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December 14, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-14

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I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The same careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to he used for
business purposes or for full dress
soS E. Washington St.
FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, h~and
painted with gol triminins
that never tarnish.
FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebony Toilet Sats
silver mounoted.
FOR EVERYBODY: Lessee's Choca-
late erlk an:dtancy pack-
Wilder's Pbarmacy
EVERYTHING Our splid in
NEW BACC--even the store
itself is new. We have remodeled thi
place and invite all our friends to eal
and inspect wh~at we have. You can'
best our LUNCHES.
R. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street

WILL HAVE TO PLAY BALL Ex-President Harrison Will Attack
Ports Rican Bill Tonight
Schedule as Arranged For Next Spring
a Splendid One. Tonigbt Ex-Presidenit Benjamins Har:-
risosn will sappear is: Unsiversity Hall
The ba~seball schedule which Mian- cinder thse auspices ocfIlhe Studeints'
ager Baird Shns provided or is psrovidin~g Lecture Association:. Tihis will be a::
s for n:eat sprin~g, sows up ais probably able lectusre boll: becasuse of th~e fame
thte best a Mich~igans team tins ever afthUe siscaker acidl because oc the sub-
- been: called uposn to play. The dates jectlise will discuss. Mr. Harrison is
a:re not sall dehunitely decided as yet, boll: a brillian:t la~wyer asnd oraitor. As
Sbut euoughs oc them are settled to ess- a triasilsawyer lie 1has no equal an~d lie
f able0 on:e to see how the work has b leensis recognizced sas onie of thse most elo-
cut out for Capt. Mcinsis an:d his quii~:t soratocs is: the U::ited Slates.
r smen. An isle it rwse of th~e few public smes:
s The usul sprinig trip west durisig who niever falls to a "low level." He
the April recess will be taikesnanid siever cosnsents to speak except whein
gamnesa llyed wits: Illissois, North- fully prcepareid to do hiimsself justice.
scester::, Chicago, Becloit aind Wiscoss- The prominsence of the speaikecrsasnd
si::,sprobably is: the order sissied, the the fact that lie is to tsake a positioni
a~ctuasl dates, howvever, beisig still a ofssatsgoisis to the silicy ofIis
sismtter oif luestioss. Later ain vassion panrty hii cosigress hsisttrct-ed wish-
if the est will be smle aid over a attesntions. Papiers sll over the counsstry
week spenit plasyinsg us:: exceedisigly sire maiikinig spiec-iailarrsangemsents Is:
hasrd series of gamsses. The closed dates seciure extrascts of Iis aiddress asid 5ev-
sire as follows: ersal ('Iic-sgo paspers will scnd spiecisal
May 11-Illinois at Anns Arbor. coirrespiondesnts to cover the lecture.
15-Chsicago at Ain Arbor. Trie slicd will receive msore inews-
17-Cornell sit Buffalo (or Elsuirai.) Ipperttentlions 1:thassy masde is: sonse
18-Corinell at Ithsaca:. time.
22-Yale at New Haven. Mr. IHarrisoni will be the guest if
25-H1arvard at Cambridge. Presislrust Anigell while is: An:: Arbori.
30-Illinois at Aini Arbor (or Do- After the lecture the Fli Delintais'etsa
trait). fratecinity, of wvhichi the ex-presidenst is
Junse 1-Wiscoinsin: at An:: Arbor. ai iembiler, will give a receptiosnis: his
S-Chicago at Au:: Arbor. hosior.
14-Corinell at Anni Arbor. -_______
15-Coirnell st Anns Arbor. BASE BALL PROSPECTS
* 17-Chicago at Chicago. ___
f Pesnisylvanias: ::soffered li::y-21, sat
5. Phila~delpihia, buit it is yet unsdecided Candidatea Will Not Commence Pi-act-
sczlsetlser it will be accepited osr not. In ice 'rll March 1-Much Good
ie ill pribilityli~ Williamss will lie played Malei lal
11 st Williasssloi os: either the 2011: or
It 2:3d of Masy. Otlier dates ons the east-
i-cs:trips will hi' fillied wills gas teither W'lile bse 'Bail iesass 'of .othrlist i-
t.witLlsfsayette, st Esasto::, Psi.: Prinsce- Isutious sre alreadly commenscscingthi-i
to ats:: Prinscetoin, lssnslatta:: College at indoor swork, Michliguss's cssssdisbhileo
SNies York, sr Brown: at Providensce, Will inat goilo she esige before 'Icr Dli
1. s. 0. WTse ;lens: liaslilli e pssrtieslssrl
S Is: adilitions Is:the gamsses salready slilosg tlii:year, aosall of rise old asess:.
:c-lscduleil one of tse stronsgrcwsencs ebrs will be sout, andsISsevenal likcly mecn
ti-asss will be brou:ght for the opsening liaco centered oiolle e. Webber, ie foal
gamse st lhom~e oil April 27, ousd le- basll slayer, was flse cr-ack lisiclier sit
sides this gasse will piriibaly ble the, Austin high school, s insiit looks is
schsedu:led with Otiseli:: t:nd0Ohsio Stsste if lisewou~ld be effeetice is: 'tse 'v'ar-si'ty
OTiivirsity. 'T'heiexsact dasses whichcis.s, Midisa::, itse'crsack isisorlstoli10f
th e eidinsg inegotisatioins resuilt in w'ill Norilsoeslern, look 'his Itessury degree
bse- annsounscedl later. there Ilast year, -anis s :ommssfresissisa:
________________ lsmvw ad eligible sundser the s-tles.
Praioe For Woo. A. Howland W"I ilr, 1 lse olt v .hsislscrst siI, wot

-No. 68
Score a Success on First Appearance
in Ann Arbor
lIses appeared in Ann As-hoc for the
first lime last nighst anid justified the
reiputations that preceded bim. From
isis first asppearansce on the platform
till the last nsuimber was finaishiecd 11:
auidieince was ensthusiastic in its greet-
Tise success of the e i' was as
msuch due to good jssii:ssiet is: pro-
gras:insisikinig is to the c -cellesice of
the smusic. Tise most shso - ical selec-
tiusowere fatSles O re!i slered and
wi-re salternastedO 'witih sists popular
numbi:Sers, which were -il' --sastically
received. The audience t'ie lsargest
of the seaiso::anid was e~~.spaid for
'rle overture fron: "Migisoss'w'as
plasy(,(!iSS'sthe msost finsished smanner
siic wisnespecially well suited to the
bateid si-:-siigeiiesst, its melody beinig
broiughte outt to Ite fuillest extenst. He
re-slondeidi to in enicore wsithi the piopu-
lsar "Patrolh" msarch. ise "Serenaide
lI<i-oc-o mn-as exituisitely play~ed andi
wssfollowvedl by Moskowski's "Love's
D~reamis,'"n-Ishihmvseve:: better tha:n
the ,iir:ig.
Sig. Albei-lianig tie --'rreadtor"
mm-i-S. Sbut suffered icompanrisons with
oilers who hisve givn-c: it hiere. "Csariii-
val of Venice" givni as ais enco-ire for
Ru~binsstein:'s Ksammenioi Ostrowv,"
masde a great hiL Bohinir tKryl
piroved himself a great eorsiet
isl, andi plsayed a tainig; encosre.
"Prinice Chanrmig," a two-stepi by
lInnes was givnschd:vt-c*fi-rotus api-
psne thist it was repu ctesO.Alise.
Noldisianig thte sariatfrom:s"Tramviata'
wills brillisaitItec-hinsquii. 1cr responise
witl:"Thie Lsast SRose of 8S: silier' nv-s
iexquiisitely- ren:deredO, andilis:ths selec-
tians: hei-tpi Bsr-dS st sec hint. liii
5:f ictlelisirusessrif hlic ie -11idit".-c
ilelic~s-y iof feeliing slit- iisplaiyedO won~
Ownig to the fasct that the Ilsilia:n
tensor 'criihiadOlost liii bagigssgilie
i-oist ii ho fishisioil the lplatforms:aini
a si-i-ne frosm Il Trovatore wass givn-ii
inssteadil of asts. AMiss Boydien's slng-
lug wnas a. fair effiort, andi Zerii sisig-
eing f rosin behsindithe staige.,provnd us
1:e:or of i-xcepionia:lnoice.
T'he ."AnvilChosruis nas a nosvelty sinid
rwais thorousghly ensjoyedl. Bu:t it nnas

Tbooth Powder
Has all the desirable qual-
ities of the best
Has none of the harmful
ingredients found in so
25c per Bottle.

t: Book=Case
holding 25 books
~ 5.5o
Additional units,
any number hold-
ing 25 books, at
$2.50 each.}


'rie lDueembser nssumbher of "Music"
cosisilihsss avery comimentaiis-ihry seelh
if _Mr. WililiamuiiA.. I5 lssndso(f thi ne ii-
ve-rsity Si-hosol (if Ailusii, is:wcsh: Mr.
tlsotthems, this-edsitosr, nstatss"Among
hss impshortanut :addsiiostohi:this- artistic
ri-sourices of the icdsdle wi-stIfsw'vsre'
moruon-Isble praisedl thianusthe subject
of this sketch:, nvhoSias n enesgaged
by' Pcot. A. A. Staniley to taike chanrge
si tIhe voscail depa~rtmsent ins the School
of Muos-c at Anni Arbor. SMr. How-
lanisd's voice is a basso cantanuste, ade-
quate to baritoise roles which are suet
too high, a very expressive ergain, full
is: volumue anid resnnt, anid is: all cc-
spectslie is a manly ste~er. Parlien-
Iirly to hie admired is: his delivery of
the text, which: is bothlsusnugand de-
claimsed in am manner which belongs to
ltme trueemid of the sinsger, hit which
iso so rasrely heard, especially from our
Ammericans wemen sigers. The mcin
sre generally belter thsansthme women
iii thins peiit. It inshis every wny to a
suhbject of congratulatiois that an Sm-
portant school of munic, like the unh-
versity schosol in Ain Arbor, should
have at the head of its vocal depart-
inenst an artist, of this caliber, no good
a musician and a man of so high a
character and distincthon."
po eetforinga stdentofo rothibituon
Aoeet fring-ofasUdentf.Po ith our
club will he held Ibis afternoon at
Ne-shergy .Hell.-

this Sear. Ansil-ilere are sahl i'd toAb ht s meffectivemis it wosusldShishave ee
sen-cs- oh er ralsk-a-jacks muss mnill it--ien niasstage nw-here sth fllsue-
shreughien the -teaiu:.Time selirihuile for shsssii-:l effecs cosulsd hive hises: pro-
Ilhe sems:::, whsis-his lprintetodaysslsvisn- shtid.
eludles ass sasternsthip, nith:gasumes withi A Traveling Fellowship
Yile insistHasrvar sr f0 easture-s. ____
-Walter D. tladznits, who last year
It is really qitie interestin:g hown held ltme Elisha Tones, classical felow-
Jefferon:ic Anigelis, nvhossis Is: be seem snhsip is unm'\vstiudyinig abroaud. Ilesvs
at this-Athiestosmorrsownvsightinhis: api intsied esarly -hum the tfll tby Ices.
nenw muisical prodiictioni, "A Roiyal Ansge-ll to the Johnui W. Scott traven'ssg
Rcogue," has cause to this-fosse vhile felloiwshipi.
thue mstsosi his fosrmeur cosmuis-oper:: This fellonwship was provided for
associateoslhane dreoiped oiut of puhilic thrsiugh thme genserosity of thie nnidonv of
notice or goneintos~ vauideville. Lillian :thme hale Talus:W. Scott of the Chicago
Rtuissell slid Do Wolf Htoppser hasve Timses-Hlerald, anidSMr. Handzsits' nvorkt
joinied the compainy suppssortinmg the ahiroad wnill be ua coninusation of the
Dths comedians, W~eber aisd Fields, work-hue pursued lucre in Ann Arbour.
is New York. Della Fox linegonse Ho is at present in Rome studyinug at
onto the variety circuits, and Digbsy the Ainericans school of classical stud-
Bell and Pauline Hall have gone iito ie, of which Prof. K~elsey of Ann Ar-
vasudeville. Camille D'Arville hsas her happens to be director thme present
masrried and retired from the stage. year, having left the university ois a
Teff lDeAingelis, honvever, han steadily year's leave of absence. From Hoane
forged to the froint, and nowv has the SMr. Hladzsits nill go to Athens and
fild almnest to himself. I-ie friends later nill attend some Germnan univer-
and admirers say it is the survival shty.
of the fittest" hoff says nothing, but The pricipal purpose of time tosur is to
sanvs weed. In time meantime he is study archiecture, sculpture aind art in
inaking a whole nation laugh nhisIis the museums and usns of thie east.
newv success, "A Royal',Rogue." Mr. Hadzsits took his master's dtegree
in '99 and he expects to take Iis des--
Time members of the Graduate club tores degree after he returns. He is
are requested to meet in Room.I9, U. accompanied hy his brother. George
H1., at 10 a. in., Saturday, Dec. 15. An Hadzsits, and together they will travel
organization for the year will he per- throughi France, England and Germany
fected,. H. S. PERSON, Secy. before returning to this. country.

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