NO. 70
Announcement w
I~Our special line
of foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has
arrived and is arranged for inspec-
tion. The same careful attention
is given to the styles and finish of
every suit, whether to e used for
husiness purposes or for full dress
. H. WILD No,
io8 . Washington St.
FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware, hand
painted twith gld trmming
that nr tanih.
FOR GENTLEMEN: Ebny Tilet Sets
FOR EVERYBODY: Lwnev's Chato-
ltaes in blk and fancy ack-
Wilder's Pbarmacy
NEW BACCO-even the store
itself is new. We have remodeled the
place and invite all or friends to call
and inspect what we hae. Yo cant.
beat tr LUNCHES.
11,. I,. Jollly, 308 S. State Street.
Tooth Powder'
Has all the desirable qual-
ities of the best
Has none of the harmful
ingredients found in so
25c per Bottle.
SWernicke I
. Book=Case
holding 25 ooks
Additienal units+ n ubrhig2 ok, a25 uh
*fn ubrIod
New York Journal and Chicagro Ameri-
can Outwit Ex-Presidest Harrison
Milliontaire Hecart ifasi5stoned a great
victory buttit smy ct himtonatpretty
penny. Tite New- York Jousted cnd
(ChicatgctAmericain an:d theit- pricely
ownorihav on word "cost" ithieir vn--
cahtdry whenth iey want news. A
reap d' etat was plnsted here fr Fri-
day nigiht and carricci to ac perfect cx-
cafion. Neweiapr mnt geserally
ntere infformth a lit e-Pes. ltrrfso'
spteecit was cofyrighitoiasd coltnot
fbc used n-rbatinm or toe any great ex-
tent. An a mttettoft fact 200-word
synfoses0of theo speef-hfwre lhatndedfto
the reporters by teOifetkrs frivtfet
secretary, and ifntrctiotsweticouI tt
flit thesnl ~ty nihould hoeOuse. The
afddtress wfsray af artitlo tiatf is to
appefar inthtff North American flvieW
it: the near futu~re-. anftin owetd by
thiseconcert, theoe-Presiietothcvitg
bteen give n- ortisiout to dt-unver it
tnere to tite tidntst.
BuIlt iite prhibitionadinit-
struictiotts, utsweltias teiporotnttr-
attacihod to te tpeeci, servdontly to
gttationtheft: daritg Hearst ft o ttttll
hisi cotmfietitors anttialso ft "scoo"thie
NortitAteircaft. Int orer ft carry
tis ttut three ste-nogratpihtrs fas :imaty
tyipewriters ndftourftttratoifrsem :re
pretednntoi it t-f-neri. Te shrt
hanttt it- t-i tie :1ts'it-f y if juti tiff if ii
allnti ndi-uietl ipped i notafttinif
tro ioitt2tniin n: ntitnsendidnfioithefi
1902oldhaeFetiveh, i rtclek-
wholeisiiiv-piiecd i as aning f
fand tucctgsful p:iecetitoftworka.bitltfI
payfttt he movit.Ategrt.' ria
autblcu itoal nt-illno.ttjecttillthe
entier fue. -ttttg- ft--teia
19rets 2i g esgtie 0.S. t* tt-rcii:
Tttt g 90:clss:gavef2afttrk0. l.t.
eTie set-titsfoletlelt:tem Pomloial
ecot ture asloo ti lyr.,hI"ry elltake
faDroit Tnsidet ttmenucrdwilieasti
fotloing rsio sandw ichigs"Dutr.
Wkeris andetclynownipeatorityo
ottic The roits tslwusc endthleotutn
imsenyts th ere at:uoto vrtiel"ytosea
Soun etinetthlseoics lt tt unitinub
jeict. " T h ote Suopesit henpitheli
The.' P'ie kuk BiSoig eys.he
bee lieurallyeepatronize deperth
nmebru theotrationsfher thislest
wek toet ractd urottd dbsngame
stret r illynhathas on by W.Fachin
h eondsecure in the o? gia
"Jack" LeRoy Heard From Pan-American fuprs
A letter dated No. , ias beet: re- Te President of the at-Aterican
ceived Dec. 15, by the Delta Upsilont expositiot: recently appointed a con-
fra:tern:ity, fro:::"Jatck" LeRoy, '9t ittee ott sports, as follow-n- Jesse C.
(fortuely editor of thle Daily, nwho is Dan::. caitmat; Dr. Clin. Cary, J
in t1:e Philippine;~ as te private MC. Mithel, John B. Olmsted,
secreary of Doss: Worcester in the Cares Mf. Ranot, Seward A. Simon,
commtission. He has b ieen: it: Mtnia Will. TBuret Wright, Jr.
lie nvhofl tie, but says: Soot: after its appontmenta the oo-
"Prost-ntly, wne:Pof. Woester :nitee itvied t ho following named gen-
gets ft org:aniing moticipal gover:- telene:: to act a s members of an ad-
tntn ot itt11:e oler provitces of visoty cotmittee 00 amateur sport:
Luzctontad inthle other ilaands of te Ho:. Teodore Rosevelt, Walter
Archipelago, I Shall expect to see sotme- Catnp. C. C. Cyler, C. S. Hymat (Ca-
tiitgtaore of le contry thanthie tada, (. H. Sherrill A. A. Stagg, Ben-
Sai te oird scettes f this tow:,n-rb-it- jatit ilie Wheeler, Casnie Witney
terestinigis they most geteraly are. Te apin:tmnto of this atvisory comn-
I catimai~:gin:e yet: people inthfeo::ite emtphasies tied0:-Irie of the
nidust f thte footbanl season: and: ne comm::itee to have nil tn:a::tetr com-
have no it yr-f ihad a ncotie of at gatme petitiotin occupy fhe hig'.r.,- posibe
here-, tought :sniftt a fenv fays ougtplane. .
ft brting lin a yountg bun:tc' of the Tie Staduitm, with a seafing caacity
game:s e-tin th le season. Later on:, of 12,000. is beatiful in resigna and
as, thest-tsont~tg-s coler.tItmay see a lpromtises to be one of the most s-
sotr f aputroti-h to it footbal game cesfoi achlitecturtl creatois of the
hetre. At lt-tst, 1lst yoar fie soldiers exiosiion. Ifn'wisrrotutnd a quarter-
ttrgan~izet-i aift-tn regimtentfl footal m:ile- track nit goundfr area amplte for
teamstndfitflayiberd the game after a the requliremtentfs of all fle eenets pro-
fashntuu. I niill aettdc-vn:that kit:d]poei.
notw. Yoiui-ia:n well udrersftoodc they -tn to te nafture of the athletic
wtotuln'tueedthe1:-hetaiest ipadding evn'ts pn nte, it coy be said that
fthere is. :u::tfecr spots of all kinds nill beou-
"Baseballi gamesrng~noutilher c:moug courtgel tinreresentng fte ost :de-
Soludier- ttams talmost datily, and ia few siutulnic of atitlnetic competitions, an
nativesnseemt to cuy'the gatmtt, steid the mfemtbers of tfe committee out
allyb tatmonigthet ,yontgstersr. It: generalnspors. befing college granates.sar-
howniener.ft-e- couldn'ut fltake nvlto ticurietfiirbwishn ftnmae a secial lea
,-ntuuibfttiti- ttt::fn stinhlt-btt.Amter itican oreofetlieg:-Spouts.-In i liitahttn--
fo so pr- PTyt-i I'-utt li-ttits I mea fi ttcucohhtgiatr-evints',fnit in fur
phystique"n fr i.iiit n nho. 'Te ttli tdesiit if thin-commtoite:tat teituri-
llth 11tienaper t lte nwll tt, so it01 u 1. hee atsotitiosle initdt-ioi
ta i. n iteliiuticlt be he li itiuotrta~tike- in fart itspon th',e the tic
huii efl at ni utiftandftfl ft-~ar ttfftfeettf f th ciii ft.t' tubcfdtis
ful1000lufori1500 ifthe cii iittnw.'Theconcut: fcteu theeni-ihl.
datintififsitft~ulh good iudt-i. ito. .-Altutighlamturt:-sots ill ec-u
ht- huu'uhpeop ticuild uu:::t-liug like oii::- alutrtgtfe huttulof thtet Irgan, itisi
o~ttutor fportsnitititu lt-imroe ti hollowipropouusdtothavitie sur-li.cnumber:lcof
iietniThey biticlt tu-eitoniom-toftrofs sitiittl eenifts insnill alloy tnu- i
fl- tutnitinoftifhratfindcielotisporti. 1 toitinouitt ttltttiibttnwitunsthin :tl-
lit-itBeanI htli~tti t: atui titibiniehit-skill of te et uurofessoinals.
fimeii I niill uexperIietuaI litl it n f1:Tft'chaf::tru-ofprizeiat ::tmill le uf-
flu-tin tislineli-:'fered Ihatintolyet beet:definuite-yb- tur
thu k"alo etit samloftlPufhili- tmfieduponil,: :bu lt e nfassur'efmaybeli
tptu-etbacc-uofifththehu t he fitbos gtvuuthatitprizesn nill hbe'awarn'tdif u
itie' faces-tstin y f tf ::::u:ifif lnuunnv-luittsiti t ngfsfifouvefirs of athltici-
cousu:huivethatfitif ifutiffwfitci-i e tel uc-u-tthefunexpositio.
witt- on it: . If is luroposed- ft tuttnge ain f:im o-
ofeuhigi' baseball andtfulfootball gmes:r'
The Foot Ball "M" 014tittlisinespneciallb- desired bb-lt-u-ciff
Capt. Snotninhtmlnuighit gvut ftthin ateu(It:A.BAAfft.) Turac best.g b
fuuf~uii~g utitiu cu fu- nt-: n-it eldin the-ni t yar
cu-i-c-in-nfoIe oftrtbhei fnftch:-witlrin iealiprgrm m uightit: to htutld
reciv th Zarsty"Al fr tei wok it: t' Stacict:::the- Eastern hItecol-
ii: thu gridirnfuotoing ft-hitpast seaton: Irgiate m~etingthet:tieWesternInfi-
B-rwn-:. feroegiate mtectig; these to te fol-
Bele.tlonietd bffatun-mterican meeuctingtupen:
Kelly. ttcmttios fn the to fprnvius
Mar:ks. mneeitgs tanthto repesentautin-es of
Redein':.oher itecollegiate ssociatiotn.
Shoets.e. Oit-cr itecoltegiatec-ventus hauve
Shorts.beet:conded, stc: as icruis:.
Stuonv.cross-cutrly runigwin-il:strtf mitt
Snvew'y finih:ithe Stdiumt, etc.. et.
Weks .Thin comumitee out sports lhoe fa
Wees.the expoitiot: may have a full college
Thuiste oalo nelc rvili eresetaion.tt. is propoed ft hldu
Thismake a ttalof telve owhih umn ofher sports itt the Stadium. te
in the least nuber thuat has ever been A A P chfmpionship lawn tetnis,,
givntocut at thue close of aItfootball lacrosse, cycltng, associatiot football.
seasotn. waer sorts, trapfand target shootitg,
Thue Daughters of the AAlla . ectltoelossol esn
Revolution held a most delightful toAesseCDain, chouldbei, n4t
meetitng at fle honme of Srs. Prof, toJsee h Colt n cara, o 3
Pattersosn, 814 S. University ave., on SurBfao .Y
Thursday afternoon. Srs. Prof. Car- A recent gi11t to the geneal library o
hart read a paper on "The Presett At- the Univereity of Michigan is Fle
titude of the Mother Country" HMrs. Bok .off tthe Fair, An Historial and
Carhart has recently returned from Descriptive Presentation" of the
England where, with Prof. Carhart, World's Science, Art, etc., as Viewed
site enjoyed the hospitality of many Through the Colmbian cxposiiots at
scientific people, This gave her an op- Chicago in 189. The work is in test
portunity to see that English life sections, each of whcfh conkits ten
wthich is so charming. After the read- egravings. The oopy received by thus
lug; of the paer a social hour was en- University is number twelve of the a-
joyed, and -light refreshments were thor's edition,it was sold to the late
erved. fihe ladles declared this meet- Mils J. J. Bsgey- of Detroit and
lg wvas one of the most pleasant of through 'her heirs reached tell~Iisvei
a~ s .i nnI.5y} W ra.
-w Io
n , .: .... . ,: .nr .n