tito Si--u uier t -lea iltshteal))iti-or uthe ulecond dtne itt -$),33:3. f i i stint typettatil thoiuughttituas
tutue I iReaIap.te125ii th I Stuif tutu it uu-utity hasBto leiugtulit' oitti ltiverthe grilptutu pechts-horSut uti- luil it li-tuin iSe-ut-lug Splees
14 1ef - uf hf u ith -u-uridl it ti uuu-uusuuhl bigsh.-tSthtItluuuh lii-hut tnex t h-i-h hut ThtiyStxpec tit oeLro. to hitperfect l ill ithuols.Asatcoi-til
thil~t 01iii Sit ctidedith uttiiuntto ?u-it )t ti{ tocthls u rtiui tit, :snowit itih ltututie tisvutt S-Sth ii i laehuits us thu litllSt-s
11at itt ohe lie l ition, "Rsolve oilliiegiteu uhuts tuutouuuuuutit btvcit u-i BSig Stit -ttuutthe sutc iSSturgadhstats typilt it icharacters.
tititll of-il tihuiulited;ttes l sih betutu Iti, S1.tiunealy Si- lu u tedtutu tutu ulu-Iltinuou istele huh nestt tuS lt-tie Uniertiltf'C icgoiasi.
- utif Ii- c lnielSihut s woit Iiti utits for-thetth inil iuit utetigDS. u-lb-it-ti -willcur nciedmte gf rinJh D
touThu- S uu es oftthof -tlehutug. r htao rix
It1 iI -10iSbetutOt twteen)h iutith u-lgu ttltu)s. Thi-tlu-"i Stitts Repblic- behiuforeu tti- Pliihtt Rockefellr.iI'ilui lii ne guighates ittu-u
tthOtall 1;. ")()(fliii-theuentrauue uut wuu till hutplayedtiI5 S ilutiast SophuicluuiUioni uf C(iforiati litAtugust, ti muilutitS.I lubrugs Sitstttal gifts ho
I1 uueunts IithdingotigI ii heegtree of ytars, attli- itthe lia grtammarhitholiu tbh ild o uf totneitt-liatirtcI-tlt thet universtiit utoItol utiioius.
ltttaliltig ihiutu "knSt-lst egidl0t:1tiutheine' Nt-tiYorukt uitt- tutuDe.2G, 27 anituS uituuuutgiuitlt hutyuttin. Tl~t loss
Il~l) to hutis tiuu-28.SttEhleetwillS Sut representteinott hute ttttonaoutedttl to.250(0)mad tHatroulldSinH. eeks, 18, Sins Sten
Sup ti taitiof fouilayersfitehtteathe lii uiviesity tiill lose tltotut a fourth hlettd captaini of blue Columhia coot-
SSe fr the Daily-News. hthplhy oncttiih hvery otheir teamu if this 8tutu1.tbll team.

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