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December 11, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-12-11

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One hundred eight years ofeditorialfreedom

December 11, 1998

Prof. shot
DETROIT (AP) - A Wayne State
University professor giving a final
exam last night was fatally shot by a
rifle-armed man who entered the class-
room, opened fire, reloaded and fired
again before fleeing, police said.
Police Chief Benny Napoleon identi-
fied the victim as Andrzej Glbrot, a 52-
year-old engineering professor who
at a hospital shortly after the
s ooting about 7 p.m.
The suspect - identified by
Napoleon only as a man in his 40s --
remained at large late yesterday.
The roughly 24 students in the gradu-
ate engineering class were not injured,
Napoleon told Detroit radio station WWJ.
"Clearly it did not appear to be a ran-
dom act -it appeared to be one where
the professor was a target of the shoot-
ing," Napoleon said.
aid Napoleon of the witnesses: "You
can't imagine what these people must
have thought.... A lot of these students
are very shaken, very distraught."
Investigators were trying to pinpoint a
possible motive in the shooting and the
suspect's possible relationship to the pro-
fessor, Detroit police spokesperson
Octaveious Miles said. It was not imme-
diately clear whether the suspect was one
the victim's students.
'Certainly there are all kinds of pos-
sibilities, but if he was a disgruntled
student they (witnesses) certainly
would have recognized him as such,"
Napoleon said.
Napoleon said the gunman walked into
the "typical college classroom" through
one of its two entrances "and just fired"
with a long rifle the chief described as
commonly used in target shooting.

Flower child

Hearn gs
move to
dramatic end

Los Angeles Times
Judiciary Committee moved yesterday
into the final and most dramatic stage of
its impeachment inquiry against
President Clinton after hearing daylong,
passionate closing arguments from
lawyers who queued up video clips of the
president's own words to push their
respective cases for impeachment and a
lesser penalty of censure.
The debate by the highly partisan
panel over whether Clinton should be
impeached got under way after three
weeks of testimony from constitutional
and legal experts, the independent coun-
sel, and White House defenders and, at
last, the panel's own attorneys.
"His conduct represents a great insult
to our constitutional system," concluded
Rep. Bill McCullom (R-Fla.), a leading
proponent of impeachment.
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), howev-
er, urged his colleagues to censure
Clinton just as the House punished Frank
during his own sex scandal a decade ago.
"I would tell you that having been rep-
rimanded by this House of
Representatives, where I'm so proud to
serve, was no triviality,' Frank said. "It is
something that, when people write about
me, they still write about. It is not some-
thing that's a matter of pride."
The chief impeachment counsel for
the Republicans argued that the acts of
presidential perjury, obstruction of jus-
tice and abuse of power outlined in the
committee's four newly drafted articles
of impeachment warrant Clinton's
"If you don't impeach ..." warned
David Schippers, "then no House of
Representatives will ever be able to
impeach again. The bar will be so high
that only a convicted felon or a traitor
will need to be concerned."
But the chief investigative counsel

Four-year-old Jared Orlel plays with a "frog-in-a-box" during a preschool toy test at Leaming Express in Westgate Shopping
Center yesterday.

AN rnuIV
News photographers point their lenses
toward members of the House Judiciary
Committee yesterday during House
Impeachment hearings.
for the Democrats, hoping that his
words would reach the full House,
where a vote on impeachment is still
too close to call, stressed that there is
no critical constitutional crisis created
by Clinton's scandalous sexual affair
with former White House intern
Monica Lewinsky.
"The impeachment process is like that
fire extinguisher behind the glass door
with a big sign that reads: Break only in
case of emergency" said Abbe Lowell.
"We are asking you not to break that
glass unless there is no other choice."
The lawyers from both parties con-
sumed much of the day pressing their
arguments. They souped up video sound
bites from Clinton's taped appearances in
a deposition in the Paula Corbin Jones
sexual harassment case and before the
grand jury, played audio recordings from
the Linda Tripp tapes, and flashed head-
high charts and graphs.

Neidhardt to leave post
after 30 years at 'U'

Former M' player's
sentence commuted

Dy Katie Plna
Daily Staff Reporter
In less than one month, one of the
University's top researchers and
administrators will hang up his lab
toat and clear his desk in one of the
University's highest offices.
With dozens of academic accolades
and research honors under his beltVice
President for Research Frederick
Neidhardt- who has spent 30 of his
43 years as a scientist at the University
- will retire from his administrative
position at the end of Decemnbr.
Neidhardt first, came to the
University from Purdue University to
hair the microbiology and immunol-
ogy department of the Medical
School. He stayed as chair for 13
years before moving into a series of
administrative posts.
Neidhardt is the Frederick G. Novy
Distinguished University Professor of
Microbiology and Immunology.
When most people think of retiring,
they probably could not begin to
imagine what Neidhardt has planned.

With a rampant curiosity,
Neidhardt plans to tackle the next
phase of microbiology - integrative
biology - continuing the work to
which he has devoted decades of his
Much has changed in the field of
microbiology since he was a college
student, Neidhardt said. The study of
a living cell has progressed to the
point where it can enter a new stage of
discovery, he said.
"My curiosity, really my whole life
since high school, has been under-
standing what the spark of life
means,' Neidhardt said passionately,
comparing the study of plants, ani-
mals and people to the study of min-
erals and rocks.
Neidhardt plans to work with two
other University faculty members and
one Parke Davis scientist to create a
mathematical model of a living cell
that would successfully predict how
the cell grows, makes new cells and
functions under different conditions.
"Ultimately, to know that we under-

Vice President for Research Frederick Neidhardt explains the uses of some of
his lab equipment yesterday. The lab is in Medical Science I Building.

stand it, you have to predict its behav-
ior,' he said. "Together, I think we'll
make a powerful team at seeing if we
can model a cell."
For the past five years, during his
tenure as a University administra-
tor within the Office of the Vice
President for Research, Neidhardt
said, he looked forward to the few
scheduled hours each week he
spent in his laboratory with his
Much of his research time has been
spent developing how to examine a
living cell through electrophoresis.
Now he and others will try to deter-
mine how the cell's proteins work in
relation to each other and under vary-
ing conditions.

Neidhardt equated his work with
cells to that of a watchmaker with
"It's ticking and moving and you
want to find out how it works and you
take it apart;' Neidhardt said.
And Neidhardt is not only moving
closer to research. He will be a stu-
dent of mathematics and systems
analysis. He will need to learn more in
these fields to grasp new technologi-
cal advancements, he said.
Although he is excited to pursue
new endeavors in research and in his
personal life, Neidhardt said, he
reflects fondly and appreciates his
experience as an administrator.
"This gave me an opportunity to

former Michigan football player sen-
tenced to life in prison for selling 13
pounds of cocaine is back home, thanks
to the governor's mercy.
"I feel great being here with my
mother and father," Michael Smith told
the Kalamazoo Gazette from his par-
ents' Kalamazoo home yesterday. "As
each passing moment goes by, it's great.
It feels good."
Smith, 42, was released Wednesday
from the Lakeland Correctional Facility
in Coldwater, after Gov. John Engler
decided to commute a sentence handed
down under what was considered one
of the nation's toughest drug laws.
Engler also commuted the sentence
of Herman Cortez, a Colombian citi-
"I want to make sure every step I take
is the right one;" Smith told Detroit
Free Press columnist Hugh
McDiarmid. "I'll be under the micro-
scope and I want to do the right thing."
The men were imprisoned under a
1978 law that imposed a life sentence

without parole on anyone convicted of
intending to or delivering at least 650
grams - or 1.4 pounds - of cocaine
or heroin. More than 200 people went
to prison under its terms.
The Legislature since has modified
the law to allow for parole for those
who have served 15 to 20 years under
certain circumstances.
The commutations were in the spirit
of the new law but were not mandated
by it, Department of Corrections
spokesperson Matt Davis said.
He said that after the law change, the
state Parole Board decided to consider
commuting the sentences of some peo-
ple held under the law. Commutation
always has been the prerogative of the
governor, and most governors have
used the power very sparingly, he said.
At a hearing in Mount Clemens on
Oct. 15, former Michigan football
coach Bo Schembechler asked the
Parole Board to release Smith.
"He has teammates here that believe
in him. He'll make a great contribution
to society," Schembechler said.

Book buyback begins

value for
402 text

By Jalnle Winkli
Daly Staff Reporter
As classes come to an end and students
scrape money together for post-stress parties,
the great book buyback begins.
LSA first-year student KimAdams said she
wants to sell back her books "to get the
She said her friends will most likely buy
her books, but if they do not she would sell
them back to the store.
Textbook stores across campus are gearing
up to tackle lines and hand out money to eager

books on Monday.
"Sometime next week, they'll be lined up
out the door;' Ross said.
Ulrich's does not buy back books until next
week. Students who straggle in this week are
told to come back.
He said Ulrich's pays half the new list price
for a book that will be used by the course next
semester. They turn away books that are not
being used.
Michigan Union Bookstore General
Manager John Battaglino said the Michigan
Union Bookstore also buys back for half of the

Notre Dame
faculty supports
joining CIC
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
The University of Notre Dame Faculty Senate voted
Tuesday to support a resolution to join the Committee on
Institutional Cooperation, a higher education body composed
of the Big Ten constituents and the University of Chicago.
"The recommendation is that we enter negotiations to join the

Ulrich's: $39.50
Michigan Book
and Supply: $15.00*
Michigan Union Bookstore: $39.25
*Price expected to rise next week
book would receive the same pay off as a stu-
dent selling back a twice used book.
LSA junior Ryo Sekine said he was not

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