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October 11, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…40F x - t 1 N I IAlftw41%pkw weatner Today: Sunny. High 67. Low 43. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 67. One hundred nine years of editorilfreedom Monday October 11, 1999 limpluilgamllilig MEN= ,. I Out of reach Palestinians, Israelis discuss peace at 'U' By Nick Bunkley DaIily Stab Reporter Sawsan Abdulrahim knows her par- ents' horrifying stories of being driven from their Palestinian homeland and forced into refugee camps. But since...…

November 11, 1999 (vol. 110, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…WE IC 4 Weather ay; Sunny. High 50. Low morrow: Partly sunny. High 36. 159. One hundred nine years of edikn aIlfreedom Thursday November 11, 1999 'n of. says weatshop abor aids onomies Marta Brill aily Staff Reporter Are sweatshops actually helping ird-world garment workers? Drawing parallels between 19th entury America and current conditions impoverished nations, Ohio niversity economics Prof Richard edraddressed this question last nig...…

September 11, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…ews: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 lasslfled: 764-0557 'Elan t . One hundred seven years of editor ilfreedom Friday September 11, 1998 - - - - - - - - - - - loilin y Katie Pion aily Staff Reporter University President Lee Bollinger ounced yesterday he will increase the ber of key executive officers at the University by splitting one major position into three vice presidential posts. Under Bollinger's new plan, the multi- imensional post ...…

November 11, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…-,\ q One hundred eightyears ofeditorialfreedom News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 764-0557 Wednesday November 11, 1998 vol. CI1C, No. 32 Aim Arbor, the Michigan Daily UOP continues leadership changes WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Bob Livingston of Louisiana, House speaker-in- waiting, met with Newt Gingrich to discuss a transition to power on yesterday as competition for other Republican leadership posts swirled around him. ...…

December 11, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…9 I Elg'Elan IUI News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 7640557 One hundred eight years ofeditorialfreedom Friday December 11, 1998 wSU Prof. shot during Hxam DETROIT (AP) - A Wayne State University professor giving a final exam last night was fatally shot by a rifle-armed man who entered the class- room, opened fire, reloaded and fired again before fleeing, police said. Police Chief Benny Napoleon identi- fied the victim a...…

September 11, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 138) • Page Image 1

…One hundred nine years cf'editonalfreedom ,' ~ NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Monday September 11, 2000 Ford, Kissinger to attend ceremony By Yael Kohen Daily Staff Reporter Almost a year after the University Board of Regents voted to rename the School of Public Policy in honor Former President and University alum Gerald R. Ford, administrators are holding a celebration tomorrow that will include campus visits b...…

October 11, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditoradlfreedom U 41 i4 lh r NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Wedneday October 11, 2000 -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - - End ,, 4, iY Tye ' ;i , z for AVR ograms SNRE may nix undergraduates By AnnaClark aily Staff Reporter A committee charged with exploring the possibility of creating a joint program between the School of Natural Resources and the Environment and the College of Litera...…

December 11, 2000 (vol. 111, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Ittir One hundred ten years fedzrorialfreedom NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 wwwmichigandaily cam Monday December 11, 2000 2-1 isiAs al Election returns. to high The Associated Press On the eve of historic U.S. Supreme Court, arguments, Al Gore's attorney said yesterday e vice president urgently needs a legal victo- ry to recount Florida's votes or "that's the end of the road" for his dogged drive to the presi- dency. A chorus o...…

January 11, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…WEe ga 1Ut Wcph pr Today: Mostly cloudy. High 38. Low 31. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 41. One hundred nine years of editorialfreedom Tuesday January 11, 2000 UIA L a I Despite shots, flu epidemic dot subsiding GOP descends 0n state By Shomari Terrelonge-Stone Daily Staff Reporter LSA first-year student Lydia Coble said she felt sick this past weekend with a "dry cough, headache and body fatigue." Yesterday, as she waited at Univers...…

February 11, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…One hundred nine years ofeditaotalnfreedom Alk NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 w w michigandaily com Friday February 11, 2000 Friend may have givenCrawford scholarship By Jon Fish and Mark Francescutti Daily Staff Reporters The relationship between freshman basket- ball guard Jamal Crawford and Seattle busi- $ssrnan Barry Henthorn continues to be under investigation by the University after allegations surfaced that Crawford received f...…

April 11, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…I One hundred nine years ofedtoralfreedom 41V vrtlti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 e n a te s s proposes Pell Grant increases By YaeI Kohen Daily Staff Reporter A Senate budget resolution increased the Federal Pell Grant by $400, Friday- but whether the increase will translate into real dol- s remains to be seen as the appro- riations committee begins to review budget allocations for the federal Fiscal Year 2001....…

February 11, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 Ito t w' IP2 itl a till One hundred seven years of edzriaifreedom Wednesday February 11, 1998 } y.. WJ ,. te. 4 3t -.: r u ..:: '. 2 . . '.:. ^ ....i' 4... .. N < P .? U~ T "' r u v3 r 4r : l, ,O ., .'Q .J. ' legal co By Peter Romer-Friedman Powell's opir Daily Staff Reporter race could b More than 300 students and faculty mem- the admissio bers crammed into Hale Auditorium yester- admit, we 1 day to ...…

March 11, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…s 76-DAILY ertlsing: 764-0554 CAOW Unor One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom Wednesday March 11,1998 WE MSA Mac 1" "a 1Pti tudents kick off MSA amp aign By Kristin Wright Daily Staff Reporter Flashy posters, flyers and catchy slogans are beginning to litter lec- ture halls and the Diag as aspiring politicians kicked off their cam- paigns yesterday for seats on the Michigan Student Assembly. But this winter's candidates say ir camp...…

January 11, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…WE3 One hundred eight years of editonrl freedom News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764O54 Classified Ads: 7640557 Monday January 11, 1999 'M' football players involved in fight, theft By Jewel Oopwanl and Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporters Three Michigan football players who anded a Sigma Chi fraternity gather- early Friday morning attempted to steal electronic devices and threw a television out a window before inciting a fight, Sigma Chi member...…

February 11, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Weather Today: Windy. High 61. Low Tomorrow: Snow. High 40. WE t t ti 42. One hundred eight yeas7 feditorzBfreedom Thursday February 11, 1999 VpU ..-.TA 7tE i1"t tl I Medical By Adam Brian Cohen Daily Staff Reporter When the new University Hospitals facilities opened in 1986, patients could s_ e in their rooms. But starting Sunday,, tI1 entire medical campus, which includes University Hospitals, the Nursing and Medical Schools and all...…

March 11, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…1£1V *rnt lAita+ il aar vv tuner Today: Mostly cloudy. High 32. Low 12. Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High 35. One hundred eight years f editorial fredom Thursday March 11, 1999 Friends remember Groesbeck By Jaimie Winkler Daily Staff Reporter Family and friends of University alum Christopher Groesbeck remember him as caring and always willing to help someone in need as they begin the healing process'fol- l ing his tragic death. oesbeck's l...…

September 11, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditorialfreedom TI ti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Tuesday September li, 2001 69 p ,'j Colleges, seek repeal of tax By Louie Melzlish Daily Staff Reporter Administrators and student leaders at Michi- gan colleges are pressuring state lawmakers to repeal the tuition tax credit, an effort that, if suc- cessful, could save in-state University students about $80 and $200 for out-of-state ...…

October 11, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… One hundred eleven years ofeditonalfreedm NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Thursday October 11, 2001 -*f ~ 4t 1 c,1 One month later September 11, 2001 Time passes by, but lives remain changed I By Ted Borden and Shannon Pettyplece Daily Staff Reporters One month ago today, at 8:48 a.m., University students found themselves and all other Amen- cans in a different world. In the hours following that time, when hij...…

December 11, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

… One hundred eleven years ofeditoralfreedom ti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Tuesday December 11, 2001 B 9 f P 1 _ Deadline passes for - interviews with FBI By Jacquelyn Nixon Daily Staff Reporter Ten students and two University employees have chosen to participate in the U.S. Department Justice interviews as part of the FBI's terrorism investiga- tion, said Nick Roumel, senior attorney for Student Legal Services. Nine of the student...…

January 11, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…Itr One hundred ten years ofeditorzdfreedom t ttz NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Thursday January Ui, 2001. se' d id >:P , - Cantor By Jacquelyn Nixon Daily Staff Reporter The University has agreed to pay $100,000 to *ttle a lawsuit filed in August 1999 by George Cantor following the death of his daughter, Courtney. Courtney Cantor died October 16, 1998, after falling through the window of her sixth-floor room in...…

April 11, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditori'alfreedom ati NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Wednesday April 11, 2001 student reports rxobbery, ass ault Male student was attacked from behind ar Stockwell Rpsidence Hall yesterday * sten Beaumont Staff Reporter male University student report- e ing robbed by two armed men a' 1:30 a.m. yesterday morning near Stockwell Residence Hall, said Department of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane...…

January 11, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven years ofeditoril freedom "Ui NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Friday January 11, 2002 Judge denies area Muslim leader bond again By Jacquelyn Nixon Daily Staff Reporter A federal immigration judge gave Immigra- tion and Naturalization Service officials more time to build their case against Ann Arbor Muslim leader Rabih Haddad, who was once again denied bail and must remain behind bars as the fed...…

February 11, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven years ofeditorialfreedom IUI NEWS: 76-DAILY * CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Monday February 11, 2002 't 1 8 -$ . I Dingell discusses * Enron troubles By C. Price Jones Daily Staff Reporter The Enron Corp. controversy's, developments and repercussions were the major issues touched upon by 23- term U.S. Rep. John Dingell (D-Dear- born) in an informal discussion with students on Friday in Lorch Hall. The Enron...…

March 11, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven yeas feditizfreeda m NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSiFIED: 764-0557 Monday March 11, 2002 Vol. CXEE, No. 91 Amin 02002 The E MieVigan " Ei Barg'ning continues into early morning By Jordan Schader Daily Staff Reporter With a marathon bargaining session ongoing between the University and the Graduate Employees Organization, it was uncertain this morning whether the scheduled GEO walk-out would be held today. As ...…

April 11, 2002 (vol. 112, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…One hundred eleven yearsofedorlnfreedom NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 764-0557 Thursday April Ui, 2002 MI~ !O 1k 5,@., n Abr..002 h a ig . Drinking problems increasing at 'U, By Rob Goodspeed Daily Staff Reporter A recent nationwide study has confirmed what surveys have already shown at the University - that rates of alcohol use, and its associated effects, are increasing. While administrators plan a number of new outr...…

July 11, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…I NEGRO ACHIEVEMENT: THE ROAD UP See Editorial Page Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a ii WARMER High-82 Low-53 Mostly fair; light winds y,. _ ,.. ._ _._ ... LXXIII, No. 12-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1963 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES i'VVi6 &A.%,11 7 7 Congress .Continues Civil Rights Hearings Protests Hit Omaha, New York; Women's Groups Form Committee By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Whiled President John...…

October 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The M'ichigan- Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER zii:,1907. No. t6. Voi- XVIII. "WABASH MAY consider ation that ot wee i e pr URGES BUCK-SAW T ecedini theipositon, an oversight itc md is critiismn of their wok PROVE SURPRISE" a itl °°sot emigy FOR COLLEGE MEN Elckersall Warns Yost to Look sendingI or!! t teceetter at tat isar prof. Roth Addresses Forestry a Out for Hoosiers--Opposes Our titlime.Th svarsity at! te bllonth Students ...…

December 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Daily inn'. XV'IT.\1\\N kill ()R., int (iI.\ \.\VEI)NkSIDiY. 1)kin'ki1 thinrriiQ0. Ivai m-11- tt)Tr oMVVl lonY1''OIIWt NI i CII (;1iNINVITTED TO CANDIDATES MUST ,_ ein oi'l 111111 141 \I 1(1)1f~ HINE EXE DSC ,1 1701 't'~'Ct r . iit i 1 Ii Au he n ,il N Ic i i lyl; tin ur.riivii . nIiiiteConveii ntion hs e Souit fr Pltca rbeji iidhii i-tN'.1b tcntniil <<p lilic Owner of New Theater Cuts Price niiiiWih t'° n.Jhn Inrt Presented to Student Counci...…

January 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Dil ANN ARBOLR. ?MICIIGA'N, SA IliZl).1Y, JA N J : I:Y rar. aqoh<. o7 Vo'. XVIII. NO. 75. "MICHIGAN'S PLACE IS IN THE WEST" Senior Student Argues AgainstE Secession from Conference- Sees No Future in East. 1ditor IDaiy. Permit ata uy e.or ao say a fett words aitent le Conference-sitati.} Iae been here long tenglhto realie that I liver n mama a- to say. aatil sentiorsarteBayilg, tat I willlhe rte et year atdI till ntathae to bea...…

February 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XVIII. ANN AR BOP, IMICHIGAN, P TDAY, t-RUARY fi, 10 NO. 94. ... -.-- - - r _._. ._..._.. _ - . ...___.W_._. BA&BAL WORK IN CAGE BEGINS TODAY Coach McAllister Is in Town to Start Practice-- New Games Arz Scheduled. Preliminary practice for the baseal season will start in the gymasiam this ternoot. Coach McAllister will e F present to direct the opeitg work. En tsiasut among thetplayrs has sdeel- ped with the close ...…

March 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The Mi higanDil Voi ,. XVIHL A T- ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH i, 1908. Net. 1 19. WA-JEFF. ASKS FOOTBALL DATE Pennsylvania College Is Latest Possibility for Eighth Game- Syracuse Wants Dual Meet. Manager Bairud arrives in town yester- day morning and is already busily en- gaged conpluetng the schedules for the years athletics. The tproluem of the eighth footal gaue is occupyig a large part of his attention. Mr. Baird uwill leae Ilhe c...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…rston: To Attempt Full- Year Operati t By DENISE WACKER crop of babies born immediately after World War II didn't ey were destined to revolutionize higher education. But the 's did. since about 1950, there had been jingles on television and . buses portending disaster to American education unless ns were made for the schooling of the millions of youngsters e then in their first years of elementary school. the mid-1950's, most institutions o...…

October 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…POLITICAL VIEW OF EDUCATION See Page 4 ilk igau ~IA&t33 PARTLY CLOUDY High-7 Low-54 Mild in the daytime, but chance of showers tonight Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXIII, No.23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES -Daily-Edward Arnos TRUSTEES-University President Harlan Hatcher applauded the nation's college governing boards at the Association of Governing Boards dinner last night. To hi...…

November 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Wisconsin.. .37 Purdue . Northwestern . 6 MSU . . . . 17 Minnesota ..a. 10 Ohio State. 9 Iowa . . . . . . 0 Indiana . . .. 10 Syracuse . .. 34 Penn State . . 34 \ Oklahoma 7 Navy . .... 6 West Virginia. 6 Iowa State . 41 Slippery Rock 21 .. 0 Clarion State . 3 I ; t THE SGC CANDIDATES See Editorial Page Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom ~Iaiti s .fl_. WARMER High-54 Low-40 Fair today, cloudy tonight ' . , 'I VOL. LX=11, No...…

December 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…Center Aims By DAVID MARCUS Going into its fourth month of operation, the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching 'is working "to bridge the gap" between the human learning research laboratory and the classroom, Prof. Stanford C. Ericksen, director of the center, said yesterday. "We want to make available to University faculty members the accumulated-knowledge of experimental psychology, the other behavioral sciences and education researc...…

January 11, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Jheaters Continue To Use Time-Tested Technique By DAVID MARCUS Cheating is as straightforward as ever. Despite reports that college students hide answers in empty watch cases, cleverly connive to get the exam to a compatriot waiting outside the exam room and have files of term papers for every occasion, most of the cheating detected is still the desperate but unprepared student peeking at his neighbor's exam paper. Describing the run-of-the...…

January 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…Johnson Asks Tax Boost in State-of -nion SEE PAGE3 DUNCAN SELLS GOES TO WAYNE STATE See editorial page Y L 5t 43UU AJIF :43 Zt t I CLOUDY High-26 Low-18 Possible occasional snow flurries Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, .ANUARY 11, 1967 -SEVEN CENTS -U'LState ight Blocks New Campus Constri EIGHT PAGES ction By ROGER RAPOPORT campus buildings as a new Archi- Daily News Anal...…

February 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…NO NEW TRICKS FOR OLD DIPLOMATS See editorial page C, r i r :43 ti1# COLDER High-25 Low--0 Windy, chance of snow flurries VOL. LXXVII, No. 113 Social Work Conference Meets Here Focuses on Need For Student Voice In Program Planning By WALLACE IMMEN "If our schools will not 'allow student representation in the deci- sion-making process of our edu- cational system, then we mustturn our schools upside down until they do," Alan Haber, Grad, sa...…

March 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…DEFENSE DEPARTMENT EXAMINES ENGINEERING See editorial page Sibr ~Iaitjr SUNNY High-53 Low-36 Windy; slight chance of rain tonight Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 133 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1967 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES ' Ocij s Answer Fair Employment Report after high- "If they are put into a training with big program with no white students in ittha will 4s t that t h By URBAN LEHNER The en...…

April 11, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…FOREIGN POLICY NEEDS CALL OF LIBERALS See editorial page Y Sir i au 4 hr :43latly SUNNY AND WARMER High-54 Low--22 No chance of rain; light winds 5-10 m.p.h. Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1967 SEVEN CENTS iFsch Favors Bomb Halt if North Recipro By RICHARD WINTER . "The Administration has no and Southeast Asia as a whole;" to plan their lives with any cer- a lottery is an...…

September 11, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…rRegents Request Budget Hike Strengthens U'L S"1n l"_ , Tunu_ ibrary Board Asks Record $14.2 Million To Launch Expansion Program By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The Regents have submitted their annual request to Lansing for state building funds. Their record bid of $14.2 millionseeks to launch, 5r starting ,next year, a five-year program of construction and remodel- ling which would eventually cost the state $102 million. The program aims to expand li...…

October 11, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…KM Snaps MSU Jinx with 17-10 Victo s' F4 [rprise Pass Caps ourth, Quarter Rally Staunch Defense Leads Wolverines To First Win over Rivals Since '55 By TOM ROWLAND Associate Sports Editor Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-'Michigan's offensive machine sputtered, coughed, and waited until late in the fourth quarter to roar alive with two touchdowns that whipped Michigan State here yesterday afternoon, 17-10, ending a nine-year winless...…

November 11, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…PROPOSITION 14: MAJORITY TYRANNY? See Editorial Page rY Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Pad ii CLOUDY High-69 Low-47' Slight chance of thundershowers tomorrow 4, VOL. LXXV, No. 63 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Researchers See Economy Boost Surveys Indicate Wage Increases To Stimulate Consumer Demand By CHRISTINE LINDER The nation's consumers, whose expectations play an important role ...…

December 11, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…SEASON'S GREETINGS i i 14C 1Mw 43UU A6F :43 att]q GOOD LUCK ON EXAMS Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL LXXV, No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1964 SEVEN CENTS TWELVE PAGES Federal Commissioner Releases 19 Suspects In Civil Ri hts Murder THE MAN ON THE LEFT, Roy Wilkins, reacted with "deep shock" yesterday as charges against the man on the right, Lawrence Rainey, were dismissed. Wilkins, who is the executive...…

February 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…RALLY 'ROUND VIET NAM See Editorial Page CLC Sir igau D~ali 1 CLOUDY High- 6 Low--26 Cloudy iwith Possible rain Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 116 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 11 FEBRUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Trimester: No Help Now By ROBERT HIPPLER Will the University's new tri- mester system help the literary college accommodate the in- flow of students during the next three years? Hardly at all, acc...…

March 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…BIAS CLAUSES- MISGUIDED EFFORT? See Editorial Page 43U11 :43 a t t CLOUDY High--3 Low--20 Snow flurries gate this afternoon Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 11 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES THEY'LL HAVE NO HOURS: unior Women Freed Junior women in University The explanation of the parallel ed to leave the residence halls residence halls, co-operatives and privileges in a let...…

April 11, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…A REPLY TO RICE: 'MAN MAKETH MANNERS' See Editorial Page PEP gi l tFAO A6F Pt COOL High-60 Low-42 Cloudy with chance of showers Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 164 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES State Board Reviews AFRICAN DELEGATE: I 'Collpgial te Problems Plague . ,.... . . ...,... .... . _.r .v... . . . .i w . v f f s .. i 'Blue Ribbon' Report The State Board of Educatio...…

May 11, 1963 (vol. 73, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…A CITIZENS COMMITTEE WITHOUT THE CITIZENS See Editorial Page u Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom ~IaitP COOL High-55 Low-40 Partly cloudy today, turning warmer tomorrow LXXIII, No. 166 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1963 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES ,. I 'LAN JUNIOR YEAR: Delta To Seek Private Status; Marble Meets With Romney '1Y Bi-Racial Group Sets By MARY LOU BUTCHER Delta College President Samuel Marble revealed...…

September 11, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

… Huff Foresees ew Increase in College Enrollment Special To The Daily EAST LANSING-Michigan col- lege enrollment will increase by over 43,000 students in 1965, Chair- man of the Michigan Co-ordinat- ing Council for Public Higher Education Warren M. Huff said yesterday. In presenting the results of a council study to five members of Gov. George Romney's 'Citizen Committee for Higher Education, Huff, a trustee of Michigan State University, cov...…

October 11, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…SOCIAL REGULATIONS AND RIGHTS See Editorial Page Sir 43gau Iaii4 CLOUDY High-7 5 Low-45 Cooler tonight with a chance of showers Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1963 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGI ~U' Class Sizes Icrease 10%/o By ROBERT GRODY The weighted average size of classes at the.University for the" _ all semester, 1962-63, increased by almost 10 per cent, from 17.52…

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